
Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists is an upcoming American teen drama mystery thriller television series developed by I. Marlene King. The series is a sequel to Pretty Little Liars and based on the novel The Perfectionists by Sara Shepard. Download book Read book Pretty Little Liars is a series of teen drama novel, which is filled with mystery and insoluble riddles. The author is an American writer Sara Shepard, who immerses us into lives of four girls - Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin, Aria Montgomery, and Emily Fields, who have to withstand a horrible tragedy – out of the blue.

Pretty Little Liars Book How Many

#1New York Times bestselling series

Pretty Little Liars Book 1

The second book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that inspired the hit ABC Family TV show Pretty Little Liars.

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In ultra-exclusive Rosewood, Pennsylvania, four beautiful girls are hiding very ugly secrets. Spencer covets her sister’s boyfriend. Aria is fantasizing about her gorgeous young English teacher. Emily is infatuated with the new girl at school. And Hanna is using some ugly tricks to stay amazingly beautiful. But their most horrible secret is something so scandalous it could destroy their perfect little lives. And someone named “A” is threatening to do just that.

Full of unexpected twists and shocking revelations, Flawless is the second book in New York Times bestselling author Sara Shepard’s compelling Pretty Little Liars series.