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Builds Core Skills in Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, & More Strengthens Comprehension of GMAT Math Principles 700+ Practice Problems with Step-by-Step Explanations
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Foundations of GMAT Math GMAT Strategy Guide This supplem ental guide provides in-depth and easy-to-follow explanations o f the fundamental m ath skills necessary for a strong performance on the GMAT.
Foundations of GMAT Math, Second Edition 10-digit International Standard Book Num ber: 1-935707-59-0 13-digit International Standard Book Number: 978-1-935707-59-2 elSBN: 978-0-979017-59-9 Copyright © 2011 MG Prep, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part o f this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means— graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, W eb distribution— w ith o u t the prior w ritten permission of the publisher, MG Prep Inc. Note: GMAT, Graduate Management Admission Test, Graduate Management Admission Council, and GMAC are all registered trademarks o f the Graduate M anagem ent Admission Council, which neither sponsors nor is affiliated in any way with this product. Layout Design: Dan M cNaney and Cathy Huang Cover Design: Evyn Williams and Dan McNaney Cover Photography: Adrian Buckmaster
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Fractions, D ecim als, & Percents
C ritical Reasoning
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F o u ndations o f G M A T M a th
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MANHATTAN GMAT November 15th, 2011 Dear Student, Thank you for picking up a copy of Foundations o f GMAT Math. Think of this book as the foundational tool that will help you relearn all of the math rules and concepts you once knew but have since forgotten. Its all in here, delivered with just the right balance of depth and simplicity. Doesn’t that sound good? As with most accomplishments, there were many people involved in the creation of the book you’re holding. First and foremost is Zeke Vanderhoek, the founder of Manhattan GMAT. Zeke was a lone tutor in New York when he started the company in 2000. Now, eleven years later, the company has Instructors and offices nationwide and contributes to the studies and successes of thousands of students each year. Our Manhattan GMAT Strategy Guides are based on the continuing experiences of our Instructors and students. For this Foundations o f GMAT Math book, we are particularly indebted to a number of Instructors, starting with the extraordinary Dave Mahler. Dave rewrote practically the entire book, having worked closely with Liz Ghini Moliski and Abby Pelcyger to reshape the books conceptual flow. Together with master editor/writer/organizer Stacey Koprince, Dave also marshalled a formidable army of Instructor writers and editors, including Chris Brusznicki, Dmitry Farber, Whitney Garner, Ben Ku, Joe Lucero, Stephanie Moyerman, Andrea Pawliczek, Tim Sanders, Mark Sullivan, and Josh Yardley, all of whom made excellent contributions to the guide you now hold. In addition, Tate Shafer, Gilad Edelman, Jen Dziura, and Eric Caballero provided falcon-eyed proofing in the final stages of book production. Dan McNaney and Cathy Huang provided their design expertise to make the books as user-friendly as possible, and Liz Krisher made sure all the moving pieces came together at just the right time. And theres Chris Ryan. Beyond provid ing additions and edits for this book, Chris continues to be the driving force behind all of our curriculum efforts. His leadership is invaluable. At Manhattan GMAT, we continually aspire to provide the best Instructors and resources possible. We hope that you 11 find our commitment manifest in this book. If you have any questions or comments, please email me at [email protected] Til look forward to reading your comments, and I’ll be sure to pass them along to our curriculum team. Thanks again, and best of luck preparing for the GMAT! Sincerely,
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Foundations o f GMAT Math Online Question Bank The Bonus Online Drill Sets for FOUNDATIONS OF GMAT MATH consist of 400+ extra prac tice questions (with detailed explanations) th a t test the variety of Foundational Math concepts and skills covered in this book. These questions provide you with extra practice beyond the problem sets contained in this book. You may use our online tim er to practice your pacing by setting tim e lim its for each question in the bank.
Online Updates to the Contents in this Book The content presented in this book is updated periodically to ensure th a t it reflects the GMAT’s most current trends. You may view all updates, including any known errors or changes, upon registering for online access.
TABLE Ot CONTENTS 1. Arithmetic Drill Sets
11 49
2. Divisibility Drill Sets
59 89
3. Exponents & Roots Drill Sets
103 133
4. Fractions Drill Sets
147 181
5. Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios Drill Sets
197 229
6. Equations Drill Sets
255 285
7. Quadratic Equations Drill Sets
301 331
8. Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value Drill Sets
339 355
9. Word Problems Drill Sets
367 395
10. Geometry Drill Sets
419 479
Foundations of GMAT Math
Quick-Start Definitions Basic Numbers Greater Than and Less Than Adding and Subtracting Positives and Negatives Multiplying and Dividing Distributing and Factoring Multiplying Positives and Negatives Fractions and Decimals Divisibility and Even and Odd Integers Exponents and Roots (and Pi) Variable Expressions and Equations PEMDAS PEMDAS Overview Combining Like Terms Distribution Pulling Out a Common Factor Long Multiplication Long Division
Arithmetic Our goal in this book is not only to introduce and review fundamental math skills, but also to provide a means for you to practice applying these skills. Toward this end, we have included a number of “Check Your Skills” questions throughout each chapter. After each topic, do these problems one at a time, checking your answers at the back of the chapter as you go. If you find these questions challenging, re-read the section you just finished. In This Chapter: • Quick Start rules of numbers • PEMDAS • Combining like terms and pulling out common factors
Quick-Start Definitions______________________ Whether you work with numbers every day or avoid them religiously, give a good read to this first sec tion, which gives “quick-start” definitions for core concepts. We’ll come back to many of these concepts throughout the book. Moreover, bolded terms in this section can be found in the glossary at the back of the book.
Basic Numbers All the numbers that we care about on the GMAT can be shown as a point somewhere on the number line. < ------------- 1--------------- 1--------------- 1---------------1---------------1---------------1----------------1—
... - 3
-2 -
Another word for number is value.
3 ...
Arithmetic Counting numbers are 1, 2, 3, and so on. These are the first numbers that you ever learned— the ste reotypical numbers that you count separate things with.
© © ©Digits are ten symbols (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) used to represent numbers. If the GMAT asks you specifically for a digit, it wants one of these ten symbols. Counting numbers above 9 are represented by two or more digits. The number “four hundred twelve” is represented by three digits in this order: 412. Place value tells you how much a digit in a specific position is worth. The 4 in 412 is worth 4 hundreds (400), so 4 is the hundreds digit of 412. Meanwhile, 1 is the tens digit and is worth 1 ten (10). Finally, 2 is the units digit and is worth 2 units, or just plain old 2 . 400
412 Four hundred twelve
4 hundreds
2 units (or 2).
The GMAT always separates the thousands digit from the hundreds digit by a comma. For readability, big numbers are broken up by commas placed three digits apart. 1,298,023 equals one million two hundred ninety-eight thousand twenty-three. Addition (+, or “plus”) is the most basic operation in arithmetic. If you add one counting number to another, you get a third counting number further out to the right. 7
12 equals
+5 ry y w y
<1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ► 0 7 --------- ► ©
12 is the sum of 7 and 5. You can always add in either order and get the same result.
12 equals
^ j
+7 r /Y Y Y Y Y > I I 1 I I I I 1 l »
- ►( 12
Chapter 1
Subtraction (-, or “minus”) is the opposite of addition. Subtraction undoes addition. 7
7 equals
Order matters in subtraction. 6 - 2 = 4, but 2 - 6 = something else (more on this in a minute). By the way, since 6 - 2 = 4, the difference between 6 and 2 is 4. Zero (0) is any number minus itself.
-7 fY Y Y Y Y Y ^
-------------- 7
Any number plus zero is that number. The same is true if you subtract zero. In either case, you re mov ing zero units away from the original number on the number line. 8
Negative counting numbers are - 1, —2 , -3 , and so on. These numbers, which are written with a minus sign or negative sign, show up to the left of zero on a number line. <—
i— ©
► -
You need negative numbers when you subtract a bigger number from a smaller number. Say you sub tract 6 from 2 :
6 six
<-----1 1 -H-I I I'I—1—1 ► © «—
1^ 2
Negative numbers can be used to represent deficits. If you have $2 but you owe $6, your net worth is -$ 4 . If you’re having trouble computing small minus BIG, figure out BIG minus small, then make the result negative. 3 5 -5 2 = ?
So 35 - 52 = -17
-3 5 17
Arithmetic Positive numbers are to the right of zero on a number line. Negative numbers are to the left of zero. Zero itself is neither positive nor negative— its the only number right in the middle.
The sign of a number indicates whether the number is positive or negative. Integers include all the numbers discussed so far. •
Counting numbers (1, 2 , 3, .. .)> als° known as positive integers
Negative counting numbers (-1, -2 , -3 , ...), aka negative integers
Zero (0) ------------ h
... @
© .. .
Check Your Skills Perform addition & subtraction.
1 .3 7 + 1 4 4 = 2 .2 3 -1 0 1 = Answers can be found on page 47.
Greater Than and Less Than “Greater than” (>) means “to the right of” on a number line. You can also say “bigger” or “larger.”
i i 111
111 i i i -
Careful! This definition of “greater than” means that, for negative numbers, bigger numbers are closer to zero. This may be counterintuitive at first. >
-3 Negative three
greater bigger larger
-7 than
- l
negative seven
I I I I I -I-I
-- ►©
1 1 1
Don’t think in terms of “size,” even though “bigger” and “larger” seem to refer to size. Bigger numbers are simply to the right 0/smaller numbers on the number line.
Chapter 1
The left-to-right order of the number line is negatives, then zero, then positives. So any positive number is greater than any negative number. 2 Two
> is
greater bigger
negative three.
I I I I I I I I I I I ---------- ► ( ? )
Likewise, zero is greater than every negative number. 0
greater bigger larger
-3 than
« I—I I I I I I I I I I »
negative three,
3 —►
“Less than” (<) or “smaller than” means “to the left of” on a number line. You can always re-express a “greater than” relationship as a “less than” relationship—just flip it around. 7
I I I I I I I I I I I > Q
3 -------* (
bigger larger
3 Three
< is
less smaller
7 than
l-l I l l - I l l Q
H I »
v 3 J ^ ----C V j
If 7 is greater than 3, then 3 is less than 7. Make sure that these “less than” statements make sense:
- 7 is less than - 3 - 3 is less than 2 - 3 is less than 0
- 7 <-3 -3 <2 -3 <0
Inequalities are statements that involve “bigger than” (>) or “smaller than” (<) relationships.
Check Your Skills 3. What is the sum of the largest negative integer and the smallest positive integer? Quickly plug in > and < symbols and say the resulting statement aloud.
4 .5 16 5 .-5 -1 6 Answers can be found on page 47.
Chapter 1
Adding and Subtracting Positives and Negatives Positive plus positive gives you a third positive. 7
12 equals
+5 rw Y Y > I I I I I I »
7You move even further to the right of zero, so the result is always bigger than either starting number. Positive minus positive could give you either a positive or a negative. BIG positive —small positive = positive 8 Eight
= three
5 I I II
-3 fY Y I I I l-l I
@ « -8
small positive —BIG positive —negative
-5 equals
-8 ffY Y Y Y Y Y ^
negative five.
1 1 1 1 1 1111 0 -
Either way, the result is less than where you started, because you move left. Adding a negative is the same as subtracting a positive— you move left.
8 Eight
-3 plus
negative three
-3 f m
1 1 1 1 1 1 ©
Negative plus negative always gives you a negative, because you move even further to the left of zero. -3
Negative three
negative five
-8 equals
negative eight.
-5 fY Y Y T <-------- 1 I I I I I £ £ ) < ------------ 3
I I I I 0
Chapter 1
Subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive— you move right. Think two wrongs (subtract ing and negative) make a right. Add in parentheses so you keep the two minus signs straight. 7
negative five
7 seven
+ plus
5 five,
12 which equals
<4 H
I H I I 11 1 1 I >
7---------► (§)
In general, any subtraction can be rewritten as an addition. If you’re subtracting a positive, that’s the same as adding a negative. If you’re subtracting a negative, that’s the same as adding a positive.
Check Your Skills 6. Which is greater, a positive minus a negative or a negative minus a positive? Answers can be found on page 47.
Multiplying and Dividing Multiplication (x, or “times”) is repeated addition. 4
3+3+3+3 four three’s added up,
= which equals
12 twelve.
12 is the product of 4 and 3, which are factors of 12. Parentheses can be used to indicate multiplication. Parentheses are usually written with (), but brack ets [ ] can be used, especially if you have parentheses within parentheses. If a set of parentheses bumps up right against something else, multiply that something by whatever is in the parentheses. 4(3) = (4)3 = (4)(3) = 4 x 3 = 12 You can use a big dot. Just make the dot big and high, so it doesn’t look like a decimal point. 4 *3 = 4x3=12
Arithmetic You can always multiply in either order and get the same result. 4
four three’s added up,
which equals
4+4+4 Three
three four s added up,
which equals
Division (-r, or “divided by”) is the opposite of multiplication. Division undoes multiplication. 2
3 times
divided by
2 equals
Order matters in division. 12 -*■3 = 4, but 3^-12 = something else (more on this soon). Multiplying any number by one (1) leaves the number the same. One times anything is that thing. 1 One
= five
5 equals
which equals
1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1
1 Five
one five by itself,
five one’s added up,
which equals
Multiplying any number by zero (0) gives you zero. Anything times zero is zero.
0+ 0 + 0+ 0+0
0 Five
five zero’s added up,
0 which equals
Since order doesn’t matter in multiplication, this means that zero times anything is zero too. 0
5x 0 equals
five times zero
0 which equals
Multiplying a number by zero destroys it permanently, in a sense. So you’re not allowed to undo that destruction by dividing by zero. Never divide by zero. 13-^0 = undefined, stop right there, don’t do this. You are allowed to divide zero by another number. You get, surprise, zero.
Chapter 1
divided by
Check Your Skills Complete the operations. 7.7x6 =
8. 5 2 h-13 = Answers can be found on page 47.
Distributing and Factoring What is 4 x (3 + 2)? Here’s one way to solve it. 4
(3 + 2)
4x 5
the quantity three plus two
four times five,
20 which equals
Here, we turned (3 + 2) into 5, then multiplied 4 by that 5. The other way to solve this problem is to distribute the 4 to both the 3 and the 2 .
(3 + 2)
4 x 3
4 x 2
the quantity three plus two
four times three
four times two,
which equals
which equals
Notice that you multiply the 4 into both the 3 and the 2 . Distributing is extra work in this case, but the technique will come in handy down the road. Another way to see how distributing works is to put the sum in front.
Chapter 1 + 2)
3 x 4
three times four
two times four.
three fours, added to gether
two fours, added to gether
2 x 4
5 Five
Five fours, added together
In a sense, you’re splitting up the sum 3 + 2 . Just be sure to multiply both the 3 and the 2 by 4. Distributing works similarly for subtraction. Just keep track of the minus sign.
(5 - 2)
6 x 5
6 x 2
six times five
five minus two
six times two,
18 which equals
You can also go in reverse. You can factor the sum of two products if the products contain the same factor. 4 x 3 Four times three
4 x 2
four times two
(3 + 2) equals
the quantity three plus two.
Here, we’ve pulled out the common factor of 4 from each of the products 4 x 3 and 4 x 2 . Then we put the sum of 3 and 2 into parentheses. By the way, “common” here doesn’t mean “frequent” or “typical.” Rather, it means “belonging to both products.” A common factor is just a factor in common (like a friend in common). You can also put the common factor in the back of each product, if you like.
Arithmetic 3 x 4
2 x 4
Three times four
(3 + 2)
two times four
the quantity three plus two, or five,
Like distributing, factoring as a technique isn’t that interesting with pure arithmetic. We’ll encounter them both in a more useful way later. However, make sure you understand them with simple numbers first.
Check Your Skills 9. Use distribution. 5 x (3 + 4) = 10. Factor a 6 out of the following expression: 36 - 1 2 = Answers can be found on page 47.
Multiplying Positives and Negatives Positive times positive is always positive. 3
three four’s added up,
which equals
Positive times negative is always negative. 3
-4 negative four
- 4 + (-4) + (-4) equals
three negative four’s, all added up,
which equals
negative twelve.
Since order doesn’t matter in multiplication, the same outcome happens when you have negative times positive. You again get a negative. -4 Negative four
3 x (-4) times
three times negative four
which equals
negative twelve.
What is negative times negative? Positive. This fact may seem weird, but it’s consistent with the rules developed so far. If you want to see the logic, read the next little bit. Otherwise, skip ahead to “In practice... Anything times zero
equals zero.
Negative two
0 equals
Chapter 1 0 = 3 + (-3) Substitute this in for the zero on the right.
plus minus three
tw o
Now distribute the - 2 across the sum.
-2x3 Negative two times three
+ —2 x (-3) „i„, negative two times plus
0 equals
negative three
That “something” must be positive 6 . So -2 x ( - 3) = 6. In practice, just remember that Negative x Negative = Positive as another version of “two wrongs make a right.” All the same rules hold true for dividing. Positive -5- Positive = Positive Positive + Negative = Negative Negative -r Positive = Negative Negative -5- Negative = Positive
Check Your Skills 11. (3)(—4) = 12. - 6 x (-3 + (-5)) = Answers can be found on page 47.
Fractions and Decimals Adding, subtracting, and multiplying integers always gives you an integer, whether positive or negative. Int
Int Int
{Int is a handy abbreviation for a random integer, by the way, although the GMAT wont demand that you use it.) However, dividing an integer by another integer does not always give you an integer.
Arithmetic Int
Chapter 1 !PPP§---
sometimes an integer,
sometimes not! When you don’t get an integer, you get a fraction or a decimal— a number between the integers on the number line. 7
7 -r 2
3 .5
which equals
three point five.
2 Seven divided by two
seven halves,
* *
L Fraction
1 1
1 1
1 I
A horizontal fraction line or bar expresses the division of the numerator (above the fraction line) by the denominator (below the fraction line). Numerator Fraction line
7 -5-2
In fact, the division symbol 4- is just a miniature fraction. People often say things such as “seven over two” rather than “seven halves” to express a fraction. You can express division in three ways: with a fraction line, with the division symbol -b or with a slash (/)• L
7 +2
7 /2
A decimal point is used to extend place value to the right for decimals. Each place to the right of the decimal point is worth a tenth ( — ), a hundredth ( —— ), etc.
Three point five
1.2 5
One point two five
— 10
five tenths.
3 .5
2_ —
two tenths
five hundredths.
A decimal such as 3.5 has an integer part (3) and a fractional part or decimal part (0.5). In fact, an integer is just a number with no fractional or decimal part. Every fraction can be written as a decimal, although you might need an unending string of digits in the decimal to properly express the fraction.
Four divided by three
4 3
four thirds (or four over three),
which equals
one point three three three dot dot dot, forever and ever,
which equals
one point three repeating.
Fractions and decimals obey all the rules we’ve seen so far about how to add, subtract, multiply and di vide. Everything you’ve learned for integers applies to fractions and decimals as well: how positives and negatives work, how to distribute, etc.
Check Your Skills 13. Which arithmetic operation involving integers does NOT always result in an integer? 14. Rewrite 2 * 7 as a product. Answers can be found on page 47.
Divisibility and Even and Odd Integers Sometimes you do get an integer out of integer division.
15 + 3
— 3
Fifteen divided by three
fifteen thirds (or fifteen over three),
which equals
which is
an integer,
In this case, 15 and 3 have a special relationship. You can express this relationship in several equivalent ways. 15 is divisible by 3 . 15 divided by 3 equals an integer 15
3 = int
15 is a multiple of 3 . 15 equals 3 times an integer 3 is a factor of 15.
3 goes into 15. 3 divides 15. Even integers are divisible by 2.
15 = 3 x int
Chapter 1
14 is even because 14 2 = 7 = an integer. All even integers have 0, 2 , 4, 6 , or 8 as their units digit. Odd integers are not divisible by 2 . 15 is odd because 15 -*•2 = 7.5 = not an integer. All odd integers have 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 as their units digit. Even and odd integers alternate on the number line. <—
i— -
i— 3
i— 2
even odd
i— 0
even odd
i— 2
i— 3
► ...
even odd
Zero is even because it is divisible by 2 .
2 = 0 = an integer.
Only integers can be said to be even or odd.
Check Your Skills 15. Fill in the blank. If 7 is a factor of 21, then 21 is a _____ of 7. 16. Is 2,284,623 divisible by 2? Answers can be found on page 47.
Exponents and Roots (and Pi) Exponents represent repeated multiplication. (Remember, multiplication was repeated addition, so this is just the next step up the food chain.) In 52, the exponent is 2 , and the base is 5. The exponent tells you how many bases you put together in the product. When the exponent is 2 , you usually say “squared.” 52
Five squared
two fives multiplied together, or five times itself,
which equals
When the exponent is 3 , you usually say “cubed.”
Arithmetic 43
Four cubed
three fours multiplied together, or four times four times four
which equals
you say “to the__ _ power” or “raised to the___ power.”
25 Two to the fifth power
32 which equals
five twos multiplied together,
When you write exponents on your own paper, be sure to make them much tinier than regular num bers, and put them clearly up to the right. You don’t want to mistake 52 for 52 or vice versa. By the way, a number raised to the first power is just that number. 71
Seven to the first power
just one seven in the product,
which equals
A perfect square is the square of an integer. 25 is a perfect square because 25 = 52 = int2. A perfect cube is the cube of an integer. 64 is a perfect cube because 64 = 4 3 = int3. Roots undo exponents. The simplest and most common root is the square root, which undoes squar ing. The square root is written with the radical sign ( ) . 52 Five squared
five times five,
25, which equals
so so
the square root of twenty-five
As a shortcut, “the square root of twenty-five” can just be called “root twenty-five.” Asking for the square root of 49 is the same as asking what number, times itself, gives you 49.
Root forty-nine
seven times seven,
which equals
seven squared,
The square root of a perfect square is an integer, because a perfect square is an integer squared.
Arithmetic int2
The square root of thirty-six
an integer,
an integer squared.
The square root of any non-perfect square is a crazy unending decimal that never even repeats, as it turns out.
Root two
is about
one point four one four two blah blah,
that thing squared
The square root of 2 can’t be expressed as
«2 is about
a simple fraction, either. So usually we leave it as is ( V 2 ), or
we approximate it (>/2 « 1.4). While were on the subject of crazy unending decimals, you’ll encounter one other number with a crazy decimal in geometry: pi (n). Pi is the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter. Its about 3.14159265... without ever repeating. Since pi can t be expressed as a simple fraction, we usually just represent it with the Greek letter for p (tt), or we can approximate it {n ~ 3.14, or a little more than 3). Cube roots undo cubing. The cube root has a little 3 tucked into its notch ( %J~ ). y/8
The cube root of eight
two cubed
Other roots occasionally show up. The fourth root undoes the process of taking a base to the fourth power. $51
The fourth root of eighty-one
three to the fourth power
Check Your Skills 17.26 = 18. V 27 =
Answers can be found on page 47.
Variable Expressions and Equations Up to now, we have known every number weve dealt with. Algebra is the art of dealing with unknown numbers. A variable is an unknown number, also known simply as an unknown. You represent a variable with a single letter, such as x or y. When you see x, imagine that it represents a number that you don’t happen to know. At the start of a problem, the value of x is hidden from you. It could be anywhere on the number line, in theory, unless you’re told something about x. The letter x is the stereotypical letter used for an unknown. Since x looks so much like the multiplica tion symbol x, you generally stop using x in algebra to prevent confusion. To represent multiplication, you do other things. To multiply variables, just put them next to each other.
What you see
What you say
“x y”
“a b c”
What it means x times y The product of ^, b, and c
To multiply a known number by a variable, just write the known number in front of the variable.
What you see
Whatyou say
What it means
“three x”
3 times x
Here, 3 is called the coefficient of x. If you want to multiply x by 3, write 3x, not x3, which could look too much like x3 (“x cubed”). All the operations besides multiplication look the same for variables as they do for known numbers.
What you see
What you say
What it means
x +y
(C 1 » x plus y
x —y
“x minus y”
“x over y” or
“x divided by y”
y fx
“the square root of x3
By the way, be careful when you have variables in exponents.
or the sum of x and y
x minus y x divided by y x squared, which is just x times x
Arithmetic What you see
What you say
What it means
“three x”
3 times x
“three to the x”
3 raised to the xth power, or 3 multiplied by itself x times
Never call 3X“three x.” Its “three to the x.” If you don’t call 3Xby its correct name, then you’ll never keep it straight. An expression is anything that ultimately represents a number somehow. You might not know that number, but you express it using variables, numbers you know, and operations such as adding, subtract ing, etc. You can think of an expression like a recipe. The result of the recipe is the number that the expression is supposed to represent.
What you say
The number represented by the expression
x +y
“x plus y”
The sum of x and y. In other words, the recipe is “add x and yT The result is the number.
3 x z -y 2
“3 x z minus y
First, multiply 3, x, and £, then subtract the
squared” yjlw
square ofy. The result is the number.
“The square root of 2
First, multiply 2 and w together. Then take
w, all over 3”
the square root. Finally, divide by 3. The result is the number.
Within an expression, you have one or more terms. A term involves no addition or subtraction (typi cally). Often, a term is just a product of variables and known numbers. It’s useful to notice terms so that you can simplify expressions, or reduce the number of terms in those expressions. Here are the terms in the previous expressions.
Number o f Terms
3 x z —y2
3xz, y2
If the last step in the expression recipe is adding or subtracting, then you can split the expression up into more than one term. Plenty of expressions contain just one term, though (just as that last one did). An equation sets one expression equal to another using the equals sign (=), which you’ve seen plenty of times in your life— and in this book already.
Chapter 1
What you might not have thought about, though, is that the equals sign is a verb. In other words, an equation is a complete, grammatical sentence or statement: Something Some expression
equals equals
something else. some other expression.
Heres an example: 3 + 2*
Three plus two *
11 eleven.
Each equation has a left side (the subject of the sentence) and a right side (the object of the verb equals). You can say “is equal to” instead of “equals” if you want: 3 + 2*
Three plus two *
is equal to eleven.
Solving an equation is solving this mystery: What is*? or, more precisely, What is the value (or values) of * that make the equation true? Since an equation is a sentence, it can be true or false, at least in theory. You always want to focus on how to make the equation true, or keep it so, by finding the right values of any variables in that equa tion. The process of solving an equation usually involves rearranging the equation, performing identical op erations on each side until the equation tells you what the variable equals.
3 + 2*
-r-2 *
Three plus two *
Subtract 3
Two *
Divide by 2
eleven. Subtract 3
eight. Divide by 2
The solution to the original equation is * = 4. If you replace * with 4 in the equation “3 + 2* = 11,” then you get “11 = 11,” which is always true. Any other value of * would make the equation false. If the GMAT gives you the equation “3 + 2* = 11,” its telling you something very specific about *. For this particular equation, in fact, just one value of * makes the equation work (namely, 4).
Arithmetic Check Your Skills 19. What is the value of the expression 2x - 3y if x = 4 and y = -1 ? Answers can befound on page 48.
PEMDAS__________________________________ Consider the expression 3 + 2 x 4 . Should you add 3 and 2 first, then multiply by 4? If so, you get 20 . Or should you multiply 2 and 4 first, then add 3? If so, you get 11. There’s no ambiguity— mathematicians have decided on the second option. PEMDAS is an acronym to help you remember the proper order of operations.
PEMDAS Overview When you simplify an expression, don’t automatically perform operations from left to right, even though that’s how you read English. Instead, follow PEMDAS: Parentheses
Do P first
Then E
Then either M or D
Division Addition
Then either A or S
Subtraction For 3 + 2 x 4 , you do the M first (multiply 2 and 4), then the A (add 3 to the result).
=3 + 8
= 11
If you want to force the addition to go first, add parentheses. P always goes first: (3 + 2) x 4
Multiplication and Division are at the same level of importance in PEMDAS, because any Multiplica tion can be expressed as a Division, and vice versa. 7 -s- 2 = 7 x -
In a sense, Multiplication and Division are two sides of the same coin. Likewise, Addition and Subtraction are at the same level of importance. Any Addition can be expressed as a Subtraction, and vice versa.
Chapter 1 3 - 4 = 3 + (-4) So you can think of PEMDAS this way: PE'/d*/s
If you have two operations of equal importance, do them left to right. 3 -2 + 3
O f course, override this order if you have parentheses: 3 - (2 + 3)
= -2
Now let’s consider a more complicated expression: 3 + 4(5 - 1) - 32 x 2 = ? Here is the correct order of steps to simplify:
Multiplication or Division
3 + 4(5 - 1) - 32 x 2 / 3 + 4(4) —32 x 2 I 3 + 4(4) —9 x 2 i / 3+16-18
Addition or Subtraction
3 + 16 - 18 = 19 - 18 = 1
Parentheses Exponents
Let’s do two problems together. Try it first on your own, then we’ll go through it together: 5 - 3 x 4 3 + (7 - 1)
Chapter 1
Your work should have looked something like this: 5 - 3 x 4 3 -s-(7 -
I 5 -3 x 4 3+6 5 -3
x 6 4 -5 -6
I 5 -1 9 2 + 6
----------- = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
16 x 4
l 64 x 3
“ 64
'~ T ~ '
6 jl9 2
-1 8 _
Let’s try one more: 3 2 + 2 4 x (5 - 3 2)
Chapter 1 Heres the work you should have done: 32-S-24 x ( 5 - 3 2) 3 2 -s-24 x ( 5 —9) 3 2 -^ 2 4 x (-4 ) 32-s-16x(—4) 2 x (-4 )
Check Your Skills Evaluate the following expressions. 20 - 4 + 1 2 /3 = 21. ( 5 - 8 ) x 1 0 - 7 = 22. - 3 x 12 + 4 x
8 + (4 - 6) =
2 3 .24x (8 + 2 - 1)/(9 - 3) =
Answers can befound on page 48.
Combining Like Terms How can you simplify this expression? 3X1 + 7x + 2X1 - x Remember, an expression is a recipe. Here’s the recipe in words: “Square x, then multiply that by 3, then separately multiply x by 7 and add that product in, then square x again, multiply that by 2 and add that product into the whole thing, and then finally subtract x.” Is there a simpler recipe that’s always equivalent? Sure. Here’s how to simplify. First, focus on like terms, which contain very similar “stuff.” Again, a term is an expression that doesn’t contain addition or subtraction. Quite often, a term is just a bunch of things multiplied together. “Like terms” are very similar to each other. They only differ by a numerical coefficient. Everything else in them is the same. The expression above contains four terms, separated by + and - operations:
Chapter 1
lx 1
Three x squared
seven x
two x squared
There are two pairs of like terms: Pair one:
lx 1
Pair two:
Make sure that everything about the variables is identical, including exponents. Otherwise, the terms aren’t “like.” What can you do with two or more like terms? Combine them into one term. Just add or subtract the coefficients. Keep track of + and - signs.
lx 1
Three x squared
two x squared
five x squared.
Seven x
six x.
Whenever a term does not have a coefficient, act as if the coefficient is 1. In the example above, V ’ can be rewritten as “1* ”:
Seven x
one x
six x.
Or you could say that you’re adding —l x
Seven x
negative one x
six x.
Either way is fine. A negative sign in front of a term on its own can be seen as a -1 coefficient. For instance, -xy2 has a coefficient o f—1. Combining like terms works because for like terms, everything but the coefficient is a common factor. So we can “pull out” that common factor and group the coefficients into a sum (or difference). This is when factoring starts to become really useful. For a review of factoring, see pages 21 through 23. In the first case, the common factor is x2.
Arithmetic 3X2
(3 + 2)x?
Three x squared
two x squared
the quantity three plus two, times x squared.
The right side then reduces by PEMDAS to Sx2. O f course, once you can go straight from 3X2 + Ix 2 to 5X2, you’ll save a step. By the way, when you pronounce (3 + 2)x2, you should technically say “the quantity three plus two...” The word “quantity” indicates parentheses. If you just say “three plus two x squared,” someone could (and should) interpret what you said as 3 + Ix 2, with no parentheses. In the case of 7x - x, the common factor is x. Remember that V ’ should be thought of as “lx.” 7x
(7 - l)x
Seven x
one x
the quantity seven minus one, times x.
Again, the right side reduces by PEMDAS to 6x. So, if you combine like terms, you can simplify the original expression this way: 3X2 + 7x + Ix 2 —x —
(3X2 + I x 2) + ('7x —x)
5X2 + 6x
The common factor in like terms does not have to be a simple variable expression such as x2 or x. It could involve more than one variable:
—xy2 + 4 xy2 = (-1 + A)xf- = 3xy2
Common factor: xy2
Remember that the coefficient on the first term should be treated as -1. Be careful when you see multiple variables in a single term. For two terms to be like, the exponents have to match for every variable. In -xy2 + 4xy2) each term contains a plain x (which is technically x raised to the first power) and j /2 (which is y raised to the second power, or y squared). All the exponents match. So the two terms are like, and we can combine them to 3 xy2. Now suppose we had the following series of terms:
2xy Two x y
+ plus
x y squared
four x squared y
x squared y squared
Arithmetic None of the terms above can combine to a single term. They all have different combinations of variables and exponents. For now, were stuck. (In the next section, weTl see that theres something you can do with that expression, but you can’t combine terms.) The two terms in the following expression are like: xy2
x y squared
3y1x three y squared x
The order of the variables does not matter, since you can multiply in any order. All that matters is that the variables and exponents all match. If you need to, flip around 3y1x to 3xy2. So we can combine: xy1
4 xy2
xy squared
three y squared x
four x y squared,
which also equals
four y squared x.
In general, be ready to flip around products as you deal with numbers times variables. The order of multiplication does not matter. x{-3)
-3 x
x times negative three
negative x times three,
negative three x.
The last form, —3x, is the standard form. You can encounter the others as you rearrange terms. The common factor in the like terms could be the square root of a number: V2 + 3 ^ =
+ 3 ^ = (1 + 3)v 5 = 4 ^
Common ftctor; 7 2
Or the common factor could include n In r + 97zr = (2 + 9)nr = l l 7zr
Common factor: nr
When terms are not like, tread carefully. Don’t automatically combine them. You may still be able to pull out a common factor, but it won’t be everything but the coefficients. As you practice simplifying expressions, keep in mind that your main goal is to reduce the overall num ber of terms by combining like terms. PEMDAS becomes more complicated when an expression contains terms that are not like and so cannot be combined. You especially need to be careful when you see terms “buried” within part of an expression, as in the following cases that we’ll come back to:
Chapter 1
Terms inside parentheses -3(x - 2)
* and 2 are not like
Terms in the numerator or denominator o f a fraction 1
x and 1 are not like
1 —*
Terms involving exponents 4
x-i + (x2J
x - 3 and (x2)4 are not like
Terms under a root sign tJ x2 + y 2
x2 and y2 are not like
Terms in parentheses, with the parentheses raised to an exponent {x+y)2
x and y are not like
Check Your Skills Combine as many like terms as possible in each of the following expressions:
24. - 3 + 4-s/2 + 6.3 25.4 nr2- 3nr + 2nr 26.8 ba + ab2- 5ab + ab2- 2ba2 Answers can befound on page 48.
Distribution As we mentioned at the end of the last section, things become more complicated when multiple terms are found within a set of parentheses. For a quick review of distribution, go to page 21. WeTl start by distributing the example from the previous section: - 3 ( x - 2). Remember that you re mul tiplying - 3 by (x - 2). To keep track of minus signs as you distribute, you can think of {x - 2) as
(x + ( - 2)). WeTl put in the multiplication sign (x) to make it clear that were multiplying.
Arithmetic (x-2)
-3 Negative three
the quantity x minus two
Chapter 1
-3 x x equals
-3 x + 6
-3 x - 2
negative three times x
negative three times negative two,
which equals
negative three x plus six
Remember that the negative sign (on -3) distributes. When you do all this on your paper, you shouldn’t use x to show multiplication, because you could confuse it with x. Use a big dot or nothing at all. You might also put parentheses around the second product, to help keep track of sign. (x-2)
-3 Negative three
the quantity x minus two
-3 X
(-3 --2 )
negative three
negative three times negative two,
which equals
—3x + 6 negative three x plus six
How can you simplify this expression?
Ay2- y (5 - 2y) First, distribute negative y (- y) to both terms in the parentheses:
Ay2 —y{5 —2y) = 4y2 —5 y + 2,y1 Notice that — y times - 2 y becomes +2 ,y2. Then combine 4y2 and 2y2 because they are like terms:
Ay2 —y{ 5 — 2y) = Ay2 - 5 y + 2.y2 — Gy2 — 5 y Sometimes the term being distributed involves a root or pi. Consider this tougher example: ■v/2 (1 - Xy/2 ) The principle is the same. Distribute the first root two to both terms in the parentheses. V2 Root two
x times
(1 - Xy/ 2 ) the quantity one minus x root two
y jl
X 1
root two times one
y fl
/2 - 2x
X - X [l
root two times negative x root two,
which equals
root two minus two x
Remember, root two times root two is two. V2 x V2 = 2 . For a more in-depth look at multiplying roots, go to page 125.
Chapter 1 Here’s an example with pi: 7t{ 1 + r)
Distribute the pi: 7t
(1 + r)
7T x 1
7TX r
71+ n r
the quantity one plus r
pi times one
pi times r,
which equals
pi plus pi r
Check Your Skills 27. x(3 + x) 2 8 .4 + >/2(1->/2)
Answers can befound on p a ge 48.
Pulling Out a Common Factor Lets go back to the long expression on page 36: 3X2 + 7x+ Ix 1 - x This expression has four terms. By combining two pairs of like terms, we simplified this expression to 5X2 + 6x, which only has two terms. We can’t go below two terms. However, we can do one more useful thing. The two terms left (5.V2 and 6x) aren’t “like,” because the variable parts aren’t identical. However, these two terms do still have a common factor— namely, x. Each term is x times something. x is a factor of 6x, because 6x = 6 times x. x is also a factor of 5x2y maybe a little less obviously. x1 = x times x So 5X1 = 5x times x Since x is a factor of both 5x* and 6x, we can factor it out and group what’s left as a sum within paren theses.
Arithmetic 5X2
(5x + 6)x
Five x squared
six x
the quantity five x plus six, times x.
If in doubt, distribute the * back through and verify that you’re back where you started. (5x + 6)x
The quantity five x plus six, times x.
five x squared
six x
(5x + 6)x can also be written as x(5x + 6). Either way, it may or may not be “simpler” than 5X2 + 6x. However, pulling out a common factor can be the key move when you solve a GMAT problem. Sometimes the common factor is hidden among more complicated variable expressions. xzy
x squared y
x y squared
xy(x—y) x y times the quantity x minus y.
Here, the common factor is xy. Sometimes the common factor involves a root or pi. V 2 71
V2 Root two
V 2 (1 + 7l)
root two times pi
root two times the quantity one plus pi.
Here, the common factor is yfl . Notice that the first term ( f l ) is the same as the commonfactor. Whenever the factor you are pulling out is the same as the term, leave a 1 in its place (in the parenthe ses). 7ZT2
pi r squared
pi times the quantity r squared minus one.
Here, the common factor is 71. Again, when you pull 71 out of the second term (which is %), leave a 1 behind in its place. You can check that this works by distributing 71 back through. You might only factor out an integer, or even a negative sign.
four x
2(1 + 2x) two times the quantity one plus two x.
Chapter 1 3
- (x —3)
the negative of quantity x minus three.
Remember this monster from a couple of sections ago? +
2 xy Two x y
x y squared
four x squared y
x squared y squared
What is the common factor that you can pull out? Answer: xy 2 xy + xy2 —4x2y + xty2 = xy{2 + y —4x + xy)
Check Your Skills 29. Factor a negative x out of the expression -2 x 3 + 5x2 + 3x 30. Factor the following expression: 4x2 + 3xy-yx + 6x Answers can befound on page 48.
Long Multiplication Lets review the basics of long multiplication. When multiplying two numbers, always put the smaller number in the bottom row. You would write
8 x 57 as 57 X 8
557 x
7 x 8 = 56 Put t*ie ^ underneath, then carry the 5. 5 x 8 = 40, + the 5 we carried = 45. Because were at the end, put the 45 underneath.
57 x 8 456 You should also be comfortable multiplying two two-digit numbers. 36 x 85 = 385 x 36
Start with the 6 . 5 x 6 = 30
Chapter 1
Put the 0 underneath, then carry the 3. J 85 x 3 (>
8 x 6 = 48, + the 3 we carried = 51. Because we are done with the 6, place the 51 underneath.
0 * 85 x 36
Now deal with the 3. Remember that the 3 actually represents 30. Place a 0 underneath the right most column, then multiply.
Don’t forget to cross out the 3 you carried last time!
5 x 3 = 15. Place the 5 underneath then carry the 1.
x 36
510 0
8 x 3 = 24 + the 1 we carried = 25. Place the 25 underneath.
< 36 510 50 85 X
Now add the rows underneath.
36 510
2550 510 +12550 3060 85 x 36 = 3,060 Don’t let multiplication slow you down on the GMAT. Do multiplication drills to become quick and accurate.
Long Division 13)234
13 goes into 23 one time.
13)234 -1 3 104
Place a 1 on top of the digit farthest to the right in 23.
1 x 13 is 13, so subtract 13 from 23, and bring down the next digit (4).
What is the largest multiple of 13 less than or equal to 104? 18 13)234
If necessary, list multiples of 13 or try cases until you find 1 3 x 8 = 104.
- 13 104 - 104
The number may not always divide evenly, in which case you will be left with a remainder. E.g. 25 ^ 2 = 12 with a remainder of 1.
In the previous example, the answer was an integer (234 -r 13 = 18). However, the answer will not always be an integer. Lets try dividing 123 by 6 .
6 doesn’t go into 1, but it does go into 12 two times.
2 Place a 2 on top of the digit farthest to the right in 12.
6)123 -12
2 x 6 = 12, so subtract 12 from 12, and bring down the next digit
20 6)123.0
6 doesn’t go into 3 , so place a 0 on top of the 3 .
-1 2
20.5 6)123.0 -
12 030 -3 0 0
We’re not done dividing. 123 is equal to 123.0. Add the decimal point and a 0 in the tenths column. Bring down the 0.
6 goes into 30 5 times. Place a 5 on top of the 0. Don’t forget to put a decimal between the 0 and the 5.
Chapter 1
Check Your Skills Answer Key 1 i.
144 +37 181
AM , so 23 -2 3
101 = -7 8
78 3.
0 : The largest negative integer is —1 and the smallest positive integer is 1. —1 + 1 = 0
5 < 16
Five is less than sixteen.
- 5 > -1 6
Negative five is greater than negative sixteen.
A positive minus a negative: (+) —(—) will always be positive, whereas (—) —(+) will always be negative. Any positive number is greater than any negative number.
42: 7 x 6 = 42
4: 52 + 13 = 4
35: 5 x (3 + 4) = 5 x 3 + 5x 4 = 15+ 20 = 35
6(6 —2): 36 —12 = 6 x 6 —6 x 2 = 6(6 —2) = 24
- 12 : (3) (-4) = -12
48: - 6 x (-3 + (-5)) = (-6 x - 3) + (-6 x - 5) = 18 + 30 = 48
Division: Sometimes an integer divided by an integer equals an integer (ex. 6 4- 2 = 3) and sometimes it does not (ex. 8 -s- 5 = 1.6)
O O h- 7 7 =— 2 =2 O x —1 2 x —1 : 2
Multiples If 7 is a factor of 21, then 21 is a multiple of 7.
No: 2,284,623 ends in 3, which means that it is an odd number, and is not divisible by 2 .
64: 26 = (2 x 2) x (2 x 2) x (2 x 2) = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
3: ^27 = 3 because 33 = 27.
Chapter 1 19.
11: If we plug the values of the variables back into the expression we can find the value of the expression. 2 x - 3y = 2(4) - 3 (-l) = 8 - (-3) = 8 + 3 = 1 1
20 . 0 :
Divide first Then add the two numbers
- 4 + 12/3 = -4 + 4 = 0 21. -37s (5 - 8) x 10 - 7 = (-3) x 10 - 7 =
First, combine what is inside the parentheses
-3 0 - 7 = -3 0 - 7 = -3 7
Then multiply —3 and 10 Subtract the two numbers
22. -74: - 3 x 12 -5- 4 x 8 + (4 - 6)
- 3 x 12 h- 4 x 8 + (- 2) - 3 6 + 4 x 8 + ( - 2) - 9 x 8 -2 -7 2 + (- 2) = -74
First, combine what’s in the parentheses Multiply - 3 and 12 Divide —36 by 4 Multiply —9 by 8 and subtract 2
23. 8 :
24x (8 -+ 2 - 1) /(9 - 3) = 24x (4 - l)/(6) = 16 x (3)/(6) = 48/6 = 48/6 = 8 24.
3 .3 + 4 ^ : ( - 3 + 6.3) + 4 V 2 = 3 .3 + 4 ^
A n r 1 - n r : 47ZT2 + ( - 3 7 t r + 2 t z t ) =
8/2 = 4 and 9 - 3 = 6 4 - 1 = 3 and 24= 16 Multiply 16 by 3 Divide 48 by 6
+ 2/*62 - 2#2£:
4 tz t2 -
- 5ab) + {ab2 + ab2) + (-2a2b) = 3ab + 2#£2 - 2a2b
3x + x2: x(3 + x ) = x x 3 + x x x = 3 x + x2
2 + y j lt 4 + a/2(1-a/2) = 4 + ( ^ x 1 ) + (V 2 x -V 2 ) = 4 + V 2 - 2 = 2 + ^
-arp #2 - 5x - 3): - 2X3 *
x{4x + 2 y + 6): All the terms contain 4.x2 + x = 4x. 3xy -i-x= 3y. — yx + x = — y.6x + x = 6 . 4X2 + 3x y -y x + 6x = x(4x + 3j / - 7 + 6). 3j / - 7 = 2;/, sox(4x + 3 y —y + 6) = x(4x + 2y + 6).
= 2X2. 5X2 + -x = —5x. 3x + -x = -3 .
Numbers, Variables, & Arithmetic
Chapter Review: Drill Sets Drill 1 Evaluate the following expressions. 1 .3 9 - ( 2 5 - 1 7 ) = 2 .3 (4 -2 )- ^ 2 = 3.15 x 3-r-9 = 4. (9 - 5) - (4 - 2) = 5 .1 4 -3 (4 -6 ) = 6 .- 5 x 1 - 5 = 7. (4)(—3)(2)(— 1) = 8.5 - (4 - (3 - (2 - 1))) = 9 .- 4 ( 5 ) - 1 2 /( 2 + 4) = 10.17(6)+ 3(6)
Chapter 1
2 9 .2x2 - (2x)2 - 22 - x2 3 0 .4x2+ 2x - (2 fx )2
Drill 4 Distribute the following expressions. Simplify as necessary.
