607,082 downloads. Made by Camelot Systems, Starcraft X-Tra Editor is another Upgrade to. This is an advanced map editor for StarCraft Brood War.

Posted byTerran2 years ago

Is there a way to download Starcraft Original/Brood War campaign maps?

I recently got into Brood War map making again after years of dormancy on that front, and I want to pull off some sick-ass triggers, but I want to see the basics of how they're executed by seeing existing triggers professionally made in campaign missions.

I also wanted to try playing as the other factions in a mission not designed for that faction. For example, in SC2, you can load up campaign missions, and change a Zerg mission to a Protoss mission just by modifying who the player plays as. Like for the LOTV Prologue mission, I was able to play as Kerrigan, crush both the protoss and Terran bases, and it was fun. It was a real blast. I want to do something similar with Brood War.

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If not, how do I access maps from within the editor?

Starcraft 2 Map Editor Tutorial

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