3 1 .3 (5 - y ) 32 .-(a-b) 33. (2x + y)z 34. yj3(yf2+yf3) 3 5 .5 .2 r(2f- 10s) 36. (-3.7X + 6.3)102 37.6k2l(k - 21) 38. -j3(-nyfY2 + j27) 39. d(cP - 2d +1) 40. xy2z(x2z + yz2 - xy2)
Drill 2 Evaluate the following expressions.
11 . —12 x 2/(—3) + 5 = 12. 32/(4 + 6 x 2 ) = 13. —10 —(—3)2 = 14. - 5 2= 1 5 . - 2 3/ 2 =
16. 5 3 - 5 2= 17. 5 <2+1>+ 25 = 1 8 .(-2 )3- 5 2 + (-4 )3 = 19. 5(1)+ 5(2)+ 5(3)+ 5(4) = 2 0 . 3 x 9 9 - 2 x 9 9 - 1 x 99
Drill 3 Combine as many like terms as possible.
21 .nr2- (2nr + nr2) 22.1 + 2 ^ 4 + 2 V2 23.12xy2- 6(xy)2+ (2xy)2 24.3 n + x n -2 n 25. +X y[2-2 26.12xy- (6x+ 2y) 27.3x - (3x + 5 - (2x - 3)) 28. n2r2- nr+ 2m2+ n(r2) + (nr)2+ 2nr
Numbers, Variables, & Arithmetic
Chapter 1
Drill Sets Solutions Drill 1 Evaluate the following expressions. 1 .3 1 :
39 - (25 - 17) = 39 - 8 = 31 Tip: You could distribute the minus sign (39 —25 + 17) if you prefer, but our method is less prone to error.
2 . 3: 3 x (4 - 2) + 2 = 3 x (2) + 2 =
6 h 2= 3 -
3. 5 :
15x 3 -s- 9 = 45
4. 2 : (9 - 5) - (4 - 2) = (4) - (2) = 2
5. 20: 14 - 3 (4 - 6 ) =
14- 3 (- 2) = 14 + 6 = 2 0
6 . - 1: -5x1 + 5= -5 + 5 = - l 7.24: (4 )(-3 )(2 )(-l) = 2 4
Tip: To determine whether a product will be positive or negative, count the number of negative terms being multiplied. An even number of negative terms will give you a positive product; an odd number of negative terms will give you a negative product.
8. 3: 5 - (4 - (3 - (2 - 1))) = 5 - (4 - (3 - 1)) =
Chapter 1
Numbers, Variables, & Arithmetic 5-(4-2) = 5 - (2) = 3
Tip: Start with the inner-most parentheses and be careful about the signs! 9. - 2 2 :
- 4 ( 5 ) - 1 2 / ( 2 + 4) =
-20 - 12/(6) = -2 0 - 2 = -2 2
10. 120: 1 7 (6 ) + 3 (6 ) = 1 0 2 + 1 8 = 120
Alternatively, you could factor the 6 out of both terms. 1 7 (6 ) + 3 (6 ) = 6 (1 7 + 3) =
6 (20) = 120
Drill 2 Evaluate the following expressions. 11. 1 3 :
-12 x 2 /( - 3 ) + 5 = -2 4 /(-3 ) + 5 = 8 + 5 = 13
12.2 : 3 2 /( 4 + 6 x 2 ) = 3 2 /( 4 + 12) = 3 2 /( 1 6 ) = 2 13. - 1 9 : -1 0 - (-3 )2 = - 1 0 - (9) = - 1 9 14. - 2 5 : -5 2= - (5 2) = - 2 5 15. - 4 : - 2 3/ 2 = -8/2 = -4
Numbers, Variables, & Arithmetic
Chapter 1
16. 100 : 53 - 52 = 125 - 25 = 100 17. 150:
5(2+1) + 25 = 53+ 25 = 125 + 25 = 150 18. -9 7 : (- 2)3 - 52 + (-4 )3 = ( - 8) - 25 + (-64) = -3 3 - 6 4 = -9 7 19. 50: 5(1) + 5 (2) + 5(3) + 5(4) = 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 = 50 Alternatively, you could factor a 5 out of each term. 5(1) + 5 (2) + 5(3) + 5(4) = 5(1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 5(10) = 50
20 . 0: 3 x 99 - 2 x 99 - 1 x 99 = 297- 198-99 = 99 - 99 = 0 Alternatively, you could factor 99 out of each term. 3 x 99 - 2 x 99 - 1 x 99 = 99(3-2-1) = 99(0) = 0
Drill 3 Combine as many like terms as possible.
21. - 2 nr: We cannot combine the terms in the parentheses so we must start by distributing the negative sign before we can combine: nr2 - (2 n r + nr2) — nr2 - 2 n r — Ttr2 —
Xtit2 - 2 k t - Inr2 = 0 - 2 n r —- 2 n r
Numbers, Variables, & Arithmetic
Chapter 1
22 . 5 + 2 y fl : We must deal with the terms with a square root before we can group and combine like terms: 1 + 2 V4 + 2 V2 = 1 + 2 (2) + 2 ^ 2 = 1 + 4 + 2 V2 =
5 + 2V2 23. 12XJ/2 - 2 * y : We must simplify the terms with exponents before we can group and combine like terms: 12xy2 - 6(xy)2 + (2xy)2 = llx y 2 - 6x2y2 + 22x2y2 =
2xy2 —6x2y2 + 4x2y2 = I 2 x f + (-6 + 4)x2y2 12xy2 + {-2)x2y2 = 12xy2 —2x2y2 24. (a: + l)m We start by grouping like terms and then combine: 3?r + X7i —2 k = 3 tt —2 tt + XK =
(3 —2)7r + X7T= l7T + X7T =
(1 + x)7T = (x + 1)7T Remember that it is helpful to add a coefficient of 1 to any terms that do not have an integer coefficient. 25. ( * - l)>/2 :
/2 + /2 — 2 /2 = 1 /2 + /2 - 2 /2 = a
(1 + x —2) /2 = (-1 + x )y fl = (x - 1) a/2 26. 12#y —6 x —2y: We cannot combine the terms in the parentheses so we must distribute the negative sign before grouping and combining like terms: 12xy —(6x + 2y) =
12xy —6 x —2y Note that we cannot actually combine any of the terms.
Chapter 1
Numbers, Variables, & Arithmetic 27. 2x - 8 : 3x - (3x + 5 - (2x - 3)) = 3x 3x 3x 3x-
(3x + 5 - 2x + 3) = (3x - 2x + 5 + 3) = (Ix + 8) = Ix - 8 =
2x- 8 28. 2 ;r2r 2 4- nr + 3 ^ : We must manipulate the terms with exponents before we can group and com bine like terms: T^r2 —nr + 2 nr2 + n (f) + (nr)2 + 2n r = Tz^r2 —7rr + 27ZT2 + Trr2 + t&t2 + 2nr — (1 ttV + 1 T^r2) + (2 n r - 1 n r) + (2 7ZT2 + l^rr2) =
27tV + l7zr + 3m2 29. -3X 2 - 4:
2X2 - (2x)2 - 22 - x2 = 2X2 - 22x2 - 22 - l x 2 = 2X2 —4 k2 — Ix2 - 4= ( 2 - 4 - I)*2 - 4=
(-3)x2- 4 = - 3 x2 - 4
30. 4x* - 2xi 4X2 + 2x - (2 yfx )2 = 4X2 + 2 x —22( yfx )2 = 4X2 + 2x - 4x = 4X2 + (2 - 4)x = 4X2 + (-2)x = 4X2 —2x
Drill 4 Distribute the following expressions. Simplify as necessary. 31. 15 - 3y: 3 (5 - y ) = 3 x 5 + 3 x (-y) = 1 5 - 3 y
Numbers, Variables, & Arithmetic 32. -a + b OR b - a: The minus sign in front of the left parenthesis should be interpreted as: -1 times the expression {a - b). Because (-1) x a = - a and (-1) x (-b) = b we have: - ( a - b) = ( - 1) x {a —b) = —a + b 33. 2 x z + y z:
This problem requires us to distribute from the right. Ordinarily, we think of the Distributive Property in this form: a(b + c) = ab + ac It is also true that: (b + c)a = ba + ca One way to justify this is to note that (b + c)a = a(b + c) by the Commutative Property of Multiplica tion, which states that the order in which we multiply numbers does not matter. The GMAT sometimes disguises a possible distribution by presenting it in this alternate form. In this problem, (2x + y)z = z(2x 4- y).
z(2x + y) = z'x2x + z'xy = 2xz + yz 34. V 6 + 3 :
The first step here is to distribute as normal: V 3 ^ /2 + V 3) = ^
V 2 + V 3 > /3
However, it is best to then simplify this answer. When multiplying together two square roots we can simply multiply together the two numbers under a single square root sign (more on this later): 'Ja^fb —yfab Therefore, V3 V 2 = >/3 x 2 = fG . The second term [$l3 can be dealt with in the same manner, or we can note that it is 3 by definition of the square root. Adding these two terms together gives us the simplified answer. 35. 1 0.4r£- 52rs: When distributing more complicated expressions, we should remember to multiply out numbers and combine any copies of the same variable. Here we have:
5.2r{2t- 10s) = (5.2r)(2f) - (5.2r)(10s)
Numbers, Variables, & Arithmetic Because 5.2 x 2 = 10.4 and 5.2 x 10 = 52, this simplifies to 10.4r£- 52rs. 3 6 .- 3 7 0 * + 6 3 0 : In this problem we must both distribute from the right and multiply out the numerical expressions. Multiplying a number by 102 = 100 is the same as moving the decimal point two places to the right. Therefore (-3.7* + 6.3)102 = -3 7 0 * + 630 6 k H - 12 k 2l 2:
The first step in this computation is to distribute normally:
6F / x £ - 6F / x 2/ In the first term, we then multiply together the k2 and the k to get 6£3/, because k2 x k = P . For the sec ond term, we need to multiply together the 6 and 2 as well as the two copies of /, so we have Gk2l x 12k2l2. Putting it all together:
21 =
6P/x k - 6k21 x 21= 6k>l- 12k212 38. 6n - 9: After distributing, we have: -> / 3(-W l 2 + V 27) = n y jiy ju - ^ V 2 7 We should then simplify the terms >/3 V l 2 and ^/3^/27 using the fact that we can multiply under the square root sign (or more formally, yfa-Jb = yfab ). The first term is V3n/12 = V36 = 6 . The second term involves the multiplication 3 x 27 = 81. The square root of 81 is 9.
S ( - n y f l 2 + V27) = n S y [ u - ^ 3^ 27 = 6 n - 9 3 9 . d 3 - 2 d 2 +
Even though there are three terms inside the parentheses, distribution works exactly the same. Multiply d by every term in the parentheses. did2 - 2 d + 1) = (dx d2) - (dx 2d) + (dx 1) 40. x 3y 2z 2 + ay3* 3 - x 2y 4z i The term xy2z on the outside of the parentheses must be multiplied by each of the three terms inside the parentheses. We should then simplify the expression as much as possible. Taking one term at a time, the first is xy2z x x2z = x3y2z2, because there are three factors of *, two fac tors ofy, and two factors of z. Similarly, the second term is xy2z x yz2 = xy3z3 and the third is xy2z x {-xy2) = - x2y4z . Adding these three terms together gives us the final answer.
Chapter^ Foundations of GMAT Math
Divisibility Memorize Divisibility Rules for Small Integers Factors Are Divisors Prime Number: Only Divisible by 1 and Itself Prime Factorization: All the Primes on the Tree Every Number is Divisible by the Factors of Its Factors Factors: Built out o f Primes Factor Tree of A Variable: Contains Unknowns Factors ofX With No Common Primes: Combine Factors ofX with Primes in Common: Combine to LCM
Divisibility In This Chapter: • Divisibility rules • How to find the factors of a number • The connection between factors and divisibility • How to answer questions on the GMAT related to divisibility
Divisibility________________________________ Divisibility has to do with integers. Recall that integers are the counting numbers (1, 2 , 3, etc.), their opposites ( - 1, - 2 , -3 , etc.), and 0. Integers have no decimals or fractions attached. Also recall that most integer arithmetic is boring: integer + integer = always an integer
4 + 11 = 15
integer - integer = always an integer
-5 - 32 = -3 7
integer x integer = always an integer
14 x 3 = 42
However, when you divide an integer by another integer, sometimes you get an integer (18 + 3 = 6), and sometimes you don’t (12 -r 8 = 1.5). If you get an integer out of the division, then the first number is divisible by the second. 18 is divisible by 3 because 18 + 3 = an integer. On the other hand, 12 is not divisible by 8, because 12 + 8 is not an integer.
Chapter 2
Memorize Divisibility Rules for Small Integers These rules come in very handy. An integer is divisible by: 2 if the integer is even. Any even number is, by definition, divisible by 2 . Even numbers end in 0, 2 ,
4, 6 or 8.
3 if the sum of the integer’s digits is a multiple of 3. Take the number 147. Its digits are 1, 4 and 7. 1 + 4 + 7 = 12, which isamultiple of 3. So 147 is divisible by 3 . 5 if the integer ends in 0 or 5. 75 and 80 are divisible by 5, but 77 and 84 are not. 9 if the sum of the integer’s digits is a multiple of 9. This rule is very similar to the divisibility rule for 3. Take the number 144.
1 + 4 + 4 = 9, so 144 is divisible by 9. 10 if the integer ends in 0. 8,730 is divisible by 10, but 8,753 is not.
Check Your Skills 1. Is 123,456,789 divisible by 2? 2. Is 732 divisible by 3? 3. Is 989 divisible by 9? Answers can be found on pa ge 83.
Factors Are Divisors What positive integers is 6 divisible by? You only have 6 possibilities: 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, and 6 . 6+1=6
Any number divided by 1 equals itself, so an integer divided by 1 will always be an integer.
6 + 2 = 3 ■v. g j _ 2
Note that these form a pair.
6 + 4 = 1 .5 ^ g ^ j 6 + 6=1
^ ot inte§ers>so ^ *s NOT divisible by 4 or by 5. Any number divided by itself equals 1, so an integer is always divisible by itself.
6 is divisible by 1, 2 , 3 and 6 . That means that 1, 2 , 3 and 6 are factors of 6 . Learn all the ways you might see this relationship expressed on the GMAT. 2 is a factor of 6
6 is a multiple of 2
2 is a divisor of 6
6 is divisible by 2
2 divides 6
2 goes into 6 (evenly) (without a remainder)
To find all the factors of a small number, use factor pairs. A factor pair of 60 is a pair of integers that multiplies together to 60. For instance, 15 and 4 are a factor pair of 60, because 15 x 4 = 60. Here’s an organized way to make a table of factor pairs of 60: (1) Label 2 columns “Small” and “Large.” (2) Start with 1 in the small column and 60 in the large column. (The first set of factor pairs will always be 1 and the number itself) (3) The next number after 1 is 2 . Since 2 is a factor of 60, then write “2 ” underneath the “1” in your table. Divide 60 by 2 to find 2’s “sibling” in the pair: 60 + 2 = 30. Write “30” in the large column. (4) Repeat this process until the numbers in the small and the large columns run into each other. In this case, you find that 6 and 10 are a factor pair. But 7, 8 and 9 are not factors of 60. The next number after 9 is 10, which appears in the large column, so you can stop.
Chapter 2
Like this:
Then you...
If you.
R S I Want all the factors of 60
Make a table of factor pairs, starting with 1 and 60
Check Your Skills 4. Find all the factors of 90. 5. Find all the factors of 72. 6. Find all the factors of 105. 7. Find all the factors of 120. Answers can be found on pages 83—84.
Prime Number: Only Divisible by 1 and Itself What is 7 divisible by? The only possibilities are the positive integers less than or equal to 7. 7-1=7 7 - 2 = 3.5 7 - 3 = 2.33... 7-4=1.75 7 — 5 = 1.4
Every number is divisible by 1— no surprise there!
7 is not divisible by any integer besides 1 and itself
7-6=1.16... 7-7=1
Every number is divisible by itself—boring!
So 7 only has two factors— 1 and itself. Numbers that only have 2 factors are called prime numbers. Primes are extremely important in any question about divisibility. Know the primes less than 20 cold: they are 2 , 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19. Note that 1 is not prime. Also, 2 is the only even prime number. Every other even number has another factor besides 1 and itself: namely, 2 . Every positive integer can be placed into one of two categories— prime or not prime.
Check Your Skills 8. List all the prime numbers between 20 and 50. Answers can be found on page 84.
Prime Factorization: All the Primes on the Tree Take another look at the factor pairs of 60. It had 12 factors and 6 factor pairs. 60 = 1 x 60
Always the first factor pair— boring!
and 2 x 30 and 3 x 20 and 4 x 15 and 5 x 12
5 other factor pairs— interesting! Lets look at these in a little more detail.
and 6 x 10 J Consider 4 x 15. One way to think about this pair is that 60 breaks down into 4 and 15. Use a factor tree to show this relationship.
/ 4
Keep going. Neither 4 nor 15 is prime, so they both have factor pairs that you might find interesting. 4 breaks down into 2 x 2 , and 15 breaks down into 3 x 5:
/ / 2
Can you break it down any further? Not with interesting factor pairs. 2 = 2 x 1, for instance, but that’s nothing new. The numbers you have reached (2 , 2 , 3 and 5) are all primes. When you find a prime factor, that branch on the factor tree has reached the end. Circle prime numbers as you go, as if they were fruit on the tree. The factor tree for 60 looks like this:
Divisibility 60
/ 4
/ / ©
After you break down 60 into 4 and 15, and then break 4 and 15 down further, you end up with 60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 . What if you start with a different factor pair of 60? Create a factor tree for 60 in which the first break down you make is 6 x 10.
©©©© According to this factor tree 60 = 2 x 3 x 2 x 5 . These are the same primes as before (though in a dif ferent order). Any way you break down 60, you end up with the same prime factors: two 2 s, one 3 and one 5. 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 i s the prime factorization of 60. Prime factors are the DNA of a number. Every number has a unique prime factorization. 60 is the only number that can be written a s 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 . Your first instinct on divisibility problems should be to break numbers down to their prime factors. A factor tree is the best way to find a prime factorization. For large numbers such as 630, generally start with the smallest prime factors and work your way up. Use your divisibility rules! Start by finding the smallest prime factor of 630. Check 2 first. 630 is even, so it is divisible by 2. 630 divided by 2 is 315, so your first breakdown of 630 is into 2 and 315.
630 / ©
Now you still need to factor 315. Its not even, so its not divisible by 2. Check 3 by adding up the digits of 315. 3 + 1 + 5 = 9, which is a multiple of 3, so 315 is divisible by 3. 315 divided by 3 is 105, so your factor tree now looks like this:
Chapter 2
/ ©
315 @
/ 105
105 might still be divisible by another 3. 1 + 0 + 5 = 6, so 105 is divisible by 3. 105
3 = 35, so your
tree now looks like this:
/ ©
315 /
105 / © 35
35 is not divisible by 3 (3 + 5 = 8, which is not a multiple of 3), so the next number to try is 5. 35 ends in a 5, so it is divisible by 5. 35 — 5 = 7, so your tree now looks like this:
630 /
315 /
105 /
35 / ©
Every number on the tree has now been broken down as far as it can go. The prime factorization of 630 is2x3x3x5x7. Alternatively, you could have split 630 into 63 and 10, since its easy to see that 630 is divisible by 10. Then you would proceed from there, breaking 10 into 2 and 5 and breaking 63 into 7 and 9 (which is 3 and 3). As you practice, you’ll spot shortcuts. Either way will get you to the same set of prime factors.
Chapter 2
Like this:
Then you...
If you,..
96 Want the prime factor
Break 96 down to
ization of 96
primes using a tree
/ ® A
Check Your Skills 9. Find the prime factorization of 90. 10. Find the prime factorization of 72. 11. Find the prime factorization of 105. 12. Find the prime factorization of 120. Answers can be found on pages 84—85-
Every Number is Divisible by the Factors of Its Factors If a is divisible by b, and b is divisible by c, then a is divisible by c as well. For instance, 12 is divisible by 6, and 6 is divisible by 3. So then 12 is divisible by 3 as well. This factor foundation rule also works in reverse to a certain extent. If d is divisible by two different primes e and^i then d is also divisible by e x f. In other words, if 20 is divisible by 2 and by 5, then 20 is also divisible by 2 x 5 (10). Divisibility travels up and down the factor tree. Consider the factor tree of 150. 150 / 10
/ /
© ©@© 150 is divisible by 10 and by 15, so 150 is also divisible by everything that 10 and 15 are divisible by. For instance, 10 is divisible by 2 and 5, so 150 is also divisible by 2 and 5. Taken all together, the prime factorization of 150 is 2 x 3 x 5 x 5. Represent that information like this: 150 / ©
/ @
w ®
Prime factors are building blocks. In the case of 150, you have one 2, one 3 and two 5 s at our disposal to build other factors of 150. In the first example, you went down the tree — from 150 down to 10 and 15, and then down again to 2, 5, 3 and 5. But you can also build upwards, starting with our four building blocks. For instance, 2 x 3 = 6, and 5 x 5 = 25, so your tree could also look like this:
150 /
/ / ©
(Even though 5 and 5 are not different primes, 5 appears twice on 150s tree. So you are allowed to multiply those two 5 s together to produce another factor of 150, namely 25.) The tree above isn’t even the only other possibility. Here are more:
Beginning with four prime factors of 150 (2, 3, 5 and 5), you build different factors by multiplying 2, 3 or even all 4 of those primes together in different combinations. All of the factors of a number (except for 1) can be built with different combinations of its prime factors.
Factors: Built out of Primes Take one more look at the number 60 and its factors:. Consider the prime factorization of each factor. Small
All the factors of 60 (except 1) are different combinations of the prime factors of 60. To say this another way, every factor of a number (again, except 1) can be expressed as the product of a set of its prime fac tors. This relationship between factors and prime factors is true of every number.
Divisibility To recap what you’ve learned so far: 1. If a is divisible by b, and b is divisible by c, then a is divisible by c as well. For instance, 100 is divisible by 20, and 20 is divisible by 4, so 100 is divisible by 4 as well. 2. If d has e and/as prime factors, d is also divisible by e x f. For instance, 90 is divisible by 5 and by 3, so 90 is also divisible by 5 x 3 = 15. You can let e and /be the same prime, as long as there are at least 2 copies of that prime in d factor tree. 3. Every factor of a number (except 1) is the product of a different combination of that number’s prime factors. For example, 30 = 2 x 3 x 5. The factors of 30 are 1,2, 3, 5 ,6 (2 x 3), 10 (2 x 5), 15 (3 x 5), and 30 (2 x 3 x 5). 4. To find all the factors of a number in a methodical way, set up a factor pairs table. 5. To find all the prime factors of a number, use a factor tree. With larger numbers, start with the small est primes and work your way up to larger primes. If you.,.
Then you...
Like this:
Break 96 down to
Want all the factors of 96
primes, then construct all the factors out of the
So one factor of 96 is 2 x 3 = 6,
prime factors of 96
Check Your Skills 13. The prim e factorization of a num ber is 3 x 5. W hat is the num ber and w hat are all its factors? 14. The prime factorization of a num ber is 2 x 5 x 7. W hat is the num ber and w hat are all its factors? 15. The prime factorization of a num ber is 2 x 3 x 13. W hat is the num ber and w hat are all its fac tors? Answers can be found on pages 85—86.
Factor Tree of A Variable: Contains Unknowns Say that you are told some unknown positive number x is divisible by 6. You can represent this fact on paper in several different ways. For instance, you could write “x = multiple of 6” or “x = 6 x an integer.” You could also represent the information with a factor tree. Since the top of the tree is a variable, add in a branch to represent what you don't know about the variable. Label this branch with a question mark (?), three dots (...), or something to remind yourself that you have incomplete information about x.
Divisibility x
/ 6 ? What else do we know about xi What can you definitely say about x right now? Take a look at these three statements. For each statement, decide whether it must be true, whether it could be true, or whether it cannot be true. I.
* is divisible
x is even
x is divisible
by 3
by 12
Begin with statement I— * is divisible by 3. Think about the multiples of 6. If * is divisible by 6, then x is a multiple of 6. List out the first several multiples of 6 to see whether they re divisible by 3. ’ 6
12 h- 3 = 4
18 - 3 = 6
All of these numbers are
also divisible by 3.
on this list
•IOO II 00
x is a number
6^3 =2
At this point, you can be fairly certain that x is divisible by 3. In divisibility problems (and elsewhere), isting out possible values of a variable help you wrap your head around a question or a pattern. But you can easily prove that * is divisible by 3. Just make one modification to the tree. x
6 ?
6 ? /
The purpose of the tree is to break integers down into primes, which are the building blocks of larger integers. Now that the factor tree is broken down as far as it will go, apply the factor foundation rule, x is divisible by 6, and 6 is divisible by 3, so you can definitively say that * is divisible by 3. Statement II says x is even. Must that be true? Return to your factor tree.
/ ©
Again, make use of the factor foundation rule— 6 is divisible by 2, so you know that x is divisible by 2 as well. Since x is divisible by 2, x is even. Statement III says x is divisible by 12. Compare the factor tree of x with the factor tree of 12.
©A /
/ ©
What would you have to know about x to guarantee that it is divisible by 12? 12 is 2 x 2 x 3. 12s building blocks are two 2s and a 3. To guarantee that# is divisible by 12, you need to know for sure that xhas two 2s and one 3 among its prime factors. That is, x would have to be divis ible by everything that 12 is divisible by. Looking at the factor tree for x, you see a 3 but only one 2. So you can’t claim that x must be divisible by 12. But couldx be divisible by 12? Consider the question mark on xs factor tree. That question mark is there to remind you that you dont know everything about x. After all, x could have other prime factors. If one of those unknown factors were another 2, your tree would look like this: A / 6
? /
If an unknown factor were a 2, then * would indeed be divisible by 12. So x could be divisible by 12. To confirm this thinking, list out a few multiples of 6 and check whether they are divisible by 12. Some of the possible values of x are divisible by 12, and some aren’t, x could be divisible by 12.
Divisibility 6
6-s- 12 = 0.5
12 -s- 12= 1
18 h- 12= 1.5
24 h- 12 = 2
x is a number on this list
If you...
Chapter 2
Some, but not all, of these numbers are also divisible by 12.
Then you...
Like this:
Put in a question mark Use a factor tree with a
(or something similar)
variable on top
to remind yourself what you don’t know
X / 6 ?
Check Your Skills For each question, the following is true: x is divisible by 24. Determine whether each statement below must be true, could be true, or cannot be true.
16.x is divisible by 6 17.x is divisible by 9 18.x is divisible by 8 Answers can be found on pages 86-87.
Factors of X With No Common Primes: Combine Decide whether each statement must be true, could be true, or cannot be true, x is divisible by 3 and by 10. I. a: is divisible by 2 II. x is divisible by 15 III. x is divisible by 45 First, create two factor trees to represent the given information. x
/ ©
/ 10 !
Why not write them together at once? “x is divisible by 3” is a different fact from “x is divisible by 10.” Initially, always write two given facts about a variable separately. That way, you can think carefully about how to combine those facts.
Divisibility Statement I says that * is divisible by 2. To use the factor foundation rule, finish your trees: x
/ ?
/ ©
Now you can decide whether statement I is true, x is divisible by 10, and 10 is divisible by 2, so x is definitely divisible by 2. Statement I must be true. Statement II is more difficult. Study the trees. Neither one gives you complete information about *, but you know for certain that x is divisible by 3 and that x is divisible by 2 and by 5. These primes are all different, because the original factors 3 and 10 have no primes in common. When the primes from two trees are all different, you can put all the primes on one tree: x
/ 1
Return to the statement: “x is divisible by 15.” Can you guarantee this? If x definitely has all the prime factors that 15 has, then you can guarantee that x is divisible by 15. The prime factors of 15 are 3 and 5. Being divisible by 15 is the same as being divisible by 3 and by 5. Look at the combined factor tree, x has both a 3 and a 5, so x is definitely divisible by 15. Statement II must be true. You can look at this issue more visually. Prime factors are building blocks of all other factors (except 1). If you know that * is divisible by 3, 2, and 5, you can combine these primes to form other definite fac tors of x X / 30
X / 30
/ 6
/ 30
/ 10 ©
/ ©
/ 15 ©
/ ©
/ ©
You get 15 on the third tree. Notice what all three trees have in common. No matter how you combine the prime factors, each tree ultimately leads to 30, which is 2 x 3 x 5. You know that * is divisible by 30. And if x is divisible by 30, it is also divisible by everything 30 is divisible by. 15 is a factor of 30, so * must be divisible by 15. Statement II must be true.
Chapter 2
On the test, don’t draw out the three trees above. Once you get to 2, 3, and 5, realize that you can form other definite factors of x from these primes, such as 15 (from the 3 and the 5). Statement III says that x is divisible by 45. What do you need to know in order to claim that x is divisible by 45? Build a factor tree of 45: 45 /
A ® ®
45 is divisible by 3, 3 and 5. For x to be divisible by 45, you need to know that x has all the same prime factors. Does it? x
/ 1
/ 9 ©
CD 10
/ ©
45 has one 5 and two 3s. You know that xhas a 5, but you only know that **has one 3. Since you don’t know whether x has the second 3 that you want, you can’t say for certain whether x is divisible by 45. * could be divisible by 45, but you don’t know what the question mark contains. If it contains a 3, then x is divisible by 45. If not, then no. Statement III could be true. If you...
Then you...
Like this: X
/ © Know two factors of x that have no primes in common
/ 10 ?
Combine the two trees
into one
/ / w ©
Chapter 2 Check Your Skills
For each question, the following is true: x is divisible by 28 and by 15. Determine whether each state ment below must be true, could be true, or cannot be. true.
19.x is divisible by 14. 20. x is divisible by 20. 21. x is divisible by 24. Answers can be found on pages 87—88.
Factors of X with Primes in Common: Combine to LCM In the last section, you were told that x was divisible by 3 and by 10, and you figured out the conse quences. For instance, you could conclude that x was divisible by 30, the product of 3 and 10. Now consider a slightly different situation. Let’s say that x is divisible by 6 and by 9. Is x divisible by 54, the product of 6 and 9? Here is the question in tree form: Given:
Question: do we necessarily get this tree? *
54 / 6
Be very careful. When you were told that * was divisible by 3 and by 10, you had a simpler situation, because 3 and 10 do not share any prime factors. So it was easier to combine the two pieces of informa tion and arrive at conclusions. Now, however, 6 and 9 share a prime factor: namely, 3. How does this fact change things? To answer that question, we have to talk about the least common multiple, or LCM. The least com mon multiple of two numbers, say A and 5, is the smallest number that is a multiple of both A and B. What is the LCM of 3 and 10? Consider the multiples of each number.
Divisibility Multiples of 3
Multiples of 10
Notice that the smallest number that appears on both lists is 30. This is the LCM of 3 and 10. Here’s why the LCM is important. If x is divisible by A and by B ythen x is divisible by the LCM of A and B , no matter what. For instance, if you are told that x is divisible by 3 and by 10, then you can conclude that x is definitely divisible by the LCM of 3 and 10, which equals 30. The same principle holds true for the new example, even though 6 and 9 share a common factor. If x is divisible by 6 and 9, then we can conclude that * is definitely divisible by the LCM of 6 and 9. To find the LCM of 6 and 9, list the multiples of each number and look for the first number on both lists. Multiples of 6
Multiples of 9
24 The LCM of 6 and 9 is 18. This means that if you know that x is divisible by 6 and by 9, you can con clude that x is divisible by 18. Given:
Conclusion: x
You do not know whether x is divisible by 54. It might be. But it doesn’t have to be. So the answer to the original question (is x divisible by 54?) is “Maybe.” You may have noticed that 6 contains one 3 and that 9 contains two 3 s, for a total of three 3s on the left side of the previous picture. Yet 18 contains only two 3 s. What happened to the extra 3?
x l
What happened is that x only needs two 3s (as well as a 2) to guarantee divisibility by 6 and by 9. The third 3 is extraneous. When you combine two factor trees of x that contain overlapping primes, drop the overlap. You’re already covered. Here’s another way to think of the situation. Is a number divisible by 18 also divisible by 6? Sure, because 6 goes into 18. Is a number divisible by 18 also divisible by 9? Sure, because 9 goes into 18. So, if you know both facts, all you can guarantee in x's tree is 18, which has just two 3 s and a 2. Given:
Conclusion: x
The trees on the left provide information about how many of each kind of prime factors appear in x. Those pieces of information can overlap. Given:
Fact 1: “x definitely contains a 2 and a 3.”
Fact 2: “x definitely contains two 3 s.
Conclusion: “x definitely contains a 2 and two 3 s.”
The two given facts are like statements given by two witnesses. The witnesses aren’t lying, but they could have seen the same things. Don’t double-count the evidence. All you can prove about x is that it contains a 2 and two 3 s. The two witnesses could have seen the same 3.
Divisibility When two numbers don’t share prime factors, their LCM is just their product. 3 and 10 don’t share any prime factors, so their LCM = 3 x 10 = 30. However, when two numbers share prime factors, their LCM will be smaller than their product. 6 and 9 share prime factors, so their LCM is not 6 x 9 = 54. In fact, their LCM (18) is smaller than 54. The way we have found the LCM of two numbers is to list the two sets of multiples and find the small est number on both lists. That method works great for small numbers. A more general way to think of the LCM is this: the LCM of A and B contains only as many of a prime factor as you see it appear in either A or B separately. Consider the LCM of 6 and 9. How many 2’s does the LCM contain? 6 has one 2. 9 has no 2’s, so the LCM has to have one 2. How many 3’s does the LCM contain? 6 has one 3. 9 has two 3’s, so the LCM has to have two 3’s. Putting all that together, you know that the LCM of 6 and 9 has one 2 and two 3’s, so the LCM = 2 x 3 x 3 = 18. That’s a long way to find the LCM in this case, but for more complicated situations, it’s definitely faster. Try another question. If * is divisible by 8, 12, and 45, what is the largest number that * must be divisible by? First, draw three separate trees for the given information: Given: X
The question is equivalent to this: what is the LCM o f 8, 12, and 45? You could find this number by listing all the multiples of 8, 12, and 45 and looking for the first number on all 3 lists. That would take some time. Instead, find the LCM by counting up prime factors that you know are in *.
Chapter 2
Start with 2. How many 2s are guaranteed to be in xi There are three 2s in 8, two 2s in 12, and none in 45. To cover all the bases, there must be at least three 2s in x. Take 3 next. Since 45 has two 3 s, the most in any tree above, you know that x must contain at least two 3s. Finally, you know that x must have at least one 5 because of the 45. So here’s the picture:
Now calculate the LCM: 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 = 8 x 4 5 = 360. 360 is the LCM of 8, 12, and 45. It is also the largest number that you know x is divisible by. One final note: if the facts are about different variables (x and jy), then the facts don’t overlap. Given:
Fact 1: “x definitely contains a 2 and a 3.”
Fact 2: “y definitely contains two 3 s.
Conclusion: “xy definitely contains a 2 and three 3 s.”
The two witnesses are looking at different crime scenes, so count up everything you see across all the trees.
Divisibility If you...
Know two factors of * that have primes in common
Chapter 2
Then you...
Like this:
Combine the two trees into one, eliminating
x is divisible by 6 x is divisible by 9
the overlap becomes Know only that x is divisible by the LCM of
x is divisible by 18,
the factors
the LCM of 6 and 9
Check Your Skills For each question, the following is true: x is divisible by 6 and by 14. Determine whether each statement below must be true, could be true, or cannot be true.
22.x is divisible by 42. 23.x is divisible by 84. Answers can be found on page 88.
Chapter 2
Check Your Skills Answer Key: 1.
Is 123,456,789 divisible by
123,456,789 is an odd number, because it ends in 9. So 123,456,789 is not divisible by 2. 2.
Is 732 divisible by 3? The digits of 732 add up to a multiple of 3 (7 + 3 + 2 = 12). 732 is divisible by 3.
Is 989 divisible by 9? The digits of 989 do not add up to a multiple of 9 (9 + 8 + 9 = 26). 989 is not divisible by 9.
Find all the factors of 90. Small
3 5
35 21
Find all the factors of 72.
Find all the factors of 105.
Chapter 2 7.
Find all the factors of 120. Small
15 12
10 8.
List all the prime numbers between 20 and 50. 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, and 47.
Find the prime factorization of 90.
90 /
45 / ®
A ®
Find the prime factorization of 72.
72 /
36 / ®
® A ©
Chapter 2
Find the prime factorization of 105. 105 /
/ ©
Find the prime factorization of 120.
120 / ©
60 / © 30 / ©
15 / ©
The prime factorization of a number is 3 x 5. What is the number and what are all its factors?
3 x 5 = 15 Small
The prime factorization of a number is 2 x 5 x 7. What is the number and what are all its fac tors?
2 x 5 x 7 = 70 Small
5 7
5 7
35 14 10
2x5x7 5x7 2x7 2x5
Chapter 2 15.
The prime factorization
a number is 2 x 3 x 13. What is the number and what are all its fac-
tors? 2 x 3 x 13 = 78 Small
2 x 3 x 13 3 x 13
2 x 13
For questions 16-18, x is divisible by 24.
/ ®
® / ©
16. x is divisible by 6?
/ ?
6 / ©
For x to be divisible by 6, we need to know that it contains the same prime factors as 6. 6 con tains a 2 and a 3. * also contains a 2 and a 3, therefore x must be divisible by 6. 17. x is divisible by 9?
9 / ©
Chapter 2
For x to be divisible by 9, we need to know that it contains the same prime factors as 9. 9 contains two 3 s. x only contains one 3 that we know of. But the question mark means x may have other prime fac tors, and may contain another 3. For this reason, x could be divisible by 9. 18.x is divisible by 8?
4 / ©
For x to be divisible by 8, we need to know that it contains the same prime factors as 8. 8 con tains three 2 s. x also contains three 2 s, therefore x must be divisible by 8. For questions 19-21, x is divisible by 28 and by 15.
/ ?
/ +
/ ©
/ 14
© @ © © © i
/ ©
19. x is divisible by 14?
14 / ©
For x to be divisible by 14, we need to know that it contains the same prime factors as 14. 14 contains a 2 and a 7. x also contains a 2 and a 7, therefore x must be divisible by 14.
Chapter 2 20. x is divisible by 20?
20 / ®
A ©
For x to be divisible by 20, we need to know that it contains the same prime factors as 20. 20 contains two 2 s and a 5. x also contains two 2 s and a 5, therefore x must be divisible by 20. 21. x is divisible by 24?
24 / ©
12 / ©
6 / ©
For x to be divisible by 24, we need to know that it contains the same prime factors as 24. 24 contains three 2s and a 3. x contains a 3, but only two 2s that we know of. But the question mark means x may have other prime factors, and may contain another 2. For this reason, x could be divisible by 24. For questions 2 2 -2 3 , x is divisible by 6 and by 14. 22. x is divisible by 42? The LCM of 6 and 14 is 42. We can guarantee that x is divisible by the LCM. x must be divisible by 42. 23. x is divisible by 84? 6 and 14 have an overlapping prime factor (2). Thus, we cannot simply combine 6 and 14 to get 84. x could be divisible by 84, but does not have to be.
the new standard
Chapter Review: Drill Sets
19. How many more prime factors does the product of 28 x 75 have than the product of 14 x 25?
Drill 1
Drill 5
Drill 1
1. Is 4,005 divisible by 5? 2. Does 51 have any factors besides 1 and itself? 3 .x = 20 The prime factors of x are: The factors of x are: 4. If 33 is a factor of 594, is 11 a factor of 594? 5. Will 15 divide 4,725?
Drill 2
20. Is 43,360 divisible by 5 and/or by 3? 21. Is 81,063 prime? 22.x = 3 7 The prime factors of x are: The factors of x are: 23. What are the two largest odd factors of 90?
Drill 6 24. Determine which of the following numbers are prime numbers. Remember, you only need to find one factor other than the number itself to prove that the number is not prime.
2 3 5 6 6. Is 123 divisible by 3? 7 15 9 10 7. Does 23 have any factors besides 1 and 17 21 27 29 itself? 31 33 258 303 8 .x = 100 786 1,023 1,325 655 The prime factors of x are: The factors of x are: 9. If 2,499 is divisible by 147, is 2,499 divisible Drill 7 by 49? 10. Name three positive multiples of 12 that are 25. If x is divisible by 33, what other numbers is less than 50. x divisible by? 26. The prime factorization of a number is 3 x 3 x 7. What is the number and what are Drill 3 all its factors? 27. Ifx is divisible by 8 and by 3, is x also 11. Is 285,284,901 divisible by 10? divisible by 12? 12. Is 539,105 prime? 28. If 7x is a multiple of 210, must x be a 1 3 .x = 4 2 multiple of 12? The prime factors of x are: 29. If integer a is not a multiple of 30, but ab is, The factors of x are: what is the smallest possible value of integer 14. Find four even divisors of 84. 6? 15. What are the prime factors of 30 x 49?
Drill 4
Drill 8
16. Is 9,108 divisible by 9 and/or by 2? 17. Is 937,184 prime? 18.x = 3 9 The prime factors of x are: The factors of x are:
30. If 40 is a factor of x, what other numbers are factors of x? 31. The only prime factors of a number are 5 and 17. What is the number and what are all its factors?
Divisibility 32. 5 and 6 are factors of x. Is x divisible by 15? 33. If q is divisible by 2 ,6 ,9 ,1 2 ,1 5 , & 30, is q divisible by 8? 34. If p is a prime number, and q is a non-prime integer, what are the minimum and maximum numbers of factors they can have in common?
Drill 9 35. If 64 divides n, what other divisors does n have? 36. The prime factorization of a number is 2 x 2 x 3 x 11. What is the number and what are all its factors? 3 7 .1 4 and 3 divide n. Is 12 a factor of n? 38. Positive integers a and b both have exactly four factors. If a is a one-digit number and b = a + 9, a 39. If n is the product of 2,3, and a two-digit prime number, how many of its factors are greater than 6?
Drill 10 40. Ifn is a multiple of both 21 and 10, is 30 a divisor of n? 4 1 .4 ,2 1 , and 55 are factors of n. Does 154 divide n? 42. If n is divisible by 196 and by 15, is 270 a factor of n?
Chapter 2
Drill Sets Solutions Drill 1 1. Yes: 4,005 ends in 5, so it is divisible by 5. 2. Yes: The digits of 51 add up to a multiple of 3 (5 + 1 = 6), so 3 is a factor of 51. 3. Prime factors: 2, 2, 5. Factors: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 The prime factors of * are: 20
/ ©
The factors of x are: Small
4. Yes: We could divide 594 by 11 to determine divisibility, but it is faster to use the Factor Foundation rule. The Factor Foundation rule states that if 594 is divisible by 33, 594 will also be divisible by all of the factors of 33. 11 is a factor of 33 (33 = 11 x 3); therefore, 594 is also divisible by 11. 5. Yes: In order to be divisible by 15, a number must be divisible by both 3 and 5, the prime factors that make up 15. Based on the rules of divisibility, because 4,725 ends in a 5, it is divisible by 5. The digits of 4,725 add to 18 (4 + 7 + 2 + 5 = 18), and 18 is divisible by 3— so 4,725 is divisible by 3. Because 4,725 is divisible by 3 and 5, it is also divisible by 15.
Drill 2 6. Yes: The digits of 123 add up to a multiple of 3 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6), so 123 is divisible by 3. 7. No: 23 is a prime number. It has no factors besides 1 and itself. 8. Prime factors: 2, 2, 5, 5 Factors: 1 ,2 , 4, 5 ,1 0 ,2 0 , 25, 50,100 The prime factors of x are:
®A ©
W /
© ©
Chapter 2 The factors of * are:
5 10
20 10
9. Yes: The Factor Foundation rule is helpful in this question. The problem states that 2,499 is divisible by 147. The Factor Foundation rule states that if 2,499 is divisible by 147, 2,499 will also be divisible by all of the factors of 147. 147 is divisible by 49 (147/49 = 3). Since 49 is a factor of 147, 2,499 is also divisible by 49. 10. 12, 24, 36, and 48: In order to generate multiples of 12 that are less than 50, we can multiply 12 by small integers. 12 x 1 = 12 12 x 2 = 24 1 2 x 3 = 36 1 2 x 4 = 48 All other positive multiples of 12 are larger than 50.
Drill 3 11. No: 285,284,901 ends in a 1, not a 0. It is not divisible by 10. 12. No: 539,105 ends in a 5, so 5 is a factor of 539,105. So are 1 and 539,105. Prime numbers have only two factors, so 539,105 is not prime. 13. Prime factors: 2, 3, 7 Factors: 1, 2, 3, 6 ,7 ,1 4 ,2 1 ,4 2 The prime factors of * are:
®A ©
Divisibility The factors of x are: Small
3 6
14 7
14. 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 28, 42, and 84: The first step in identifying the divisors, or factors, is breaking 84 down into its prime factors. The prime factors of 84 are 2, 2, 3, and 7. In other words, 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 = 84. The prime factors can be used to build all of the factors of 84. Because the question asks for even factors, only factors that are built with at least one 2 will be correct. Even divisors can be built using one 2. 2; 2 x 3 = 6; 2 x 7 = 14; 2 x 3 x 7 = 4 2
Even divisors can also be built using both the twos that are prime factors of 84. 2 x 2 = 4; 2 x 2 x 3 = 12; 2 x 2 x 7 = 28; 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 = 84
The even divisors of 84 are 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 28, 42, and 84. Alternatively, you could make a factor pair table to see which factors are even: Small
3 4
28 21
15. 2, 3, 5, 7, and 7: While we could multiply the numbers together to find the prime factors, there is a faster way. The prime factors of the product of 30 and 49 will consist of the prime factors of 30 and the prime factors of 49. The prime factors of 30 are 2, 3, and 5. The prime factors of 49 are 7 and 7. There fore, the prime factors of 30 x 49 are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 7.
Drill 4 16. 9,108 is divisible by 9 AND by 2: The digits of 9,108 add up to a multiple of 9 ( 9 + 1 + 0 + 8 = 18), so it is a multiple of 9. 9,108 ends in 8, so it is even, which means it is divisible by 2. 17. No: 937,184 ends in 4, which means its even. Therefore, its divisible by 2. Its also divisible by 1 and itself. Prime numbers have only two factors, so 937,184 is not prime.
Chapter 2 18. Primer factors: 3, 13 Factors: 1, 3, 13, 39 The prime factors of x are:
39 / ©
The factors of x are: Small
19. Two: We could multiply these products out or identify all of the prime factors of each number, but there is a more efficient way. Because the question is asking us to make a comparison, we can just focus on the differences between the two products we are comparing. 28 = 14 x 2 (that is, 28 contains everything that 14 contains, and 28 also has one additional factor of 2) 75 = 25 x 3 (that is, 75 contains everything that 25 contains, and 75 also has one additional factor of 3) Therefore, the only additional prime factors in 28 x 75 are the 2 in 28 and the 3 in 75. Thus, the first product has two more prime factors than the second product.
Drill 5 20. 43,360 is divisible by 5 but is NOT divisible by 3: 43,360 ends in 0, so it is divisible by 5. The digits of 43,360 do not add up to a multiple of 3 (4 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 16) so it is not divisible by 3. 21. No: The digits of 81,063 add up to a multiple o f3 (8 + l + 0 + 6 + 3 = 18), so 3 is a factor of 81,063. 1 and 81,063 are also factors of 81,063. Prime numbers have only two factors, so 81,063 is not prime. 22. Prime factors: 37 Factors: 1, 37
Chapter 2
23. 45, 15: We can break 90 down into its factor pairs. Small
Looking at the table, we can see that 45 and 15 are the two largest odd factors of 90.
Drill 6 24. Prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7,17, 29, 31 The numbers in bold below are prime numbers.
2 7 17 31 655
Not prime: All of the even numbers other than 2 (6, 10, 258, 786), since they are divisible by 2. All of the remaining multiples of 5 (15, 655, 1,325) All of the remaining numbers whose digits add up to a multiple of 3, since they are divisible by 3, by definition: 9, 21 (digits add to 3), 27 (digits add to 9), 33 (digits add to 6), 303 (digits add to 6), and 1,023 (digits add to 6). All of these numbers are divisible by 3.
Drill 7 25. 1, 3, 11, 33: If x is divisible by 33, then x is also divisible by everything 33 is divisible by. The factors of 33 are: Small
33 11
Divisibility 26. 63: The factors are 1, 3 ,7 , 9, 21, and 63. 3 x 3 x 7 = 63 Small
1 3
63 21
27. Yes: # / ?
/ 8
/ ©
© © © © ©
4 / ©
For x to be divisible by 12, we need to know that it contains all of the prime factors of 12. 12 = 2 x 2 x 3. Therefore 12 contains two 2s and a 3. xalso contains two 2s and a 3, therefore xis divisible by 12. 28. No: For x to be a multiple of 12, it would need to contain all of the prime factors of 12: 2, 2, and 3. If lx is a multiple of 210, it contains the prime factors 2, 3, 5, and 7. However, we want to know about x, not lx , so we need to divide out the 7. Therefore, x must contain the remaining primes: 2, 3, and 5. Comparing this to the prime factorization of 12, we see that x does have a 2 and a 3, but we don’t know whether it has two 2’s. Therefore, we can’t say that x must be a multiple of 12; it could be, but it doesn’t have to be. Alternatively, we could start by dividing out the 7. If lx is divisible by 210, x is divisible by 30. We therefore know that x contains the prime factors 2, 3, and 5, and we can follow the remaining reasoning from above. 29. b = 2: For integer a to be a multiple of 30, it would need to contain all of the prime factors of 30: 2, 3, and 5. Since a is not a multiple of 30, it must be missing at least one of these prime factors. So if ab is a multiple of 30, b must supply that missing prime factor. The smallest possible missing prime is 2. If b - 2 and a = 15 (or any multiple of 15), both of the initial constraints are met.
Drill 8 30. 1 ,2 ,4 , 5, 8 ,1 0 ,2 0 , and 40: If 40 is a factor of x, then any factor of 40 is also a factor of x. Small 1
Large 40
31. The number is 85 and the factors are 1, 5, 17, and 85. If 5 and 17 are the only prime factors of the number, then the number = 5 x 17, which means the number is 85. Small
32. Yes: x +
/ ?
6 / ©
/ / w © ® ©
For x to be divisible by 15, we need to know that it contains all of the prime factors of 15. 15 = 3 x 5. Therefore 15 contains a 3 and a 5. x also contains a 3 and a 5, therefore x is divisible by 15. 33. Maybe: To be divisible by 8, q needs three 2s in its prime factorization. Rather than combine all of the listed factors (too hard!), we can just look through and see how many 2s we have. We cant simply count all of the numbers that contain 2, because we might have some overlapping fac tors. For instance, 6 is a multiple of 2 and 3, so the fact that q is divisible by both 2 and 6 tells us only that we have at least one 2 (and at least one 3); we don’t necessarily have two factors of 2. Instead, we need to look for the largest number of 2’s we see in one factor. 12 contains two 2’s, so we know that q must be a multiple of 4, but we do not know whether q contains three 2’s. It might or it might not. Alternately, we could run through our list of factors, adding to the list when new factors appear. 2: q must be divisible by 2. 6: The 3 is new. q must be divisible by 2 and 3. 9: The second 3 is new. q must be divisible by 2, 3, and 3.
Divisibility 12: The second 2 is new. q must be divisible by 2, 2, 3, and 3. 15: The 5 is new. q must be divisible by 2, 2, 3, 3, and 5. 30: Nothing new. q must be divisible by 2, 2, 3, 3, and 5. Again, we see that we only have two 2s for certain. Therefore q must be a multiple of 180 (that is, 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5), but it does not absolutely have to be a multiple of 8. 34. minimum = 1; maximum = 2s Let s start with our more constrained variable: p. Because it is prime, we know that it has exactly 2 factors— itself and 1. Therefore, our maximum number of “factors in common” cannot be more than 2. Can p and q have exactly 2 factors in common? Certainly; q can be a multiple of p. (For instance, i(p = 3 and q = 12, the common factors are 1 and 3.) What about the minimum? Can p and q have absolutely no factors in common? Try some numbers. If we choose p = 3 and q = 10, then the two numbers don’t have any prime factors in common, but notice that they are both divisible by 1. Any number is always divisible by 1. Therefore, our minimum possible number of factors is 1 (the number one itself) and our maximum is 2 (the two factors of prime number p>.
Drill 9 35. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64: If 64 divides n, then any divisors of 64 will also be divisors of n. Small
36. The number is 132 and the factors are 1, 2, 3 , 4, 6 , 1 1 , 12, 22, 3 3 ,44, 66, and 132: 2 x 2 x 3 x 11 = 132
37. Maybe:
3 4
Divisibility n
/ ?
— ►
© @
For 12 to be a factor of n, « must contain all of the prime factors of 12. 12 = 2 x 2 x 3, so 12 contains two 2s and a 3. n also contains a 3 but only contains one 2 that we know of, so we don’t know whether 12 is a factor of 38. a = 6s We have a bit of a puzzle here. What kind of number has exactly four factors? Let’s start by looking at our most constrained variable— a. It is a positive one-digit number, so something between 1 and 9, inclusive, and it has four factors. We know that prime numbers have exactly two factors: them selves and one, so we only need to look at non-prime one-digit positive integers. That’s a small enough field that we can list them out: 1—just one factor! 4— 3 factors: 1, 2, and 4 6— 4 factors: 1, 2, 3, and 6 8— 4 factors: 1, 2, 4, and 8 9— 3 factors: 1, 3, and 9 So our two possibilities for a are 6 and 8. We now have to apply our two constraints for b. It is 9 greater than a , and it has exactly four factors. Here are our possibilities: If a - 6, then b - 15. 15 has 4 factors: 1, 3, 5, and 15. If a —8, then b = 17. 17 is prime, so it has only has 2 factors: 1 and 17. Only b - 15 works, so a must be 6. 39. 4: Because we have been asked for a concrete answer, we can infer that the answer will be the same regardless of which 2-digit prime we pick. So for simplicity’s sake, let’s pick the smallest and most familiar one: 11. If n is the product of 2, 3, and 11, its factors are: Small
3 6
22 11
In this case, we can simply use the right-hand portion of our chart. We have four factors larger than 6: 11, 22, 33, and 66.
Chapter 2
Notice that because the other given prime factors of n (2 and 3) multiply to get exactly 6, we can only get a number greater than 6 by multiplying by the third factor, the “two-digit prime number.” The right hand column represents that third factor multiplied by all of the other factors: 1 1 x 6 , 11 x3 , 1 1 x 2 , and 11 x 1. If we replace 11 with another two-digit prime, we will get the same result. (If you’re not sure, try it!)
Drill 10 40.Yes: n
/ 21
r()®S ©
For 30 to be a divisor of n, n has to contain all of the prime factors of 30. 30 = 2 x 3 x 5, so 30 contains 2, 3, and 5. n also contains 2, 3 and 5, so 30 is a divisor of n. 41. Yes:
/ 4
/ 21
n 55
-- ► (2)©©(5)(7)
For 154 to divide n, n has to contain all the same prime factors as 154. 154 = 2 x 7 x 11, so 154 con tains 2, 7, and 11. n also contains 2, 7 and 11, so 154 divides n. 42. Maybe:
/ i
J 98
<9 / ©
15 ©
/ ©
For 270 to be a factor of n, n must contain all the same prime factors as 270. 270 = 2 x 3 * 3 x 3 x 5, so 270 contains a 2, three 3 s, and a 5. n contains a 2 and a 5, but only one 3. Therefore, 270 is not definitely a factor of n.
Foundations of GMAT Math
Exponents & Roots
Basics of Exponents Multiply Terms with Same Base: Add the Exponents Divide Terms with Same Base: Subtract the Exponents Pretty Much Anything to the Zeroth Power: One Negative Power: One Over a Positive Power Apply Two Exponents: Multiply the Exponents Apply an Exponent to a Product: Apply the Exponent to Each Factor Add or Subtract Terms with the Same Base: Pull Out a Common Factor Roots: Opposite of Exponents Square Root: Power o f One Half Cube Roots Undo Cubing Multiply Square Roots: Multiply the Insides Simplify Square Roots: Factor Out Squares Add or Subtract Inside the Root: Pull Out Common Square Factors
Exponents & Roots I n T h is C h a p te r: •
Rules of exponents
Rules of roots
Basics of Exponents To review, exponents represent repeated multiplication. The exponent, or power, tells you how many bases to multiply together. 53
Five cubed
three fives multipliedwhich one hundred together, or five times equals twenty-five, five times five,
An exponential expression or term simply has an exponent in it. Exponential expressions can contain variables as well. The variable can be the base, the exponent, or even both. a4
ax ax ax a
a to the fourth
four as multiplied together, or a times a times a times a.
Three to the xth power
Any base to the first power is just that base.
3 x 3 x ... x 3 three times three times dot dot dot times three. There are x threes in the product, whatever x is.
Chapter 3
Seven to the first equals seven. Memorize the following powers of positive integers. Squares
12= 1
2 2= 4
23 = 8
32 = 9
33 = 27
42 = 16
43 = 64
52 = 25
53 = 125
62 = 36
103 = 1,000
72 = 49 82 = 64
Powers of 2
92 = 81
2' = 2
102 = 100
22 = 4
l l 2 = 121
23 = 8
122 = 144
24 = 16
132 = 169
25 = 32
142= 196
26 = 64
152 = 225
27 = 128
202 = 400
28 = 256
302= 900
29 = 512 210 = 1,024
Powers of 3
Powers of 4
3' = 3
4' = 4
32 = 9
42 = 16
33 = 27
43 = 64
34 = 81 Powers of 5
Powers of 10
51 = 5
101 = 10
52 = 25
102 = 100
53 = 125
103 = 1,000
Remember PEMDAS? Exponents come before everything else, except Parentheses. That includes nega tive signs. - ( 3 2)
Exponents & Roots The negative o f
three squared
the negative o f the which quantity three squared,
To calculate - 3 2, square the 3 before you multiply by negative one (-1). If you want to square the nega tive sign, throw parentheses around -3. (-3)2
The square o f
negative three
In (—3)2, the negative sign and the three are both inside the parentheses, so they both get squared. If you say “negative three squared,” you probably mean (-3)2, but someone listening might write down - 3 2, so say “the square of negative three” instead. The powers o f—1 alternate between 1 and —1. Even powers o f—1 are always 1, while odd powers o f—1 are always -1. (-1)1
= -1
= -1
(-1)2 (-1)3
=-lx-l = —1 x —1 x —1 = —1 x —1 X —1 x —1
=1 = -1
Negative numbers raised to an even power are always positive. Negative numbers raised to an odd num ber are always negative. (Negative)6™ = Positive
(Negative)odd= Negative
A positive base raised to any power is always positive, because positive times positive is positive— no matter how many times you multiply. Since an even exponent gives you a positive result for both a positive and a negative base, an even expo nent can hide the sign of the base. Consider this equation: x2 = 16 In Chapter 6, “Equations,” we will cover in more depth how to solve an equation such as this one. For now, notice that two numbers for x would make the equation true: 42 = 16
(-4)2 = 16
The value of x could be either 4 or —4. Always be careful when dealing with even exponents in equa tions. Look for more than one possible solution.
Exponents & Roots Check Your Skills 1. Which is greater, - 5 8 or (-5 )8 ? Answers can be found on page 131.
Multiply Terms with Same Base: Add the Exponents Imagine that you multiply together a string of five as. Now multiply a second string of three a s togeth er. Finally, because you love multiplication, go ahead and multiply the two strings together. How many a s do you end up with? Write it all out longhand: (a x a x a x a x a) x (a x a x a) - a x a x a x a x a x a x a x a Now use exponential notation: a5
a to the fifth
a to the third
a to the eighth.
What happens to the exponents 5 and 3? They add up: 5 + 3 = 8. This works because we only have as in the equation. The two terms on the left {a5 and a3) have the same base (a), so we have eight as on each side of the equation. When you multiply exponential terms that have the same base, add the exponents. Treat any term without an exponent as if it had an exponent of 1. y ( y 6) = y
xy 6 =y l
X y6
= y 1+6 = f
Adding exponents works with numbers in the base, even weird numbers such as n. You just have to make sure that the bases are the same. 53 X 56 = 59
7TX 7C 2 = X 5
The rule also works with variables in the exponent. 23x 2Z= 23+z
6(6*) = 61x 6 x = 6l+x = 6X+1
Check Your Skills Simplify the following expressions. 2. b5 x b7 =
3 .(x 3)(x*) = Answers can be found on page 131.
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Divide Terms with Same Base: Subtract the Exponents Now divide a string of five as by a string of three as. Again, these are strings of multiplied as. What is the result?
ax ax ax ax a axaxa
aXfiXflXflXa flXfiXfl
------------------- = -------------------- —a x a
— = a2
In exponential notation, you have this:
What happens to the exponents? You subtract the bottom exponent from the top exponent. 5 - 3 = 2. When you divide exponential terms that have the same base, subtract the exponents. This rule works the same for numbers as for variables, either in the base or in the exponent. y
— rr 21 D = 216-13 = 23 = 8
^ 2=. ^ - 2 X
Again, treat any term without an exponent as if it had an exponent of 1. r9 r9 J _ _ J _ _ rS f
Just always make sure that the bases are the same. Here s the rule book so far. If you... Multiply exponential terms that have the same base Divide exponential terms that have the same base
Then you...
Like this:
Add the exponents
a1 x a5 = o ’
Subtract the exponents
~&S = a
Check Your Skills Simplify the following expressions.
4 .4 y 5.
Answers can be found on page 131.
Chapter 3
Exponents & Roots
Pretty Much Anything to the Zeroth Power: One Divide a string of five ds by a string of five as. As before, each string is internally multiplied. What do you get? Using longhand, you get 1.
a x a x a x a x a __4 X 4 X 4 XfiX4 axaxaxaxa
4 x 4 x 41x 4 x 4
Using the exponent subtraction rule, you get a0. J> ———a a a
^ 5~ 5
So <2° must equal 1. That’s true for practically any value of a. 1° = 1
6.2° = 1
(-4)° = 1
The only value of a that doesn’t work is 0 itself. The expression 0° is undefined. Notice that the argu ment above required us to divide by a. Since you can’t divide by 0, you can’t raise 0 to the 0th power either. The GMAT will never ask you to do so. For any nonzero value of a , we can say that a 0= 1. Now we can extend the powers of 2 to include 2°. Powers of 2 2°= 1 21= 2 22 = 4 23 = 8
24 = 16 The pattern should make sense. Each power of 2 is 2 times the previous power of 2.
Negative Power: One Over a Positive Power What happens if you divide a string of three a s by a string of five as? Using longhand, you get a leftover a2 in the denominator of the fraction. 1 _ 1
aX aX a axaxaxaxa
aX aX 4X 4X 4
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Using the exponent subtraction rule, you get a~2. 3 a 3 -5 -2 —r = a =a a So those two results must be equal. Something with a negative exponent is just “one over” that same thing with a positive exponent.
a a to the negative two equals one over a squared In other words, a~2 is the reciprocal of a1. The reciprocal of 5 is “one over” 5, or —. You can also think of reciprocals this way: something times its reciprocal always equals 1. 5 x■-^ = l 5
-2 1 _=! l a 2^x ^ a
-2 = a2-2 a22wxa~2 2-2 = ao° = 1
Now we can extend the powers of 2 to include negative exponents. Powers of 2 2-} = -V = - =0.125 2 8 2'2= ^ = - =0.25 2 4 2_1 = — = 0.5
21 = 2 22 = 4 23 = 8
24 = 16 The pattern should still make sense. Each power of 2 is 2 times the previous power of 2. The rules we’ve seen so far work the same for negative exponents. 5-3 x 5~6 = 5'3+(-6) = 5~9 * L = xK -* > = x* X
Negative exponents are tricky, so it can be useful to rewrite them using positive exponents. A negative exponent in a term on top of a fraction becomes positive when you move the term to the bottom.
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3 5
5x J/
X )
Here, we moved x'2 from the numerator to the denominator and switched the sign of the exponent from - 2 to 2. Everything else stays the same. Likewise, a negative exponent in the bottom of a fraction becomes positive when the term moves to the top. 3
Z U)
Here, we moved z~4 from the denominator to the numerator and switched the sign of the exponent from - 4 to 4. If you move the entire denominator, leave a 1 behind. 1
-4 ~
4 ~ Z
The same is true for a numerator. w 5 2
1 2w
Don’t confuse the sign of the base with the sign of the exponent. A positive base raised to a negative exponent stays positive. 3-3 = — = — 33 27 A negative base follows the same rules as before. Odd powers of a negative base produce negative num bers. (-4 )-3 =
1 (-4 )
-6 4
Even powers of a negative base produce positive numbers. 1
(-6 )-
•= ( - 6 ) = 36
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Here are additional rules for the rule book. If you...
Then you...
Like this:
Raise anything to the zeroth power (besides zero itself)
Get one
a°= 1
Raise anything to a negative
Get one over that same thing to
the corresponding positive power
Move a term from top to Switch the sign of the exponent
bottom of a fraction (or vice versa)
-2 _
1 / a72
2a 2 _ 2 3
Check Your Skills Simplify the following expressions.
6. 2'3
Answers can be found on page 131.
Apply Two Exponents: Multiply the Exponents How do you simplify this expression? (*2)4 Use the definition of exponents. First you square a. Then you multiply four separate a2 terms together. In longhand: (a2)4 = a2 x a2 x a2 x a2 = a2+2+2+2 = a8 What happens to the exponents 2 and 4? You multiply them: 2 x 4 = 8. On each side, you have eight ds multiplied together. When you raise something that already has an exponent to another power, multiply the two exponents together. Always keep these two cases straight. Addition rule:
a2x a4 = a2+4 = a6
Multiplication rule:
(a2)4 = a2x4 = a8
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
To add exponents, you should see two bases, as in x a4. To multiply exponents, you should be apply ing two exponents, one after the other, to just one base: (a2)4. The “apply two exponents” rule works perfectly with negative exponents as well. (*-3)5= *-3x5= x -15 (4~2)~3 = 4~2 x~3 = 4 6
I f you...
Multiply the powers
successive powers
Like this:
Raise something to two
Then you...
Put it all together. Now you can handle this expression: x -} (x 2)4
First, simplify (x2)4. (x2)4 = x2*4 = x8 The fraction now reads: -3
Now follow the rules for multiplying and dividing terms that have the same base. That is, you add and subtract the exponents:
If you have different bases that are numbers, try breaking the bases down to prime factors. You might discover that you can express everything in terms of one base. 22 x 43 x 16 = (A) 26 (B) 212 (C) 218
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
The efficient way to attack this problem is to break down 4 and 16 into prime factors. Both 4 and 16 are powers of 2, so we have: 4 = 22 and 16 = 24 Everything can now be expressed with 2 as the base. 22 x 43 x 16
= 22 x (22)3 x 24 = 22 x 26 x 24 _ 22+6+4 =
The correct answer is (B).
Check Your Skills Simplify the following expressions: 8. (x3)4
a ° ( ° 3)
Answers can be found on page 131.
Apply an Exponent to a Product: Apply the Exponent to Each Factor Consider this expression: (*# How can you rewrite this? Use the definition of exponents. You multiply three xy terms together. (xy)3 = xyx xyx xy So you have three x’s multiplied together and threey s multiplied together. You can group these up sepa rately, because everything’s multiplied. (xy)3 = xy x xy x xy = x3)/3 When you apply an exponent to a product, apply the exponent to each factor. This rule works with every kind of base and exponent weve seen so far. (3x)4 = 34x4 = 81x4 (lU2?)x = U?2?x
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
( 2 - y y 3 = 2-2x- y x-3= 26y ~6= GAy 6 = —— You do the same thing with division. In particular, if you raise an entire fraction to a power, you sepa rately apply the exponent to the numerator and to the denominator.
4 x 32
^ , the exponent applies only to the numerator (3). Respect PEMDAS, as always. Here’s more for
the rule book.
Apply an exponent to a product
Apply the exponent to each factor
Apply an exponent
Apply the exponent
to an entire fraction
separately to top and bottom
Like this: II
Then you...
I f you...
a^ 4
You can use this principle to write the prime factorization of big numbers without computing those numbers directly. What is the prime factorization of 183? Don’t multiply out 18 x 18 x 18. Just figure out the prime factorization of 18 itself, then apply the rule above. 18 = 2
183 = (2 x 32)3 = 23 x 36 = 2336 Now simplify this harder example. 122 X 8 _ 18
Chapter 3
Exponents & Roots First, break each base into its prime factors and substitute. 12 = 22 x 3 122 x 8
8 = 23
18 = 2 x 32
(22X3)2X 2 3
Now apply the exponent on the parentheses. (2 2 X 3 )2 X 2 3
24 x 32 x 23
Finally, combine the terms with 2 as their base. Remember that a 2 without a written exponent really has an exponent of 1. Separately, combine the terms with 3 as their base. 2 X3 * 2 = 24+3_1 x 3 2- 2 = 26 x 3° = 26 x 1 = 26 = 64 2x3
Occasionally, its faster not to break down all the way to primes. If you spot a larger common base, feel free to use it. Try this example: 36^ =
64 You can simplify this expression by breaking 36 and 6 down to primes. But if you recognize that 36 = 62, then you can go much faster:
363 ~7T~ ~
(62f Tk
= “TT = 6
One last point: be ready to rewrite *z3£3 as (
by regrouping
= (2 x 3)4 = 64 More often you need to change (a b f into a?b5, but occasionally it’s handy to go in reverse.
Exponents & Roots
Chapters If you...
Then you...
See two factors with the same
Might regroup the factors
as a product
Like this: a3P = (al?)5
Check Your Skills Simplify the following expressions.
V / ^ 753X453 158
Answers can be found on page 131.
Add or Subtract Terms with the Same Base: Pull Out a Common Factor Every case so far in this chapter has involved only multiplication and division. What if you are adding or subtracting exponential terms? Consider this example: 135 + 133 = Do not be tempted to add the exponents and get 138. That is the answer to a similar but different ques tion (namely, what is 135 x 133?). The right answer to a different question is always wrong. Instead, look for a common factor and pull it out. Both 135 and 133 are divisible by 133, so thats your common factor. If necessary, rewrite 135 as 133132 first. 135 + 133 = 133 x 132 + 133 = 133(132 + 1) You could go further and rewrite 132 as 169. The right answer choice would possibly look like this: 133(170). If we had xs instead of 13 s as bases, the factoring would work the same way. X5 + X5 — X3 X X 1 + X5 = x ^ ix 1 + 1)
Try this example: 3« _ 37 _ 36 = (A) 36(5) (B) 36 (C) 3-5
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
All three terms (38, 37, and 36) are divisible by 36, so pull 3 6 out of the expression: 38 _ 37 _ 36 = 36(32 _ 31 _ 30) = 36(9 _ 3 _ 1) = 36(5)
The correct answer is (A). Now try to simplify this fraction: 34 + 3 5 + 3 6 13 Ignore the 13 on the bottom of the fraction for the moment. On the top, each term is divisible by 34.
34 + 3 5+ 3 6
34 ( 3 ° + 31 + 3 2)
Continue to simplify the small powers of 3 in the parentheses: 3 4 + 3 5 + 3 6 _ 3 4 (3° + 31 + 32) _ 34 (l + 3 + 9 ) _ 34 ( 13 ) 13
Now we can cancel the 13s on the top and bottom of the fraction. 3 4 + 3 5 + 3 6 _ 3 4 (3° + 3‘ + 32) _ 3 4 (1 + 3 + 9) _ 3 4 (13) 13
= 34
If you don’t have the same bases in what you’re adding or subtracting, you can’t immediately factor. If the bases are numbers, break them down to smaller factors and see whether you now have anything in common. 4 6+ 206 = Again, don’t answer the wrong question. 4 6 x 206 = (4 x 20)6 = 806, but that doesn’t answer this ques tion. We need to add 4 6 and 206, not multiply them. Since 4 is a factor of 20 , rewrite 20 as 4 x 5 and apply the exponent to that product. 46
+ 206 = 4 6 + (4 x 5)6 = 46+ 4 6 x 56
Now pull out the common factor of 46. 4 6 + 206 = 4 6 + (4 x 5)6 = 4 6 + 4 6 x 56 = (1 + 56)46.
Exponents & Roots Thats as far as you’d reasonably go, given the size of 4 6 and 56. Finally, try this one: 4 5 + 203 = Start itthe same way as before. Rewrite 20 as
4 x 5 and apply the exponent.
4 5 + 203 = 4 5 + (4 x 5)3 = 45 + 4 3 x 53 Now, the common factor is only 43. 4 5 + 203 = 45 + (4 x 5)3 = 45 + 4 3 x 53 = 4 3 x 4 2 + 4 3 x 53 = 4 3(42 + 53) Tlie result isn’t especially pretty, but it’s legitimate. Here’s the rule book: Then you...
Like this:
Pull out the common factor
23 + 25 = 2 3(1 + 2 2)
I f you... Add or subtract terms with the same base Add or subtract terms with
Break down the bases and
different bases
pull out the common factor
23 + 63 = 2 3(1 + 3 3)
Check Your Skills Simplify the following expression by factoring out a common term: 12. 55 + 54 - 5 3 Answers can be found on page 131.
Roots: Opposite of Exponents Squaring a number means raising it to the 2nd power (or multiplying it by itself). Square-rooting a number undoes that process. 32 Three
is nine,
yfe) and the square
root of nine
If you square-root first, then square, you get back to the original number.
(VT6 )2 = The square of the square root of sixteen
VI6 x j l 6 equals
the square root of which sixteen times the square root of sixteen,
= sixteen,
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
If you square first, then square-root, you get back to the original number if the original number is posi tive. V5x5 The square root of
five squared
the square root of
five times five,
If the original number is negative, you just flip the sign, so you end up with a positive.
The square root of the
square of negative five
the square root of
5 five,
In fact, square-rooting the square of something is just like taking the absolute value of that thing (see Chapter 8).
Square a square root
Get the original number
Square-root a square
Get the absolute value of the original number
Like this: O r-H II
Then you...
I f you...
Vio2 =io 7 ( - 1 0 )2 = 1 0
Because 9 is the square of an integer (9 = 32), 9 is a perfect square and has a nice integer square root. In contrast, 2 is not the square of an integer, so its square root is an ugly decimal, as we saw in Chapter 1. Memorize the perfect squares on page 106 so you can take their square roots easily. Also memorize these approximations: 72=1.4
V 3 -1.7
You can approximate the square root of a non-perfect square by looking at nearby perfect squares. The square root of a bigger number is always bigger than the square root of a smaller number. Try this example: V70 is between what two integers? Two nearby perfect squares are 64 and 81. f64 = 8 and
T = 9, so V70 must be between 8 and 9.
Its closer to 8, in fact, but you wont have to approximate the decimal part.
Exponents & Roots The square root of a number bigger than 1 is smaller than the original number. J2 < 2
f2l < 21
However, the square root of a number between 1 and 0 is bigger than the original number. y/0.5 >0.5
(y /0 5 * > 0 j)
In either case, the square root of a number is closer to 1 than the original number. The square root of 1 is 1, since l 2 = 1. Likewise, the square root of 0 is 0, since 02 = 0.
You cannot take the square root of a negative number in GMAT world. What is inside the radical sign must never be negative. Likewise, the square root symbol never gives a negative result. This may seem strange. After all, both 52 and (-5 )2 equal 25, so shouldn’t the square root of 25 be either 5 or -5? No. Mathematicians like to have symbols mean one thing. >/25 = 5 and that’s that. When you see the square root symbol on the GMAT, only consider the positive root. In contrast, when you take the square root of both sides of an equation, you have to consider both posi tive and negative roots. a; = V25
solution: x = 5
x2 = 25
solutions: x = 5 O R x = —5
Be careful with square roots of variable expressions. The expression must not be negative, or the square root is illegal.
Check Your Skills 13. V27x V27 = Answers can be found on page 131.
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Square Root: Power of One Half Consider this equation: (9xf = 9 What is xi We can find x using tools we already have. ( r ) 2 =9 92* = 91
The exponents must be equal. So 2x = 1, or x =
Now we know that ^9^ j = 9. We also know that (V9) = 9. So we can conclude that y/9 = 9^. For expressions with positive bases, a square root is equivalent to an exponent of —. 2 Try to simplify this example:
1/7 “ = You can approach the problem in either of two ways. 1. Rewrite the square root as an exponent of —, then apply the two-exponent rule (multiply exponents). y jj22 = ^7 22
_ y2% _ y 11
2 . Rewrite whats inside the square root as a product of two equal factors. The square root is therefore one of those factors. 7 22 = 7 n x 7 n = 4 ? UX7U = 7 u Notice that you get an exponent that is exactly h a lfo t the exponent inside the square root. This tells you that a number such as I 11 is a perfect square: 722 = (711)2- An integer raised to a positive even power is always a perfect square.
Exponents & Roots Heres the rule book: Like this:
I f you...
Then you...
Take a square root of a
Rewrite the square root as
positive number raised to a power
an exponent of —, then multiply exponents
>/5ir = ( 5 n f = 56
OR 7 5 ir = V 5 6 x 5 6
Rewrite whats inside the root as a product of two
= 56
equal factors
J. Avoid changing the square root to an exponent of 2 when you have variable expressions inside the radi cal, since the output depends on the sign of the variables.
Check Your Skills 14. Ifxis positive, Vx®' = Answers can be found on page 131.
Cube Roots Undo Cubing Cubing a number means raising it to the 3rdpower. Cube-rooting a number undoes that process. 43 Four
=64 is
and sixty-four,
y /6 4 and
= the cube
root of sixty-four
Many of the properties of square roots carry over to cube roots. You can approximate cube roots the same way
is a little more than 4, but less than 5, because y/64 = 4 andyj125 - 5.
Like square-rooting, cube-rooting a positive number pushes it toward 1. yjY7 <17
The main difference in behavior between square roots and cube roots is that you can take the cube root of a negative number. You wind up with a negative number. yJ-64 = - 4
(-4 )3 = -6 4
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
As a fractional exponent, cube roots are equivalent to exponents of —, just as square roots are equiva1 ^ lent to exponents of —. Going further, fourth roots are equivalent to exponents of —, and so on. 2 4
We now can deal with fractional exponents. Consider this example:
8^ = 2
Rewrite — as 2 X —, making two successive exponents. This is the same as squaring first, then cube3 3 rooting.
8^ = 8i>‘^ = ( 82)K = # ' = ^/64=4 2
Since you can rewrite — as —x 2 instead, you can take the cube root first and then square the result, if you like.
8* = 8^ = ^
If you...
Then you...
Like this:
Apply two exponents— the Raise a number to a
numerator as is and the
fractional power
denominator as a root, in either order
125% = ( V l 2 5 ) 2 = 52 = 2 5
Check Your Skills 15.642/3= Answers can be found on page 131.
Multiply Square Roots: Multiply the Insides Consider this example: V8 x V 2 = We saw before that 8*2* = (8 x 2)a. This principle holds true for fractional exponents as well. > /8 x V 2 = 8^
2^ =(8
2 )^ = V 8
Chapter 3
In practice, we can usually skip the fractional exponents. When you multiply square roots, multiply the insides.
V8xV2 =V8x2 = V l 6 = 4 This shortcut works for division too. When you divide square roots, divide the insides.
V 3
As long as you’re only multiplying and dividing, you can deal with more complicated expressions.
Multiply square roots
Divide square roots
Then you... Multiply the insides, then square-root Divide the insides, then square-root
Check Your Skills Simplify the following expressions. 16. V20xV5 V384 17‘ V^xV3 Answers can be found on page 131.
Simplify Square Roots: Factor Out Squares What does this product equal? a/6 x ^2 = First, you multiply the insides: y [ 6 x j2 = y / l2
Like this: y fa x jb = 4ab tri
If you...
Vl5xVl2 115x12 — 35— ■
Exponents & Roots You might think that you’re done— after all, 12 is not a perfect square, so you won’t get an integer out of V l 2 . -s/l~2 is mathematically correct, but it will never be a correct answer on the GMAT, because it can be simplified. That is, y[2 can be written in terms of smaller roots. Here’s how. 12 has a perfect square as a factor. Namely, 12 = 4 x 3. So plug in this product and separate the result into two roots. 7l2= 74x3 = 7 4 x 7 3 The point of this exercise is that 7 4 is nice and tidy: 7 4 = 2 . So finish up: 712=74x3=74x73=2^ If the GMAT asks you for the value of 7 6 X 7 2 , then 273 will be the answer. To simplify square roots, factor out squares. Then you...
If you... Have the square root of a large number (or a root that
Pull square factors out of
doesn’t match any
Like this: V50=V25x 2
the number under the
answer choices)
= V25xV2
radical sign = 5^2
Sometimes you can spot the square factor, if you know your perfect squares.
7360 = 360 should remind you of 36, which is a perfect square. 360 = 36 x 10.
7360 =736x10= 736 x7T0=67l0 What if you don’t spot a perfect square? You can always break the number down to primes. This method is longer but guaranteed. Consider V l 2 again. The prime factorization of 12 is 2 x 2 x 3, or 22 x 3.
7l2=722x3 = 7 ^ x 73=273 Each pair of prime factors under the radical (2 x 2 , or 22) turns into a single copy as it emerges (becom ing the 2 in 2yji ). In this exercise, it can be useful to write out the prime factorization without expo nents, so that you can spot the prime pairs quickly.
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Take V360 again. Say you don’t spot the perfect square factor (36). Write out the prime factorization o f 360.
360 / (2 )
180 / ( 2)
90 / 9
/ /
© @© © 360 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 Now pair off two 2’s and two 3’s, leaving an extra 2 and 5 under the radical. V 3 6 0 = > / 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 = 7 2 x 2 x 7 3 x 3 x ^ 2 x 5 = 2 x 3 x 7 2 x 5 = 6 > /l0
Check Your Skills Simplify the following roots. 18. 7 % 19. 7 4 4 1
Answers can be found on page 131.
Add or Subtract Inside the Root: Pull Out Common Square Factors Consider this example:
Don’t be fooled. You cannot break this root into
+ y [^ . You can only break up products, not
sums, inside the square root. For instance, this is correct: V32 x 4 2 = ^ x > / 4 I = 3 x 4 = 12 To evaluate yjd2 + 4 2 , follow PEMDAS under the radical, then take the square root. V3 2 + 4 2 = V9 + 16 =a/25 = 5
The same goes for subtraction. V l3 2 - 5 2 = 7 1 6 9 - 2 5 = V l 4 4 = 1 2 O ften you have to just crunch the num bers if they’re small. However, when the num bers get large, the G M A T will give you a necessary shortcut: factoring out squares. You’ll need to find a square factor that is com m on to both terms under the radical. This square term will probably have an exponent in it. V 310+ 3 ' = First, consider 3 10 + 3 11 by itself. W h a t is the largest factor that the two terms in the sum have in com mon? 3 10. N ote that 3 11 = 3 10 x 3. 3 io + 311 = 310(1 + 3 ) = 3 >o(4)
After you’ve factored, the addition becomes simply 1 + 3 . Now plug back into the square root. V 310+ 3 U = V 3 10( l + 3 ) = V 3 10( 4 ) = V 3 IF x V 4
Since 3 10 = (35)2, V
310 = ( 3 10
^ 3l° = 3 5. Alternatively, you can apply the square root as an exponent o f — :
= 3 ^ = 3 5. A nd, o f course, V 4 = 2.
V 310 + 3 U = %/3, 0 ( l + 3 ) = ^ / 3 I0 ( 4 ) =
4= 35x2
The answer m ight be in the form 3 5(2).
If y o u ...
Then y o u ...
A dd or subtract
Factor out a square
underneath the square
factor from the sum or
root symbol
Like this: V 4 14+ 4 I 6 = ^ / 4 ,4 ( l + 4 2) = V 4 14 X yj + 16
= 4 7V l 7 OR Go ahead and crunch
V 6 “ + 8 2 = V 36 + 64
the num bers as written,
i f they’re small
= V io o = 1 0
Check Your Skills 20. Vi 0s —104 =
Answers can be fou n d on page 131.
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Check Your Skills Answer Key: 1. (—5)8: —58 = —1 x 58, and is thus negative. (—5)8 will be positive. 2. P * b7 = b(i+7) = b n 3. (x5)(x4) = x i3+4> = x 7
5. ? - = d * - 7) = d d1 6. 2-} = 8 1 7. —r = 33 = 27 3 8.
^ x 4 = jc12 - = a 15-0-9 = U6
10. ,,
x y
2x2 1x2 4 2 7 * y 4 2 6 -3X2 = — - = * y z
753 x 453 _ ( 3 x 52)3 x (32 x 5)3 _ (33 x 5 6)x (3 6 x 5 3) _ 39 x 5 9 _ , wC_ , e 15
(3 x 5)
(3 x 5 )
3 x5
12. 53(52 + 5 - 1) 13. 27: any square root times itself equals the number inside. 14. yfx^ = yjx* x x 3 = x 3. Since x is positive, x3 is positive too. 15. 642/3 = (7 6 4 )2 = (4)2 = l6 16. ^ 2 0 x 7 5 = V 20x5 = VlOO =10 n
m 72x73
m r n . = j t i mt
V 6
18. 7 % = 7 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 7 l 6 x 7 3 x 2 = 4 7 6 19. 7 4 4 1 ^ ^ / 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 = 7 3 x 3 x 7 7 x 7 = 3 x 7 = 21 20. 7 l 0 5 —104 = V l04( 1 0 - l) = 1027 9 = 1 0 0 x 3 = 300
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Chapter Review: Drill Sets Drill 1 Simplify the following expressions by combining like terms. If the base is a number, leave the answer in exponential form (i.e. 23, not 8). 1. Xs x x3 = 2. 76 x 79 = - b 4. (o3)2 = 5 . 4-2 x 4 5= 6 .^ 1 =
(-3 )2 7. (32)-3 =
8 .1 2 1 11*
9. x2 x x3 x x 5 = 10. (52)* =
Drill 2 Simplify the following expressions by combining like terms. If the base is a number, leave the answer in exponential form (i.e. 23, not 8). 1 1 . 34 X 32 X 3 =
■J2 x sx x 6 x2 13.
56 x 5 4x
54 14.y7x y8x y 6 =
x4 15 16.
— —j — =
z~8 32xx 3 6x
17- ^ i T - =
18. (x2)6 x x3 = 19.(z6)xX 23x = 2
. ^
(5 )
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Drill 3 Follow the directions for each question.
21. Compute the sum. 273 + 9 2 +-^ - = ? 9 22. Which of the following has the lowest value? (A) (-3 )4 (B) - 3 3 (C) (-3 )-3 (D) (-2 )3 (E) 2-6 /^3
23. Compute the sum. 6 3 - -
2 + 8 3 =?
24. Which of the following is equal to v5 , 3
(B) v5 /
2^3 v ’5 ,
'5 ?
Chapter 3
Exponents & Roots 25. Which of the following has a value less than 1 ? (Select all th at apply)
(E) (-4)3
Drill 4 Simplify the following expressions by finding common bases. 2 6 .83 x 26 2 7 .492 x 77 2 8 .254 x 1253 2 9 .9~2 x 272 3 0 .2~7 x 82
Drill 5 Simplify the following expressions by pulling out as many common factors as possible. 3 1 .6 3 + 33 = (A) 3s
(B) 39
(C) 2(33)
3 2 .813 + 274 = (A) 37(2)
(B) 312(2)
(C) 314
(B) 5223
(C) 5232
3 3 .152- 5 2 = (A) 52(2)
3 4 .43 + 43 + 43 + 43 + 32 + 32 + 32 = (A)44 + 33
(B)4,2 + 36
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
4 -8 24 + 4 2 (B) 22(7)
Drill 6 Simplify the following expressions. All final answers should be integers. 36. 7 3 x ^ 2 7 37. a/2X a/18
3 8 .#
39. 40,
a/5X a/45
V 5,00 0
41. a/36X a/4 42.
V2 43.
a/54Xa/3 &
a/640 a/2X a/5 a/30 xa/12
Drill 7 Simplify the following roots. Not every answer will be an integer. 46. a/32 47. a/24 48. a/180 49. a/490 50. a/450 51. a/135 52. a/224 53. a/343
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
54. V 208 55. V 4 3 2
Drill 8 Simplify the following roots. You will be able to completely eliminate the root in every question. Ex press answers as integers. 5 6 . n/ 3 6 2 + 1 5 2 5 7 . -/352 - 2 1
5 8 . V 6 ( 5 6+ 5 7 ) 59. V 84 + 8 5
60. V215 + 2 13 - 2 12 61. V 5 0 3 - 5 0 2 62.
1 1 - 1 12 30
63. V57 - 5 s + 5 4
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Drill Sets Solutions Drill 1 Simplify the following expressions by combining like terms. If the base is a number, leave the answer in exponential form (i.e. 23, not 8). I. x5 x x3 = x (5+3) = x8 2
76 x 79 = 7<6+9) = 7 15
3. - r = 5(5-3) = 52 5 4. U3)2 = ^(3x2) = ^ 5. 4-2 x 45 = 4(_2+5) = 43
7. (32)-3 = 3(2x' 3) = 3~6 114 8. _ = n«-*) 11* 9. X 2 X
x X 5 = X (2 +3+5) = X 10
10. (52)*=5<2**> = 52*
Drill 2 Simplify the following expressions by combining like terms. If the base is a number, leave the answer in exponential form (i.e. 23, not 8). II. 34 x 32 x 3 = 3(4+2+1) = 37
12.——7 — = X<5+6- 2) =
56 x 5 4*
14. J/7
X J/8 X
^ (6 + 4 x —4)
y 6= y
^ 4x+ 2
7 + 8 +('6)) = y 9
Chapter 3
Exponents & Roots 15< * X
*(4-(-3»= x 7
Z5 Xz 3 _(5+(-3)-(-8)) _ _10 ig— —£ — £ o2x v 06* 17 —a(2*+6*-(-3j0) _ o8x+3^ 1A 3 - 3, 16.
18. (*2)6 x * 3 = * Cx6+3) = * (12+3) = * 1* 19. (zG)x x z3x = z(6xx+M = z{6x+3x) = z9x 5 x(5 Y _ ,-(3+(4xji)-(j/x3)) _ r(3+4j/-3j0 _ cy+5 (5,)3
Drill 3 Follow the directions for each question. i i 21. 273 + 9 2 +-^r = V 2 7 + V 9 + - = 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 9° 1 22. We are looking for the answer with the lowest value, so we can focus only on answers that are nega tive as these answers have lower values than any positive answers. (A) (-3)4 will result in a positive number because 4 is an even power. (B) - 3 3 = -(3 3) = -2 7 The exponent is done before multiplication (by -1) because of the order of operations. (C) (-3)-3 = — = = (-3 ) -2 7
(D) (-2)3 = - 8 (E) 2~6 = — The value of this expression is positive. - 2 7 has the lowest value of the three answer choices that result in negative numbers. The correct answer is (B).
23. 6~3 -
The first two terms in the expression are in fact the same. Because these terms are equal, when the sec ond is subtracted from the first they cancel out leaving only the third term.
'2 n
, 5 , I ~ 5‘3
I I | I
I I I I I toUJ I I
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
f-1 UJ
The correct answer is (E). Note: when a problem asks you to find a different or more simplified version of the same thing, check your work against the answer choices frequently to ensure that you don’t simplify or manipulate too far! 25. We are looking for values less than 1 so any expressions with negative values, zero itself, or values between 0 and 1 will work. l ( A ) - 0r = oO 3° x 2 2
Dividing a smaller positive number by a larger positive number will result in a number less than 1. 2-2
16 9
Dividing a larger positive number by a smaller positive number will result in a number greater than 1. (C)
( -3 )3
-2 7
(-5 )2
This answer is negative; therefore, it is less than 1.
/2 V 2
Dividing a larger positive number by a smaller positive number will result in a number greater than 1. (E) (-4)3 = -6 4 This answer is negative; therefore, it is less than 1.
Drill 4 Simplify the following expressions by finding common bases. 26. 83 x 26 = (23)3 x 26 = 29 x 26 = 215 27. 492 x 77 —(72)2 x 77 = 74 x 77 = 711 28 . 254 x 1253 = (52)4 x (53)3 = 58 x 59 = 517 29. 9‘2 x 272 = (32)-2 x (33)2 = 3^ x 36 = 32 30. 2~7 x 82 = 2~7 x (23)2 = 2~7 x 26 = 2 '1
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
Drill 5 Simplify the following expressions by pulling out as many common factors as possible. 31. Begin by breaking 6 down into its prime factors. 63 + 33 = (2 x 3)3 + 33 = (V )& )
+ 3s
Now each term contains (33). Factor it out. (23)(33) + 33 = 33(23 + 1) = 33(9) = 33(32) = 35 We have a match. The answer is A. 32. Both bases are powers of 3. Rewrite the bases and combine. 813 + 274 = (34)3 + (33)4 = 312 + 312 = 312(1 + 1) = 312(2) We have a match. The answer is B. 33. Begin by breaking 15 down into its prime factors. 152 - 52 = (3 x 5)2 - 52 = (32)(52) - 52 Now both terms contain 52. Factor it out. (32)(52) - 52 = 52(32 - 1) = 52(9 - 1) = 52(8) We still don’t have a match, but we can break 8 down into its prime factors. 52(8) =
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3
52(23) We have a match. The answer is B. 34. Factor 43 out of the first four terms and factor 32 out of the last three terms.
43 + 43 + 43 + 43 + 32 + 32 + 32 = 43(1 + 1 + 1 + 1) + 32(1 + 1 + 1) = 43(4) + 32(3) = 44 + 33 We have a match. The answer is A. 35. Every base in the fraction is a power of 2. Begin by rewriting every base. 48 - 8 4
(22)8 - ( 2 3)4
216 - 2 12
24 + 4 2 “ 24 + (2 2)2 _ 24 + 2 4 The terms in the numerator both contain 212, and the terms in the denominator both contain 24. Factor the numerator and denominator. 216 - 2 12 _ 212(24 -1 ) _ 212(16 -1 ) _ 212(15) 24 + 2 4 ~ 24(1 + 1) ”
At this point, we can combine the 2’s in the numerator and the denominator.
2 We have a match. The answer is C.
Drill 6 Simplify the following expressions. All final answers should be integers. 36. V 3 x V 2 7 = V 3 ^ 2 7 = V 8 l = 9 37. V 2 x ^ 38.
= %/2x 1 8 = ^ = 6
V48 [48 r ■= J — = y/l6 = 4 S V3
39. V 5 x V 4 5 = V 5 x 4 5 = V 2 2 5 = 1 5 , A 000 15,000 I----40. v ’ = ./ - ----- = V l 0 0 = 1 0 >^0 V 50
Exponents & Roots
Chapter 3 41. V 3 6 x V 4 = V 3 6 x 4 = V l 4 4 = 1 2
^ 3 6 x 7 4 = 6 x 2 = 12 42 m
V 2
44 .
^ 2 x ^5
= J 6 « [ = J M = V 6 4 =8 V 2 x 5 V 10
V B p ® a /I o
|30HT2= v 5 = 6
Drill 7 Simplify the following roots. Not every answer will be an integer. 46.
= V 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = a/2x 2 x V 2 x 2 X a/2 = 2 x 2 X a/2 = 4 a/2
47. a/24 = a/2x 2 x 2 x 3 = a/2x 2 X a/2><3=2a/6 48. V i 8 0 = a/2x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 = a/2x 2 x V3 x 3 x >/ 5 = 2 x 3 x >/5 = 6 a/5 49.
= a/2x 5 x 7 x 7 = a/7x 7
7 2 x 5 = 7 a/10
50. a/450 = a/2x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 = a/3x 3 * a/5x 5 x V 2 = 3 x 5 x a/2 = 1 5 a/2
51. a/135 = a/3x 3 x 3 x 5 = a/3x 3 x V3 x ? = 3 a/15 52. V224 = a/2x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 = ^ 2 x 2 x V2 x 2 x -v/2x 7 = 2 x 2 x 714 = 4 a/i 4 53. a/343 = a/7x 7 x 7 = a/7x 7
xa /7
= 7V7
54. a/208 = a/2x 2 x 2 x 2 x 1 3 = a/2x 2 X a/2x 2 X a/ 1 3 = 2 x 2 x V i 3 = 4 a/13
55. a/432 = a/2x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 = V 2 x 2 X a/2x 2 x V3 x 3 x V 3 = 2 x 2 x 3 x ^ = 12a/3
Drill 8 Simplify the following roots. You will be able to completely eliminate the root in every question. Ex press answers as integers. 56. Pull out the greatest common factor of 362 and 152, namely 32, to give yj32(l2 2 + 5 2) = >/32(l44 + 25) = J32(169) . Both 32 and 169 are perfect squares (169 = 132), so a/32(l 69) = a/32(l 32) = 3 x 13 = 39 . 57. Pull out the greatest common factor of 352 and 212, namely 72, to give >/72(52 - 3 2) = a/72(25 —9) = >/72(16). Both 72 and 16 are perfect squares (16 = 42), so a/72(16)=a/72(42) = 7
4 = 28.
Exponents & Roots 58. Pull out the greatest common factor of 56 and 57, namely 56, to give V6(56(1 + 5)) = >/6(56(6)) = V62(56) . Both 62 and 56 are perfect squares ( 56= 53 x 53), so ^/6 2(5 6 ) = 6 x 5 3 = 6 x 1 2 5 = 7 5 0 .
59. Pull out the greatest common factor of 84 and 85, namely 84, to give yjs4(l + 8) = yfs 9) = V84(32) . Both 84 and 32 are perfect squares (84= 82 x 82), so a/84(32) = 82 x 3 = 64 x 3 = 192. 60. Pull out the greatest common factor of 215, 213, and 212, namely 212, to give V212(23 + 2 - l ) = -v/212(8 + 2 - 1 ) = V2,2(9) = sj2l2&2) . Both 212 and 32 are perfect squares (212 = 26 x 26), so V2I2(32) = 2 6 x3 = 6 4 x 3 = 192. 61. Pull out the greatest common factor of 503 and 502, namely 502, to give V502(50 -1 ) = a/502(49) = V502(72). Both 502 and 72 are perfect squares, so ^502(72) = 5 0 x 7 = 350. 62. First focus on the numerator of the fraction under the radical and pull out the greatest common
factor of l l 4 and l l 2, namely l l 2, to give
(30) divides evenly into 120:
^ 2— . The denominator
= V ^ ( 4 ) = /ll2(22) . Both l l 2 and 22 are perfect squares, so
-y/ll2(22) = 11x2 = 22. 63. Pull out the greatest common factor of 57, 55, and 54, namely 54, to give V54(53 - 5 + 1) = V54(1 2 5 -5 + l) = ^54(l2 l) = a/54(112) . Both 54 and l l 2 are perfect squares (54 = 52 x 52), so -y/54(112) = 5 2 x l 1 = 25x11 = 275 .
Foundations of GMAT Math
B a s ic s o f F r a c t i o n s
Add Fractions with the Same Denominator: Add the Numerators Add Fractions with Different Denominators: Find a Common Denominator First Compare Fractions: Find a Common Denominator (or Cross-Multiply) Change an Improper Fraction To a Mixed Number: Actually Divide Change a Mixed Number To an Improper Fraction: Actually Add Simplify a Fraction: Cancel Common Factors on Top and Bottom Multiply Fractions: Multiply Tops and Multiply Bottoms (But Cancel First) Square a Proper Fraction: It Gets Smaller Take a Reciprocal: Flip the Fraction Divide by a Fraction: Multiply by the Reciprocal Addition in the Numerator: Pull Out a Common Factor Addition in the Numerator: Split into Two Fractions (Maybe) Addition in the Denominator: Pull Out a Common Factor But Never Split Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Nasty Fractions: Put Parentheses On Fractions Within Fractions: Work Your Way Out
p te r
Fractions In This Chapter: •
Rules for m anipulating fractions
Basics of Fractions To review, a fraction expresses division. The numerator on top is divided by the denominator on bottom . N u m era to r
F ra ctio n line
-----► — 4
3 ■=■4
D e n o m in a to r
T h ree fou rths is th ree divided b y four.
The result o f the division is a num ber. If you punch 3 0 .7 5 . But you can also th in k o f 0 .7 5 as —, because 4
“3 4 = ” into a calculator, you get the decimal 3 — and 0.7 5 are two different names for the same 4
num ber. (W e’ll deal w ith decimals in the next chapter.) Fractions express a part-to-whole relationship.
p art
^ -----
3 pieces = part
4 pieces = whole
Chapter 4
In this picture, a circle represents a whole unit— a full pizza. Each pizza has been divided into 4 equal parts, or fourths, because the denominator of the fraction is 4. In any fraction, the denominator tells you how many equal slices a pizza has been broken into. In other words, the denominator tells you the size of a slice. The numerator of the fraction is 3. This means that we actually have 3 slices of the pizza. In any frac tion, the numerator tells you how many slices you have. Together, we have three fourths: three slices that are each a fourth of a whole pizza. Since fractions express division, all the arithmetic rules of division apply. For instance, a negative di vided by a positive gives you a negative, and so on. - 3 + 4 = -0.75
-^7 = 3-s-( -4 ) = -0.75
-3 3 3 So — and — represent the same number. We can even write that number as —— . Just don’t mix up the negative sign with the fraction bar. PEMDAS also applies. The fraction bar means that you always divide the entire numerator by the entire denominator. ^ r t l = (3x2 + y ) ^ ( 2 / - z )
The entire quantity 3x2 + y is being divided by the entire quantity 2 y 2 —z . If you rewrite a fraction, be ready to put parentheses around the numerator or denominator to preserve the correct order of operations. Finally, remember that you can’t divide by 0 . So a denominator can never equal zero. If you have a variable expression in the denominator, that expression cannot equal zero. If a problem contains the 3< %’2 -j- y fraction — -— —, then we know that - —z cannot equal zero. In other words, we know 2y —z ly 1 - # ^ 0
2y2^ z
If the GMAT tells you that something does not equal something else (using the ^ sign), the purpose is often to rule out dividing by 0 somewhere in the problem. To compare fractions with the same denominator, compare the numerators. The numerator tells you how many pieces you have. The larger the numerator, the larger the fraction (assuming positive numbers everywhere). You have more slices of pie.
To compare fractions w ith the same numerator, compare the denominators. Again assume positive numbers everywhere. The larger the denominator, the sm aller the fraction. Each slice o f pie is smaller. So the same num ber o f smaller slices is smaller.
If the num erator and denom inator are the same, then the fraction equals 1. 4
4 Four
four divided
w hich
by four,
If the num erator is larger than the denom inator (again, assume positive numbers), then you have more than one pizza. 5
5 + 4
4 Five fourths
five divided
w hich
by four,
A nother way to write 1 -t— is 1— (“one and one fourth”). This is the only time in G M A T m ath when 4 4 we put two things next to each other (1 and —) in order to 4 mean
add them . In all other circumstances, we
multiplication when we put two things next to each other.
Fractions A mixed number such as 1— contains both an integer part (1) and a fractional part — . You can always 4 4 rewrite a mixed num ber as a sum of the integer part and the fractional part. 3 3 3 —= 3 + —
In an improper fraction such as —, the num erator is larger than the denom inator. Im proper fractions 4 and mixed num bers express the same thing. Later we’ll discuss how to convert between them .
A proper fraction such as — has a value between 0 and 1. In a proper fraction, the num erator is 4 smaller than the denom inator.
Add Fractions with the Same Denominator: Add the Numerators The num erator o f a fraction tells you how many slices o f the pizza you have. So when you add fractions, you add the num erators. You just have to make sure that the slices are the same size— in other words, th at the denom inators are equal. Otherwise you aren’t adding apples to apples.
In words, one fifth plus three fifths equals four fifths. The “fifth” is the size o f the slice, so the denom i nator (5) doesn’t change. Since 4 = 1 + 3 , you can write the fraction w ith 1 + 3 in the numerator. 1 3
1+ 3
5+ 5 _
4 ~~ 5
The same process applies w ith subtraction. Subtract the numerators and leave the denom inator the same. 9
4 _ 9-4 _ 5
14 1 4 14
Chapter 4
If variables are involved, add or subtract the same way. Just make sure that the denominators in the original fractions are equal. It doesn’t matter how complicated they are. 3a x 4a _ 3 a + 4a _ 7 a T +T ~
5x2 —2x2
If you can’t simplify the numerator, leave it as a sum or a difference. Remember that the denominator stays the same: it just tells you the size of the slices you’re adding or subtracting. 3 n 5m
2w I f you...
3n —5m
2 w5
Then you...
Add or subtract fractions
Add or subtract the
that have the same
numerators, leaving the
denominator alone
Like this: 2
2 + 3
7 _ 5 7
Check Your Skills 7x
yz + ----yz 2
----- 2
Answers can be found on page 179.
Add Fractions with Different Denominators: Find a Common Denominator First Consider this example:
4+8 The denominators (the sizes of the slices) aren’t the same, so you can’t just add the numerators and call it a day.
Chapter 4
To add these fractions correctly, we need to re-express one or both o f the fractions so that the slices are the same size. In other words, we need the fractions to have a common denominator— that is, the
denom inator. O nce they have the same denominator, we can add the numerators and be finished. Since a fourth o f a pizza is twice as big as an eighth, we can take the fourth in the first circle and cut it in two.
two eighths
one fourth
W e have the same am ount o f pizza— the shaded area hasn’t changed in size. So one fourth
( _y
v4, equal two eighths W h en we cut the fourth in two, we have twice as many slices. So the num erator is doubled. But we’re breaking the whole circle into twice as many pieces, so the denom inator is doubled as well. If you double both the num erator and the denominator, the fraction’s value stays the same.
1 4
1x2 4x2 1 4
W ithout changing the value o f —, we have renamed
2 8
it —. Now we can add
3 it to — 8
Chapter 4
All in one line: I
8 ~~ 4 x 2
To add fractions with different denominators, find a common denominator first. That is, rename the fractions so that they have the same denominator. Then add the new numerators. The same holds true for subtraction. How do you rename a fraction without changing its value? Multiply the top and bottom by the same number. 1
3 _ 3 x 2 5 _ 75 4 ~ 4 x 2 5 ~ 100
Heres why this works. Doubling the top and doubling the bottom of a fraction is the same as multiply2 ing the fraction by — . (More on fraction multiplication later.) 2 Moreover, — is equal to 1. And multiplying a number by 1 leaves the number the same. So if we 2 multiply by —, we aren’t really changing the number. We’re just changing its look. I - I
2 - 1x2 _ 2
4 ~ 4
2 ~~ 4 x 2 ~~ 8
You can rename fractions that have variables in them, too. You can even multiply top and bottom by the same variable. * _ x x 2 _ xX 2 y y 2 yX 2
2x 2y
a _ a
b _ a x b _ ab
2~ 2
~b~ 2 x b ~ 2b
Just make sure the expression on the bottom can never equal zero, of course. If you...
Then you...
Want to give a fraction a
Multiply top and bottom of
different denominator but
the fraction by the
keep the value the same
same number
Like this: 1 _ 1x2 _ 2 4
Say you have this problem:
Fractions What should the common denominator of these fractions be? It should be both a multiple of 4 and a multiple of 3. That is, it should be a multiple that 3 and 4 have in common. The easiest multiple to pick is usually the least common multiple (LCM) of 3 and 4. Least common multiples were discussed on page 77. The least common multiple of 4 and 3 is 12. So we should rename our two fractions so that they each have a denominator of 12.
1 _ 1x3 _ 3 4 _ 4 x 3 _ 12
1 _ 1x4 _ 4 3 ~ 3x4 12
Once you have a common denominator, add the numerators:
1 , 1 _ 1x3 | 1x4 _ 3 | 4 _ 7 4 3 ~~ 4 x 3 3 x 4 ~ 12 12 ~ 12 The process works the same if we subtract fractions or even have more than two fractions. Try this example:
2_3 =
First, find the common denominator by finding the least common multiple. All three denominators (6, 9, and 4) are composed of 2’s and 3’s.
6 = 2x3
9= 3x3
4= 2x2
The LCM will contain two 2’s (because there are two 2’s in 4) and two 3’s (because there are two 3’s in
9). 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 = 36 6 4 9 To make each of the denominators equal 36, multiply the fractions by —, —, and —, respectively.
5 _ 5 x 6 30 6 ~ 6 x 6 _ 36
2 2x4 _ 8 9 ~ 9x4 36
3 _ 3 x 9 _ 27 4 _ 4 x 9 _ 36
Now that the denominators are all the same, we can add and subtract normally. 5
2 _ 3 _ 30
27 _ 30 + 8 - 2 7 _ 11
36 ~
4 ~ 36
~ 36
The process works even if we have variables. Try adding these two fractions:
First, find the common denominator by finding the least common multiple of x and 2x. The LCM is 2xysince you can just multiply the x by 2. So give the first fraction a denominator of 2x, then add: 2 t 3 _ 2x2 ( 3 _ 4
^ 3 _ 4+3 _ 7
2x Like this:
Then you...
I f you...
Add or subtract fractions with different denominators
Put the fractions in terms of a common denominator,
then add or subtract
15 + 15
Check Your Skills 2 .1 + i = 2 4 3. — = 3 8 Answers can be found on page 179.
Compare Fractions: Find a Common Denominator (or Cross-Multiply) Earlier in the chapter, we talked a little about comparing fractions. If two fractions have the same de nominator, then you compare the numerators. Now you can compare any two fractions. Just give them the same denominator first. 4
Which is larger, — or —? First, find a common denominator and re-express the fractions in terms of that denominator. The least common multiple of 7 and 5 is 35, so convert the fractions appropriately: 4 _ 4 x 5 _ 2°
3 _ 3 x 7 _ 21
7 _ 7 x 5 ~ 35
5 '5 x 7 '35
Now you can tell at a glance which fraction is larger. Since 21 is greater than 20, you know that — is u —. 4 greater than
ir 4
Fractions A good shortcut is to cross-multiply the fractions. Heres how: (1)
Set them up near each other.
Multiply “up” the arrows as shown.
7 x 3 = 21
4 T
5 x 4 = 20
Be sure to put the results at the top. (3)
Now compare the numbers you get. The side with the bigger number is bigger.
3 4 21 > 20, so — is greater than —. 5 7 This process generates the numerators we saw before (21 and 20). You don’t really care about the com mon denominator itself (35) so cross-multiplying can be fast. If you...
Then you... Put them in terms of a
Want to compare fractions
common denominator,
Like this: (2 ^ 4
or just cross-multiply
3 ^ 27
9 X 7
Check Your Skills For each of the following pairs of fractions, decide which fraction is greater.
Answers can be found on page 179.
Change an Improper Fraction To a Mixed Number: Actually Divide 13 13 What is — as a mixed number? Note that — is an improper fraction, because 13 > 4. 4 4 Since the fraction bar represents division, go ahead and divide 13 by 4. Try doing this by long division: 3 4)13 12 1 4 goes into 13 three times, with 1 left over. 3 is the quotient, representing how many whole times the denominator (4) goes into the numerator (13).
Chapter 4
Meanwhile, 1 is the remainder. 13
So — equals 3, plus a remainder of 1. This remainder of 1 is literally “left over” the 4, so we can write the whole thing out: —=3+— 4 4 13
As a mixed number, then, — equals 3 — . To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, actually divide the numerator by the denom inator. The quotient becomes the integer part of the mixed number. The remainder over the denomina tor becomes the left-over fractional part of the mixed number. To do the division, look for the largest multiple of the denominator that is less than or equal to the 13
numerator. In the case of — , we should see that 12 is the largest multiple of 4 less than 13. 12 = 4 x 3 , 4
so 3 is the quotient. 13 - 12 = 1, so 1 is the remainder. Heres another way to understand this process. Fraction addition can go forward and in reverse. , 2
r orward: —+ —= -------= — 7 7 7 7
Reverse: —= ---------= — I— 7 7 7 7 13
In other words, you can rewrite a numerator as a sum, then split the fraction. Try this with — . 4
Rewrite 13 as 12 + 1, then split the fraction: 13 _ 12 + 1 _ 12 4
J. + 4
Since — = 12 + 4 = 3, we have — = ---- h—= 3 + —= 3 — . 4 4 4 44 4 You still need to find the largest multiple of 4 that’s less than 13, so that you can write 13 as 12 + 1.
Chapter 4
Like this:
Then you...
I f you...
Want to convert an
Actually divide the
improper fraction to a
numerator by the
mixed number
13=13 + 4 4 = 3 rem ain d er 1
13 _ 12 + 1 4 OR Rewrite the numerator as a sum, then split the fraction
4 _ 12 “ T
1 + 4
= 4
Check Your Skills Change the following improper fractions to mixed numbers. 11
6- 7
7 12 ® 11
Answers can be found on page 179.
Change a Mixed Number To an Improper Fraction: Actually Add 2 What is 5— as an improper fraction? 2
First, rewrite the mixed number as a sum. 5 —= 5 + —. 3 3 Now, let’s actually add these two numbers together by rewriting 5 as a fraction. You can always write any integer as a fraction by just putting it over 1: 5 =— 1
22 5 2
This is true because 5 ^ 1 = 5.
So 5 —= 5 + —= —+ —.At this point, you’re adding fractions with different denominators, so find a 3 3 1 3 common denominator.
Chapter 4
The least common multiple of 1 and 3 is simply 3, so convert — to a fraction with a 3 in its denomina tor: * 5 _ 5 x 3 _ 15 1
Finally, complete the addition: ^ 2 _ 5| 2 _ 5 | 2 _ 15 | 2 _ 15 + 2 _ 17
3~ 3
The quick shortcut is that the new numerator is 5 x 3 + 2 = 17. Thats the integer times the denominator of the fractional part, plus the numerator of that part (the remainder). But don’t just memorize a recipe. Make sure that you see how this shortcut is equivalent to the addition process above. 5 x 3 gives you 15, the numerator of the fraction that the integer 5 becomes. Then you add 15 to 2 to get 17. I f you...
Then you...
Want to convert a mixed
Convert the integer to a
number to an improper
fraction over 1, then add it
to the fractional part
Like this: 3 7 3 7 - = —+ 8 1 8 _ 56 + 3 8
_ 59 8
Check Your Skills Change the following mixed numbers to improper fractions. 8 .3 %
9.5K Answers can be found on page 179.
Fractions Simplify a Fraction: Cancel Common Factors on Top and Bottom Consider this problem: - +- = 9
(B) T i
(C) 3
You know how to add fractions with the same denominator: —+ —= - ---- = —. This is mathematically 9
correct so far. But — is not an answer choice, because it isn’t simplified or reduced to lowest terms. 9
To simplify a fraction, cancel out common factors from the numerator and denominator. —= ---- 9
Since 3 is a common factor on top and bottom, cancel it. *
6 _ 2 x / _ 2 9 ~ 3 x / _ 3
Before, we saw that we can multiply top and bottom of a fraction by the same number without chang ing the value of the fraction. The fraction stays the same because we are actually multiplying the whole fraction by 1. 2 _ 2x3 _ 6 3 ~~ 3 x 3
Now we’rejust dividingthe fraction by 1, whichalso leaves the value 3
unchanged. As we divideaway the
— (which equals1), the look of thefraction changes from — to —,but the value of the fraction
is the
same. This process works with both numbers and variables. Try reducing the following fraction: 18*2 _
60x Start cancelling common factors on top and bottom. You can do so in any order. If you want, you can even break all the way down to primes, then cancel. (We’ll use the x symbol to be very explicit about all the multiplication.) I8x2 _ 2 x 3 x 3 x x x x 60 x
Chapter 4
The top and the bottom each contain a 2, a 3, and an x. These are the common factors to cancel, either one at a time or in groups. I8x^ _ I8x _ X x 9 x _ 9x _ $ x 3 x _ 3x 6 0 / _ ~60’ ~ / x 3 0 ~ 3 0 ” / x l O ” To I8 x 2 _ fyx x 3 x _ 3x 60 x
fyxX 10
I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Want to simplify a fraction
Cancel out common factors from top and bottom
14 _ 2 x / _ 2 35~5x/_ 5
Check Your Skills Simplify the following fractions. 25
1°. —
11 .
16 —
Answers can be found on page 179.
Multiply Fractions: Multiply Tops and Multiply Bottoms (But Cancel First) What is — of 6? 2 One half of 6 is 3. When you take — of 6, you divide 6 into 2 equal parts (since the denominator of —
is 2). Then you keep 1 part (since the numerator of — is 1). That part equals 3.
> •
2 equal parts
( •
♦ )
One half o f 6 is the same thing as one half times 6. It’s also the same thing as 6 divided by 2. Either way, you get 3. —X6 = 3 2
Now consider this problem: What is - o f - ? 2 4
Chapter4 1 3
In other words, —X
— =
To multiply two fractions, multiply the tops together and multiply the bottoms together. 1
3 - 1x3 _ 3 4 ~ 2x4 ~ 8
T hat’s not so hard mechanically. W hy is it true conceptually? Again, to take h alf o f som ething, you cut
1 3
it into 2 equal parts, then you keep 1 part. So to take — o f —, cut — into 2 equal parts. Since — is three fourths, or three pizza slices of a certain size, you can cut each slice in half. That gives you six smaller slices.
C ut each slice in half
N ow keep just 1 out o f every 2 o f those slices.
Keep 1 out o f 2 smaller slices.
You w ind up w ith 3 slices. So your num erator is 3. The slices are now “eighths” of a whole pizza, so the
3 .3
denom inator is 8. Thus, — o f — is — .
In practice, don’t try to th in k through that logic very often. It’s m uch tougher than the mechanical rule: m ultiply tops and multiply bottom s. The rule works for integers too. Just put the integer over 1.
3 5 3x5 15 —x —= -------- = — 4 7 4x7 28
1 . 1 6 6 „ - x 6 = - x —= - = 3 2 2 1 2
To avoid unnecessary com putations, always try to cancel factors before you multiply out.
33 7
14 3
— x— =
The terribly long way to do this m ultiplication is to multiply the tops, then multiply the bottom s, then reduce the num erator and denominator.
Fractions Long way: 33 x 14 =
Chapter 4
33 x 14 132 330 462
7 x 3 = 21 You wind up w ith ----- . F 21
22 21)462 - 42 42 -4 2
The final answer is 22. However, we can get there much faster and more safely by cancelling factors before multiplying. Break the numerators into smaller factors. 33 = 3 x 11
This 3 cancels with the 3 on the bottom of fraction #2.
14 = 2 x 7
This 7 cancels with the 7 on the bottom of fraction #1.
You can cancel across the multiplication sign (x). In other words, a factor on top of fraction #1 can can cel with a factor on the bottom of fraction #2. As you cancel, leave behind the factors that don’t cancel (the 11 and the 2). Write those factors nearby. 33
14 _ U ^
3 ~
0~ / *
If it seems that no factors are left behind in a position, then the remaining factor is 1 and doesn’t mat ter. In the case above, we only have l ’s left over on the bottom. So we are left with 11 x 2 on top and nothing but l ’s on the bottom, giving us 22. 33
— x — = —?— x - 7 = —
2} 4
x ^ ^ = l l x 2 = 22 /
Negative signs make fraction multiplication trickier. Again, a negative sign can appear anywhere in a fraction: _ 2 _ =2 _ 2
3 ~ 3 ~ -3
Chapter 4
When you multiply a fraction by -1, you add a negative sign to the fraction. Where you put it is up to you. - lx - = - - = — = — X 5 5 5 -5
In general, you are multiplying either the numerator or the denominator by -1. If the fraction already contains a negative sign, then cancel out both negatives, because —1 x —1 = 1. -I X -i.
8 — 8 —li x —l, x —= 7
-1X ^ .
-lx (-8 ) _ 8
8 /
'lx — = ' -7
~7 8
-lx (-7 )
I f you.,.
Multiply two fractions
Then you...
Like this:
Multiply tops and multiply
20 6 V — x —= — x —-j9 5 3/ /
bottoms, cancelling common factors first
Check Your Skills Evaluate the following expressions. Simplify all fractions.
3 7
6 10
12. - X — =
5 7 13. — x — = 14 20 Answers can be found on page 179.
Square a Proper Fraction: It Gets Smaller ? What is I 2 J v / Now that you can multiply fractions, you can apply exponents. - I ~2
I - I 2~4
Fractions Notice that
is less than
Chapter 4
. When you square numbers larger than 1, they get bigger. But when you
square proper fractions (between 0 and 1), they get smaller. The same is true for larger powers (cubes, etc.). If you multiply any positive number by a proper fraction, the result is smaller than the original number. You are taking a “fraction” of that number. Then you...
If you...
Like this: ( i Y
Square a proper fraction (between 0 and 1)
UJ 9
Get a smaller number
l l - < 9 3
Take a Reciprocal: Flip the Fraction 1 The reciprocal of a number is “one over” that number. The reciprocal of 5 is —. Any number times its reciprocal equals 1. 5 X j = yX —= -j = l
(You could also cancel all the factors as you multiply.)
2 What is the reciprocal of —? 3 2 3 2 3 Just flip the fraction. The reciprocal of — is —, since the product of — and — is 1: -X -= -= l
3 2
If you write an integer as a fraction over 1, then the flipping rule works for integers as well. The integer 9 1 9 is —, and the reciprocalof 9 is —. 1 V 9 Keep track of negative signs. The reciprocal of a negative fraction will also be negative. - 5 „ 6 = -30 6 X -5
-3 0 ”
The reciprocal of — is — , more commonly written as — or 6 - 5 5
Chapter 4
Like this:
Then you...
I f you...
Want the reciprocal of a fraction
Flip the fraction
4 7 — —^ — 7 4 4 — 7 = 1i —x 7 4
Divide by a Fraction: Multiply by the Reciprocal What is 6 + 2? Stunningly, the answer is 3. We saw this example before in the discussion of fraction multiplication. 6 -T- 2 gives the same result as 6 x —. 6 2 = 6 X —= 3
Dividing by 2 is the same as multiplying by —.
2 and
are reciprocals of each other. This pattern generalizes. Dividing by a number is the same as
multiplying by its reciprocal. Try this example:
5_4 = 6 ’ 7 First, find the reciprocal of the second fraction (the one you’re dividing by). Then multiply the first frac tion by that reciprocal. 5_4 = 5 6*7
7__ 35
Sometimes you see a “double-decker” fraction. It’s just one fraction divided by another. The longer frac tion bar is the primary division.
- 6_
= 2 ^ 1 = 5 x 7 = 35 6 7 6 4 24
This works with variables as well. Flip the bottom fraction and multiply.
_ 3 .. *
3 .. A
* X 5
Chapter 4
As always, dividing by 0 is forbidden, so x cannot equal 0 in this case. If you...
Then you...
Divide something by a fraction
Multiply by that fractions reciprocal
Like this: 3 ^ 7
_ 3
2 ’ 11_ 2
11 7
Check Your Skills 1
14‘ 6 ‘ 11 ~ 15.
8 5
4 -+ — = 15 Answers can be found on page 179.
Addition in the Numerator: Pull Out a Common Factor Up to now, the numerators and denominators were each one product. But if there is addition (or sub traction) in the numerator or denominator, tread carefully. The fraction bar always tells you to divide the entire numerator by the entire denominator. To re spect PEMDAS, think of the fraction bar as a grouping symbol, like parentheses. 3*2+ 7 = -,2.-2 (3x2 + y) -s- (2y 2 - z) 2y 2 - z Consider a nicer example, one with simple terms and one subtraction in the numerator: 9 x —6 3x The entire quantity 9x - 6 is divided by 3x. In other words, you have (9x - 6) -r 3x. 9 x —6 , you need to find a common factor of the entire numerator and the entire de 3x nominator. That is, you need a common factor of the entire quantity 9x —6 and of 3x.
To simplify
Chapter 4
So you need to be able to pull that common factor out of 9x - 6 . What factor does 3x have in common with the quantity 9x - 6? Hie answer is 3. Notice that * is not a common factor, because you cant pull it out of the entire numerator. But you can pull a 3 out. 9x - 6 = 3 x (3x - 2), or 3(3* - 2) 3x = 3 x x 9 x -6 _ 3 (3 x -2 ) 3x
Now you can cancel out the common factor on top and bottom. 9x - 6 _ X (3* ~ 2) _ 3x - 2 3x
The common factor could include a variable. 9 y 2 _6jy _ ^ ( 3 j / - 2 ) _ 3 ^ - 2 12j
p j{4 )
If you...
Have addition or subtraction in the numerator
Like this:
Then you...
Pull out a factor from the entire numerator and
5 * + 10 y
fi(x + 2y)
25 y
X (5 y )
cancel that factor with one in the denominator
x + 2y
Check Your Skills 16.
4 x 2 + 2 0 xy 12x Answers can be found on page 179.
Addition in the Numerator: Split into Two Fractions (Maybe) After you ve cancelled common factors, you still might not see your answer. In that case, you can try one more thing. Remember this?
Chapter 4
13 _ 12 + 1 _ 12 ^ 4 “ 4 ~ 4 +4 If you have a sum in the numerator, you can rewrite the fraction as the sum of two fractions. The same is true if you have a difference. Consider this example again. 9x —6 _ 3x
The first step is to cancel common factors from the numerator and denominator. 9x-6 _
X(3x —2) _ 3 x —2
It s often fine to stop there. But since you have a difference on top, you can go further by splitting the fraction into two fractions: 9x —6 _ X(3# —2 ) _ 3 x —2 _ 3 3x
x x
Now you can simplify the first fraction further by cancelling the common factor of * on top and bot tom. 9x-6 _ /(3 x -2 ) _ 3x-2 _ 3 / 3x
3x —2
Thats as far as we can possibly go. Is 3 ---- simpler th a n ----------? In a technical sense, no. But you still might have to split the fraction, depending on the available answer choices. In fact, one of the main rea sons we simplify is to make an expression or equation look like the answer choices. The answer choice that the simplified expression or equation matches is the correct answer. Consider this problem involving square roots:
10V2 + V6 2J 2
Its hard to spot a common factor in the numerator that will cancel with one in the denominator. So a good first step here is to split the fraction in two.
Chapter 4 10V2+V6
10V 2
2 >/2
2 -Jl
2 V2
Now deal with the two fractions separately. Cancel a-/2 out of top and bottom of the first fraction. 10^/f _ 1 0 2 y r ' 2 '
The second fraction is trickier. A rule from the Exponents & Roots chapter is that when you divide roots, you divide whats inside.
= f$ . That’s not exactly the second fraction, but it’s close.
Just keep the extra 2 on the bottom, separated out. Introduce a factor of 1 on top as a temporary place holder. V6
1x^ 6
2 y/2
= I Xj i = I x V 3 = ^
Putting it all together, you have 5 + — . The answer is (C). If you...
Then you...
Have addition or
Might split the fraction into
subtraction in the numerator
two fractions
Like this: + b
---------- = - + -
Check Your Skills 17.
(A) 1 + 1 x
(B) ^
(C) — x Answers can be found on page 179.
Addition in the Denominator: Pull Out a Common Factor But Never Split To simplify a fraction with addition (or subtraction) in the denominator, you can do one of the same things as before. You can pull out a common factor from the denominator and cancel with a factor in the numerator.
Chapter 4
Consider this example: 4x
8x —l 2 ~ You can factor a 4 out of 8 x - 12 and cancel it with the 4 in the numerator. 4x
/(2 x -3 )
2 x -3
That’s all legal so far. But you cannot go any further. Never split a fraction in two because of addi tion or subtraction in the denominator.
1 equal1 to — 1+— 1 r,XT 1 1 while U-1 — 1+ —1 = —^ . ITs -----No. -------= —, 3+4 H 3 4 3+4 7 3 4 12 Do not be tempted to split
into anything else. That’s as far as you can go.
If you...
Have addition or subtraction in the denominator
Then you... Pull out a factor from the entire denominator and cancel that factor with one in the numerator...
Like this: 3y
y2 + xy
but never split the frac tion in two!
/ x 3
/ ( y + x) 3
Check Your Skills 18.
5 a3 15ofc»2 - 5 a 3
r ’
3b2- a 2
15 ab2
Answers can be found on page 180.
Add, Subtract Multiply, Divide Nasty Fractions: Put Parentheses On Ax “Nasty,” complicated fractions with addition and subtraction on the inside, such as --------- , are more 8 x -1 2 of a headache than plain vanilla fractions. But they follow the same rules of addition, subtraction, mul tiplication, and division as all other fractions do.
Chapter 4
Addition: Find a common denominator, then add numerators. Subtraction: Find a common denominator, then subtract numerators. Multiplication: Multiply tops and multiply bottoms, cancelling common factors. Division: Flip, then multiply. With nasty fractions, the most important point to remember is this. Whenever necessary, treat the numerators and denominators as if they have parentheses around them. This preserves PEMDAS order of operations. Consider this sum: 1 y +l
The same principle of addition holds. Do these fractions have the same denominator? No. So find a common denominator. We need a common multiple ofy and (y + 1). We can just multiply these two expressions together to get a common multiple: O')x O' + i) = 0')0/+ !) Don’t distribute yet. Simply convert each fraction so that it has O')O' + 1) *n the denominator. Throw parentheses around y + 1 as needed. 1 yy= lxy y + l y {y + l ) x y
_ y {y + l)
Xy + l _ 2 x ( y + l ) _ 2 y + 2 y y + 1 j'xG' + i) y ( y + l ) 2
Now add. 2 + ■ + *— l y+l y ^(^ + 1) y ( y + 1)
You could also write the answer as
y + 2 _ 3y + 2
y(y + 1)
37 + 2
y2 + y Consider this product:
2w + 4 z3+z You could just multiply the tops and multiply the bottoms, but dont forget to cancel common factors as best you can before you multiply. So pull out factors from the nasty fraction on the left.
Chapter 4
2w + 4 _ 2{w + 2) z3+z
:( z 2 + l)
Now plug that back into the product and cancel common factors. 2w + 4 Y £ z3 + z I 2
2 (^ + 2) /z z ( z 2 + 1) V 7/
X (w + 2) v
/ (z 2 + 1)
If you...
Then you...
Add, subtract,
Throw parentheses
multiply or divide
around those numerators
“nasty” fractions
and/or denominators,
with complicated
then proceed normally—
numerators and/or
find common denomina
tors, etc.
z2 + 1
Like this:
,2 _
y( y + 1) _
,2 (jr + l)
y ( y + 1)
3j/ + 2
Check Your Skills 19.
x+1 4 x —1 3 Answers can be found on page 180.
Fractions Within Fractions: Work Your Way Out Remember “double-decker” fractions in fraction division? 5 _ 6 _ _ _ 5 x —= — 4 6 4 24
The GMAT likes to put fractions within fractions, as in the movie “Inception.” Just as in that movie, you have to work your way out from the deepest level inside. Try this example:
1+ -
Forget about the whole thing. Just focus on the deepest level: 1 + —. This you can solve by finding a , 1 3 1 4 3 common denominator: 1 + —= —+ —= —
3 3 3 3
Chapter 4 Now move up a level: 1
4 (T You are dividing 1 by the fraction —. You can do that too. Just turn 1 into a fraction I ^ 1
= -x - = -
Thats the answer. Try this three-level problem: 1 2 h— 3+—
1 1 3x 1 3x + l Again, start at the deepest level: 3 + —. Find a common denominator: 3 + —= -----1-—= --------. Now , . x x x x x move up a level: 1 1 2 + ---r o .l DH---
1 3x + l --------
3 x -j- ^
“One over” -------- means take the reciprocal, or flip the fraction: --------. Move up another level: x 3x + 1 1
1 1 „ 2 h-------— 2H------------2 + 3 +—
1 x 3x + l 3x +l
To add 2 and the new part, find a common denominator: # 2(3x + l) x 6x + 2 x 7x + 2 2 + --------= —---------- + --------= --------- + -------- = --------3x +1 3x +1 3x +1 3x +1 3x +1 3x +1
Chapter 4
Now replace that in the master fraction. You’ve almost reached the surface: 1
2+— 3 _i_J_ *
2 + ---- ----3x + l x
2h---- -— 3x + l
1 -7 ^ 3x + l
Finally, we have another reciprocal. Do one more flip: 1 -
1 1
2 + -----
^ J_
I 2 + ------3x + l
1 ^
x 2 + ----3x +1
1 _ 3x + l 7x + 2 7x + 2 ------ / x ^ z 3x +1
That was a lot of steps, but each one should make sense. I f you...
Then you...
Like this: 1
Encounter a fraction
Work your way out from
within a fraction
the deepest level inside
1 y+^ Focus here
l y J
Check Your Skills
Answers can be found on page 180.
Chapter 4
Check Your Skills Answer Key:_________________ 3x 2 yz
l x _ 3 x + l x _ lO x 2~ 2~ yz yz yz
1 3 1 2 3 232 + 3 5 2. — I— = —X — I— = — I— = ------ = — (you have five quarters of a pie) 2 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 F 3 2 *3
3 = 2 X8 8 ~ 3 X8
3 ><3 - 169 _ 1 6 - 9 _ 7 8 X 3 ~ 24 24 ” 24 ~ 24
5 5 3 4. The denominators of the two fractions are the same, but the numerator of — is bigger, so —> — . 7 7 7 3 5. The numerators of the two fractions are the same, but the denominator of — is smaller, so ± > 3_ 10 10
. 11
6. — = —
= -+ -= i+ -= iy 6
99 + 1 99
7- T T = —
n i/
= I T + n = 9 + TT= 9 X l
8 . 3 K = 3 + ^ ^ x i + 3 = ^ + i = 15 /4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 „ . 2 5 3 2 15 2 17 9. 5 % = 5 + — = - x — + — = — + — = — 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 10 2 5 _ 5 x 5 _ 5 ' 40 n
16 _ 2 x 8 _ 2 x X _ 2 ' 24_ 3 x 8 ~ 3 x X _ 3
3 6 3x3 9 12. - x — = -------- — 7 10 7x5 35 5 7 5 7 X X 13. — x — = -------- x --------- = w x — 14 20 2 x 7 4x5 2 x 4 x
1 8
I ^ jL - I 11-11 14‘ 6 ' 11 _ 6 X 1 “ 6 15.
8 5
4 8 15 2 x 4 3x5 2 x 3 x 6, = - x — = ---------x -------- = — x — ^- = - = 6 15 5 4 5 4 X X 1
4 x 2 + 2 0 a^ _ (x + 5 y) _ x + 5y
2x 17.
# c ( 3)
x + y ,/ a 1 1 = ~T~ '• y ~~ 1. The answer is (A). xy / cy x g y x
Chapter 4 ^ ( a 2)
. Remember that you can’t split the denominator. This frac15ab2 - 5a 3 (3b2 - a 2) 3b2 tion is simplified as much as it can be. The answer is (B). 18.
3_f x + l
3x + 3
Ax —A
x —1
3 x —
3x —3
3x —3
3x + 3
(3x + 3 ) - ( 4 x - 4 )
3x + 3 -A x + A
-x + 7
3x —3
3x —3
3 x -3
3 x -3
3 x -3
1+ -
20 .
4 3 --- 1--4 4
7 4
_7_ ~4* 2~8
Chapter Review: Prill Sets_____________ Drill 1
13. M
which fraction is larger.
(A)— 3
, . ab
For each of the following pairs of fractions, decide
Chapter 4
(C) V6
14. — + -----------cb c abc a(2-b2) a -b 2 A) B)
a 2b ( 2 - b 2)
1 3 1‘ 4 4 24 15. — = — = =
1 1
2' 5 6 53 85 3' 5 2 '8 6 4.
A) 2 n/2
Convert the following improper fractions to
700 590 5‘ 3 6 0 '2 9 0
mixed numbers.
Drill 2
16. » 4
Add or subtract the following fractions. Fractions should be in their most simplified form.
31 17y
2 9~
2 5 3+ 9 4 8 8. — I— 9 11 20 5 9 -------12
47 18. — 15 70 19. — 20 91 13
20. —
Drill 4
52 25 10. ----+ ---- = 11x 11x a b b_ 11‘ 1 2 _ 6 _ 4 _ 12. -+ 1 =
C) Sy[2
Drill 3
7 6 9 10
7 6‘ 9
B) 4
Convert the following mixed numbers to improp er fractions. 21. 3K
22. 2% 23. 6 ^ 2 4 .4 % 25. 1 2 X 2
Chapter 4
Drill 5
Simplify the following expressions.
26' i ' i -
7 2 27- r r
x 6y2z
x 3y 4z 2 x 3y sz 2 392 133
Simplify the following fractions.
14x2y 32. 42x
Drill 7
172x22 31. 11x34
29' 4 ~ 7 =
Vs ’ Vio
9 20 28. — + — = 11
6x + 8 2x
10 x + 3 y 5xy
r2sV l2 6 x 8yzs 4 6 x 6y 2z 3
(A) — (B) ^ 5 xy
3ab2fs6 , 35. —i if a > 0 V I8 a2
Drill 6
(C) - +
6a 33a+21ab 3xV3 6 xn/i 2 - X n/27
Multiply or divide the following fractions. Frac tions should be in their most simplified form.
14 15 36. — X — 20
8x 2 + 4 0 x 3 2 x -2 4 x 2
Drill 8
3 ?- 5 + i o Simplify the following expressions. Final answers
38. — + —
should be in their most simplified forms.
a2b d 3 39. — xcd2 abc
32 22 10 4°. ? x ? x T
3+4 1+2
1+2 3+4
,, 3 1 5 2 .------- x x+2 5
Chapter 4
r3 7 n+ 1 5 3 .-------x ------n+ 3 2
Drill 10
x+2 x + 3 5 4 .------- + --------
Simplify the following complex fractions.
b+ 6 6
3 +b 6
x(3 + V3)
3 3 + 3/
- f + 1 -t 55 . ---------x — t -2 2
2 - 2/
V+ V /2 /3 7 /-3 / /6 /4
58 3x2 + 3 y i x 2 + y 40 8
66. 1—
1 -y
Drill 9
1 -y
B) 1 - y
Match the following expressions to their simpli fied forms.
i- q 4 1 - 3 59. — x 6 f-3 —2t (A) f-3
4 f-3 6 f-1 8
6 0 . ^ x - 12
(A) | 2
x -xx+ 1 x -5 x (A) x+1
(C) 4/ - 8
(B) 7 ^ 3 j-2
x -5
(B) x - 4
x 3- 5 x 2 3x
62 (n+2n) ^ (2n)2 n
2n2+ 4 n3
15n4 - 5 n s
(C) V y —16
Chapter 4
Drill Sets Solutions__________________________ Drill 1 3
3 1
1. The denominators are the same, but the numerator of— 4
is larger, so—> —. 6 4 4
2. The numerators are the same, but the denominator of —
is smaller,so —> —.
53 3. In the first fraction, — , the numerator is bigger than the denominator, so the fraction is greater 52 85 than 1. In the second fraction, — , the denominator is bigger than the numerator, so the fraction is less
than 1 . 5 3 > 8 5 52 86 4. The second fraction, — , has both a smaller numerator and a larger denominator than the first frac10 tion. Therefore, — < —. Or, cross-multiply. 10 9 5. The first fraction is greater than 1 but less than 2, because 700 is less than twice 360 (2 x 360 = 720). The second fraction is greater than 2, because 590 is more than twice 290 (2 x 290 = 580). 590
Drill 2 6 7 '9
2 _ 7 -2 _ 9
~ 9
2 5 2 3 5 6 5 6 + 5 11 7. — l— = —x — i— = — i— = ------- = — 3 9 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 _ 4
4 11 8
9 11 11
8. - + — = - x — + — x - = — + — = ------
' 12
3_ 12
3 4 ~ 12
12 “
10. Because the denominators are the same, add the numerators and reduce. 52 | 25 = 77 llx
1 lx
_ 7 x
11. Find a common denominator and subtract. Because both 6 and 4 are factors of 12, 12 is the lowest common denominator. a
b b_
a 2b
6 4 ~ 12 12
3b _ a —2b - 3b _ a - 5b 12 ~~
185 185
Fractions u 12. The common denominator of — and 1 is v. U , U V u+v - + l = - + - = -----V
13 I E . '2 V3
V2 V2 3 7 3 7 2 76
2 76
1 76
The answer is (B). 14. Start by simplifying the individual fractions. Dividing the common terms results in common de nominators here and, in the case of the third fraction, dividing top and bottom by a and b also reduces both exponents by 1. a? b^2 _ a
a]& c$
ab2 _ 2 a - a b 2 _ a ( 2 —b2) c c
We can solve by using a common denominator of abc, but it will take a little more work. Look for op portunities to simplify up-front to save yourself time and effort! ab a a 2b3 a 2b a 2b - + ----------- = ----- + cb c abc abc abc
a 2b3
2 a 2b —a 2b?>
Every term in the fraction has ab as a factor. Pull out ab from the numerator and simplify. 2 a 2b —a 2b:3 _ /d? (2a —ab2) _ 2 a —ab2 _ a( 2 —b2) abc
No matter how you perform the addition, the answer is (B). 15. One way to approach this is to multiply the second term by 3/3 to get a common denominator: 2 4 __ 4 _ 24
72 _ 372
12 _ 12 _ 4
372 ~ 372 ~ 72
But this fraction doesn’t match our answer choices. In fact, none of the answer choices are even frac tions! That means numerator by the
we need tofind a way to get rid of the denominator. Normally,wecould divide the denominator, but we can’t divide by a root. We can, however, getridof the root on
• n/2 the bottom if we multiply the fraction by — j= . 4V2 4V2 rx —= = ------ = 2v2 V2 V2 2 The answer is (A).
Chapter 4
Drill 3 _ 9 8+1 8 1 „ 1 16. - = ------ = - + - = 2 + - = 2 K 4 4 4 4 4 , , 31 28 + 3 28 3 , 3, , , 17. — = -------------- = — + - = 4 + - = 4Y7 7 7 7 7 7 47 45 + 2 45 2 , 2 18. — = ---------- = — + — = 3 + — = 3 X 5 15 15 15 15 15 70
60 + 10 60
20 20
= -------- = — + — = 3 + — = 3 + - = 3 y
19 20
20. - - 7
Drill 4 „ 2 3x3 2 9 2 21. 3 % = 3 + - = --------+ - = - + - = — 3 1x3 3 3 3
11 3
^22. 2o ,y6 / = 2^ + -1 = -------2 x 6 + - 1 = 12 13 — + 1- = —
1x6 6
1x 7 7
24.4X = 4 + 5 = ^ + l = ^ + ’ = i l
1x9 9
9 +
Drill 5 2 6 . 5 . 1 ^ ^ 8 8 8 8
27 7 ‘ 9 2g
2 - 7~2 - 5 9 9 9
9 + 20 = 9 + 20 = 29 O R 2 7 11
2 9 .3 .1 0 ^ ^ 4
3 4
30. We begin by simplifying the square root in the numerator. When simplifying a square root, always look for factors that are perfect squares; in this example, we have 18 = 2 x 9 = 2 x 3 2. Therefore:
Chapter 4 2Vl8
2x/xV2 ”
2 -Jl “
172 x22 = 17 x > / x / x X _ 17 3L 11x34 ”
y (x/xyf
l4 x 2y _ ^ . x ^ x / x x x y _ x y 42x X x3xy x/ 3 33. To begin, we simplify the square roots in the numerator and denominator by looking for factors that have pairs: ^
Vl2 = 7 2 x 2 x 3 = 2 ^ 3 Because the numbers remaining inside the square roots have a factor of 3 in common, we can simplify even further: 3%/6 = 3 7 2 ^ 3 =3%/2 73 Therefore: 2rV54 _ / x / r2W 12
2 x^ _ 3 V 2
/x rx sx ^ x ^
34. There are several good ways to simplify a fraction with variables raised to powers. One approach is to use exponent rules to rewrite the expression so that the cancelations are more clear: / x 3 x / x y 2x / x / x z' j $ x2 £ 2
6x*yz* 46x6y 2z 3
// x 2 3 x ^ x j f x y x / ^
23 y
Alternatively, we can consider only one variable at a time and use other exponent rules to simplify: 6 x y z 32-12 — x - r x^ -x-r =— x y z 46 x6 y 2 z 3 23 To combine these into one fraction, we can put x2 and z1 in the numerator, y 1 = — . Place y in the denominator.
3 2 - 1 2 3# z — x2y lz 2 = 23 23^ 35. We begin by simplifying the square roots by searching for factors that have pairs: J50=yl2x5x5=5yf2 *Jl8a2 = y j l x 3 x 3 x a x a = ?>all
Chapter 4
Fractions Notice that the a 2 inside the second square root became an a outside the square root. We then have: 3 ^ 2V50 _
x 5 p # _ bl
Drill 6 36
14 ^ 15 _ ' 20
x x x
2 x x x x
9 _ 6 ^10_2x3x2x5_ 2xXx2xX _ 4
10 _ 25
9 _ 5x5x3x3_ 5xXxXx3~15 11
38. — + — = — x — 11 11 11 3
$ xy( yix?
. =1
39. Before multiplying the fractions, look to cancel common factors.
d3 _ /x .a y .$ ^ d y ./'x /_ a d
40. Before multiplying the fractions, look to cancel common factors. 32
i * i
/x 3
/ x /
42><52 X 3 “ / x / x / x 2 X X x 5 X
“ lO
41. Begin by simplifying the roots. a/25
5 2^2 x V8 = _______ x _______ Vio VT5 %/2xV5 7 3 x ^5
can be canceled from the numerator and denominator. Also note that V5 appears twice in the denominator, and -y/5 x 7 5 = 5 . 20.
_ 2x/_ 2
> ^ x V 5 X V3x V5 ” 7 3 x ^ 5 xV5 “ /V3 ' 7 3 42. Begin by simplifying the roots. yf45 _ 2y/3
>/ n 5
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 X 3 x3
Look to cancel common factors before multiplying. Remember you can cancel across fractions because they are being multiplied.
Chapter 4
Fractions i S 5
j£ S // x // x 2 x 2
$ x3
Now we can combine the roots in the numerator. yfexj3xV5xV5_ 2x2x3x5
/*/ _1 2x2x/x/ 4
43. To divide by a fraction, multiply by its reciprocal. Vio
Vs) _ VTo
V8 * >/l0 - >/8
The numerator simplifies to 10. Simplify the roots on the bottom and combine the fractions.
%/To VTo -X -
Now cancel common factors. 10
44. To divide, multiply by the reciprocal. 3 4
6 2
3 4
t x j/z _ x)/2:
3 4 2 '
3 5 2
x j/z
x j/z
3 4 2
x y z
3 5 2
^xyz X
x y z
We can deal with each variable separately. Combine like variables and use exponent rules to simplify. xy3z 4 x3y 5z 2 _ x x x 3 x J 3 x y 5 x z 4 x z 2 _ x3y 4z 2 x6y 2z x3 x x 6 y 4 x y 2 z 2 x z . .1+3 - 3 - 6 _ 3 +5- 4- 2 _ 4 +2 - 2 - l ___ - 5 .
_ Jv2z z3
—x y z —— — X
45. Begin by multiplying by the reciprocal. 392 . 133 _ 392 ^ 42 24 ’ 42 ' 24 X 133 To do fewer messy calculations, break the numbers into their prime factors and cancel common factors. 392
42 _ (3xl3 )2
~2*~X 133~~
3 x 3 x > ^ x > ^ :^ x ^ c2 x 2 _
X 133 ~ J x ^ c T x 2
)^ x )^ x l3
9 13
Drill 7 46. When the numerator of a fraction consists of two or more terms added together, but the denomina tor is a single term, we can split the fraction into two fractions with a common denominator and then simplify further: 8
6x + 8 _ 6x 2x
Now we need to simplify both fractions. 6x 8 /x3x/ /x2x2 „ 4 — + — = ^- 7— + -------= 3 + — 2x 2x / x/ /xx x If you left the expressions as one fraction, then you could have factored a 2 out of each term in the expression: 6x--8 _ / (3x + 4) _ 3x + 4 2x
/x x
Either version is correct. 47. We can split this fraction into two fractions with a common denominator of 5xy and then simplify further: 10x + 3y _ lOx | 3y _ 5xy
x2 | / *3 _ 2 xy
j f x5 x
Now we have a match. The correct answer is (C). 48. We must be careful when dealing with addition or subtraction in the denominator; the best we can do is identify factors common to all terms and cancel these. Every term within the fraction contains 3a as a factor: 6a
3a x 2
^ x 2
33a + 2 l a b ~ ( 3 a x l l ) + ( 3 a x 7 b ) ~ ^ ( U + 7 b ) ~ U + 7b 49. We begin by simplifying the square roots in the denominator: 3xf3 6 x y jn - x j 2 j
6x(2yj3)- x { 3 S ) ~ 12x^3 - 3x^3
Because the subtraction is taking place in the denominator, we must identify common factors and can cel. These terms have a common factor of 3x^3 . Factor 3x^3 out of the denominator.
Chapter 4
1 2 * 7 3 -3 * 7 3
3 * 7 3 (4 -1 )
Now we can cancel 3 * 7 3 from the numerator and denominator. _ 1 > e ^ f(4 -l)
50. When dealing with addition or subtraction in the denominator, the best we can do is look for com mon factors among all of the terms. In this case, every coefficient present is a multiple of 8 and every term has at least one factor of x. Factor 8x out of the numerator and denominator. 8x2 + 40x
8x(x + 5)
32x - 24x2
8x(4 - 3x)
Now we can cancel 8x from the numerator and denominator. $rfc(x + 5)
Drill 8 Simplify the following expressions. Final answers should be in their most simplified forms. 51. Begin by simplifying each fraction. 3+4
1 + 2 7
1+ 2
3+4 _ 3
Because 3 and 7 share no common factors, the least common denominator is 3 x 7 = 21. 49__9__ 40
21 21 _ 21 „ 3 1 3x1 52. ------- x —= -------------- = -----------
x+2 7
n+ 3 . x+2 4
(x + 2)x5
5x + 10
ra+ l _ 7 x ( « + l ) _ 7 « + 7 2 x+3 +
(« + 3) x2 2n + 6 (x + 2) + (x + 3) _ 2x + 5
- * + ! ;; ~f t-2 2 ~
4 + ( t - 2 )x 2
4 _ fl ~ t ~2t-4
Chapter 4
56. When subtracting fractions with more than one term in the numerator, put the subtracted term in parentheses to remind yourself to distribute the negative: 3 +£ _ £ +
66 *(3 + V3) '
6 - ( 3 + £ ) _ £ + 6 —3 —b _ 3 _ 1
x _ 3 x + xy[3
3x _ (3x + xy/3) -( 3x) _ xyfe
58. Because the first fraction doesn’t reduce, we need to multiply to find a common denominator: 3x2 + 3 y 40
x 2 + y _ 3x2 + 3y 8
5x2 + 5y _ (3x2+ 3y) + (5x2 + 5y) _ 8x2 + 8y 40
We’re not done, because all the terms in the fraction are divisible by 8. We can still reduce this fraction further. 8x2 + 8 y _ $ ( x 2 + y) _ x2 + y 40
/x 5
Drill 9 59. Begin by breaking down the fractions so that we can reduce common factors before we multiply. Remember that you can cancel across fractions because they’re multiplied. At - 3 —L_______ i x 2 x t x ( - l ) x / = ________ 2 x * x - l = ____ -21 __X____ 6 t-3 X xX (^~3) t-3 t-3 The answer is (A). 60. Begin by looking for common factors to cancel before we multiply. j - 2 y 12 = ( j - 2 )
2x2x3 (j-2)
Because (j - 2) is a factor of both the numerator and denominator, we can cancel it along with other common factors. j>< # /x/x2
,: / x / x 3 _ 3 ~2
The answer is (A).
Chapter 4
61. Break down each fraction and look for common denominators. x —5 X
x2 _ ( x - 5 ) x+l
/ * x __{ x- 5) x x _ x 2 - 5 x (x + 1)
(x +1)
The answer is A. 62. Be careful— we can simplify the numerator of the first fraction and the denominator of the second fraction. (n + 2n)
_ 3n ^4n2 10 n
Don’t forget to simplify before you multiply: 3 n ^4 n _
3x / x / x 2 x / x /
/ X/ l X/ l XnXX x 5 x n
The answer is B.
Drill 10 63. Begin by simplifying the denominator. 3
Dividing by (15/4) is the same as multiplying by (4/15). 3
, 4 4 = 3 x — = 3x-
1y A
15 3 x 5 5
64. Begin by simplifying the denominator. 8
2 _ 2/ - 6/ _ 2/ ~ 4/ z 73 7 3 7 3 /3 Now we can divide 8 by the fraction (4/3), which is the same as multiplying by (3/4). -^- = 8 x - = ( 2 x 4 ) x - = 6 4/ 4 4 / 6
Chapter 4
65. To begin, simplify the numerator and the denominator. 1/+ 1/ 3 / + 2/ 5/ 7 2 / 3 _ / 6 /6 _ 76 7 / _ 3 / 14/ _ 9 / 5/ 76 74 712 /12 712 Now we can divide. 76 _ 5 12 5/ 6X 5 712
Simplify before you multiply. 5 12 / / x 2 — x— = =2 6 5 / / 66. First we have to combine the terms in the denominator.
1— 1- y
1- y
1 (l-jy)-(l)
1- y
1- y
1- y
1 -y -y
Now we can divide. 1 1- y 1- y ------ = 1 x -----—= ---- i-
-y 1- y Be careful. The fraction we have doesn’t match any of the answer choices. Notice that the denominator we have is — y, while two of the answer choices have a denominator of y. Let’s factor (—1) out of the frac tion. —y _ - l ( y - l ) _ y - l
- U j)
Now we have a match. The answer is C.
Foundations of GMAT Math
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Four Ways to Express Parts of a Whole Convert 0.25 to 25%: Move The Decimal Point Two Places Right Convert 0.25 or 25% to 1/4: Put 25 over 100 and Simplify Convert 1/4 to 0.25 or 25%: Long-Divide 1 by 4 Multiply a Decimal by a Power of Ten: Shift the Decimal Point Add or Subtract Decimals: Line Up the Decimal Points Multiply Two Decimals: Ignore Decimal Points At First Multiply a Decimal and a Big Number: Trade Decimal Places Divide Two Decimals: Move Points in the Same Direction To Kill Decimals '20% O f $55'= 0.2 x $55 Percent Change: Divide Change in Value by Original Value Percent O f a Percent Of: Multiply Twice Ratio: One Quantity Divided By Another P art: P art: Whole Ratios— Write Part + Part: Whole and Use the Unknown Multiplier
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios In This Chapter: • Relationships am ong fractions, decimals, percents, & ratios
Four Ways to Express Parts of a Whole Say you have the shaded part o f this orange. You can express how much you have in four ways.
A. You have — of the orange.
B. You have 0 .2 5 o f the orange.
C . You have 2 5 % o f the orange.
D . The ratio o f your piece to the whole orange is 1 to 4 , or 1 : 4 .
Any of these four forms can express a part-to-whole relationship. The m ain difference between the forms is how you th in k about the whole.
— = 1 out o f 4 pieces of the whole. 0 .2 5 = 0 .2 5 o f the whole itself. 2 5 % = 2 5 out o f 10 0 pieces o f the whole. “1 to 4 ” = 1 out o f 4 pieces o f the whole.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios In other words, what is each form “out of”? What is the whole that you are dividing by? Fractions are out o f the denominator (4 in this case). Decimals are out of (the whole). You’ve already done the division. Percents are out o f 100. Percent literally means “per hundred,” or divided by 100. Ratios are out 0/the second term in the ratio (4 in this case). So ratios are very similar to frac3 tions, and you can quickly rewrite any ratio as a fraction. For instance, a ratio of 3 to 7 is —. Another word for ratio is proportion. Which form is most useful depends on the problem at hand. You might say any of the following: The container is — full. 2 The container is filled to 0.5 of its capacity. The container is 50% full. The ratio of the contents of the container to its capacity is 1 to 2. By the way, the “part” can be greater than the whole. I ate — of a box of cereal. (I ate more than one box.) 4 I ate 1.25 boxes of cereal. I ate 125% of a box of cereal. The ratio of what I ate to a whole box of cereal was 5 to 4.
Convert 0.25 to 25%: Move The Decimal Point Two Places Right Decimals are out of 1. Percents are out of 100. So, to convert a decimal to a percent, move the deci mal point two places to the right. Add zeroes if necessary. 0.53 = 53%
0.4 = 40%
0.03 = 3%
1.7 = 170%
A percent might still contain a visible decimal point when you’re done. 0.4057 = 40.57%
0.002 = 0.2%
0.0005 = 0.05%
Just keep track of which decimal is part of the percent and which one is the “pure” decimal. To convert a percent to a decimal, go in reverse. That is, move the decimal point two places to the left. If the decimal point isn’t visible, it’s actually just before the % sign. Add zeroes if necessary as you move left. 39% = 39.% = 0.39
60% = 0.60 = 0.6
8% = 0.08
225% = 2.25
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios 13.4% = 0.134
0.7% = 0.007
0.001% = 0.00001
If you...
Then you...
Want to convert a decimal to a percent
Move the decimal point two places to the right
Want to convert a percent to a decimal
Move the decimal point two places to the left
Like this: 0 .0 3 6 = 3 .6 % 4 1 .2 %
= 0 .4 1 2
Check Your Skills 1. Convert 0.035 to a percent. Answer can be found on page 225.
Convert 0.25 or 25% to 1/4: Put 25 over 100 and Simplify The decimal 0.25 is twenty-five one-hundredths. So rewrite that as 25 over 100: 0.25
Now simplify by cancelling common factors from top and bottom.
0.25 =
25 _ X? 6
When you convert a decimal to a fraction, put a power of 10 (10, 100, 1,000, etc.) in the denomi nator of the fraction. Which power of 10? It depends on how far the decimal goes to the right. Put as many zeroes in your power of 10 as you have digits to the right of the decimal point. J3_
0.3 Zero point three
10 is
three tenths, or three over ten
Zero point is two three
100 twenty-three one-hundredths
Zero point is zero zero seven
1,000 seven onethousandths,
Don’t forget to cancel.
0.375 =
375 1>000
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios In the second case, you cancel 125 from top and bottom, leaving 3 and 8. When you put the digits on top, keep any zeroes in the middle, such as the 0 between the 1 and the 2 in 0.0102. Otherwise, drop any zeroes (such as the Os to the left of the 1).
0.0102 = - 102
'• « *
To convert a percent to a fraction, write the percent “over one hundred.” Remember that percent literally means “per hundred.”
45% =i l . ^ - = ± 100 20^ K f 20
Alternatively, you can first convert the percent to a decimal by moving the decimal place. Then follow the process given earlier.
2.5% = 0.025 =
= 40 ^
If you don’t convert to a decimal first, be sure to write the fraction over 100. 2.5% = —
That fraction ultimately reduces to -—■, but we’ll look at the process of dividing decimals a little further on.
Ifyou... Want to convert a decimal to a fraction
Then you... Put the digits to the right of the
Like this: 0.036=
decimal point over the appropri ate power of 10, then simplify
Want to convert a percent to a
Write the percent
“over 100,” then simplify
36 1,000 9 250
4% = — 100 _ 1 '2 5
OR Convert first to a decimal, then follow the process for converting decimals to fractions
3.6% = 0.036 0.036 =
9 250
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
Check Your Skills 2. Convert 0.375 to a fraction. 3. Convert 24% to a fraction. Answers can be found on page 225.
Convert 1/4 to 0.25 or 25%: Long-Divide 1 by 4 A fraction represents division. The decimal equivalent is the result of that division. To convert a fraction to a decimal, long-divide the numerator by the denominator. — =? 4 4)
Divide 1 by 4. 7
4 ” 0-25
—= ? 8
Divide 5 by 8.
8) 5.000
- 0 .8 0
- 4 .8 0 0
-0 .1 6 0
0 .0 4 0
- 0
-0 .0 4 0
0 In some cases, the decimal never ends because the long division never ends. You get a repeating decimal. 1
= 0 333 y}000-
=0 3 U-D 3 )
- 0 .9 0 0
0.100 - 0 .0 9 0
0.010 If the denominator contains only 2s and/or 5s as factors, the decimal will end. In that case, you can take a shortcut to find the decimal equivalent: make the denominator a power of 10 by multiplica tion. i = I x 2 5 = M_ = 0 .25 4 4 x 2 5 100
2 = 5 *1 2 5 = _ 6 M = 0 (a 5 8 8x125 1,000
Since 4 = 22, you multiply by 25 (= 52) to get 100 (= 102). Likewise, you multiply 8 (= 23) by 125 (= 53) to get 1,000 (= 103).
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
To convert a fraction to a percent, first convert it to a decimal, then convert the decimal to a per cent. - =- ^ 2 2x5
= — = 0.5 = 50% 10
If you...
Then you...
Like this:
Want to convert a fraction to a decimal
Do long division
7 0.875 ■£->8)7.000
OR Convert the denominator to a power of 10, if the denomina tor only contains 2s and 5s as factors Know the following conversions. Fraction
Percent 1%
0.05 0.1
5% 10%
0.125 0.2
12.5% 20%
0.25 0.3
25% 30%
0.375 0.4
37.5% 40%
0.5 0.6
1/10 1/8 1/5 1/4
2/5 1/2 3/5 5/8
62.5% 66.66...% 70%
0.75 0.8
75% 80%
0.9 1
2/3 7/10 3/4
6/5 5/4
125% 150%
0.625 0.6666...
8x125 = 875 =0.875 1,000
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios Check Your Skills 4. Change 3/5 to a decimal. 5. Convert 3/8 to a percent. Answers can be found on page 225-
Multiply a Decimal by a Power of Ten: Shift the Decimal Point Decimals are tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and so on. One tenth is a power of 10— namely, 10_1. One hundredth is also a power of 10— namely, 10'2. You can write any decimal as a fraction with a power of 10 in the denominator, or as a product involv ing a power of 10. Hie power of 10 determines where the decimal point is. So if you multiply or divide a decimal by a power of 10, you move the decimal point. If you multiply by 10 itself, you shift the decimal point one place to the right. 0.004 x 10 = 0.04 The 10 cancels with one power of 10 in the denominator. ------- x i o = -------- j x y S - — 1,000 1,00JB 100 You can also see it in terms of exponents. The additional 10 increases the overall exponent from -3 to -2 . 4 x 10'3 x 10 = 4 x 10“2 If you multiply by 100, or 102, you shift the decimal point two places to the right. 0.004 x 100 = 0.4
4 4 That i s ,------- x l0 0 = —
4 x 10'3 x 102 = 4 x 10'1
When you multiply by a power of 10, the exponent of that power is the number of places you move the decimal. 43.8723 x 103 = 43,872.3
Move the decimal 3 places to the right.
If you divide by a power of 10, you just move to the left instead. 782.95 -j- 10 = 78.295
Move the decimal1 place to the left.
57,234 -r 104 = 5.7234
Move the decimal 4 places to the
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, &Ratios
tr 5
If you encounter negative powers of 10, flip them to positive powers of 10 and change from multiplica tion to division or vice versa. Multiplying by a negative power of 10 is the same as dividing by a positive power. 0.004 x 10~3 = 0.004 + 103 = 0.000004
Move 3 places to the left.
Likewise, dividing by a negative power of 10 is the same as multiplying by a positive power. 62 -5- 10'2 = 62 x 102 = 6,200
Move 2 places to the right.
All of these procedures work the same for repeating decimals. —x 10 = 0.333... x 10 = 3.33... 3
Move 1 place to the right.
If you...
Then you...
Multiply a decimal by a power of 10
Move the decimal point right a number of places, corresponding to the exponent of 10
Divide a decimal by a power of 10
Move the decimal point left a number of places, corresponding to the exponent of 10
Like this:
102 = 0.7
0.6 * 103 = 0.0006
Check Your Skills 6. 32.753 x 102 = 7.43,681 x 10“4 =
Answers can be found on page 225.
Add or Subtract Decimals: Line Up the Decimal Points When you add or subtract decimals, write the decimals vertically, with the decimal points lined up. 0.3 + 0.65 =
0.65 - 0.5 =
0.3 0.65
0.65 0.50
You can add zeroes on the right to help you line up. For instance, turn 0.5 into 0.50 before you subtract it from 0.65.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios If you...
Then you...
Add or subtract decimals
Line up the decimal points vertically
Chapter 5 Like this: 4.035 +0.120 4.155
Check Your Skills 8.3.128 + 0.045 = 9 .1 .8 7 4 6 -0 .3 1 3 = Answers can be found on page 225-
Multiply Two Decimals: Ignore Decimal Points At First Consider this example: 0.25 x 0.5 = First, multiply the numbers together as if they were integers. In other words, ignore the decimal points. 25 x 5 = 125 Now count all the digits to the right of the original decimal points. 0.25 has 2 digits to the right.
0.5 has 1 digit to the right.
There were a total of 3 digits originally to the right. So we move the decimal point of our answer 3 places to the left, in order to compensate. 125 becomes 0.125
Therefore, 0.25 x 0.5 = 0.125
You can see why this process works using powers of 10. 0.25 = 25 x 10-2
0.5 = 5 x 10'1
0.25 x 0.5 = (25 x 10'2) x (5 x 10'1) = 125 x 10'3 = 0.125 The powers of 10 just tell you where to put the decimal point. Here is another example: 3.5 x 20 = 35 x 20 = 700
We originally had one digit to the right of a decimal point. Move the final decimal point one place to the left.
3.5 x 20 = 70.0 = 70
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios Count the zeroes to the right of the decimal point as well. 0.001 x 0.005 = 1x5 = 5
We originally had six digits to the right, including zeroes. Move the final decimal point six places to the left.
0.001 x 0.005 = 0.000005 I f you...
Then you... Ignore the decimal points, mul
Multiply two decimals
tiply integers, then place the decimal point by counting the original digits on the right
Like this:
0.2 x 0.5 = ? 2 x 5 = 10 10-► 0.10 0.2 x 0.5 = 0.1
Check Your Skills 10.0.6 x 1.4 = 11.0.0004 x 0.032 = Answers can be found on pages 225—226.
Multiply a Decimal and a Big Number: Trade Decimal Places Now consider this example: 4.000.000 x 0.0003 = When one number is very big and the other one is very small, you can trade powers of 10 from the big one (4,000,000) to the small one (0.0003). In other words, move one decimal point left and the other one right. Just make sure you move the same number of places. This multiplication would be easier if we got rid of the decimal altogether. To do so, we need to move the decimal in 0.0003 to the right 4 places. So to compensate, we move the decimal in 4,000,000 to the left 4 places. That makes that number more manageable anyway. 4.000.000 x 0.0003 = 4,000,000 x 0.0003 = 400 x 3 = 1,200 You can justify these maneuvers with powers of 10. 4.000.000 x 0.0003 = (4 x 106) x (3 x 10‘ 4) = 12 x 106'4 = 12 x 102 = 1,200
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios If you...
Then you...
Like this:
Multiply a decimal and a big number
Trade decimal places from the big number to the decimal
50,000x0.007 = 5 0 x 7 = 350
Check Your Skills 12.520,000 x 0.0004 =
Answers can be found on page 226.
Divide Two Decimals: Move Points in the Same Direction To Kill Deci mals When you divide decimals, first write the division as a fraction if it isn’t in that form already 300 _ 0.05 ” Now move the decimals in the same direction on top and bottom. This is the same as multiplying top and bottom by the same power of 10. Do this to eliminate decimals. In this case, you want to turn 0.05 into 5 by moving its decimal 2 places to the right. Just do the same thing on top. Add zeroes as necessary. 300
------= ------— = --------- = 6,000 0.05 0.05 5 This is equivalent to multiplying top and bottom by 100. 300 300x100 30,000 . ^ ------= -------------- = ---------- = 6,000 0.05 0.05x100 5 One decimal may need more moves than the other. Try this example: 12.39 = 0.003 ” The 12.39 only needs 2 moves to get rid of the decimal, while 0.003 needs 3 moves. Go with the larger number of moves. You can always add zeroes to the other number.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios 12.39 0.003
12-^ _
12,390 _ i
If you...
Then you...
Divide two decimals
Move the decimal points in the same direction to eliminate decimals as far as you can
Like this: 0-QQ2_
0.0004 ~ 4 ~
Check Your Skills 0.00084 ‘ 0.00007 ~~ Answers can be found on page 226.
'20% Of $55'=0.2 x $55 In everyday life, percents are the most common way of expressing part-to-whole relationships. You often see signs advertising “25% off,” but you don’t see as many signs advertising “ — off” or “0.75 of the original price.” So your intuition about percents is probably good, and that’s useful on the GMAT. However, percents are the least useful form for actual computation. If you need to crunch numbers, convert percents to decimals or fractions. Consider this problem: 30% of $60 = “Of” means “times.” In a percent problem, “of” indicates multiplication. So convert 30% to a decimal, and then multiply. 30% of $60 = 0.30 x $60 = 3 x $6 = $18 O f course, you can use the fraction form of 30% instead. 30% o f$60 =— x $60 = - ^ 100 1OJ0
x $60
The problem could be worded as a question. What is 20% of $55?
= 4 / X $ 6 / = $18 1J0
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
In the “Word Problems” chapter, we’ll do more with translating words into math. For now, though, you should know these translations: What
can be translated as
(some variable)
can be translated as
(the equals sign)
So you can translate the full question to math as follows: What
Now you can crunch the numbers on the right. 0.20 x $55 =
Compute 2 x $55 = $110, then move the decimal point.
0.20 x $55 = $11 O f course, you could translate 20% to a fraction rather than to a decimal.
- x $ 5 5 = - K x ' & 6 = $U 5 X The translation gets a little tougher when you encounter the phrase “what percent.” What percent of 125 is 25? You should still use x to translate “what.” The word “percent” by itself means “divided by 100.” You can show that as “ /100” or “
x As a result, “what percent” can be translated as at/100, o r -----.
Translate the question now. What percent —
You can now find the answer by solving for x. Solving equations for x will be covered in depth in the “Equations” chapter on page 257.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5 X 100 x X
X125 = 25 x -
5J2 5 ' = 25
—x5 = 25 4 4 =5
x = 20 In practice, you should use something other than x to indicate multiplication when you have an x around, so that you don’t mix up x and x on your paper. You can use parentheses or a big dot. — Il2 5 = 25 vlOOj
•125 = 25
Here’s a last example: 16 is 2% of what? 2 1 Translate word by word. Change 2% either to 0.02 or t o -----= — . 5 100 50 16
16 Now solve for x. 16 = (0.02)x 16
0.02 16 002
•= x
-= X
1,600 ------- = x 2 800 = x
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios If you...
Then you...
See “30% of”
Convert 30% into a decimal or fraction, then multiply
Like this:
Turn “what percent” in to -----. F 100 then multiply
See “what percent of”
Chapter 5
30% of 200 = 0.30 x 200 = 60 What percent of 200 is 60?
(ioo)200= 60
Check Your Skills Translate the following and solve.
14.21 is 30% of what number? Answers can be found on page 226.
Percent Change: Divide Change in Value by Original Value Consider this example. You have $200 in a bank account. You deposit an additional $30 in that account. By what percent did the value of the bank account change? Whenever some amount changes and you care about percents, set up this equation: Original + Change = New This equation holds true in two ways. First, it holds true for the actual amounts or values, which in this case are in dollars. This is unsurprising. Original
in value
This equation also holds true for percents, as long as you mean percents o f the original value. Original Percent (% o f origin al)
Change Percent (% o f origin al)
New Percent (% o f oniginal)
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
The original percent is always 100%, since the original value is always 100% of itself. The change percent is better known as the percent change. This equals the change in value divided by the original value. _ / ,w r . in Change in value Percent Change (as % or original; = --------------------Original value The new percent is related to the new value by the same kind of formula. New Percent (as % of original) = —^ cw v^ ue— Original value You can rewrite these equations by multiplying through by the original value. Percent Change (as % of original) x Original value = Change in value New Percent (as % of original) x Original value = New value To solve this problem, you can find the percent change using either form of the equation. __ / n/ r • • i Change in value Percent Change (as %or original) = ------- ------------Original value Change in value _ $30 _ Original value
5J>3(f _ 15 _ ^ o / 1O°^20{f
The additional $30 corresponds to a 15% change in the value of the account. You can also use “Percent Change x Original value = Change in value.” That’s equivalent to this ques tion: What percent of $200 is $30? x Turn “what percent” in to -----, translate the rest and solve for x.
200 = 30 lioo./ 2 ^ = 30 U rfJ 2x = 30 r X
x = 5 Again, the $30 increase represents a 15% increase in the accounts value.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios You can also find the new percent if you want: Original Percent
(% o f original)
Change Percent
(% o f original)
New Percent (% o f original)
In other words, $230 is 115% of $200, the original value of the account. If the value of the account decreases, the equations still hold true. You just have a negative change. In other words, you subtract the change. You again have $200 in a bank account. You make a withdrawal that reduces the value of the account by 40%. How much money remains in the account? This time, solve for the new percent first. A 40% decrease is a -4 0 % change. Original Percent
(% o f original)
Change Percent
(% o f original)
New Percent (% o f original)
If you take out 40%, whats left is 60% of the original. Now find the new value. New Percent (as % of original) x Original value = New value 60% x $200 = New value — 1200 = * 100 ) 60 x
2^6 = X
120 = x $120 remains in the account. Alternatively, you could figure out the change in value, then subtract that from the original value. How ever, it s often faster to turn the percent change into the new percent, then convert that into a conve nient fraction or decimal and multiply by the original value. Learn these shortcuts.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
A percent INCREASE
... is the same as this
NEW percent...
... which is the same as multiply ing the ORIGINAL VALUE by...
1.2, or
1.25, or 4 4
1.5, or 2
A percent DECREASE of...
... is the same as this NEW percent...
... which is the same as multiply ing the ORIGINAL VALUE by...
4 0.8, or —
0.75, or ^ 4
0.5, or — 2
0.25, or — 4
“Percent more than” is just like “percent increase.” You do exactly the same math. $230 is what percent more than $200? Think of $230 as the new value and $200 as the original value. Again, you’ll get 15%. You just call it the percent difference rather than the percent change. Likewise, “percent less than” is just like “percent decrease.” $120 is what percent less than $200? Think of $120 as the new value and $200 as the original value. Again, youTl get a 40% “decrease” or difference.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios Which number you call the original value matters. The original value is always after the “than,” Its the value you’re comparing the other value to. $230 is what percent more than $200? $200 is the original value. You re comparing $230 to $200, not the other way around. Finally, be sure not to misread a “percent OF” as a “percent MORE THAN” or vice versa. 35 is what percent of 20? 35 is what percent more than 20? The answer to the first question is 175, since 35 is 175 percent o f 20. The answer to the second question is 75, since 35 is 75 percent more than 20. Keep “percent of ** and “percent more than/less than” distinct. If you...
Then you...
Like this:
Add $30 to $200 Need to find a percent change
Divide the change in value by the original value f
$60 + 25% = ? New % = 125% Need to find a new value from the percent change and the original value
Need to find a “percent more than” or “percent less than”
Find the new “percent of” us ing Original 4- Change = New, then multiply by the original value
Treat the problem like a percent increase or a percent decrease
5 '4 ( 5 'i 4 $60 = $75 $230 is what % more than $200? f
Check Your Skills 15. What is the percent decrease from 90 to 72? Answers can be found on page 226.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Percent Of a Percent Of: Multiply Twice Consider this example. What is 120% of 150% of 30? These are “percents of,” so you turn the percents into decimal or fractional equivalents and multiply 30 by both of those equivalents. Fraction equivalents are particularly handy for successive percent changes, because frequently we can cancel. 120% = 5
150% = 2
120% of 150% of 30 = - x - x 30 = — x x 30 = 4 x 6>{f = 54 5 2 5 / / Percent changes often come one after the other. When you have successive percent changes, multiply the original value by each “new percent” (converted to a suitable fraction or decimal). The price of a share, originally $50, goes up by 10% on Monday and then by 20% on Tuesday. What is the overall change in the price of a share, in dollars? A percent increase of 10% is equivalent to a “new percent” of 110%, or multiplying the original value by 1.1 oc 1 1 . 10 A percent increase of 20% is equivalent to a “new percent” of 120%, or multiplying the original value by 1.2 or —. 5 Compute the new value by multiplying the original value by both of these factors. $50 x — x —= 10 5
x— y = 11x6 = $66 /
So the change in value is $66 —$50 = $16. Notice that that change is not 30% of $50 = $15. Never add successive percents (e.g., 10% and 20%). The answer will be approximately right ($15 is close to $16) and precisely wrong.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios I f you...
Then you...
Chapter 5 Like this:
$50+10% ,
Have successive percent changes
Multiply the original value by the “new percents” for both percent changes
+2 0 % $ 5 o f— Y — 1 =$ 6 6 U 0A 5 J th e n
Check Your Skills 16. What is 80% of 75% of 120? Answers can be found on page 226.
Ratio: One Quantity Divided By Another Ratios or proportions express a particular kind of relationship between two quantities. That relationship is division. Consider this example: For every 2 boys in a certain kindergarten class, there are 3 girls. This relationship can be rewritten this way: Number of boys _ 2 Number of girls
2 In words, the number of boys divided by the number of girls is —. The language and symbols of ratios are peculiar. Note the following equivalent expressions: For every 2 boys, there are 3 girls. There are 2 boys for every 3 girls. The ratio of boys to girls is 2 to 3. The ratio of boys to girls is 2 :3 . 2 The ratio of boys to girls is —.
None of this means that there are only 2 boys and 3 girls in the class. There could be 2 boys and 3 girls in the class. But there could also be 4 boys and 6 girls, or 6 boys and 9 girls, or 20 boys and 30 girls, and so on. The only constraint is that the number of boys divided by the 2 number of girls must equal —.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios By the way, use full words for the units “boys” and “girls.” Never write 2B to mean 2 boys or 3G to mean 3 girls. You will confuse yourself terribly. Single letters (such as B and G) should always be vari ables, not units. The expression 2 5 would mean “2 times the number of boys.” If you know that the ratio of boys to girls is 2 to 3 and you are told what one of the numbers is, then you can figure out the other one. For instance, if you are told that there are 15 girls, then you can figure out that there must be 10 boys, since ^ k°ys _ 2_ Likewise, if you are told that there are 12 boys, then 7 15 girls 3 7 7 there must be 18 girls, to keep the ratio at 2:3. 2 Every possible set of numbers reduces to —, if you write the set as a fraction. 10 boys
_ 10 _ 2>
15 girls
12 boys
318 girls
1y i
2 33
Lets write the common factors explicitly before cancelling them out. 10 boys
12 boys_ 1 2 _ 2 x 6 _ 2 x /j^ _ 2
15 girls
” l5~3x5” 3x/” 3
18 girls ” 18 ~ 3 x 6 ” 3x / ” 3
The number of boys and the number of girls must have a common factor that cancels out to leave 2 and 3, respectively. We call that common factor the unknown multiplier and usually give it the letter x. So the number of boys must be 2 times that common factor x. Number of boys = 2x Likewise, the number of girls must be 3 times that common factor x. Number of girls = 3x This formulation guarantees the ratio of 2 to 3. Number of boys _ 2x _ Number of girls
_ 2 3 /
2 The unknown multiplier * is the common factor that cancels out to leave —. If you are given one quantity, you can always figure out the other quantity directly from the proportion. Or you can figure out the unknown multiplier first, then the other quantity. Although the second way might seem roundabout, it can save you computational effort. The ratio of apples to bananas in a certain display is 7 to 10. If there are 63 apples, how many bananas are there?
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios You can solve this problem in your head if you use the unknown multiplier. Set the number of apples equal to 7x, and solve for x. 7 x - 63
You can think of 9 as the number of “basic sets” of apples and bananas. A basic set contains exactly the numbers in the ratio: 7 apples and 10 bananas. Any possible quantity of fruit in the display must contain some number of these basic sets. YouVe now figured out that there are 9 basic sets of apples and bananas. The multiplier is no longer unknown. If each set has 10 bananas, how many total bananas are there? Total number of bananas = lOx = 10(9) = 90 There are 90 bananas in the display. I f you...
See that the ratio of sharks to dolphins is 3 to 13
Then you... Write the proportion of sharks to dolphins as a fraction Write each quantity in terms of an unknown multiplier
Like this: Sharks
Sharks = 3x Dolphins = I3 x
Check Your Skills 17. The ratio of blue marbles to white marbles in a bag is 3 :5. If there are 15 white marbles in the bag, how many blue marbles are there? Answers can be found on page 227.
Part: Part: Whole Ratios— Write Part + Part: Whole and Use the Unknown Multiplier If there are 2 boys for every 3 girls in the kindergarten class, then you can also say something about the total number of students in the class. Write each quantity in terms of the unknown multiplier again. Number of boys = 2x Number of girls = 3x You also know that Boys + Girls = Total Students.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios Total number of students = 2x+ 3x= 5x All three quantities (boys, girls, and students) have the same multiplier. This means that you can write a P a rt: P a rt: Whole ratio relating boys, girls, and total students. The Whole number is just the sum of the two Parts. Boys : Girls : Students
Here’s another way to think about this concept. Each “basic set” of 2 boys and 3 girls has a total of 5 students. Once you know the number of basic sets (that is, the unknown multiplier), you know three things— the number of boys, the number of girls, and the total number of students. For all this to work, you have to have just two distinct parts in the whole.This lets you sum to the whole from the Boys : Girls ratio. You can now write two-way ratios between any two components. Boys : Girls = 2 : 3 Boys : Students = 2 : 5 Girls : Students = 3 : 5 Furthermore, you can determine percents of the whole. The 2 : 3 ratio of boys to girls guarantees a 2 3 2 : 5 ratio of boys to students. Thus, —, or 40%, of the students are boys. Likewise, —, or 60%, of the students are girls. Here are a few other common Part: Part ratios and the resulting percents of the whole. Boys: Girls
Boys : Girls : Students
1 : 1 : 2
1 : 2 : 3
1 : 3 : 4
Boys: Students 1
: 2 50%
1 : 3 33.33...% 1
: 4 25%
Girls: Students 1
: 2 50%
2 : 3 66.66...% 3
: 4 75%
Consider this problem: A bouquet contains white roses and red roses. If the ratio of white to red roses is 5 : 3, what percent of all the roses are red? (A) 37.5%
(B) 40%
(C) 60%
(D) 62.5%
(E) 80%
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios Set up a Part: Part: Whole ratio. The Whole number is just 5 + 3 = 8. White : Red : Total Roses
3 3 So the ratio of Red to Total is 3 to 8. The fraction you want is —. As a percent, —= 37.5%. The correct • (A). /a 8 8 answer is If you have the percents of the two parts of the whole, you can set up a Part: Part: Whole ratio with the percents. Use 100 for the Whole. Then reduce the ratio by removing common factors. If 20% of the animals in a zoo are skunks, what is the ratio of non-skunk animals to skunks in the zoo? Here, the “Part + Part = Whole” equation is Skunks + Non-skunks = Animals. If 20% of the animals are skunks, then 100% - 20% = 80% are non-skunks. Skunks : Non-skunks : Animals =
20 : 80 : 100
Now reduce the ratio. You can take out a common factor of 20, leaving 1 : 4 : 5 . Thus, the ratio of non-skunk animals to skunks is 4 to 1. Be careful of the order in any ratio, and an swer the question as given. You didn’t need the unknown multiplier in these problems, but now try this one: A car lot contains only sedans and trucks. There are 4 sedans for every 5 trucks on the lot. If there are 12 sedans on the lot, how many total vehicles are there? Set up the Part: Part: Whole ratio. Sedans : Trucks : Total vehicles
You are told that there are actually 12 sedans on the lot. So now use the unknown multiplier x. Number of sedans = 4x = 12 sedans x= 3 Now plug in this multiplier to find the total number of vehicles. Total number of vehicles = 9x = 9(3) = 27 vehicles. Notice that when the quantities are counting real things, you have to stick to positive integers— the counting numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. In that case, the unknown multiplier itself is restricted to counting num bers as well. This means that the parts and the whole must be multiples of the numbers in the ratio.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios Take the kindergarten class again. Boys : Girls : Students
The number of boys is 2x, and # must be an integer, so the number of boys must be even (a multiple of 2). Likewise, the number of girls must be a multiple of 3, and the total number of students must be a mul tiple of 5. If the GMAT asks you what could be the total number of students, then the right answer will be a multiple of 5, and the 4 wrong answers will not be. In real life, you encounter ratios in recipes. You usually have more than two ingredients. But you can still use the unknown multiplier. Take this recipe: 3 cups of olive oil + 1 cup of vinegar + Vi cup of lemon juice + Vi cup of mustard
= 5 cups of salad dressing
What if you need 10 cups of salad dressing for a big party? Set up the unknown multiplier. Cups of salad dressing = 5x = 10 so
The multiplier is 2. This means that you double the recipe, as you probably figured out immediately. Recognize that this is what the multiplier in a ratio does: it multiplies every ingredient by the same fac tor (2 in this case). = 3x
= 3(2)
- 6 cups
Cups of vinegar
= lx
= 1(2)
= 2 cups
Cups of lemon juice
= Vzx = Vix
= V4(2) = 1 cup = m ) = 1 cup
Cups of olive oil
Cups of mustard If you...
Then you...
Have two parts that make a whole and that have a ratio of 3 to 4
Write the Part: Part: Whole ratio as 3 :4 :7 and use the un known multiplier as needed
Like this:
Lefties = 3x Righties = 4x so
People = lx Check Your Skills 18. A flowerbed contains only roses and tulips. If the ratio of tulips to the total number of flowers in the bed is 5:11, and there are 121 flowers in the bed, how many roses are there? Answers can be found on page 227.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
Check Your Skills Answer Key 1. 3.5%: Move the decimal to the right 2 places. 0.035 2. i , „.375 = ^ - i z 8 200 6
X 3 . — : 24% = 25 25^
! - 3 8
6 25 0.6 5)3^0
0.6: Perform long division to convert a fraction to a decimal. -3 0 0
5. 37.5%: Begin by performing long division. 0.375 8 3.000
24 60 56 40 40 0
6. 3,275.3: 32.753 x 102 = 3,275.3 7. 4.3681: 43,681 x 10‘ 4 = 4.3681 8. 3.173:
3.128 0.045 3A73
9. 1.5616:
1.8746 0.313 1.5616
10. 0.84: 0.6 x 1.4 = 6 x 14 = 84 0.6 x 1.4 = 0.84
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
11. 0.0000128: 0.0004 x 0.032 4 x 32 = 128 0.0004 x 0.032 = 0.0000128 12. 208: Move the decimal in 520,000 to the left four places and move the decimal in 0.0004 to the right four places. 520,000 x 0.0004 = 52 x 4 = 208.
w I J • , . •. r . 0.00084 84 13. 12: Move each decimal to the right 5 places.-------------= — = 12 5 K 0.00007 7 14. 70:
30 100 30 percent
what number?
o, = -----x 30 21 100 10/ x 21 = x 3/ 1 0 x 7X
■= X
i/ 70 = x 15. 20% : If we want to find the percent decrease, then we should focus on the amount by which 90 was reduced. 90 - 72 = 18, so:
'^ • = — = 20% 10
4 3 16. 72: Convert 80% and 75% to fractions. 80% = — and 75% = —. 5 4 x = — x - ^ x l2 0 5 / x 4 x ^
x = 3 x 2 4 = 72
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
17. 9: If there are 15 white marbles, then we can set the 15 equal to 5x, to solve for the unknown multiplier. 5x= 15 x= 3 So the number of blue marbles is 3x, which is 3(3) = 9. 18. 66: If the ratio of tulips to all flowers is 5:11, then the ratio of roses to tulips to all flowers must be 6 :5 :1 1 . We can use the total number of flowers to find the unknown multiplier. l l x = 121 x = 11 That means that the total number of roses is 6x, which is 6(11) = 66.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
Chapter Review: Drill Sets Drill 1 1. Fill in the missing information in the chart below: Fraction 1/100
Decimal 0.01
Percent 1%
1/20 0.1 1/8 0.2 25% 0.3 3 3 .3 3 ...% 3 /8 40% 1/2 0.6 6 6 .6 6 ...% 70% 0.75 4 /5
0.875 9 /1 0 100%
Drill 2 2. Convert 45% to a decimal. 3. Convert 0.20 to a percent. 4. Convert 4 /5 to a percent. 5. Convert 13.25% to a decimal. 6. Convert 6 /2 0 to a percent. 7. Convert 0.304 to a percent. 8. Convert 0.02% to a decimal. 9. Convert 0.375 to a fraction. 10. Convert 3 /2 to a percent.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
Drill 3 Simplify the following expressions. Answers in the explanation may appear in more than one form (e.g., fraction and decimal).
11. —x50% 2
1 2 .2 5 % -0 .1 13. —+ 0.3 3 14. 1 .2 + 5 15. -+ 1 0 % 8
16. What is twenty percent of $7.50? 17. What is 0.3 times 110%? 18. - + 2 0 % + 0.7 5 19. 1.5+1 - - 5 0 % 2 0 .1 9 0 % - | 1 .2 + -
Drill 4 Simplify the following expressions. 21. 6.75 x 103 = 22. 1 + 0.2 + 0.03 + 0.004 = 23. 0.27 x 2 = 24. 72.12 x 10^ = 25. 0.2 x 0.2 = 26. 0.48 + 0.02 = 27.4/0.2 = 28. 20 x 0.85 = 29. 5 4 . 1 9 7 / 102 = 30. 12.6 / 0.3 =
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
Drill 5 Simplify the following expressions.
31. 2,346 x 10-3 = 32. 1.21 +0.38 = 3 3 .6 /0 .5 = 34. 2.1 x 0.08 = 35. 0.03 x 0.005 = 36.0.370 + 0.042 = 37. 3.20/0.04 = 38. 0.75 (80)+ 0.50 (20) = 39. 0.49/0.07 = 40. 100x0.01 x 0.01 =
Drill 6 41.4.672 x 104 = (A) 4,672 (B) 46,720 42.214 x 10-2 = (A) 0.00214 (B) 0.214
(C) 467,200 (C) 2.14
43.6.8 x 103 = (A) 0.068 x 10~2
(B) 0.068 x 1 0 1
(C) 0.068 x 10s
44.0.003482 = (A) 34.82 x 10'4
(B) 34.82 x 102
(C) 34.82 x 104
45.12.12 x 10-3 = (A) -1.21 x 103 (B) 0.00001212 x 103
(C) 0.01212 x 103
Drill 7 46. What is 15 percent of 40? 47.12 is 5 percent of what number? 48 .4 is what percent of 32? 49.7 percent of 9 is what percent of 7? 50.25 percent of 30 is 75 percent of what number? 51. What percent of 13 is 20 percent of 195? 52. If 14 is added to 56, what is the percent increase? 53. What is the percent increase from 50 to 60? 54. What number is 40% more than 30? 55. What is 60% less than 60?
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
Drill 8 56. Ifx is reduced by 30%, the resulting num ber is 63. x = 5 7 .7 5 reduced byx% is 54. x = 58. If x is 15% more than 20, w hat is 30% of x? 59. W hat is 50% of 12% of 50? 60. W hat is 230% of 15% o f 400? 6 1 .4 5 % o f 80 is x% more than 24. x = 6 2 .1 0 percent of 30 percent of w hat num ber is 200 percent of 6? 63. If y * 0, w hat percent o f y percent of 50 is 40 percent of y? 64. If a * 0 ,2 0 0 percent of 4 percent of a is w hat percent of ^ ? 65. If positive integer m is increased by 20%, decreased by 25%, and then increased by 60%, the resulting num ber is w hat percent of m l
Drill 9 66. If there are 20 birds and 6 dogs in a park, which of the following represents the ratio of dogs to birds? (A) 3 :1 3 (B) 3 :1 0 (C) 1 0 :3 67. In a class of 24 students, 12 are boys. Which of the following is the ratio of boys to girls in the class? (A) 1 :1 (B) 1 :2 (C) 2 :1 68. If there are 24 w hite marbles and 36 blue marbles in a bag, which of the following is the ratio of blue to w hite marbles? (A) 3 :5 (B) 2 :3 (C) 3 :2 69. If there are 7 bananas and 14 strawberries in a basket, then which of the following is the ratio o f strawberries to the total pieces of fruit in the basket. (A) 1 :2 (B) 1 :3 (C) 2 : 3
Drill 10 70. Fill in the missing information in the table below.
1 : 2
1 4
2 5
4 : 2 0
3 : ____
____ : 8
____ : 7
2 0 : ____
4 0
5 6
____ : 2 2
3 6
3 : ____
4 : 1 1
3 6
— —
= =
____ : 2 2 1 5 : ____ 3 3
: 4 4
6 0 ____ : 1 3 2
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Drill 11 71. The ratio of cheese to sauce for a single pizza is 1 cup to Vi cups. If Bob used 15 cups of sauce to make pizzas, how much cheese did he use? 72. Laura plans a rose and tulip garden by planting 4 tulips to every 1 rose. If there are 50 total flowers in the garden, how many of the flowers are tulips? 73. The ratio of oranges to peaches to strawberries in a fruit basket is 2 : 3 : 4 . If there are 8 oranges, how many pieces of fruit are in the basket? 74. A certain automotive dealer sells only cars and trucks and currently has 51 trucks for sale. If the ratio of cars for sale to trucks for sale is 1 to 3, how many cars are for sale? 75. Arjun has a record of winning 3 tennis matches for every 2 he loses. If he played 30 matches, how many did he win? 76. A steel manufacturer combines 98 ounces of iron with 2 ounces of carbon to make one sheet of steel. How much iron is used in V2 of a sheet of steel? 77. To bake 36 cupcakes, Maria uses a recipe of 8 cups of flour, 12 cups of milk, and 4 cups of sugar. How much of each ingredient, in cups, must Maria use if she only wants to make 9 cupcakes?
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
Drill Sets Solutions Drill 1 i.
1/100 1/20 1/10 1/8 1/5 1/4 3/10 1/3 3/8 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 7/10 3/4 4/5 7/8 9/10 1
0.01 0.05 0.1 0.125 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.3333... 0.375 0.40 0.50 0.6 0.6666... 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.875 0.9 1.0
1% 5% 10% 12.5% 20% 25% 30% 33.33...% 37.5% 40% 50% 60% 66.66...% 70% 75% 80% 87.5% 90% 100%
Drill 2 2. 0.45: 45% becomes 0.45 3. 20% : 0.20 becomes 20% 4. 80%: Step 1: 4 -s- 5 = 0.8 Step 2: 0.8 becomes 80% 5. 0.1325: 13.25% becomes 0.1325 6. 30% : Step 1: 6 -s- 20 = 0.30
0.8 5 )4 0
0.3 20J6X)
Step 2: 0.30 becomes 30% 7. 30.4%: 0.304 becomes 30.4% 8. 0.0002: 0.02% becomes 0.0002 9. —: 0.375 becomes 8 10.150%:
, which reduces to 3/8
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
1.5 Step 1: 3 -5- 2 = 1.5 Step 2: 1.5 becomes 150%
Drill 3 11. 1/4 or 25%: —x 50% 2
Convert percent to fraction because fractions are
easier to multiply than percents.
1 1 —x — 2 2
Simplify before you multiply.
2 100
4 12. 15% or 0.15: 25% - 0.1
Convert decimal to percent because decimals that end in
25% - 10%
the tenths or hundredths digit are easy to convert to percents.
1 3 .5 : 30 2 —+ 0.3 3
Convert decimal to fraction because fractions that have a
2 3 — I----3 10
denominator that is a multiple of 3 cannot be converted into an easy decimal.
— +— 30 30
Get common denominators.
29 30 14. 3: 2
1 .2 -5- —
Convert fraction to decimal because
is a simple multiple of 0.4.
1.2 h- 0.4 1.2 0.4 Multiply by 3
to convert decimals to integers.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
15 3 15. 3.75 or — or 3 - :
--5-10% 8 3 _ J_ 8 ' 10
Convert percent to fraction because (1) three—eighths is a difficult fraction to convert and (2) fractions are easier to divide than percents.
3 10 —x — 8 1 3 5 —x — 4 1 15 4 16. $1.50: 20% of $7.50
Convert percent to fraction because 1) 20% is a simple fraction
—x$7.50 5
to convert and 2) fractions are easier to multiply than decimals.
$1.50 17. 0.33 or 33/100 or 33%: 0.3 x 110% 0.3 x 1.1
Convert percent to decimal because percents are difficult to multiply.
0.33 18. 13/10 or 1.3 or 130% - + 20% + 0.7 5 2 20 7 5
100 10
A 10
A _Z_ 10 10
Convert all terms to fractions because all terms can be easily converted to a common denominator.
13 10 19. 12 or 1,200% 1.5 + - - 5 0 % v8
Convert percent to fraction because 50% is easier to convert than 5/8.
5 1 1.5+ - — .8 2.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
= 1.5 +
'1 ' V
JL i
Convert decimal to fraction because (1) 1.5 is easier to convert than
2 ' 8 3 8 —x — 2 1 3 4 —x — 1 1
1/8 and (2) its easier to divide fractions.
12 20. 40% or 0.4 or —: 5 1 9 0 % - 1.2-s5 190% -|
Convert decimal to fraction because (1) fractions are easier to divide than decimals and (2) 4/5 is not a simple multiple of 1.2.
190% -| | x |
190% - 150%
Convert fraction to percent because 3/2 is easier to convert than 190%.
Drill 4 21. 6.75 x 103 = 6,750
Move the decimal to the right 3 places.
22. 1.234: 1.000 + 0.200
+ 0.030 + 0.004 1.234 23. 0.54: 0.27 x 2 = 27 x 2 = 54
Move the decimal to the left 2 places.
0.27 x 2 = 0.54 24. 72.12 x 10-4 = 0.007212
Move the decimal to the left 4 places
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
25. 0.04: 0.2 x 0.2 = 2x2 =4 0.2 x 0.2 = 0.04
Move the decimal to the left 2 places.
26. 0.50: 0.48 + 0.02
0.50 27. 20: 4 1040 _ — x — = — = 20 0.2 10 2 28. 17: 20 x 0.85 = 20 x 85 = 1,700 20 x 0.85 = 17 29. 54.197 / 102 = 0.54197
Move the decimal to the left 2 places.
Because we are dividing by 102, we move the decimal to the left 2 piaces.
30. 42: 12.6 10 126 ------x — = ----- = 42 0.3 10 3
Drill 5 31. 2,346 x 10~3 = 2.346
Move the decimal to the left 3 places.
32. 1.59:
+ 0.38 1.59 33. 12: 610 60 _ — x — = — = 12 0.5 10 5 34. 0.168: 2.1 x 0.08 = 21 x 8 = 168 2.1 x 0.08 = 0.168
Move the decimal to the left 3 places.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5 35. 0.00015: 0.03 x 0.005 =
3 x 5 = 15 0.03 x 0.005 = 0.00015
Move the decimal to the left 5 places.
36. 0.412: 0.370 + 0.042 0.412 37. 80:
W B B m §tpPu.~
= 80
38. 70: 0.75(80) + 0.50(20): 0.75 x 80 = 60 0 .5 0 x 2 0 = 10 60 + 10 = 70 3 9 .7 : 0.49 „ 100 _ 49 0.07 100 ~ 7 _ 40. 0.01: 100 X 0.01 X 0.01 = 102 x 10“2 x 10'2 = 102+(-2) +(-2)_ 10-2 = 0.01
Drill 6 41. (B) 46,720: The answer choices indicate that we need to rewrite the value 4.672 x 104 without us ing a power of 10. When we multiply by 104, we are making the number larger by 4 decimal places; in other words, moving the decimal 4 spaces to the right.
4 .6 7 2 0 Therefore, we can rewrite 4.672 x 104 as 46,720. 42. (C) 2.14: The answer choices indicate that we need to rewrite the value 214 x 10'2 without using a power of 10. When we multiply by 10~2, we are making the number smaller by 2 decimal places; in other words, moving the decimal 2 spaces to the left.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios Therefore, we can rewrite 214 x 10 2 as 2.14. 43. (C) 0.068 x 105: The answer choices indicate that we need to rewrite the value 6.8 x 103 as 0.068 times 10 to some power. Therefore, we must compare the relative sizes of 6.8 and 0.068. To move from 6.8 to 0.068, we must move the decimal to the left 2 spaces to make our number smaller.
06.8 In order to balance the decrease in 6.8 of 2 decimal places, we must increase the power of ten by 2: 103+2 = 105. Therefore, we can rewrite 6.8 x 103 as 0.068 x 105. Alternatively, we could convert the original and all answer choices to numbers without a power of 10 and look for a match (though this will take much longer). For 6.8 x 103 we multiply through with the 103, moving the decimal to the right 3 spaces (making it larger):
6.800 The result is 6,800. Now we must compare this number to the answer choices. For choice A, 0.068 x 10-2, we multiply through with the 10'2, moving the decimal to the left 2 spaces (making it smaller):
v v
The result is 0.00068, NOT the same as our desired answer. For choice B, 0.068 x 101, we multiply through with the 101, moving the decimal to the right 1 space (making it larger):
0.068 The result is 0.68, NOT the same as our desired answer. For choice C, 0.068 x 105, we multiply through with the 105, moving the decimal to the right 5 spaces, (making it larger):
0.06800 The result is 6,800; this is same as our desired answer. 44. (A) 34.82 x 10-4: The answer choices indicate that we need to rewrite the value 0.003482 as 34.82 times 10 to some power. Therefore, we must compare the relative sizes of 0.003482 and 34.82. To move from 0.003482 to 34.82, we must move the decimal to the right 4 spaces to make our number larger.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
0.003482 In order to balance the increase in 0.003482 of 4 decimal places, we must reduce the power of 10 by 4. We can write the original number this way: 0.003482 x 10° (note that 10°= 1). Therefore, we want to reduce the starting power of 0 by 4: 0.003482 x 10° = 34.82 x 10“4. 45. (B) 0.00001212 x 103: The answer choices indicate that we need to rewrite the value 1 2 .1 2 x l 0 3 as some number times 103. Therefore, we must compare the relative sizes of our powers of 10; what must be done to 10-3 to make it 103? We can ask the question: what plus - 3 equals 3? Because 6 + - 3 = 3, our exponent on the power of 10 increased by 6. To counter this increase, the number 12.12 must decrease by 6 decimal spaces; we move the decimal 6 spaces to the left.
000012.12 Therefore, we can rewrite 12.12 x 10'3 as 0.00001212 x 103.
Drill 7 46. 6: What x
is =
15 percent 15/100
of x
40? 40
15 40 /n x = -----x 100 x = — x4o 20 x = - ^ x ( ;* f x 2 ) = 6
47. 240: 12 12 12 = — x x 100 12= — x x 20 20(12) = x x = 240
is =
5 percent 5/100
of x
what number? x
Chapter 5
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios 48. 12.5: 4 4
is =
of x
9 9
what percent x/100
of x
32? 32
4 = ——x32 100 400 = xx 32 400 32 100
-= x
•= X
12.5 = x 49. 9:
7 percent 7/100 7
x9 =
x x7
what percent x/100
75 percent 75/100
of x
7 7
Multiply both sides by 100.
7 x 9 = xx 7 9 =x 50.10: 25 percent 25/100
25 75 -----x 30 = ----- x x
of x
30 30
Multiply both sides by 100.
25 x 30 = 75 x x 25 x 3 x 10 = 75 x x 75 x 10 = 75 x x
10 = x Alternatively, at step 2, divide both sides by 75 and cancel terms. 25 x 30 = 75 x x
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5 25x30 •= X 75 25V 30_ ^ x3 10 = *
= X
51. 300: x/100
what percent
20 percent
x 20 -----x 13 = ----- x 195
Multiply both sides by 100.
13* = 20(195) 13*= 3,900
13 goes into 39 three times.
*= 300 52. 25% increase: In this problem, the change is 14 and the original number is 56. Therefore, we can translate the question to the following: “14 is what percent of 56?”
14 = — x56 100
11 = -----x * 4/ 100 100 _ 4 25 = * Notice that we never need to find the new number (14 + 56 = 70), as we have only been asked about the percent increase, not the new value. 53. 20% increase: We have been asked about the increase from 50 to 60, which is 60 - 50 = 10. So now we need to answer the question “What percent of 50 is 10?” — x50 = 10
- = 10 2 * = 20 54. 42: We have two ways to represent “40% more than 30.” The first is a literal translation— 30 plus an additional 40% of 30: *
40 = 30 + ---x30 100
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios However, we can also work with the idea that 40% more than a number is the same as 100% of that number plus an additional 40%, or 140%. With that in mind, we can represent “40% more than 30” this way: 140 _ x = -----x 30
This method often lends itself to a decimal approach, so we can avoid working with multiples of 100. This leads us to a final, simpler translation of the problem: * = 1.4(30) x —42 Note that we can translate (1.4)(30) to (14)(3) to make the multiplication easier. You can “swap” deci mals between two multiplied numbers— take away a decimal place from one number (30) and give it to the other (1.4). 55. 24: We can use fractions to set this up: ^ 60 ^ x = 6 0 ------- x 60
However, decimals allow us to simplify the problem more quickly: x = 1(60) -(0 .6 )6 0 = 0.4(60) This is a good skill to practice until it becomes automatic. To tackle complex GMAT problems, it helps to be able to translate directly to this last step. We see “60% less than 60” and instantly express this as the remaining 40% of 60, or 0.4(60). * = 0.4(60) = 24 Note that we can translate (0.4)(60) to (4)(6) to make the multiplication easier. You can “swap” deci mals between two multiplied or divided numbers— take away a decimal place from one number (60) and give it to the other (0.4).
Drill 8 56. 90: Because 30% less than x is the same as 70% of x, we can translate as follows: 0.7* = 63 7x = 630 x = 90
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
When shifting decimal places, it is a good idea to check the final answer for reasonableness. If 90 is re duced by 30%, does it make sense for the result to be 63? That seems fairly reasonable. If we had gotten an answer of 9 or 900, we would want to check our work. 57. 28: Because we don’t know the value of x, we can’t go straight to a decimal translation. Here, a frac tion translation of the problem works best. “75 minus x percent of 75 is 54.” 7 5 ------- x 75 = 54
7 5 -5 4 =
21 = — 4
28 = x We might also start by looking at the change from 75 to 54. 75 has been reduced by 21, so we can translate the problem as “21 is x% of 75.”
21 = -----x75
21= —
28 = x 58. 6.9 or 69/10: Notice that we have two equations— “ * is 15% more than 20” and “what is 30% of x?” Also, we have been given a variable named x, so we need to translate the word “what” as a different variable. Lets usej/. 115 _ x = -----x 20
30 y = -----x x
y 100
A fractional representation works well here, because both 20 and 30 cancel well with 100. Use the first equation to solve for x, then plug into the second equation to find y.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
_ 115 5 x = 23 , = -> « 2 3 > 69
10 j/ = 6.9 59. 3: Because multiplying decimals together can be rather labor-intensive, let’s use a fractional repre sentation here: x - -----x ----- x 50
100 100
1 6 x = —X—7 x so 2 ^
x = —x 6 2 x=3 60. 138: X=
x 4 jX f io /
ljx f
23 x l1C x- — 5 x 4/
x =~ x 6 )^ 1$ x = 23 x 6 x = 138 61. 50: We can solve this through direct translation:
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
45 '-8$ = 24 + — x24 10/ 100' 45 „ 24x — x8 = 24 + ----10 100 9 _ „ , 24x — x 8 = 24 + ---2 100 „ , . , 24x 36 = 24 + -----
12 = 1=
100 100
2 ~X 50 = x However, it might be helpful to start by simplifying things in smaller pieces. If we figure out what 45% of 80 is (36), then we can come up with a simpler problem: “36 is x% more than 24.” Our increase (36 — 24) is 12, so we can rephrase once more as “12 is x% of 24.” If we recognize that 12 is half of 24, we can solve for x right away. 12 is 50% of 24, so x = 50. 62. 400: Again, multiplying percents is usually easiest in fraction form. If we are comfortable with per cent equivalents, however, we might skip the first step below and start by writing the second equation, in which 200% is just 2. 10 30 200 . -----x ----- x x = ------x 6
100 100 1
— x— xx= 2x6
10 10
— x x = 12
100 x = 12 x ----3 x = 4x100 x = 400 63. 80: The question already contains a variable (y). We’ll need to use another variable to represent the value we want. We’ll represent “what” with the variable x, so we need to isolate x to solve. Notice that by the end, our y variables cancel out.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
J ewT *
Chapter 5
io o x i ' ^ xy _ Ay 200 _ 10 _ 4/
1/ x = 4 x 20 * = 80 64.
2j3(f 4 x a ---- 7 x -----x a = ----- x — ljx f 100 100 2 4 x a 2 x -----x^z = ----- x —
Divide both sides by 100
xa 8a = —
Divide both sides by a
100 2
2 16 = x This is another case where we might benefit by solving the problem in smaller pieces. 200% of 4% is the same as 2 x 4% (note that 200% equals the plain number 2), or 8%. So we can rephrase as “8% of a is what percent of —?” Without even translating to an equation, we can simplify by multiplying both 2 sides of our “equation” by 2 (remember that “is” means “equals”): 8% of a is what percent of —? 2 16% of a is what percent of a?. The answer is 16. 65. 144: Notice that both sides of our equation below are multiplied by the variable m. We can cancel it immediately (since it is not zero) and solve for x.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios 120 75 160 x m x -----x ----- x ----- = ------x m 100 100 100 100
, ., , Divide both sides by m
5 * 4 X 5 ~ 100 144 _ x 100 ~~100 144 = x
Drill 9 66. (B) 3 : 10. If there are 6 dogs and 20 birds in the park, the ratio of dogs to birds is 6 : 20. Because 6 and 20 have common factors, we can divide through by their Greatest Common Factor (GCF) to simplify. The GCF of 6 and 20 is 2; the reduced ratio is 6 ^ 2 : 20 -r- 2 or 3 : 10. 67. (A) 1 : 1. If 12 of 24 students in the class are boys, then the remainder, 24 - 12 = 12, are girls. Therefore the ratio of boys to girls in the class is 12 : 12. Because 12 and 12 have common factors, we can divide by their GCF (12) to find the reduced ratio. 12 ^ 12 : 12
12 or 1 : 1.
68. (C) 3:2. If there are 36 blue marbles and 24 white marbles, the ratio of blue to white is 36 : 24. Because 36 and 24 have common factors, we can divide through by their GCF to simplify. The GCF of 36 and 24 is 12; the reduced ratio is 36 -r 12 : 24 -r 12 or 3 : 2. 69. (C) 2:3. If there are 7 bananas and 14 strawberries, then there are 7 + 14 = 21 total pieces of fruit. The ratio of strawberries to the total would therefore be 14 : 21. Because 14 and 21 have common fac tors, we can divide through by their Greatest Common Factor (GCF) to simplify. The GCF of 14 and 21 is 7; the reduced ratio is 14 -r 7 : 21 -r 7 or 2 : 3.
Drill 10 70.
1 :2 3 :6 = Z: 14 1:5 — 4:20 = 5:25 3:4 — 6:8 = 2 1 : 3 6 20:28 — 40: 56 5:7 4 : 11 — 8:22 = 36:22 =
= U :22 ZZ 15 :Z5 = 33:44 = 60:84 — 48: 132
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Drill 11 71. 30 cups: Were given information about the two parts of a recipe (cheese and sauce) and asked to solve for a specific amount (cheese). We can manipulate the Part: Part ratio to solve. If the ratio of cheese to sauce is 1: Vi, and Bob uses 15 cups of sauce, then we find our unknown multiplier by asking the question, “what times Vi equals 15?” Vix = 15 *= 1 5 (2 ) x = 30 Therefore, our uknown multiplier is 30. The actual amounts are 30 x 1 : 30 x Vi or 30 : 15. Bob used 30 cups of cheese and 15 cups of sauce to make the pizzas. 72. 40 tulip s: We re given information about the two parts of the garden (tulips and roses) as well as the total number of flowers. We can manipulate the Part: Part: Whole ratio to solve. If the ratio of tulips to roses is 4 : 1, then the Part: Part: Whole relationship would be 4 tulips to 1 rose to 4 + 1 = 5 total flowers or 4 : 1 : 5. If there are 50 total flowers in the garden, then we find our uknown multiplier by using the ratio entry for total flowers (5) and asking the question, “what times 5 equals 50?” 5x = 50
5 Therefore, our uknown multiplier is 10. The actual amounts are 10 x 4 : 10 x 1 : 10 x 5 or 40 : 10 : 50. Laura has 40 tulips, 10 roses and 50 total flowers in her garden. 73. 36 pieces of fruit: Were given information about the three parts of the fruit basket (oranges, peaches and strawberries) and asked to solve for the total number of pieces of fruit. We can manipulate a Part: Part: Whole ratio to solve. If the ratio of oranges to peaches to strawberries is 2 : 3 : 4, then the Part: Part: Whole relationship would include the total of 2 + 3 + 4 = 9, or 2 : 3 : 4 : 9. If there are 8 oranges in the basket, then we find our uknown multiplier by using the ratio entry for oranges (2) and asking the question, “what times 2 equals 8?” 2x= 8 8 = 4/ x=—
Therefore, our uknown multiplier is 4. The actual amounts are 4 x 2 : 4 x 3 : 4 x 4 : 4 x 9 or 8 : 12 : 16 : 36. The fruit basket contains 8 oranges, 12 peaches, 16 strawberries and 36 total pieces of fruit.
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios 74. 17 cars: This problem only discusses the individual parts on sale (cars and trucks) so a good way to handle this would be to manipulate a Part: Part ratio. The ratio of cars to trucks is 1 : 3. If there are 51 trucks for sale, then we find our uknown multiplier by asking the question, “what times 3 equals 51?” 3* =51
3 Therefore, our uknown multiplier is 17. The actual amounts are 17 x 1 : 17 x 3 or 17 : 51. The automo tive dealer has 17 cars and 51 trucks for sale. 75. 18 games: Were given information about both parts (wins and losses) as well as a whole (total num ber of matches, or wins and losses combined). We can manipulate a Part: Part: Whole ratio to solve. If the ratio of wins to losses is 3 to 2, then the Part: Part: Whole relationship of wins to losses to all games would include the total of 3 + 2 = 5 games or 3 : 2 : 5. If Arjun played 30 matches, then we find our uknown multiplier by using the ratio entry for total matches (5) and asking the question, “what times 5 equals 30?” 5 *= 30
5 Therefore, our uknown multiplier is 6. The actual amounts are 6 x 3 : 6 x 2 : 6 x 5 o r l 8 : 1 2 : 30. Arjun wins 18 matches and loses 12 for a total of 30 matches. 76. 49 ounces: We re given information about the two parts of production (iron and carbon) as well as the total output (1 sheet of steel). We can manipulate a Part: Part: Whole ratio to solve. The ratio of iron to carbon to sheets of steel is 98 : 2 : 1. If we want the ratio for Vi sheet of steel, then we find our uknown multiplier by asking the question, “what times 1 equals Vi?” lx = Vi x= V i Therefore, our uknown multiplier is Vi. The actual amounts are Vi x 98 : Vi x 2 : Vi x 1 or 49 : 1: Vi. The manufacturer would combine 49 ounces of iron with 1 ounce of carbon to produce Vi sheet of steel. 77. 2 cups of flour, 3 cups of milk, and 1 cup sugar: Were given information about the three parts of a recipe (flour, milk and sugar) as well as the total number of cupcakes. We can manipulate a Part: Part : Whole ratio to solve. We can write the ratio of flour to milk to sugar to cupcakes as 8 : 12 : 4 : 36. If Maria wants to make only 9 cupcakes, we find our uknown multiplier by asking the question, “what times 36 equals 9?” 36x = 9
=A =I 36
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, & Ratios
Chapter 5
Therefore, our uknown multiplier is —. The actual amounts are —x8 : —xl2 : —x4 : —x36 or 2 : 3 : 4 4 4 4 4 1 : 9. The amounts of flour, milk, and sugar are 2 cups, 3 cups, and 1 cup, respectively.
Foundations of GMAT Math
Expressions Don't Have Equals Signs An Equation Says 'Expression A = Expression B' Golden Rule of Equations: Do Unto One Side As You Do Unto The Other Isolate a Variable: Work Your Way In by Doing PEMDAS in Reverse Clean Up an Equation: Combine Like Terms and Eliminate Denominators Variables in the Exponent: Make the Bases Equal Systems o f Equations Kill an Equation and an Unknown: (A) Isolate, then Substitute Kill an Equation and an Unknown: (B) Combine Equations Three or More Variables: Isolate the Expression You Want
Equations I n T h is C h a p te r: •
Manipulate expressions and equations to solve for variables
Manipulating expressions and equations is at the core of algebra. First, you need to make sure that you understand the distinction between expressions and equations.
Expressions Don't Have Equals Signs An expression such as 3y + 8z ultimately represents a number. It has a value, although you may not know that value. The expression 3y + 8z contains numbers that are known (3, 8) and unknown (y, z) and that are linked by arithmetic operations (+ and x). Here are more expressions. 12
x -y
2 w5
4 (n + 3)(» + 2)
Don’t mix up expressions and equations. An expression never contains an equals sign. When you simplify an expression, you reduce the number of separate terms, or you pull out and maybe cancel common factors. In other words, you make the expression simpler. However, you never change the expression’s value as you simplify. Unsimplified 3x + 4x
Combine like terms
19y 2
Find a common denominator
and then combine
x( + y)
Pull out a common factor
x + xy
Equations 3*2
Cancel common factors
At times you might go in reverse. For instance you might distribute a common factor. —►
x(l + y)
x + xy
Or you might multiply the top and bottom of a fraction by the same number to change its look. The result may seem even less simplified, temporarily. But by finding a common denominator, you can add fractions and get a simpler final result. Unsimplified w w — 1— 2
Even Less Simple
w x3
The point is that as you simplify an expression (or even complicate one), the value of the expression must never change. When you evaluate an expression, you figure out its value— the actual number represented by that expression. To evaluate an expression, substitute numbers in for any variables, then simplify. In other words, swap out the variables, replacing them with numbers. Then do the arithmetic. Some people say “plug and chug.” You plug in the values of the variables, then you chug through the simplification. Some people also call this “subbing in.” Whatever you call this process, you have to know the values of the variables to evaluate the expression. Otherwise you re stuck. And of course, never inadvertently change the value of the expression by doing the arithmetic wrong. Always apply PEMDAS. Evaluate the expression 3[2x given that x has the value of 8. First, substitute in 8 for x. 3^/2*• becomes 3yj2(8) Now simplify the expression. 3^ 2(8) = 3V l6 = 3 x 4 = 12
Equations You have now evaluated the expression 3-j2x when x = 8 . For that particular value of x, the value of the expression is 12. Pay attention to negative signs, especially if the value you’re subbing in is negative. Put in parentheses to obey PEMDAS. Ify = - 2 , what is the value of 'iy1 - 7y + 4? Substitute -2 for y. Put parentheses around the -2 to clarify that you’re subbing in negative 2 , not sub tracting 2 somehow. 3/ ~ 7y + 4 becomes 3 ( - 2)2 - 7 (- 2) + 4 Now simplify.
3 (- 2)2 - 7 (- 2) + 4 = 3(4) - (-14) + 4 = 12 + 14 + 4 = 30 Be sure to square the negative sign and to subtract -14 (in other words, add 14). The value of the expres sion is 30. You might have to plug into expressions in answer choices. If 7 = 6, then which of the following expressions has the value of 20? (A) y + 14
(B) y - 14
(C) 20y
When you substitute 6 in for y in the answer choices, only y + 14 gives you 20. The answer is (A). Other expressions involvingy could also equal 20 , such as 2y + 8 or y2 - 16. You would not be forced to pick between these expressions, because they’d all be correct answers to this question. I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Simplify an expression
Never do anything to change
3x + 4x
its value
becomes 7x
Substitute numbers in for un
knowns, then simplify
becomes 7 (2) or 14 when x = 2
Evaluate an expression
An Equation Says 'Expression A= Expression B' An equation is a complete sentence that has a subject, a verb, and an object. The sentence always takes this form: Subject equals object.
Equations One expression equals another expression. 2x
Two x
An equation always sets one expression (2x - z ) equal to another expression (y + 4). Everything you know about simplifying or evaluating expressions applies in the world of equations, because equations contain expressions. You can sim plify an expression on just one side of an equation, because you are not changing the value of that expression. So the equation still holds true, even though you re ignoring the other side. For instance, simplify the left side but leave the right side alone. —+ —= y 3 5
— +— =y 15 15
and finally
— =y 15
8x You can also evaluate an expression on just one side. For instance, say you have — = y and you know that x = 5. Then you can plug and chug just on the left side: — = y 15
— —y 15
ancl finally
—= y 3
Throughout all these changes on the left side, the right side has remained y. If all you could do to equations was simplify or evaluate expressions, then your toolset would be lim ited. However, you can do much more. You can truly change both sides. You can actually alter the values of the two expressions on either side of an equation. You just have to follow the Golden Rule.
Golden Rule of Equations: Do Unto One Side As You Do Unto The Other You can change the value of the left side any way you want... ... as long as you change the right side in exactly the same way. Take this simple example. x+ 5 = 8
Chapter 6
If you subtract 5 from the left side, you must subtract 5 from the right side. You get a new equation with new expressions. If the first equation isn’t lying, then the second equation is true, too. x 4- 5 = 8 - 5 - 5 x
= 3
Here is a table of the major Golden Rule moves you can do to both sides of an equation. 1) Add the same thing to both sides.
That “thing” can be a number or a variable expression.
You should actually show the addition underneath to be
y - 6 = 15 + 6 +6
2) Subtract the same thing from both sides.
of course). •
3) Multiply both sides by the same thing (except 0,
3w n+ m= —
Put parentheses in so that you multiply entire sides.
Ax(n + m) =
x4 v 4 y
An + Am = 4) Divide both sides by the same thing (except 0, of course). •
Extend the fraction bar all the way so that you divide entire sides.
a + b = 5d a+b
5 .
a+ b
5 5) Square both sides, cube both sides, etc. •
Put parentheses in so you
X + y/l
+ V 2 j
= 7w
square or cube entire sides.
Equations 6) Take the square root of both sides, the cube root of both sides, etc. • Extend the radical so you square-root or cube-root entire
s 3 = 64 i[ 7
One warning about square-rooting both sides of an equation: the equation usually splits into two separate equations. x 2 = 49 ___
Square-root both sides
x = -7
The reason is that there are two numbers that, when squared, equal 49. When negative numbers are squared, they become positive. When you take a square root of a squared number, always remember to find the negative solution as well. When you square
y —G
you always get y2 = 36
But if you square-root
y2 = 36
you get
y = 6 OR y = - 6
Perform the same action to an entire side of an equation. Pretend that the expression on each side of the equation is surrounded by parentheses— and actually write those parentheses in as necessary. Consider this equation: x x + 4/= —
To multiply both sides by 2, add in parentheses: 2 ( * + 4) = ( i ) 2
Now simplify. Distribute the 2 to both the x and the 4. Cancel the 2s on the right: 2x + 8 = x This is why multiplying to get rid of a denominator is sometimes called cross-multiplication. You can imagine that the 2 that was in the denominator on the right side moves to the left side, where it is multiplied by the x + 4. Cross-multiplication is even more useful when both sides have denominators to begin with.
Equations Lets go back to the equation at hand. You can do more Golden Rule moves further by subtracting x from both sides, and then subtracting 8. 2x + 8 = x —x - x x+ 8 = 0 -8
= -8
You now have x by itself on one side, so the equation tells you the value of x— namely, negative 8. What you did here was isolate the variable or solve for the variable. To isolate x, get x by itself on one side of the equation. The equation should wind up reading “x = .. The thing on the right side is often a number, as in the case above (x = —8). In a more complicated equation, the right side could be a variable expression. Either way, the important thing when you isolate x on the left is that the right side can’t contain any terms containing x. Oth erwise, you haven’t truly isolated the x on the left side. You can isolate the x on the right side if you want, of course. Just make sure that the left side contains no terms containing x. When you get “x = a number” or “a number = x,” then you have solved the equation. The number you get is a solution to the equation. When you plug a solution into an equation (that is, into the variable in an equation), you make the equation true. “4 is a solution to the equation 2x + 7 = 15.” This sentence means that if x = 4, that equation is true. To find the solution to the equation, don’t guess and check. Instead, isolate the variable. If you have more than one variable in an equation, you may still want to isolate one variable for some reason. If 3x + 5y = 12, what is x in terms ofy? ux in terms of y ” is an expression that equals x and only contains y (and known numbers). In other words, “x in terms of y n is the right side of this equation: x —blah blah y blah blah j/2 blah blah...
Chapter 6 There cannot be any x’s on the right side.
To get x in terms of y, isolate x on one side by applying Golden Rule moves to the given equation. 3 x + 5y ~ 12
- 5y 3x
-5 y = 1 2 - 5y
12 5 So x in terms of y is this expression: --------—. This contains no * s. If you re looking for “x in terms of 3 j/,” the answer will contain ys, not x’s. If you want y in terms of x instead, then isolate y on one side. You’ll get this expression on the other .. 1 2 - 3 * side: ----------. 5 If you...
Want to change an expression m
on one side of an equation
Like this:
Then you... Apply the Golden Rule:
y - 3 = + 3 + 3
change both sides in exactly the same way.
18 -4 -4
7x+4= Want to isolate the variable x in an equation
Do Golden Rule moves and simplify until the equation reads “x = something else.”
x —2 7x Isolate x. Do Golden Rule Need x in terms of jy
moves and simplify until the equation reads “x = something
+4= y -4 -4
7x 7
containing only/s.”
= v-4 7 y —4 7
Chapter 6
Check Your Skills 1. If V x + 2 = 4 , w hat isx? y —3
2. If —----- = 2 , what is yin terms of x? x Answers can be found on page 283.
Isolate a Variable: Work Your Way In by Doing PEMDAS in Reverse If an expression is complicated, you might get confused about how to isolate the variable inside. Consider the following equation: 5 (x - l)3 - 30 = 10 The expression on the left side is a complicated recipe that builds from the inside out. 1)
Start with x.
Subtract 1.
X -
Cube the result.
( * - 1)3
Multiply by 5.
5 (x - l)3
Subtract 30.
5 (x - l)3 - 30
The recipe follows PEMDAS, as youd expect. The result of this recipe equals 10, because that’s what the equation says: 5 (x - l)3 - 30 = 10 To isolate x on the left, you need to work your way through from the outside in. So you need to undo the PEMDAS steps in reverse order. The last step of the recipe was to subtract 30. To undo that step first, you add 30 to both sides. 5 ( x - 1)5- 0 = 1 0 +3(9 +30 5 ( x - l)3 = 40 You have now gotten rid of 30 on the left side. YouVe “moved” it to the other side. Now undo the previous step of the original recipe, which was to multiply by 5. So you divide both sides by 5.
Chapter 6 / (x -l)3 _ 4 0 X
' 5
( * - l)3 = 8 Next, undo the cubing. The opposite of exponents is roots. So take the cube root of both sides. < / (*-1)3 =*/8 (x -l) = 2 You don’t need the parentheses anymore, so drop them. *-1 = 2 Finally, undo the subtraction by adding 1 to both sides, and you get x = 3 . In summary, you added 30, then divided by 5, then got rid of the exponent, then simplified what was inside parentheses. You did PEMDAS backwards, from the outside in. If you want to isolate a variable deep inside an expression, but you are unsure about the order of steps to perform, do PEMDAS in reverse. Try another example. If Ayjx-G + 7 = 19, thenx = ? A/S
P Heres the solution path. First, subtract 7 from both sides. 4 jx -6 + 7 = 19 ________ - 7
-7 =
Chapter 6
Next, divide both sides by 4. X V x -6
y/x —6 = 3 Now undo the square root by squaring both sides. y/x —6 = 3 = (3)2 x -6 = 9 Finally, add 6 to both sides, and you end up with x = 15. The original equation did not contain explicit parentheses, but the square root symbol extended over two terms: yJx —6 . That’s just like putting parentheses around x - 6 and raising that whole quantity to the 1/2 power: ( x - 6)v A square root sign acts like parentheses when it extends over more than one term. Likewise, a fraction bar acts like parentheses when it’s stretched. If you...
Then you...
Like this:
2 / - 3 = 51 + 3 +3 Follow PEMDAS in reverse as Want to isolate a variable inside an expression
you undo the operations in the expression— in other words, work your way in from the outside
2y3 2 /
M 2
l!7 = & 7 y= 3 Check Your Skills Solve for x.
3. 3(x + 4)3 - 5 = 19 4. l](x + 5 ) - 7 = - 8 Answers can be found on page 283.
Equations Clean Up an Equation: Combine Like Terms and Eliminate Denominators W h a t happens when x shows up in multiple places in an equation? „ 5 x -3 (4 -x ) I f ------------------ = 1 0 , what is x?
To isolate x, you have to get all the x’s together, or as many o f them as you can. How? Combine like
terms. You should also get rid of the denominator right away, especially if the denom inator contains x.
Always get variables out of denominators. This should be the first move in the case above. Undo the division by multiplying both sides by the entire denom inator, which is 2x:
/ 5 x -3 (4 -x ) A
= ( 10)2 x
5x —3 ( 4 —x ) = 2 0 x A t this point, to combine like terms, you need to get x out of the parentheses. Distribute the 3 on the left side: 5x —3 ( 4 —x ) = 2 0 x 5x —12 + 3 x = 2 0 x (Remem ber to distribute the negative sign!) Now combine like terms. First add 5x and 3x on the left side. 5 x - 1 2 + 3x = 20x 8x —12 = 2 0 x N ext, subtract 8x from both sides and immediately combine like terms on the right. 8 x —12 = 2 0 x —8x
—8x - 1 2 = 12x
The right side could be w ritten as 2 0 x —8x, but you should combine into 12x as you perform the sub traction. W h y subtract 8x rather than 20x? If you subtract 8x, you get all the x terms on one side and numbers on the other side. You also get a positive coefficient on the x (12). These results are both nice to have.
Chapter 6
Finally, divide by 12 to isolate x on the right. -1 2 _ 1 2 *
—1 = x You now have the answer to the question, x = —1.
o II
sides of the equation.
----------- = £ Have a variable in a denominator
Multiply to eliminate the denominator right away.
o II
which might be on different
Combine like terms,
places in an equation
Like this:
Have a variable in multiple
Then you...
If you...
f 2z-^ W
— I
) 2z —3 = 4z 2
Check Your Skills Solve for x.
2x + 6 (9 -2 x ) _ 3 x-4 Answers can be found on page 283.
Variables in the Exponent: Make the Bases Equal If a variable is in the exponent, none of the typical PEMDAS moves are going to help much. If 3X= 274, what is xi The key is to rewrite the terms so they have the same base. Usually, the best way to do this is to fac tor bases into primes. On the left side, 3 is already a prime, so leave it alone. On the right side, 27 is not prime. Since 27 = 33, replace 27 with 33. Put in parentheses to keep the exponents straight. 3X= (33)4
Equations Simplify the right side by applying the “two-exponent” rule: (33)4 = 33x4 = 312. 3X= 312 In words, this equation says, “Three raised to the power of x is equal to three raised to the power of 12.” This is only true if x itself is equal to 12. 3X= 312
*= 12
Once the bases are the same, the exponents must be the same. This rule has exactly three exceptions: a base of 1, a base of 0, and a base o f-1. The reason is that more than one exponent of these particular bases results in the same number.
12 = p = _ = !
o2 = 03 = ... = 0
(-1)2 = (-1)4 = 1, while (-1)1 = (-l)3 = -1
However, for every other base, the rule works. Try this example: If 4*= 8y+ then 2^ = (A) - 8
(B) i
(C) j 4
(D) 1
(E) 8
Look at the answer choices. Since none of them contain a y, we will have to find the value of y. Now look at the given equation. The variable y is in two exponents. 4y = 8^+1 To figure out what this tells you about y, make the bases the same. Rewrite both 4 and 8 as powers of 2. 4 = 22
8 = 23
4y = & + 1 _► (2 2y = (2 5y +1 Next, apply the “two exponent” rule on both sides. (22Y = (2 3Y+l yly _ 23(7+1) Now that the bases are the same (and the common base is not 1, 0, or -1), you can set the exponents equal to each other. Write a brand-new equation that expresses this fact. 2y = 3 (y + 1) At this point, solve for y. Distribute the 3 on the right:
Chapter 6
2jv = 3y + 3 Subtract 2y from both sides to combine like terms: 0
—y + 3
Finally, subtract 3 from both sides: -3 = y Now that you’ve solved for y, find the value of 2y, which is what the question asks for. Replace y with —3. 2y = 2(_3) - 2. 8
The correct answer is (B).
If you...
Then you...
Like this:
y =27* Make the bases equal, usually
Have a variable in an exponent
by breaking the given bases
or exponents
down to primes
3 ' = (33)4 y = 3 12 x = 12
Check Your Skills 6. If4 6 = 642x,then 16x = ? Answers can be found on page 284.
Systems of Equations Many GMAT problems will force you to deal with two variables. In most of those cases, you’ll also have two equations. For example: (a)
2 x -3 y = 6
y - x = -7
A group of more than one equation is often called a system of equations. Solving a system of two equa tions with two variables x and y means finding values for x and y that make both equations true at the same time. The systems of equations discussed in this section only have 1 solution. That is, only one set of values of x and y makes the system work. To solve a system of two equations and two unknowns, you can use either of two good strategies: (A) Isolate, then Substitute
(B) Combine Equations
Equations These strategies are similar at a high level. In both, heres what you do: 1) Kill off one equation and one unknown. 2) Solve the remaining equation for the remaining unknown. 3) Plug back into one of the original equations to solve for the other variable. However, the two strategies take very different approaches to step #1: how to kill off one equation and one unknown. Let’s examine these approaches in turn.
Kill an Equation and an Unknown: (A) Isolate, then Substitute This strategy is also known as substitution. Consider this system again: (a)
2 x - 3 jy = l6
y -x --7
To follow the substitution strategy, first isolate one variable in one of the equations. Then substitute into the other equation. Which variable should you isolate? The one you don’t ultimately want. If the problem asks for x> first isolate y. Whyjy? Because the variable you first isolate is the one you will then kill off. You’re left with one equa tion in x— the variable you want. This way, you save work. Conversely, if the problem asks for y, first isolate x so you can kill it off early. Let’s say that the question asks for the value of x. Then you want to isolate y in one of the given equa tions. Which equation should you isolate your variable in? The one that’s easier to deal with. It looks easier to isolatey in equation (b). All you have to do is add x to both sides. So go ahead and do that. (a)
2x - 3y = 16
y - x = -7 +x y y
+x = -7 + x = x -7
By the way, when you use this method, it’s good practice to write the two equations in the system side by side. That way, you can do algebra down your page to isolate one variable without running into the other equation. Now you have expressed y in terms of x. Since y = x - 7, you can replace y with (x - 7) anywhere you see y. So you can remove any references to y in the first equation. In essence, you are killing off y.
Equations (a)
2 x —3 y —16
Chapter 6
y —x —-7 +x
= -7 + x
-x -7
2 x - 3 ( x - 7 ) = l6 When you sub in an expression such as x —7, place parentheses around the expression. This way, you avoid PEMDAS errors. Now that you have killed off one variable (y) and one equation (the second one), you have just one vari able left (x) in one equation. Solve for that variable: 2 x - 3 ( x - 7 ) = 16 2x - 3x + 21 = 16 - x 4- 21 = 16 - x = -5 x=5
Distribute the 3 Combine 2x and -3 x (like terms) Subtract 21 from both sides Multiply both sides by -1
At this point, you’re done if the question only asks for x. If the question asks for x + y or some other expression involving both x and y, then you need to solve for j/. Do so by plugging your value of x into either of the original equations. Which equation should you plug back into? The one in which you isolated y. In fact, you should plug into the revised form of that equation— the one that looks like “y = something.” This is the easiest way to solve for y. y -x -7 Swap out x and replace it with 5, since you found that x = 5. y = (5) - 7 j/ = - 2 Now you have the complete solution: x = 5 and y = -2 . These are the values that make both of the origi nal equations true at the same time: (a)
2x - 3y = 16
y - x = -7
2(5) - 3(-2) = 16
( - 2 ) - (5) = - 7
Chapter 6
Like this:
Then you...
I f you...
2x —3y = 16 an d y —x = —7 y = —7 + x = x —7 Have two equations and two unknowns
Isolate one unknown, then substitute into the other equation
2 * - 3 ( * - 7 ) = 16 •••
x=5 y=-2
Check Your Skills Solve for x and y.
7.6 y+ 15 = 3x x + y= 14 Answers can be found on page 284.
Kill an Equation and an Unknown: (B) Combine Equations Substitution will always work. But some GMAT problems can be solved more easily with another meth od, known as combination. Here’s how combination works. You can always add two equations together. Just add the left sides up and put the result on the left. Then add the right sides up and put that result on the right. x=4 + y =7 x+y=4+7 Why is this allowed? You are actually adding the same thing to both sides of an equation. Since y equals 7, you can legally addy on the left side o f x = 4 and add 7 on the right side. You are making the same change on each side of the first equation. In this example, the resulting equation (x + y = 11) is more complicated than the starting equations. However, adding equations can sometimes actually kill off a variable— and that’s why you do it. Consider this system of equations: a + b = 11
a - b= 5
Equations What happens when you add these equations together?
a —b
= 5
= 16
The b cancel out of the resulting equation completely. It’s now easy to solve for a. 2 a = 16
a= 8
Finally, solve for b by plugging back into one of the original equations. a + b = 11
(8)+ £= 11
So the complete solution to the original systemof equations is a = 8
and b = 3.
If you solve that system by substitution, you will need totake a few more steps. Every extra step takes time and presents an additional opportunity for error. If you learn to combine equations, you can often kill off a variable easily and safely. Combination isn’t restricted to adding equations. You can also subtract equations. Say you are given these two equations: 5n + m = 17
2n + m = 11
Since “+ m” shows up in both equations, we can kill m by subtracting the second equation from the first.
5n + m = 17 2n + m = 11 3n = 6
Realize that you are subtracting the whole left side, as well as the right side. If you are concerned that you might not follow PEMDAS, put in parentheses around the whole equation.
5n + m = 17 (2 72 + m = 11) 3n = 6
Now you can solve for n,then plug back into get m. n= 2 3n = 6 —► 2 n Jr m — —► 2(2)+ 7^=11
—►m - 1
To set up a good elimination, you can even multiply a whole equation by a number. That’s the same thing as multiplying the left side and the right side by the same number. This is a Golden Rule move.
Chapter 6
Consider this system of equations from earlier: (a)
2 x - 3 y - 16
y ~ x = -7
To take the combination approach, first rewrite the equations vertically and line up the variables. Here, you want to write one equation below the other (not next to each other as you do with substitution). Space the terms to line up x with a; and with y. 2x - 3y = 16 -x +y = -7 If you add the equations now, neither variable will die. So that’s not helpful. However, if you multiply the second equation by 2 on both sides, you’ll be able to cancel when you add. 2x - 3y —16 -2 x + 2 y = -14
2x —3y = 16 2(-x +y) = (-7)2
Now add. The 2x term will cancel with the -2 x term.
2 x - 3y —16 —2x + 2 y = -14 -y = 2 y = -2
Finally, use this value of y in one of the original equations to solve for x. y - x = -7
(-2) - x - - 7
- * = -5
x= 5
This is the same solution as before. In this case, you only saved a little work by combining equations rather than isolating and substituting. However, some problems are much easier to solve by combining equations. Take a look at this last example: 1 1 —x + —y = 3 2 3 2x + y = 11
For this system of equations, what is the value of x + y?
If you try direct substitution, you will need to make a lot of messy calculations involving fractions. Instead, try combination. First, multiply the top equation through by 6 to eliminate all fractions.
x + —v = (3)6 3 3x + 2jy = 18
Chapter 6
Now line up the two given equations, which now look much better. 3x + 2y = 18 2x + y = 11 Before going further, consider: what does the question specifically ask for? It does not ask for x or y separately. Rather, it asks for x+ y . You can certainly solve for one of the variables, then find the other. But there’s a shortcut. You can solve for x + y directly, simply by subtracting the equations: 3x + 2j/ = 18 - (2x +jy = ll) x + jy = 7 Ta-da! The answer to the question is 7. Combination isn’t always appropriate. Become very comfortable with substitution as a default method. But as you spot opportunities to kill off a variable by adding or subtracting equations, seize those op portunities. I f you...
Then you...
Like this: 2x —3y —16 and y —x = —7 Multiply 2nd equation by 2: 2 ( y - x ) = (-7 )2
Have two equations and two
Add or subtract equations to
kill a variable
Add equations: —2x + 2y = —14 + 2 x - 3 y — 16
-y =
y = -2
Check Your Skills Solve for x and y.
8.x + 4 y = 10 y-x= -5 Answers can be found on page 284.
Chapter 6
Three or More Variables: Isolate the Expression You Want A few problems involve even more than two variables. Fortunately, all the procedures youve learned so far still work. Focus on exactly what the question asks for and isolate that on one side of the equation. Try this ex ample: If J — = c and be ^ 0, what is the value of b in terms of a and c? U Since the question asks for b, you should isolate b. The answer will contain a and c, because the question asks for an expression “in terms oP a and c. Take the given equation and do Golden Rule moves to isolate b. 7 =r
Square both sides
=c /
—= c2
a = c2b a _ c2b ~ ~~ 2 c c
Divide both sides by c2
c The answer to the question is — . c By the way, the “non-equation” be ^ 0 was only there to prevent division by zero. You rarely wind up using this sort of information in any other way. Here is another tough question: w x —y
y —x —4
In the system of equations above, what is the value of uP. (A) -12
-3 4
(D) 3
(E) 12
Chapter 6
You are asked for the value of wyso you want to manipulate the equations to get “w = .. Notice that the answer choices are all numbers. This means that the other variables x and y must disap pear along the way. One approach is to isolate x or y in the second equation, then substitute into the first equation. This way, you at least get rid of one variable. Its a start—lets see where it goes. Isolate y by adding x to both sides of the second equation. y —x —4 + x +x y
= x+ 4
Now substitute x + 4 into the first equation in place ofy. Be sure to put parentheses around x + 4. w x —y
w x - ( x + 4)
= 3
5 - s
Look what happened— the variable x disappeared as well. This is a good sign. If x didn’t cancel out, then you’d be in trouble. You can solve for w now: w = - 12
The answer is (A).
Another approach to the problem is to recognize that x - y is very similar toy - x. In fact, they are op posites of each other: X - y = - ( y - X) If you recognize this, then multiply the second equation by -1 so that it has x - y on one side: y —x —4 (-1) ( y - x ) = (4)(-l) x —y = —4 Now you can substitute for a whole expression. That is, you can swap out x - y in the first equation and replace that entire thing with - 4 .
x —y w (-4 )
This gets you to the same point as the first method, and you end up with w = -12.
Chapter 6
However many variables and equations you have, pay close attention to what the question is asking for. •
If the question asks for the variable x, isolate x, so you have “x = ...”
If the question asks for x in terms of y, the other side should contain y.
If the question asks for x + y, isolate that expression, so you have “x + y = ...”
If a variable does not appear in the answer choices, help it vanish. Isolate it and substitute for it in another equation.
If an expression such as x - y shows up in two different equations, feel free to substitute for it, so that the whole thing disappears. I f you...
Then you...
Like this: If a + b - c - 12 and c - b = 8, what is the value of at
Have three or more unknowns
Isolate whatever the question
Isolate a
asks for, and use substitution to
a - 12 + c - b
eliminate unwanted variables
Substitute for c - b: a = 12 +(8) a - 20
Check Your Skills q
9. If —+ — = 1, what is c in terms of a and 6? c 3c Answers can be found on page 285.
Chapter 6
Check Your Skills Answer Key: 1. 14: In order to find the value of x, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation. yjx + 2 = 4 (Vx-k2)2 = (4)2 x + 2 = 16 x —14 2. 2x + 3: In order to find y in terms of x, we need to isolate y on one side of the equation.
y -3
/ x v
= (2) x x J
y - 3 = 2x y = 2x + 3 3 .x = - 2 : 3(x + 4)3 - 5 = 19 3(x+ 4)3 = 24
Add 5 to both sides
(x + 4)3 = 8 (x + 4) = 2
Take the cube root of both sides
x = -2
Remove the parentheses, subtract 4 from both sides
Divide both sides by 3
4. x = - 6 : 1/(x + 5 ) - 7 = - 8 yJ(x + 5) = -1 X + 5 = -1 X
= -6
Add 7 to both sides Cube both sides, remove parentheses Subtract 5 from both sides
5. * = 6 : 2x + 6(9 —2x) ——3 x —4 2x + 6(9 - 2x) = -3 {x - 4)
Multiply by the denominator
(x - 4)
2x + 54 - 12x = -3 x + 12
Simplify grouped terms by distributing
-lOx + 54 = -3 x + 12
Combine like terms (2x and
54 = 7x+ 12
Add lOx to both sides
42 = 7x
Subtract 12 from both sides
Divide both sides by 7
Chapter 6
6. 16: We could answer this question by breaking each base down to a power of 2, but notice that all three bases in the question (4, 64, and 16) are powers of 4. Solve for x by rewriting 64 as 43. 46 = 642x 46 - (43)2* 46 — ^ 6x 6 = 6x 1=x I fx = 1, then 16* = 161 = 16. 7 . x = U , y = 3: 6y + 15 = 3x x + y = 14 2j/ + 5 = x
Divide the first equation by 3
(2 j+ 5) + y = 14 3y + 5 = 14
Substitute (2y + 5) for x in the second equation
Subtract 5 from both sides
y=3 x + (3) = 14 x = 11
Substitute (3) for y in the second equation to solve for x
Combine like terms (2y and y) Divide both sides by 3
8. x = 6, y = 1: Notice we have positive x in the first equation and negative x in the second equation. Rearrange the second equation and line it up under the first equation. x + Ay —10 —x + y —-5 5y= 5 1 Now that we know y = 1, we can plug it back into either equation to solve for x. x + 4y= 10 x + 4 (l) = 10 x —6
Chapter 6
OR a -— : We have to isolate c on one side of the equation. First combine the fractions on 3 3 the left side of the equation. a b - +— =1 c 3c 3a b — +— =1 3c 3c — ——= 1 3c 3a + b = 3c , 3a+ b -------- = c
3a+ b -------- = c 3 r
If you split the numerator, then you would get:+—=c / 3 y a + —= c 3
Chapter Review: Drill Sets Drill 1
1. If x = 2, then x2 - 4x + 3 = 2. Ifx = 3, what is the value of x + V 4 8 x ? , 3 v -2 3. What is the value of - y — -------w h e n y = -2 ?
4. If p = 300c2 - c, what is the value of p when c = 100? xy 5. What is the value of y if y - 3 = — andx = 3?
Drill 2 Solve for the variable in the following equations.
6.14 - 3x = 2 7.3 (7 -x ) = 4(1.5) 8 .7x + 13 = 2x - 7 9 .3f3 - 7 = 74
io.£zl= _12 3
13 =1 x + 13
23. 24.
Chapter 6
1 0 -5x
8 - 2 ( - 4 + 10x) = 17 2 -x
25. 50(10+3*) = 5Q
Drill 4 Solve for the values of both variables in each sys tem of equations using substitution. The explana tions will use substitution to solve.
26. 7x - 3y = 5 y= 10 27.y = 4 x + 10 y= 7x- 5 2 8 . 2h-4k = 0 k= h - 3 2 9 .3x + 6y = 69 2 x - y = 11 30. Mb = 2g 4g-3b = 63
11.1,200x + 6,000 =13,200 12. V x = 3 x 5 - 2 0 - 4 13. —(x)3 = 64
Drill 5 Solve for the values of both variables in each sys
14. ^ ± 1 - 1 . 3
15. 5yfx + 6 = 51
Drill 3 Isolate x in the following equations.
16 .3x + 2(x + 2) = 2x + 16 3x + 7 1 7 .---------- = 10 18.4(-3 x - 8) = 8 (-x + 9) 19.3x + 7 - 4 x + 8 = 2 ( - 2 x - 6) 2 0 .2x(4 - 6) = -2 x + 12 3(6- x ) 21
= -6
tem of equations using elimination. The explana tions will use elimination to solve.
3 1 .x - y = 4 2x+y = 5 32.x + 2y = 5 x - 4y = -7 33.a + d = 8 2a + £>= 13 34. r - 2s = 1 5r + s = 5 3 5 .y - 2 x - 1 = 0 x - 3y - 1 = 0 36.
- r — s= 0 3 6 2 r + —s - 3 = 0 2
Chapter 6
Drill 6 Solve for the values of both variables in each system of equations. Decide whether to use sub stitution or elimination. Explanation will use one of the two methods and explain why that is the better solution method.
y = —x + 3 2
What is t> in terms of a?
Drill 8 Solve for the desired value in each system of equa
37. 5 x + 2 y = 12 1
a-b 45. — — = c + 1 4 c=b + 2
tions. .
3 8 .y - 1 =x + 2
2y = x + 1 39. r + 2s - 1 = 0 s - r + 2=0 4 0 .3x = 6 - y 6 x -y = 3 41. x = 2 y - — 2 y ~ X =~2
46. ^ = 10 ic+d)
3d= 15 - 3c What is a + bl 47. x=¥2 z -1 =
What is z in terms of x?
Drill 7
48. 2x+y = 4 z ^2 x = 2 -y
Solve for the desired value in each system of equa-
What is Z?
42.4x + y + 3z = 34
49. (1) - ^ — = 3 3/c + 1
4x + 3 z = 21 121H
What is y? ^ _ m- 5 43. 2p = -------n+ 2 What is m in terms of n and p ? 4 4 .3x + 5y + 2z = 20 6x + 4 z = 10 What isy?
What isj - 3 h l
Chapter 6
Drill Sets Solutions Drill 1 1. To evaluate the expression, we need to replace x with (2). x2 —4x + 3 = (2)2 - 4(2) + 3 = 4 - 8 + 3 = -1 2. To evaluate the expression, replace x with (3). x + yj 48x = 3 +^48(3) = 3 + Vl44 3 + 12 = 15 3. To evaluate the expression, replace/with (-2) everywhere in the equation. Be extra careful with the negative signs.
3 3 ^ -2 _ 4 l3 3 (-2 )- 2 -(-2 )3 4 -y
-(-8 )-
6-2 4
8 ------ = 4 8 - ( - 2 ) = 10 4. To find the value ofp, we first need to replace c with 100. p = 300c2 - c p = 300(100)2 - 100 p = 300(10,000) - 100 p = 3,000,000 - 100 = 2,999,900 5. First we need to replace x with (3) in the equation. , xy y -3 = — 2
(3 )y y - 3, = — — 2
, 3y y -3 =— 2
Chapter 6
Now, to find the value of y, we need to isolate y on one side of the equation. 3y y - 3a = —
y 2 2 ( y - 3 ) = 3y 2 y - 6 = 3y —6 —y
Drill 2 6.
1 4 -3 * = 2 - 3 * = -1 2
Subtract 14
*= 4
Divide by - 3
3(7 - * ) = 4(1.5) 2 1 -3 x = 6
- 3 * = -15 *= 5
Divide by - 3
Subtract 21
7x + 13 = 2x —7 5 *+ 13 = - 7
Subtract 2*
Subtract 13
-2 0
* = —4 9.
Divide by 5
3t} - 7 - 74 3*3 = 81 t3 = 27 t= 3 (z -4 )
z —4 = —36
Multiply by 3
# = -3 2
Add 4
1,200* + 6,000= 13,200 1,200*= 7,200 x=6
= 3 x 5 -2 0 -5 -4 V* = 1 5 -5 V * = 10 *
Equations 13.
Chapter 6
- M 3 = 64 to 3 = - 6 4 x = -4
•/3x+T _ 4 2
J3 x + 1=8 3x + l = 64 3x = 63 x = 21 15. 5^/x + 6 = 51 5l[x = 45 /x = 9 x = 93 = 729
Drill 3 16. 3* + 2(x+ 2) = 2 * + 16 3x + 2x + 4 = 2x + 16 5* + 4 = 2* + 16 3* + 4 = 16 3x= 12 x=4 17.
3x + 7
x 3x + 7 = 10* 7 = 7x 1= x
1 8 .4 ( - 3 * - 8 ) = 8 (-* + 9) -1 2 *-3 2 = -8 *+ 7 2 -3 2 = 4 * + 7 2 -104 = 4 * -2 6 = * 19.
3 * + 7 - 4 * + 8 = 2 (-2 * - 6) - * + 15 = - 4 * - 12 3 * + 15 = -12 3* = -2 7 * = -9
Chapter 6 20. 2x(4 - 6) = -2 x + 12 2x(-2) = - 2 x + 12 —4x= —2x+ 12 -
x = —6 3 (6 - x ) _ 21.
2x 3(6 - x) = -6(2x) 18 —3x = —12x 18 = -9 x —2 = x
=1 x + 13 13= l(x+ 13) 13= x + 13 0 =x 10(—3x + 4) =2 10 —5x 10(-3x + 4) = 2(10 - 5x) -3 0 x + 40 = 20 - lOx 40 = 20 + 20x 20 = 20x 1 =x
8 - 2 ( - 4 + 10x) 2 —x
= 17
8 - 2 (-4 + lOx) = 17(2 - x) 8 + 8 - 20x = 34 - 17x 16 - 20x = 34 - 17x 16 = 34 + 3x -18 = 3x -6 = x 25.
50(10 + 3x) 50 + 7x
= 50
50(10 + 3x) = 50(50 + 7x) 500+ 150x= 2 ,5 0 0 + 350x 500 = 2,500 + 200x -2 ,0 0 0 = 200x -1 0 = x
Chapter 6
Drill 4 26. Eq. (1): 7* - 3y- 5 Eq. (2): 7 *-3 (1 0 ) = 5 7* - 30 = 5 7*= 35 x= 5
y = 10
Substitute (10) for y in Eq. (1). Solve for *. Simplify grouped terms. Add 30. Divide by 7.
Answer: x = 5 ,y = 10 27. Eq. (1): y = 4x + 10 Eq. (2): (4*+ 10) = 7 * - 5 10 = 3* - 5 15 = 3* 5 =x
7 = 4(5) + 10 y - 30
y = 7 x -5
Substitute (4* + 10) for y in Eq. (2). Solve for *. Subtract 4*. Add 5. Divide by 3. Substitute (5) for * in Eq. (1). Solve for y. Simplify.
Answer: * = 5, y = 30 28. Eq. (1): 2h - 4 k = 0 Eq. (2):
k = h -3
2 h -4 (h -3 ) = 0
Substitute (h - 3) for k in Eq. (1).
2h - 4h +12 =0 -2 h = - l 2
Solve for h.
Divide by —2.
Combine like terms.
k = (6 ) - 3
Substitute (6) for h in Eq. 2 and solve for k.
Answer: h = 6, k = 3 29. Eq. ( 1): 3* +6y- 69 Eq. (2): 2x - y = 11
2 x - y = 11
Isolate y in Eq. (2). Subtract 2*.
— y = -2 x + 11 y = 2 x —11 3 x + 6 ( 2 x - 11) = 69 3* + I 2 x - 66 = 69 1 5 * - 6 6 = 69 15*= 135 *=9 2 ( 9 ) - 7 = 11 1 8 - 7 = 11
Divide by -1 . Substitute ( 2 * - 11) for y in Eq. (1). Solve for *. Combine like terms. Add 66. Divide by 15. Substitute (9) for * in Eq. (2). Solve for y. Simplify.
Chapter 6 18=11+7 7 —y
Add y. Subtract 11 .
Answer: x = 9, y —7 30. Eq. (1):12b = 2g
Eq. (2):
I2b = 2 g 6b = g
4 g - 3 b = 63
Isolate g in Eq. (1). Divide by 2.
4(6b) - 3 b = 63
Substitute (6b) for g in Eq. (2).
24b —3b = 63 2b = 63 b=3 12(3) = 2g 36 = 2g £=18
Solve for b. Simplify. Combine like terms. Divide by 21. Substitute (3) for b in Eq. (1). Solve forg. Simplify. Divide by 2.
Answer: b —3^g—18
Drill 5 31. Notice that the first equation has the term -y while the second equation has the term +7 . Because these terms will cancel, we do not need to do any manipulations before adding the equations together: x -y =4 +(2x + 7 = 5) 3* = 9 Therefore x = 3 and plugging this back in to the first equation yields: x -y = 4 (3 ) - y = 4 -l= y Answer: x - 3 and 7 = —1 32. Both equations have the term +*, so we can eliminate the variable x by subtracting the second equa tion from the first: x + 2y = 5 -(x - 4 y = -7 )
^7 + 4y = 5 + 7 The new equation simplifies to 67 = 12, or7 = 2 . Then, we plug this value for7 into the first equation to get x + 2 (2) = 5, or x = 1.
Equations Notice that we must be very careful to change the sign of each term in the second equation when sub tracting (for example, -Ay becomes -{-Ay) = +4y and - 7 becomes - (- 7 ) = +7). Alternatively, we could have multiplied the entire second equation by -1 to get -x+ A y = 7 and then added this equation to the first: x+ 2y = 5 + ( —x + Ay = 7) 6y = 12 This yields the same solution: y = 2 and x = 1. 33. Both equations have the term +b, so we can eliminate the variable b by subtracting the second equa tion from the first: a+ b = 8 - ( 2 a + £ = 13) -a =- 5 Hence a = 5. Then, we plug this value for a into the first equation to get (5) + b = 8, or b = 3. Answer: a = 5, b = 3 34. Neither of the variables will be eliminated if we add or subtract the equations as they are currently written, so we need to multiply one of the equations by an appropriately chosen constant. Notice that the s in the first equation has coefficient —2 and the s in the second equation has coefficient +1, so the easiest way to match up coefficients is to multiply the second equation by 2. After making this adjust ment, the second equation is 10 r + 2s = 10 and we have: r — 2s = 1 +(10r + 2^ = 10) l l r = 11 Therefore r = 1 and after plugging this value into the first equation we have 1 —2s = 1, or s = 0. Answer: r —1,^ = 0 35. We first manipulate the two equations so that the variables are nicely aligned on the left hand side and the constant terms are all on the right: —2x + y = 1 x —3y = 1 At this point, neither of the variables will be eliminated if we simply add or subtract the equations, so we must multiply one of the equations by an appropriately chosen constant. While there are many cor-
Chapter 6
rect ways to do this, the simplest is to multiply the second equation by 2, thereby replacing it with the equation 2x - 6y = 2. Then add the original first equation to the new second equation: — 2x + y = l +(2x-6j/ = 2) -5 ^ = 3
Therefore y = - —. After solving for one of the variables in a system of equations, we can actually plug this value into any of the equations we have used so far. For this problem, the simplest option is the original second equation because the x in that equation has coefficient 1, which means we wont have to divide in order to isolate the x:
36. When faced with a system of equations in which none of the coefficients match up nicely, we must multiply one of the equations by an appropriately chosen constant before adding or subtracting. Since there are many correct ways to do this, it is worth taking a few seconds to determine which option will result in the easiest numbers. For the problem at hand, multiplying the first equation by 3 will both cancel out the fractional coeffi cient of r and (more importantly) change the coefficient of s to (-1/2), which will cancel with the +(1/2) s in the second equation: 1 „ r ---- s = 0 2
+(2r + —s = 3)
3r = 3 We then plug r = 1 into the second equation to get: 2(1) + —x- 3 = 0 2 -* =1
x= 2 Therefore r —1 and 5=2.
Drill 6 37. When one of the two equations is already solved for one of the variables, substitution is almost always the better method. In this particular problem, the second equation is solved for y, so we take the right-hand side of this equation and substitute it for y in the first equation: '1 5x + 2 —x + 3 k2 5x + x + 6 = 12
6x = 6 Therefore x = 1. We can now plug this value for x in to either of the original equations to solve for j/, but it will be easiest to plug in to the equation that was used for the substitution (after all, it is already solved fory). Hence y = (1/2) x (1) + 3 = 3.5. Answer: x = 1, y = 3.5 38. For this system of equations, either method would be appropriate. Both equations would require some manipulation before we could simply stack-and-add and neither equation is already solved for one of its variables. When neither method seems to have an advantage, pick whichever you like best. If we use substitution, it is best to solve the first equation for y, giving usy = x + 3, and then substitute this into the second equation: 2(x + 3) = x + 1 2x + 6 = x + 1 x = -5 We then plug this into the equation used for the substitution step to get y = (-5) + 3 = -2 . Answer: x = -5 , y ——2 39. Even though some manipulations will be required to line up the variables nicely in this system, stack-and-add is the optimal method because the +r in the first equation will cancel the —r in the sec ond. Rearranging the two equations yields: r + 2s = 1 —r + s = - 2 We then add them together: r+ 2s= l + ( - r + j = -2 ) 3s = - I
Equations 2 5 Therefore s = -1/3 and r + 2(—1/3) = 1, so r = 1H — = —. 3 3 Answer: s = -1/3, r —5/3 40. For this system of equations, either method would be appropriate. Both equations would require some manipulation before we could simply stack-and-add and neither equation is already solved for one of its variables. When neither method seems to have an advantage, pick whichever you like best. To solve this system of equations by substitution, we isolate y in the first equation, which gives us y = 6 -
3x, and then substitute this for y in the second equation: 6x - (6 - 3x) = 3 6x - 6 + 3x= 3 9x = 9
We then plug x = I into the equation used for the substitution step, soy = 6 —3(1) = 3. To solve using the stack-and-add method, we rearrange the first equation to get 3x + y = 6 and then add the equations together to eliminate y: 3x + y = 6 + { 6 x - y = 3) 9* = 9 This time, we can plug x = I into the first equation to get 3(1) + y = 6, which simplifies to y = 3. Answer: x —1, y = 3 41. Even though the first equation is solved for x, we should always look for terms that might cancel out easily when we stack-and-add. Notice that the first equation has +x on the left side while the second equation has —x. Therefore, with a few quick manipulations we could eliminate the x by adding the two equations together. (Note: either method would work here, though). To solve using the stack-and-add method, we rearrange the first equation to get x - 2 y = -1/2 and then add the equations together to eliminate the x:
+ (-*+ 7 = -| ) - y = -2 Therefore y = 2 and we plug this into the second equation to get —x + = -1.5 - 2. That means —x = -3.5, so x —3.5. Answer: x = 3.5, y —2
(2) = -3/2, which simplifies to —x
Equations To solve by substitution, we take the first equation, which is already solved for x, and substitute into the second equation: y
2y - v 2/
y —2y + —= ---2
=- l - l y
This simplifies to — y = -2 , or j/ = 2, which we then plug into the first equation to get x = 2(2) - 1/2 = 3.5. Answer: x = 3.5, y = 2
Drill 7 42. This question contains only two equations, but three variables. To isolate y, we need to get rid of both x and z. The only way to eliminate two variables at the same time is with elimination. Notice that the coefficients of x and £ are the same in both equations. We can subtract the second equation from the first to eliminate x and z . 4 x + y + 3z = 34 —(4x + 3z = 21) y = l3 43. In order to find the value of m in terms of n and p , we need to isolate m on one side of the equation. Begin by getting rid of the fraction on the right side of the equation. m -5 2 p = ------r n+2 2 p(n + 2) = m ~5 2 np + 4p = m —5 2 np + 4p + 5 = m We have isolated m on one side of the equation. m —2 np + 4p + 5 44. In order to isolate y, we need to eliminate both x and z. Because we only have two equations, we have to find a way to eliminate both x and z at the same time. Elimination is our only option. Notice that the coefficients for x and z in the second equation (6 and 4, respectively) are exactly double their coefficients in equation 1 (3 and 2, respectively). If we divide the second equation by 2, the coef ficients will be the same.
Chapter 6 3x + 5y + 2z = 20 6 * + 4^ = 10
3* + 5y + 2z = 20 3x + 2# = 5
Now we can subtract the second equation from the first. 3x + 5y + 2z = 20 -(3 x + 2z = 5) 5y= 15 7=3 45. To solve for b in terms of a , we need to isolate b on one side of an equation. Furthermore, we need to eliminate the variable c, because the question does not mention c. The second equation is already solved for c. If we replace (c) in the first equation with (b + 2), then the first equation will only contain a and b. a -b a -b
=c+l = (b + 2) +1
Now isolate b on one side of the equation. a -b
a —b = 4(b + 3) a —b = 4b + 12 a - 2 = 5b a - 12 . --------- b
Drill 8 46. In order to find the value of a + b, we need to eliminate c and d from the first equation. More spe cifically, we need to find a way to eliminate (c + d). That means that we need to find a way to manipu late the second equation so that it gives us a value for (c + d). Start by isolating c and d on the same side of the equation. 3 d = l5 -3 c 3c + 3 d = 15 If we divide by 3, then we will have c + d on the left side of the equation. 3 c + 3 d = 15 c + d= 5
Chapter 6
Now we can replace (c + d) with (5) in the first equation, and isolate a + b . (a + b) (c + d) (a + b)
= 10
(5) a + b = 50
The sum a + b = 50. 47. In order to solve for z in terms of x, we need to isolate z on one side of an equation that contains only the variable x on the other side of the equals sign. The second equation contains both z and x, but also contains y. We need to eliminate y from the second equation. Isolate y in the first equation.
y x =— 5 5x = y Now we can replace (y) in the second equation with (5x). 2 z -l =Z ±1
x + (5x) 2 z - l = ---------2 Now isolate z. 2 * _ 1=5 ± M 2
2z - 1 = — 2 2 z - l = 3x 2z = 3x + l 3x + l z = -------2 48. In order to isolate z, we have to eliminate x and y from the first equation. In this case, we have to eliminate (x+y) from the first equation. That means we have to isolate (x + y) in the second equation. x —2 —y x +y = 2 Now we can replace (x + y) with (2) in the first equation and solve for z.
Chapter 6 2x+y= y f ^ l 2<2) =y[z —2 4 = y/z —2 (4)2 = ( y fz - 2 ) 2 l6 = z - 2
18 =
To find the value of j - 3h, we needy and Ain the same equation. Notice that the first equation con
tains j but not h, the second equation contains h but noty, and both equations contain k. If we can get j or h in terms of k, then we can replace k in one of the equations. We can begin simplifying both equations by getting rid of fractions.
y 3£ + l 2 j = 3(3k +1)
k _ h 2_ 3 3k = 2 h
Notice that we have 3k in both equations. Replace (3k) in the first equation with (2b). 2j = 3(3k+ 1) 2j=3((2h) + 1) 2j —Gh + 3 Were looking for the value ofj - 3 h, so isolate^' and h on one side of the equation. 2j = 6 b + 3 2 j-6 h = 3 Notice that (2j - 6b) is exactly twice (j - 3h). Divide the equation by 2. 2.j - 6 h = 3 j - 3 h = 3/2
Foundations of GMAT Math
Quadratic Equations
Mechanics of Quadratic Equations Distribute fa Factor x2 +
5x +
+ b jf x +
Guess the Original Numbers in (x + ...)(x + ...)
Solve a Quadratic Equation: Set Quadratic Expression Equal to 0, Factor, Then Set Factors to 0 Solve a Quadratic Equation with No x Term: Take Positive and Negative Square Roots Solve a Quadratic Equation with Squared Parentheses: Take Positive and Negative Square Roots Higher Powers: Solve Like A Normal Quadratic See a Special Product: Convert to the Other Form
Quadratic Equations In This Chapter: • Manipulating quadratic expressions and solving quadratic equations
Mechanics of Quadratic Equations_____________ In high school algebra, you learned a number of skills for dealing with quadratic equations. For the GMAT, you need to relearn those skills. Let s define terms first. A quadratic expression contains a squared variable, such as x2, and no higher power. The word “quadratic” comes from the Latin word for “square.” Here are a few quadratic expres sions: 2?
jy1+ y —G
x2 + %x+6
w2 —9
A quadratic expression can also be disguised. You might not see the squared exponent on the variable explicitly. Here are some disguised quadratic expressions. s x s
+ A)2
{w -3 )(w + 3)
If you multiply these expressions out— that is, if you distribute them— then you see the exponents on the variables. Note that the second list corresponds to the first list exactly. A quadratic equation contains a quadratic expression and an equals sign. Quadratic expression = something else A quadratic equation usually has two solutions. That is, in most cases, two different values of the variable each make the equation true. Solving a quadratic equation means finding those values. Before you can solve quadratic equations, you have to be able to distribute and factor quadratic expres sions.
?r 7
Quadratic Equations
Distribute ( a + b ) ( x + y ) ^
Recall that distributing means applying multiplication across a sum. 5
(3 + 4)
5x 3
5x 4
the quantity three
five times three
five times four,
plus four
You can omit the multiplication sign next to parentheses. Also, the order of the product doesn’t matter, and subtraction works the same way as addition. Here are more examples: 3(x + 2) = 3x + 6
( z - I2)y - z y - 12y
w(a + b) = wa +tub
What if you have to distribute the product of two sums? (a + b)(x + y) = The process is straightforward. Multiply every term in the first sum by every term in the second sum, then add all the products up. This is just distribution on steroids. To make the products, use the acronym FOIL: First, Outer, Inner, Last (orFirst, Outside, Inside, Last). (a + b){x + y)
F - multiply the First term in each of the parentheses: a x x = ax
(a + b)(x + y)
O - multiply the Outer term in each:
(a + b)(x+y)
I - multiply the Inner term in each:
b x x = bx
(a+ b)(x + y)
L - multiply the Last terms in each:
b x y —by
a x y —ay
Now add up the products: (a + b)(x + y) = ax + a y + b x + b y By the way, you can even FOIL numbers. What is 102 x 301? If you express 102 as 100 + 2 and 301 as 300 + 1, you can rewrite the question as a product of two sums: What is (100 + 2)(300 + 1)? Now FOIL it out.
Quadratic Equations (100 + 2)(300 + 1)
= 100
300 + 100
1+ 2
= 30,000 + 100 + 600 + 2 = 30,702 You get the same answer if you multiply these numbers in longhand. In fact, longhand multiplication is just distribution. You’re essentially FOILing as you multiply the digits and adding up the results.
102 x 301
102 30,600 30,702 Now try to FOIL this disguised quadratic expression: (x + 2)(x + 3). (x + 2)(x + 3)
F - multiply the First term in each of the parentheses:x x x =x2
(x + 2)(x + 3)
O - multiply the Outer term in each: x x 3 = 3x
(x + 2)(x + 3)
I - multiply the Inner term in each: 2 x x = 2x
(x + 2)(x + 3)
L - multiply the Last terms in each: 2 x 3 = 6
Add up the products. (x + 2)(x + 3) = x2 + 3x + 2x + 6 Notice that you can combine the like terms in the middle (3x and 2x). (x + 2){x + 3 ) = x 1 + 3x + 2x + 6 = x1 + 5x + 6 Now compare the expression you started with and the expression you ended up with. (x + 2 ) ( x + 3)
x2 + 5 x + 6
Study how the numbers on the left relate to the numbers on the right. The 2 and the 3 multiply to give you the 6. The 2 and the 3 add to give you the 5 in 5x. What if you have subtraction? Just attach the minus signs to the numbers themselves. Then multiply according to the rules of arithmetic and add the products. Try this example: ( y - 5 ) ( y - 2) = First, FOIL. Keep track of minus signs. Put them in the products. (y - 5) (y - 2):
F - multiply First terms
O') O') = y 2
Quadratic Equations (y —5)(y —2): (y —5)(y—2): (y - 5){y - 2):
O - multiply Outer terms I - multiply Inner terms L - multiply Last terms
(j/)(—2) = —2y (-5)(j) = - 5 y (-5)(-2) = 10
Finally, add the products and combine like terms. ( y - 5 ) ( y - 2 ) = y 2- 2 y - 5 y + 10 = y2- 7 y + 10 Again, study how the numbers on the left relate to the numbers on the right. The -5 and the - 2 multiply to give you the positive 10. The -5 and the - 2 add to give you the -7 in -7y. Here’s one last wrinkle. In the course of doing these problems, you might encounter a sum written as 4 + z rather than as z + 4. You can FOIL it as is, or you can flip the sum around so that the variable is first. Either way works fine. I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Want to distribute
FOIL it out
(x + 5)(x - 4)
(x+ 5 )(x - 4)
and combine like terms
= x2 - 4x + 5x - 20
(which will be the x terms)
= x2 + x - 2 0
Check Your Skills FOIL the following expressions:
1. (x + 4)(x + 9) 2. (y + 3 )(y -6 ) Answers can be found on page 327.
Factor x 2 + 5x + 6
Guess the Original Numbers in ( x + .. .)(x + .. . )
FOILing is a form of distribution. So going in reverse is a form of factoring. To factor a quadratic ex pression such as x1 + 5x + 6 means to rewrite the expression as a product of two sums: x2 + 5x + 6 = (x+ .. .)(x + ...) The form on the right is called the factored form. (You can call x2 + 5x + 6 the distributed form.) You already know the answer, because earlier you turned (x + 2)(x + 3) into x2 + 5x + 6. (x + 2)(x + 3 ) = x 2 + 3 x + 2 x + 6 = x2 + 5 x + 6 Consider the relationship between the numbers one more time.
Quadratic Equations 2 + 3 = 5, the coefficient of the * term
Chapter 7
2 x 3 = 6, the “constant” term on the end
This is true in general. The two numbers in the factored form add to the x coefficient, and they multi ply to the constant. Now think about how to work backwards: x1 + 5x + 6 = (x + .. .)(* + ...) You need two numbers that multiply together to 6 and add to 5. Look first for factor pairs of the constant— in this case, two numbers that multiply to 6. Then check the sum. 2 and 3 are a factor pair of 6, because 2 x 3 = 6. 2 and 3 also add to 5, so you’re done. x1 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3) Try this slightly different example: f + 7y + 6 = (y + .. .)(y + . . .) The constant is the same: 6. So you need a factor pair of 6. But now the pair has to add up to 7. 2 and 3 no longer work. But 1 and 6 are also a factor pair of 6. So you factory2 + ly + 6 like this: yz + 7y + 6 = (y + 1){y + 6) Now try to factor this quadratic: z2 + 7z +
12 = (z + .. .)(<£ + ...)
Again, start with the constant. Look for a factor pair of 12 that adds up to 7. The only factor pair of 12 that adds up to 7 is 3 and 4. 3x4=12
z1 + 7z + 12 = (z + 3 ){z + 4) What if you have subtraction? The same principles hold. Just think of the minus signs as part of the numbers themselves. x2 - 9x + 18 = (x + .. .)(x + ...)
Quadratic Equations
You still need two numbers that multiply to 18, but now they have to add up to - 9 . This means that both numbers m ust be negative. Neg x Neg = Pos
Neg + N eg = Neg
To find these num bers, ignore the negative signs for a mom ent. Consider the normal, positive factor pairs o f 18. W hich pair adds up to 9? The answer is 3 and 6.
3 +6 =9
So this same pair, made negative, fits the bill.
(—3) x (—6 ) = 18
(-3 ) + (—6 ) = —9
N ow write the factored form o f the quadratic expression:
x2—9x+ 18 = (x - 3)(x - 6) I f the constant is positive, then the two numbers in the factored form must both be positive or both be negative, depending on the sign o f the x term.
z2 + Iz + 12 = (z + 3 )(2 + 4 ) pos pos
x1- 9x + 18 = (x - 3)(x - 6)
both positive
neg pos
both negative
W h at if the constant is being subtracted? Again, think of the minus sign as part of the number. Try this example:
w 2 + 3 w —10 = (w + .. )(w + . . .) You need two num bers that m ultiply to negative 10 and that add up to 3. For the product to be —10, one num ber must be positive and the other one m ust be negative. That’s the only way to get a negative product o f two numbers. Pos x Neg = Neg
I f the constant is negative, then one number in the factored form is positive, and the other one is negative. This m eans th at you are adding a positive and a negative to get 3. Pos + Neg = 3 H ere’s a straightforw ard way to find the two numbers you want. First, pretend that the constant is posi tive. T hink o f the norm al, positive factor pairs of 10. W hich pair The answer is 5 and 2. N ow m ake
5 —2 = 3
one o f those num bers negative, so that the product is now - 1 0 and the sum is now 3.
differs by 3?
Quadratic Equations The answer is 5 and -2 .
5 x (-2) = -10
5 + (-2) = 3
Notice that -5 and 2 would give you the correct product (-10) but the incorrect sum (-5 + 2 = -3). Now you know where to place the signs in the factored form. Place the minus sign with the 2.
w1 + 3 w — 10 = (w + 5){tu - 2) When the constant is negative, test factor pairs by pretending the constant is positive and asking which pair differs by the right amount. Once you find a good factor pair for the constant (say 5 and 2), then make one number negative so that the product is correctly negative and the sum comes out right. Consider this example: f - 4 y - 21 = (y + ...)(>+ ...) You need two numbers that multiply to negative 21 and that add up to negative 4. Again, one number must be positive, while the other is negative. Temporarily pretend that the constant is positive 21. What factor pair of 21 differs by 4? You can ignore the sign on the - 4 for a moment here as well. Testing factor pairs, you quickly find that only 7 and 3 work.
7 x 3 = 21
7 -3 = 4
Now you need to make one number negative, so that the product is now -21 and the sum is now -4 . Since the sum is negative, you need to make the 7 negative, since 7 is larger than 3. (-7) x 3 = -21
(-7) + 3 = - 4
Write the factored form: y2- 4 y - 2 1 = ( y - 7)(y + 3) Finally, the GMAT can make factoring a quadratic expression harder in a couple of ways. (1) Every term in the expression is multiplied through by a common numerical factor, including the x2 term. 3X2 + 21x+ 36 = ... In this case, pull out the common factor first. Put parentheses around what’s left. Then factor the quadratic expression as usual.
Quadratic Equations 3X2 + 21x + 3 6 =
3(x? + 7x + 12) = 3(x + 3)(x + 4)
If the x1 term is negative, factor out a common factor o f-1 first. That will flip the sign on every term. -*2 + 9 * - 1 8 = ... Pull out the -1, which just becomes a minus sign outside a set of parentheses. Then factor the quadratic expression as usual. - x 2 + 9x - 18 = -(x 2 - 9 x + 18) = -(x - 3)(x - 6) Avoid fractional coefficients at all costs. If you cannot pull out a common factor from the x2 term without turning coefficients into fractions, then you will need to keep a coefficient on one or even both x’s in your factored form. At this point, experiment with factor pairs of the constant until you get a match. 2s2- * - 15 = ... Don’t factor a 2 out of all the terms. Rather, set up the parentheses on the right. Put a 2z in one set. I z 2 - z - 15 = (2z + .. .)(z + ...) At least you’ve got the F of FOIL covered. What you already know how to do is still useful. Since the constant is negative (-15), one of the num bers must be negative, while the other must be positive. Pretend for a minute that the constant is positive 15. You still need a factor pair of 15. There are only 2 factor pairs of 15: 1 x 15 = 15
3 x 5 = 15
But which pair do you want? Which number becomes negative? And where does that one go— with the 2z or the z? The middle term is your guide. The coefficient on the z term is only -1, so it’s very unlikely that the “1 and 15” factor pair will work. The numbers must be 3 and 5, with a minus sign on exactly one of them. This covers the L of FOIL. Finally, experiment. Try the numbers in different configurations. Examine only the OI of FOIL (Outer and Inner) to see whether you get the right middle term. 2z2 - z - 15 = (2z + .. .)(z +...) = (2z + 3)(z - 5)?
FO IL —► (2z)(-5) + 3z does not equal - z
Learn after each attempt. You probably want the 5 to multiply the z and the 3 to multiply the 2z.
Quadratic Equations
Chapter 7
2jz2- z - 15 = (2s + .. .)(s + ...) = (2s - 5)(s + 3)?.FOIZ —► (2s)(3) - 5z equals z, not - s Switch the signs. 2s2 - s - 15 = (2s + .. .)(s + ...) = (2s + 5)(s - 3)?
R )IZ —► (2s)(-3) + 5s equals - s
So 2s2 - s —15 factors into (2s + 5)(s - 3). You can always check your work by FOILing the result: (2s + 5)(s - 3) = 2 s2 - 6s + 5s - 15 = 2s2 - s - 15 This example reinforces our last word of advice: if you’re ever in doubt, just FOIL it back out! If you...
Then you...
Like this: x2 + l l x + 18
Want to factor
Find a factor pair of 18
x2 + llx + 18
that sums to 11
= (x + 9)(x + 2) 9 + 2 = 11 9 x 2 = 18
Want to factor x2 - 8x + 12
Find a factor pair of 12 that
x2 - 8x + 12 = (x—6)(x—2)
sums to 8, then make both numbers negative
( - 6 ) + (-2) = - 8 (-6) x (-2) = 12
Want to factor x2 + 6x - 16
Want to factor x2 - 5 x - 14
Want to factor -2 x 2 + 1 6 x - 2 4
Find a factor pair of 16 that
x2 + 6x —16
differs by 6, then make the
= (x+ 8 )(x - 2)
smaller number negative so that the sum is 6 and the
8 + (—2) = 6
product is -16
8 x (-2) = -16
Find a factor pair of 14 that
x2- 5 x - 14
differs by 5, then make the
= (x - 7)(x + 2)
bigger number negative so that is -14
(-7) + 2 = -5 (-7) x 2 = -14
Factor out - 2 from all terms
-2X2 + 16x - 24
first, then factor the quadratic
= -2(x2- 8 x + 12)
expression normally
= - 2 ( x - 6 )(x - 2)
the sum is -5 and the product
Check Your Skills Factor the following expressions:
3.x2+ 1 4 x + 3 3 4.x214x + 45 5.x2 + 3 x - 18 6. x2 - 5x - 66 Answers can be found on page 327.
Quadratic Equations
Chapter 7
Solve a Quadratic Equation: Set Quadratic Expression Equal to 0, Factor, Then Set Factors to 0 So far, you’ve dealt with quadratic expressions— distributing them and factoring them. Now, how do you solve quadratic equations? If x2 + x = 6, what are the possible values of x? Notice that you are asked for possible values of x. Usually, two different values of * will make a quadratic equation true. In other words, you should expect the equation to have two solutions. The best way to solve most quadratic equations involves a particular property of the number 0. If ab = 0, then either a = 0 or b = 0 (or both, potentially). In words, if the product of two numbers is zero, then you know that at least one of the numbers is zero. This is true no matter how complicated the factors. If (a + 27){b - 12) = 0, then either a + 27 = 0 or b - 12 = 0 (or both). If the quantity a + 27 times the quantity b - 12 equals 0, then at least one of those quantities must be zero. This gives you a pathway to solve quadratic equations. 1)
Rearrange the equation to make one side equal 0. The other side will contain a quadratic expression.
Factor the quadratic expression. The equation will look like this: (Something)(Something else) = 0.
Set each factor equal to 0. Something = 0 or Something else = 0
These two equations will be much easier to solve. Each one will give you a possible solution for the original equation. Try this with the problem above. First, rearrange the equation to make one side equal 0. x2+ x =
-6 x2 + x —6 =
-6 0
Next, factor the quadratic expression on the left side.
Quadratic Equations
Chapter 7
x2 + x —6 = 0 (x + 3 ) ( x - 2 ) = 0 Finally, set each factor (the quantities in parentheses) equal to 0, and solve for x in each case. x+3=0
x —2 = 0
x = -3
Now you have the two possible values of x, which are the two solutions to the original equation: x could be - 3 or x could be 2
x2 + x - 6
(- 3)2 + (- 3) = 6 22 + 2 = 6
By the way, the two equations you get at the end cant both be true at the same time. What x2 + x = 6 tells you is that a: must equal either -3 or 2. The value of x is one or the other; its not both simultane ously. The variable has multiple possible values. The solutions of a quadratic equation are also called its roots. If an additional condition is placed on the variable, you can often narrow down to one solution. Try this example: liy < 0 and y2 = y + 30, what is the value of 7 ? First, solve the quadratic equation. Rearrange it so that one side equals 0.
= 7
y2 - y - 30
- 7 -3 0
y 2 —y —30 = 0 Next, factor the quadratic expression. y2- y -3 0 = 0 { y - 6 ) ( y + 5) = 0 Set each factor equal to zero. y —6 = 0 y = 6r
7+5=0 y = -c5
At this point, you can definitively say that y is either 6 or -5. Go back to the question, which gives the additional condition that y < 0. Since y is negative, y cannot be 6. Thus, the answer to the question is -5. The quadratic equation gave you two possibilities, but only one of them fit the other constraint.
Quadratic Equations
Chapter 7
Occasionally, a quadratic equation has only one solution on its own. If w1 - 8w + 16 = 0, what is the value of u/i The quadratic equation already has one side equal to 0, so go ahead and factor the quadratic expression: w2 —8w + l6 = 0 (w —4)(w —4) = 0 The two factors in parentheses happen to be identical. So you don’t get two separate equations and two separate roots. w -4 = 0
w —4
The only solution is 4.
Lastly, never factor before you set one side equal to 0. If z is positive and z1 + z - 6 = 6, what is the value of zi You might be tempted to factor the left side right away. Avoid that temptation. Instead, rearrange to make the right side zero first. z
z —6
6 -6 -6 =
z2+ z -1 2 =
Now you should factor the left side. z 2 + z —12 = 0 (z + 4 ) ( z - 3 ) = 0 Finally, set each factor equal to 0 and solve for z. z+4=0
z- 3=0
Thus, z equals either - 4 or 3. Since you are told that z is positive, z must be 3. It’s legal to factor a quadratic expression whenever you want to. But if you factor the expression before setting one side equal to zero, your factors don’t tell you anything useful. You cant set them individu ally to zero. When you solve a quadratic equation, always set one side equal to zero before you factor.
Quadratic Equations I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Want to solve x2 ■+■Wx ——18
Rearrange to make one side 0, factor the quadratic side, then set the factors equal to 0
x2 + l l x + 18 = 0 (x + 9)(x + 2) = 0 x+9 = 0orx+2 = 0 x = - 9 or x = -2
x2 + llx = —18
Check Your Skills Solve the following quadratic equations.
7. X2 + 2x - 35 = 0 8.x2- 1 5 x = -2 6 Answers can be found on pages 327—328.
Solve a Quadratic Equation with No x Term: Take Positive and Negative Square Roots Occasionally you encounter a quadratic equation with no x term. If x is negative and x2 = 9, what is x? Heres the fast way to solve. Take positive and negative square roots. x2 = 9
yfx2 = V9
—► x = 3 OR -3
Since you are told that x is negative, the answer to the question is -3 . You can also solve this problem using the method of the previous section. Although the method is lon ger in this case, it s worth seeing how it works. 1) Rearrange the equation to make one side zero.
*2 = 9
x2 - 9 = 0
2) Factor the quadratic expression. The strange thing is that there is no x term, but you can imagine that it has a coefficient of 0: x2 - 9 = 0
—► x2 + 0 x - 9 = 0
Because the constant (-9) is negative, you look for a factor pair of 9 that differs by 0. In other words, you need 3 and 3. Make one of these numbers negative to fit the equation as given:
Quadratic Equations x 2 + Ox - 9 = 0 ( * + 3)(x —3) = 0 You can FOIL the result back out to see how the * terms cancel in the middle: (x + 3){x - 3 ) = x2- 3 x - h 3 x - 9 = x2- 9 3) Finally, set each of the factors in parentheses equal to zero, and solve for x. x-h 3 = 0
x -3=0
Thus, x equals either -3 or 3. Again, the question tells you that x is negative, so you choose the negative root. Obviously, the second method is overkill in this case. However, you should be able to carry out the steps in a pinch. More importantly, you should be able to factor x2 - 9 into (x + 3)(x - 3). We’ll come back to that point later in this chapter. If you...
Then you...
Want to solve
Take the positive and negative
x2 = 25
square roots of both sides
Like this: x2 = 25 y/xT = y/25 x = 5 or x = -5
Check Your Skills 9. If x2 - 3 = 1, what are all the possible values of x? Answers can be found on page 328.
Solve a Quadratic Equation with Squared Parentheses: Take Positive and Negative Square Roots Try this example: If (y + l)2 = 16, what are the possible values ofyi You can do this problem in either of two ways. One way is to treaty + 1 as if it were a new variable z. In other words, z = y + 1. Solve z2 = 16 by taking positive and negative square roots. (y + l ) 2 = 16
z2 = 16
z = 4 or z = - 4
Quadratic Equations Go back to y. ( y + l) 2 = 16
—► z2 —16
—► z = 4 o r z = - 4
—► y + 1 = 4 o r y + 1 = - 4
In fact, you didn’t need s. You could have just taken the positive and negative square roots right away (y + l)2 = 16
—► y + 1 = 4 or y + 1 = —4
Finally, solve the simpler equations for y. You get y = 3 or y = -5. The alternative approach to this problem is to expand (y + l )2 into (y + 1)(y + 1). FOIL this product out. (y+ 1) (y + 1) = y2 + y + y + 1 = y2 + 2y+ 1 Now solve the quadratic equation normally: set one side equal to zero and factor. y1 + 2y + — G
— ► y2 + 2y - 15 - 0
— ► (y+ 5 ) ( y - 3) = 0
—► y = - 5 or 3
Which way is faster depends on the numbers involved. With big numbers, the first way is easier. I f you...
Then you...
Like this: (z - 7)2 = 625
Want to solve
Take the positive and negative
(z - 7)2 = 625
square roots of both sides
y l ( z - 7 ) 2 =V625 £ - 7 = 25 or2 - 7 = -25 s = 3 2 or s = -18
Check Your Skills 10. If (z + 2)2 = 225, what are the possible values of z? Answers can be found on page 328.
Higher Powers: Solve Like A Normal Quadratic If you have a higher power of x in the equation, look for solutions as if the equation were a typical qua dratic: set one side equal to zero, factor as much as you can, then set factors equal to zero. x3 = 3X2 - 2x What is the product of all the roots of the equation above? (A) -2
(B) -1
(C) 0
(D) 1
(E) 2
Recall that a “root” of an equation is a solution— a value for the variable that makes the equation true.
Quadratic Equations First, set one side of the equation equal to zero. x3
3x2 —2x
3x2 + 2x
—3x2 + 2x 0
x3 —3x2 + 2 x =
You may notice that every term on the left contains an x. That means that x is a common factor. You might be tempted to divide both sides by x to eliminate that factor. Resist that temptation. Never divide an equation by x unless you know for sure that x is not zero (x ^ 0). You could be dividing by 0 without realizing it. The problem doesn’t tell you that x ^ 0. So, rather than divide away the x, simply pull it out to the left and keep it around. x3 —3x2 + 2x = 0 x (x 2 —3x + 2) = 0 Now factor the quadratic expression in the parentheses normally and rewrite the equation. x (x 2 —3x + 2 ) = 0 x (x —2)(x —1) = 0 You have three factors on the left side: x, ( x - 2), and ( x - 1). So you can set each one of them to 0, and you get three solutions to the original equation. x= 0
x -2 = 0
x - 1= 0
By the way, the presence of the x3 term should alert you that there could be three solutions. If you had divided away the x earlier, you would have missed the x = 0 solution. The question asks for the product of the roots, so the answer is 0 x 2 x 1 = 0, or (C). If you...
Then you...
Like this:
Solve like a normal quadratic:
x3 - x = 0
set the equation equal to zero,
x(x2 - 1) = 0
factor, and set factors equal to
x(x+ l)(x —1) = 0
x= 0o rx+ l= 0o rx-l= 0
X3 = X
Want to solve X3
x = 0 or -1 or 1
Quadratic Equations Check Your Skills 11. What are all the possible solutions to the equation x3 - 2x2 = 3x? Answers can be found on page 328.
Other Instances of Quadratics________________ You will come across quadratic expressions in various circumstances other than the ones already given. Fortunately, the skills of FOILing and factoring are still relevant as you try to simplify the problem.
See a Quadratic Expression in a Fraction: Factor and Cancel Take a look at this problem: i f x * -1, then * 2 ~2-y ~ 3 X+ l (A) x + 1
(B) a: + 3
(C) x - 3
This question doesn’t involve a typical quadratic equation. However, the numerator of the fraction is a quadratic. To simplify the fraction, factor the quadratic expression. x2 - 2x - 3 = (x - 3)(x + 1) Now substitute the factored form back into the fraction. x 2 —2x —3 _ (at —3 ) (x + l) x+l
Finally, you can cancel a common factor from top and bottom of the fraction. The common factor is the entire quantity x + l . Since that is the denominator, you cancel the whole thing out, and the frac tion is gone.
X2 - 2 x - 3 _ ( x - 3 ) ( x + l) x+l
(x + l)
^ (jo+ rf
The correct answer is (C). As before, the constraint that x ^ —l is mentioned only to prevent division by 0 in the fraction. You don’t have to use this fact directly. If you see a quadratic expression in a numerator or denominator, try factoring the expression. Then cancel common factors.
Chapter 7
Quadratic Equations Common factors can be disguised, of course, even when you don’t have quadratics. If x ^ y , then ———= x —y (A) -1
(B)* 2- /
(Q f-x2
The numerator y —x may look different from the denominator x —y. However, these two expressions are actually identical except for a sign change throughout. because
y - x ——(x—y)
-(x -y ) = - x + y = y - x
In other words, these expressions only differ by a factor o f-1. The GMAT loves this little disguise. Expressions that only differ by a sign change are only different by a factor of -1 . Rewrite the numerator: y -x = ~(x-y) x —y
x —y
Now you can cancel x - y from both top and bottom. You are left with -1 on top. So the whole fraction is equal to -1. y - x _ ~(x~y) _ ~ {j^ y ) _ x —y
(x —y)
(g ^ y )
The correct answer is (A). Try this last example:
Ify ^ - 8 , then
(A)y + 7
(y + 7 )2 + 7 + 7 _ j/+ 8
(B)j/ + 8
(C) 2y+4
The long way to solve this is to expand (y + 7)2>then add y 4- 7, then factor and cancel. This approach will work. Fortunately, there’s a faster way. Put parentheses around the last y + 7 on top of the fraction:
(y + 7) 2 + y + 7
{y + 7) 2 + ( y + 7)
y +8
Chapter 7
Quadratic Equations This subtle change can help you see that you can factor the numerator. You can pull out a common factor— namely, y + 7— from both the (y + 7)2 and from the (y + 7). When you pull out (y + 7) from (y + 7)2, you are left with (y + 7). When you pull out (y + 7) from (y + 7), you are left with 1. (y + 7 f + ( y + 7) J y + 7 ) [ { y + 7) + 1] y+8
Since/ + 7 + I = y + 8, you can simplify the second factor on top. j y + 7) 2 + ( y + 7) _ ( y + 7 ) [ ( y + 7) + l ] _ (y + 7) ( y + 8) j/ + 8
^+ 8
Finally, cancel the y + 8 quantity from top and bottom as a common factor of both. {y + 7)2 + { y + 7) + 7 )[(^ + 7 ) 1]
(/ + 7 ) (/ + 8 )
{y + 7 ) j j ^ j
y ++ ------------------------------------= ------------------------------------------= ----------;----------;-------- = --------------------- ^ --------= V y +8
y +8
0 >+ 8)
The correct answer is (A). The recurring principle is this: look for ways to pull out common factors from complicated fractions and cancel them. I f you...
Then you...
See a quadratic expression in a fraction
Factor the quadratic
Like this: z 1 +5 z + 6
(z + 2) ( z + 3 )
z +3
and cancel common factors
= z+ 2 (as long as z ^ -3)
Check Your Skills Simplify the following fraction by factoring the quadratic expression. 12.lfx*-3,
x + 7 x + 12 x+3 Answers can be found on page 329-
Quadratic Equations
See a Special Product: Convert to the Other Form Three quadratic expressions are so important on the GMAT that we call them special products. Here they are: (x+iy)2 = x 2 + 2xy+ y2
(x -y )2 = xz - 2 x y + y 2
(x + y)(x-y) = x2- y 2
Square of a sum
Square of a difference
Difference of squares
You should memorize these forms and learn to go both ways quickly: factoring or distributing. If you learn to recognize these templates, youTl save time. The GMAT often disguises these forms using different variables, numbers, roots, and so on. x2 + 8 x + l 6 Square of a sum
a2- 4 a b + 4b2
^1 + yf2^j(l-y/2 j
Square of a difference
Difference of squares
The first example can be factored normally. x2 + 8x + 16 = (x + 4)(x + 4) = (x + 4)2 The test likes “square of a sum” (as well as “square of a difference”) because they can create quadratic equations that have only one solution. For instance: x2 + 8x + 16 = 0 (x + 4)2 = 0 This means that x + 4 = 0, or x = - 4 . The only number that makes x2 + 8x + 16 = 0 true is -4 . The second example above, a2 - 4ab + 4b2, is tougher to factor. First, recognize that the first and last term are both perfect squares: a2 = the square of a
4b2 = the square of 2b
This should give us a hint as to how to factor. Set up (a - 2£)2, and FOIL it to check that it matches. (a - 2b)2 = ( a - 2b)(a - 2b) = a2 - 2ba - 2 ba + 4b2 = a2 - 4ab + 4b2 The third example above, (l + V 2 ) ( l - V 2 ) , matches the factored form of the difference of squares, the most important of the three special products. In distributed or expanded form, the difference of squares has no middle term. In the process of FOILing, the Outer and the Inner terms cancel.
Chapter 7
Quadratic Equations (l + V2 )(l - V2 ) = l 2 + (-V 2 ) + yfl + V2 (-V 2 )
= 1 -2 = -1 Its not a coincidence that the middle terms cancel. If you multiply x + y b y x - y , the middle terms or cross-terms will be -xy and +xy, which add up to 0 and drop out every time. As a result, you shouldn’t FOIL every time you multiply a sum of two things by the difference of those same two things. YouTl waste time. Rather, match up to the “difference of squares” template. Square the first thing, and subtract the square of the second thing. Try this problem: (3 + 2 V 3 )(3 -2 V 3 ) = The two things being added are 3 and 2 ^ 3 . Always make sure that the other expression in parentheses is the difference of the same exact terms. Since that’s true, you can just square the 3, square the 2^3 and subtract the second from the first. (3 + 2 V 3 ) ( 3 - 2 %/3) = 32 - ( 2 ^ ) ' = 9 -(4 )(3 ) = 9 -1 2 = -3 Try this example going the other direction: 16x4 - 9y2 = To treat this as a difference of squares, figure out what each term is the square of. 16x4 = {Ax2)2
9y2 = (3y)2
So the first term of the difference (16x4) is the square of Ax1, and the second term (9J/2) is the square of 3j/. Take those square roots (Ax2 and 3y) and placethem in two sets of parentheses. 16x4 - 9y2 = (Ax2
3y) (Ax2
Put a + sign in one place and a - sign in the other. 16x4 - 9y2 = (Ax2 + 3y) (Ax2 - 3y)
Chapter 7
Quadratic Equations Now you have factored a difference of squares. A couple of sections ago, you saw x2 —9 = 0. You should now recognize the left side as the difference of squares and be able to factor it: x2 - 9 = (x + 3)(x - 3) To match a special products template, you might have to rearrange an equation. If x2 + y2 = —2xy, what is the sum of x and yi You need to find x + y. Look at the equation. It doesn’t match a special product, but its close. Rearrange the equation: + y 2 = —2 xy
x2 + 2xy
+ 2 xy
x2 + 2 xy + y 2 = 0 The left side now matches the square of a sum. x 2 + 2 xy + y 2 = 0 (x + y )2 = 0 The right side is also now equal to 0— a double benefit of the first move you made. Since the square of x + y equals 0, you know that x + y itself must equal 0. That is the answer to the question. If you...
See a special product
Then you...
Like this:
Consider converting it to its
Aw2 - 25z4
other form, especially when you
= (2w)2- ( 5 z 2)2 = (2w + 5z2)(2w - 5Z2)
see the difference of squares
n1 + m1 —2 nm See something close to a special product
Rearrange the equation to
r? - 2nm + m2 = 0
try to fit the special product
(n - m)2 = 0
n- m = 0 n= m
Quadratic Equations
Chapter 7
Check Your Skills Factor the following quadratic expressions. 1 3 . 2 5 a Ab6 - 4 c2cP 1 4 .4 x 2 + 8 x y + 4 y 2
Answers can be found on page 329.
Quadratic Equations
Chapter 7
Check Your Skills Answer Key_______________________ 1.
(x + 4)(x+ 9) (x + 4)(x + 9) (x + 4)(x + 9) (x + 4)(x + 9)
F - multiply the First term in each parentheses: x x x —x2 O —multiply the Outer term in each: x x 9 = 9x I - multiply the Inner term in each: 4 x x = 4x
(x + 4)(x + 9)
L - multiply the Last term in each: 4 x 9 = 36
x2 + 9x + 4x + 36 —►x2 + 13x + 36 2.
(y + 3)(y - 6) (y + 3 )(y - 6)
F - multiply the First term in each parentheses:y x y —y2
(y + 3)(y - 6) (y + 3 ) ( y - 6)
O - multiply the Outer term in each: y x - 6 = —Gy I - multiply the Inner term in each: 3 x y = 3y
(y + 3)(y - 6)
L - multiply the Last term in each: 3 x - 6 = -18
y2 —6x + 3y —18 —► j2 —3y —18 3. 1 & 33 and 3 & 11 multiply to 33. 3 & 11 sum to 14. (x + 3)(x+ 11) 4. 1 & 45, 3 & 15, and 5 & 9 multiply to 45. 5 & 9 sum to 14. (x -5 ){x -9 ) 5. Middle term is positive, so the larger of the two numbers (6) is positive. 1 & 18, 2 & 9, and 3 & 6 multiply to 18. The difference of 3 & 6 is 3. (x + 6)(x - 3) 6. 1 & 66, 2 & 33, 3 & 22, and 6 & 11 multiply to 66. The difference of 6 and 11 is 5. (#+ 6 ) ( x - 11) 7. 5 & 7 multiply to 35 and their difference is 2. Middle term is positive, so the larger of the two num bers (7) is positive. (x -5 )(*+ 7 ) = 0 x= 5 O R -7
Quadratic Equations
Chapter 7 8.
- 1 5 * = -26 x2 - 15x + 26 = 0
Add 26 to both sides so that the expression equals 0
2 & 13 multiply to 26 and sum to 15 (x - 2 )(x - 13) = 0 x = 2 OR 13 9. The easiest way to solve this equation for x is to isolate x1 on one side of the equation then take the square root of both sides. x1 —3 = 1 x1 = 4 fx^ = V4 x = 2 O R -2 10. We can begin by taking the square root of both sides. Remember to include the negative solution as well. (z 4- 2)2 = 225
11. To find all the solutions, we need to treat this equation like a quadratic. Begin by isolating * on one side of the equation. x3 - l x 1 = 3x x3 - l x 2 - 3x = 0 Notice that all the terms contain x. Factor x out of the left side of the equation then factor the qua dratic. x3 - lx 2 - 3x = 0 xix2 - 2x - 3) = 0 x(x - 3)(x + 1) = 0 The three values of x that will make the equation true are 0, 3, and —1.
Quadratic Equations
Chapter 7
12. To begin, factor the numerator. x 2 + 7 x + 12 ( p * 3 j ( x + 4) ---------------- = —--------- —:--- = x+3 (^ ^ o)
13. (5a2b3 + 2cd) (5a2b3 —2cd)i Any expression that contains one term subtracted from another can be expressed as a difference of squares. Take the square root of each term. The square root of 25aAb6 is 5a2b3, and the square root of 4c1d 2 is le d . In one set of parentheses, add the square roots; in the other, subtract: (5a2b3 + led) (5a2b3 - led). 14. (2x + 2y)2: This is a more complicated version of the form (x + y)2 = x2 + Ix y + y 2. Take the square root of the first term to get (lx) and the square root of the last term to get (ly). 4X2 + 8xy + 4y2 = (lx + ly)(lx + ly).
Chapter 7
Quadratic Equations
Chapter Review; Prill Sets Drill 1
X —1
X —1
18. If x ^ 1,
(B) 5x2
x —1
Distribute the following expressions.
2 f - 1 + (2f —1) 2 f —1
19. I f f * 1 /2 , 1. (x+ 2 )(x - 3) =
2. (2s+1)(s + 5) = 3. (5 + a)(3 + a) = 4. (3 - z)(z + 4) = 5. ( 2 x - y ) ( x + 4y) =
(A) 2t
(C) 0
(B )2 f-1
(C) 2f - 2
m2+2m 49+12m 20. If m * -7, -------------1--------------: m+7 m+7
Drill 2
(A) 1
Solve the following equations. List all possible solutions.
(B) (m + 7)2
(C) m + 7
Drill 4 Simplify the following expressions.
6. X 2 - 2x = 0
7. z2 = -5 z 8 .y 2 + 4 y + 3 = 0 9 .y 2- 1 1 y + 30 = 0 10.y2 + 3y=0 11.y2 + 1 2 y + 3 6 = 0 12. a 2- a - 12 = 0 13.x2+ 9 x - 90 = 0 1 4 .2a2 + 6 a + 4 = 0 15.x3- 5 x 2 + 4 x = 0
3x - 6 x - 4 5
21. If X * -3 ,
3x + 9
(A) 5 - x 22.
(B) x - 5
(C) x + 5
5a b + a b c abc2 + 1 0 a b c + 2 5 a b 1
(B) c + 5
(c + 5 )2
c+ 5
Drill 3 Simplify the following expressions.
16. If a * b , (A)
r+ s r-s
( x 5 - x 3)
X X—=
( x 3- x 2) ' 5
a2- b 2 (A)
a -b
a - b (B) a + b
17. If |r|
r-s r+s
x3+ x 2
(C) a 2 + b2 24. (a2 + 2 a b + b 2) x ? b a+b
r2 + 2 r s + s 2 |s|, r2 - s 2 (B)
(A) a2 - 2ab + b2
(B) a2 - b2
(Q a -b
(C) 2rs 25.
x -6 x + 9 3 -x
(A) x - 3
(B) 3 - x
(C) (x - 3)2
Quadtratic Equations
Chapter 7
Drill Set Answers: Drill 1 1. (x + 2 ) ( x - 3 ) = x 2 - 3 x + 2 x - 6 = x 2- x - 6 2. (25+ l)(s+ 5) = 2s2 + 10s + s + 5 = 2s2+ l l s + 5 3. (5 + a)(3 + a) = 15 + 5a + 3 a + a 2 = a2 + 8 a + 15 4. (3 —z)(z + 4) = 3z + 12 —z2 —4z = —z2 - z + 12 5. (2 x -y )(x + Ay) - 2X2 + 8xy - xy - Ay1 = 2X2 + 7xy - 4y2
Drill 2 6. x - 0 OR 2: x2 —2x = 0 x(x —2) = 0 x= 0 OR ( x - 2 ) = 0 -> *x = 2 7 .z = O O R -5: z1 = - 5 z + 5z = 0 -► z(z + 5) = 0 z —0
O R (z + 5 ) = 0 + z = - 5 8. j/ = -1 OR -3 : j/2 + 4j/ + 3 = 0
O' + l)(y + 3) = 0 (y + 1) = 0 +>y = - 1
(y + 3) = 0 -►j/ = - 3 9. j = 5 OR 6: y2 - lly + 30 = 0 (y -5 )(y -6 ) = 0 O' - 5) = 0 -►/= 5 OR (y —6) = 0 - ► 7 = 6
Quadtratic Equations
Chapter 7 10.
= 0 OR -3 :
y2 + 3y = 0 y(y + 3) = 0 y — 0 OR (y + 3) = 0 -►j/ = - 3 11. j/ = - 6 : / + 12j/ + 36 = 0 (y + 6)(y + 6) = 0
(y + 6) = 0 -► 7 = -6 OR (y + 6)
0 -► 7
1 2 . = 4 O R -3 :
* = -1 5 OR 6:
x2 + 9x —90 = 0 (x+ 15)(x- 6) = 0 (x+ 15) = 0 -► x = -15 OR ( x - 6 ) = 0->»x = 6 14.
= - 2 OR —Is
2*z2 + 6/2 + 4 = 0 2(
Quadtratic Equations
Drill 3 16. (B) a + b: The key to simplifying this expression is to recognize the special product:
J - P = (a+ b)(a-b) After replacing the original numerator with (a + b)(a - b), we can cancel the (a - b) in the numerator with the {a - b) in the denominator: a 2 - b 2 (a + b ) ( ^ b T
-------------- = ----------------- —z-------- — CL + b
a -b
r +s 17. (A) ------: We have one special product in the numerator and another in the denominator. After r-s factoring each of these, we find a common term that cancels: r2 + 2 rs + s2 _ 2
r —s
+ s) _ r + s (j>+^sj(r-s)
r —s
18. (B) 5X2: First perform the subtraction to combine the two terms: 5 * 3 5 *2 _ 5 *3 - 5 * 2 x —1 x —1 X —1 Because we have a common factor in both terms of the numerator, we can divide that factor out in or der to simplify further. This is often a useful move when we are asked to add or subtract exponents with the same base: 5x 3 - 5 x 2
------------ = — ;— x —l .
= 5*
19. (A) 21: It is tempting to expand the quadratic term in the numerator, but we should try to simplify first. Notice that none of the answer choices are fractions. Therefore, we need to look for a way to cancel (21 —1) from the denominator. To make this task easier, enclose every (21 —1) term in parentheses and then simplify. We can factor (21 - 1) out of the numerator: (2 t- ) + (2 t- )2 _
(2 f-l) j X l f t ( l ) + ( 2 » -l)] + ( 2 t — ) = 2 t
Chapter 7
Quadtratic Equations Alternatively, we can introduce a new variable x defined as x = 2t —1. In general, it is not a good idea to introduce more variables than strictly necessary, but in this case the new variable can make it easier to see how the math works: ( 2 * - l) + ( 2 * - l ) 2
x + x2
We can then simplify the expression in terms of x: x + x2 _ /( + x) X
—x +
And we then finish by replacing x with 2 t - : x + 1 = (2t —1) + 1 = 2t 20. (C)
m + 7: The denominators are the same, so add the fractions: m + 2m ^ 4 9 + 2m m+ 7
m +7
m + 4m + 49 m+7
None of the answer choices are fractions, so we need to find a way to eliminate the denominator. Factor the numerator: m +14m + 49 (m + 7) -------------------= —--------- ------- - m + 7 m+7
Drill 4 21. (B) x - 5: We can make this problem a lot simpler if we begin by factoring 3 out of both the nu merator and the denominator: 3x2 - 6 x - 45 = / ( * 2 —2jc —15) _ x2 - 2 x - l 5 3x + 9
$ ( x + 3)x +3
The answers are not fractions, so weTl have to get rid of the denominator. Factor the numerator: ( * - 5 ) > - k5T x+3
Chapter 7
Quadtratic Equations
22. (C) ------ : This might seem nearly impossible to factor down until we take out the common term: c+5 ab. Then, we are left with one of our familiar special products in the denominator: 5ab + abc
abc2 +10 abc + 25 ab + c)
4 ( c 2 + l(k + 2 5 )~ (5 + c) (c + 5)(c + 5)
_ (c + 5)
1 c+ 5
* 3+ * 2 23. (C) — - — : Theres no obvious way to proceed through this question. The best bet is to try to simplify before multiplying. Notice that x3 can be factored out of the numerator and x1 can be factored out of the denominator: (x5—x5)
x _ x 3(x2 —l)
(x3 —x2)
x2( x - l )
Notice now that we can cancel x2, from the fraction. Also, we have (x2 - 1) in the numerator, which we can factor: x3(x2 —1) * -X—= x 2(x —l)
X x (x + l)(jc ^ f j
X —=
/ x(x + l)X x
We don’t have a match with any of the answer choices yet. None of the numerators in the answer choices have parenthetical expressions. We should multiply the numerator: x{x + l ) x x
x 2(x + )
x 3 --x2
Quadtratic Equations
Chapter 7 24. (B)
—b2x Save yourself time and look to cancel common factors before multiplying, (a1 + la b +
b2) factors to {a + b)2: {a2 + 2ab + b2) x
— —
<‘,+wxl h l ’=
(a + b)(a —b) —a 1 —b2 25. (B) 3 - x: None of the answer choices are fractions, so we need to cancel the denominator. Factor the numerator: x2 - 6x + 9 _ (x - 3)(x - 3) 3 —x
3 —x
Neither of the expressions in the numerator matches the denominator. However, (x - 3) = -(3 - x). We can factor out a (-1) from the denominator, then cancel: (x -3 )(x -3 ) (^ ^ )(x -3 ) x -3 ----------------- = —-----------------= --------- = 3 —x 3 —x -1
Chapter^8 Foundations of GMAT Math
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
An Inequality With a Variable: A Range on the Number Line Many Values 'Solve' an Inequality Solve Inequalities: Isolate Variable by Transforming Each Side Multiply an Inequality by a Negative: Flip > to < or Vice Versa Absolute Value: The Distance from Zero Replace |x| with x in One Equation and with-x in Another Inequalities + Absolute Values: Set Up Two Inequalities
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value In This Chapter: • Introduction to inequalities • Solving inequalities • Working with absolute value
An Inequality With a Variable: A Range on the Number Line Inequalities use <, >, < or > to describe the relationship between two expressions. 5>4
y <7
x <5
2x + 3 > 0
Like equations, inequalities are full sentences. Always read from left to right. xy
x is less thany x is greater than y x is less than or equal toy x is greater than or equal toy
x is at mosty x is at leasty
We can also have two inequalities in one statement. Just make a compound sentence. 9 < g < 200 -3 < y< 5 7 >x > 2
9 is less than g, and g is less than 200 - 3 is less thany, andy is less than or equal to 5 7 is greater than or equal to x, and x is greater than 2
To visualize an inequality that involves a variable, represent the inequality on a number line. Recall that “greater than” means “to the right o f J on a number line. Likewise, “less than” means “to the left of.” y>5
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
b is to the left of 2 (or on top of 2). Here, 2 is included in the solution, because b can equal 2. A solid black circle
y is to the right of 5. 5 is not included in the line (as shown by the empty circle around 5), because 5 is not a part of the solution—y is greater than 5,
indicates that you include the
but not equal to 5.
point itself.
Any number covered by the black arrow will make the inequality true and so is a possible solution to the inequality. Any number not covered by the black arrow is not a solution. I f you...
Then you... Put it all on a number
Want to visualize an
line, where < means “to
the left of” and > means “to the right of”
Like this: y> 5 5
Check Your Skills Represent the following equations on the number line provided: 1.X > 3
< ---------1------------- 1------------- I--------- ► 2 3 4
2. b > - 2
+ --------1----------- 1----------- 1--------►
-3 3 .y = 4
^ ---------1------------- 1------------- 1--------- ► 3 4 5
Translate the following into inequality statements:
4. z is greater than v. 5. The total am ount is greater than $2,000. Answers can be found on page 351.
Many Values 'Solve' an Inequality What does it mean to “solve an inequality”? The same thing as it means for an equation: find the value or values of x that make the inequality true. When you plug a solution back into the original equation or inequality, you get a true statement. Here’s whats different. Equations have only one (or just a few) values as solutions. In contrast, inequali ties give a whole range of values as solutions— way too many to list individually.
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value Equation: x + 3 = 8
Inequality: x + 3 < 8
The solution to x + 3 = 8 is x = 5 .
The solution to x + 3 < 8 is x < 5. Now, 5 itself is not a solution because 5 + 3 < 8 is not a true
5 is the only number that will make the equation true.
statement. But 4 is a solution because 4 + 3 <
8 is true. For that matter, 4.99, 3, 2, 2.87, -5 , and -100 are also solutions. The list goes on. Whichever of the correct answers you plug in, you arrive at something that looks like this:
Plug back in to check: 5 + 3 = 8. True.
(Any number less than 5) + 3 < 8. True.
Check Your Skills 6. Which of the following numbers are solutions to the inequality x < 10? (A )- 3 (B) 2.5 (Q -3 /2 (D) 9.999 (E) All of the above The answer can be found on page 351.
Solve Inequalities: Isolate Variable by Transforming Each Side As with equations, your objective is to isolate our variable on one side of the inequality. When the vari able is by itself, you can see what the solution (or range of solutions) really is. 2x + 6 < 12 and x < 3 provide the same information. But you understand the full range of solutions more easily when you see the second inequality, which literally says that “x is less than 3 .” Many manipulations are the same for inequalities as for equations. First of all, you are always allowed to simplify an expression on just one side of an inequality. Just don’t change the expression’s value. 2x + 3x < 45
is the same as
5x < 45
The inequality sign isn’t involved in this simplification. Next, some “Golden Rule” moves work the same way for inequalities as for equations. For instance, you can add anything you want to both sides of an inequality. Just do it to both sides. You can also subtract anything you want from both sides of an inequality. a —4 > 6 + 4 +4 a
> 10
y + 7 <3
-7 -7 y
< -4
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value We can also add or subtract variables from both sides of an inequality. It doesn’t matter what the sign of the variables is. Then you...
If you... Want to add or subtract something on both sides
Like this: x
Go ahead and do it
+ y > —4 - y
- y
of an inequality
Check Your Skills Isolate the variable in the following inequalities.
7 . x - 6 < 13 8 .y + 1 1 > - 1 3 9. x+ 7> 7 Answers can be found on page 351.
Multiply an Inequality by a Negative: Flip > to < or Vice Versa If you multiply both sides of an inequality by a positive number, leave the inequality sign alone. The same is true for division. 4y> 2
—< 7 3
4^12 4 4 y> 3
< (7 )3 v3y x< 2
However, if you multiply both sides of an inequality by a negative number, flip the inequality sign. “Greater than” becomes “less than” and vice versa. -
2 >10
- lx ( - £ ) < ( l0 ) x ( - l)
6 < -1 0
~2 ~2 x < -5
If you didn’t switch the sign, then true inequalities such as 5 < 7 would become false when you multi plied them by, say, -1. You must flip the sign. 5<7 5 is less than 7
-5 > -7 - 5 is greater than - 7
What about multiplying or dividing an inequalityby a variable? The short answer is... try not to do it! The issue is that you don’t know the sign of the
“hidden number” thatthe variable represents.
If the
Chapter 8
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value variable has to be positive (e.g., it counts people or measures a length), then you can go ahead and mul tiply or divide. But still keep your eyes peeled for danger. I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Multiply or divide both
Flip the inequality sign
sides of an inequality
if the number is
by a number
45 < —5w 45 —5w — > ------5 -5 -9 > w
Check Your Skills Isolate the variable in each equation. 10.X + 3 > - 2 11. -2 y < - 8 12. a + 4 > 2a Answers can be found on page 351.
Absolute Value: The Distance from Zero The absolute value of a number describes how far that number is away from 0. It is the distance be tween that number and 0 on a number line. The symbol for absolute value is |number|. For instance, write the absolute value o f- 5 as |—5|. |5| = 5
[email protected]
The absolute value of 5 is 5.
distance = 5 * -------- 1---------- • -2 0 The absolute value o f- 5 is also 5.
— I 2
I— # — I----------- ► 4 5 6
|—5| = 5 distance = 5
i -6
* -5
i i— - 4 - 2
♦ — 0
i— 2
When you face an expression like |4 - 7|, treat the absolute value symbol like parentheses. Solve the arithmetic problem inside first, and then find the absolute value of the answer. |4 - 7| = ?
4 - 7 = -3
l- 3| = 3
Beyond Equations: Inequalities&AbsoluteValue
Chapter 8
Check Your Skills Mark the following expressions as TRUE or FALSE.
13.|3| = 3 1 4 .|-3 | = - 3 15. |3 |— 3 16. j—3| = 3 17. |3 - 6| = 3 18. |6 - 3|= - 3 Answers can be found on pages 351—352.
Replace |x| with x in One Equation and w ith -* in Another You often see a variable inside the absolute value signs. Example: y = 3 This equation has two solutions. There are two numbers that are 3 units away from 0: namely, 3 and -3 . So both of these numbers could be possible values for y. y is either 3 or -3 . When you see a variable inside an absolute value, look for the variable to have two possible values. Here is a step-by-step process for finding both solutions. Step 1: Isolate the absolute value expression on one side of the
W =3
equation. Here, the expression is already isolated. + (y) = 3 or - (y) = 3
Step 2: Drop the absolute value signs and set up two equa tions. The first equation has the positive value of whats inside the absolute value. The second equation puts in a nega tive sign.
-y = 3
y = ~3
y= 3
y = -3
Step 3: Solve both equations.
You have two possible values.
You can take a shortcut and go right to ay equals plus or minus 3.” This shortcut works as long as the absolute value expression is by itself on one side of the equation. Here’s a slightly more difficult problem: Example: 6 x 2x + 4| = 30
Chapter 8
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value To solve this problem, you can use the same approach. 6 x |2x+ 4| = 30 j2x + 4| = 5
Step 1: Isolate the absolute value expression on one side of the equation or inequality.
2x + 4 = 5 or ~(2x + 4) = 5
-2 *-4 = 5 2x= 1 1
x = —
Step 2: Set up two equations— the positive and the negative values are set equal to the other side.
or —2x = 9
Step 3: Solve both equations/inequalities.
-9 or x = —
Note: We have two possible values.
If you.,.
Then you...
Like this:
Drop the absolute value
Have a variable inside
and set up two equa
absolute value signs
tions, one positive and
+ (z) = 4 or - (z) = 4
one negative
z —4 or z = —4
Check Your Skills Solve the following equations with absolute values in them:
19. |o| = 6 20. |x + 2| = 5 21. |3 y - 4|= 17 2 2 .4|x + 1 /2 | = 18 Answers can be found on page 352.
Inequalities + Absolute Values: Set Up Two Inequalities Some tough problems include both inequalities and absolute values. To solve these problems, combine what you have learned about inequalities with what you have learned about absolute values. x > 4 The basic process for dealing with absolute values is the same for inequalities as it is for equations. The absolute value is already isolated on one side, so now drop the absolute value signs and set up two inequalities. The first inequality has the positive value of what was inside the absolute value signs, while the second inequality has the negative value. + (x) > 4
- (x) > 4
ir 8
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value Now isolate the variable in each inequality, as necessary. + (x)> 4
- (x)> 4
-x > 4 x < —4
Divide by -1 Remember to flip the sign when dividing by a negative
So the two solutions to the original equation are x > 4 and x < - 4 . Represent that on a number line. - 4 ------ 1 -8
• ----------1---------- » -4 0 4
I--------- ► 8
As before, any number that is covered by the black arrow will make the inequality true. Because of the absolute value, there are now two arrows instead of one, but nothing else has changed. Any number to the left o f- 4 will make the inequality true, as will any number to the right of 4. Looking back at the inequality x > 4, you can also interpret it in terms of distance. x > 4 means ax is at least 4 units away from zero, in either direction.” The black arrows indicate all numbers for which that statement is true. Here is a harder example: b + 3|<5 Once again, the absolute value is already isolated on one side, so set up the two inequalities. + (y + 3) < 5 and
- (y + 3) < 5
Next, isolate the variable. y+3<5 y< 2
- y - 3 <5 — y<8 y > -8
The two inequalities are y < 2 and y > -8 . If you plot those results, something curious happens.
o o
It seems as if every number should be a solution to the equation. But if you start testing numbers, you see that 5 doesn’t work, because |5 + 3| is not less than 5. In fact, the only numbers that make the in equality true are those that are true for both inequalities. The number line should look like this: ----------- o -8
I ' - '0 ----------------------► 0 2
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8
In the first example, x could be greater than or equal to 4 OR less than or equal to —4. For this exam ple, however, it makes more sense to say that y is greater than - 8 AND less than 2. If your two arrows do not overlap, as in the first example, any number that falls in the range of either arrow will be a solu tion to the inequality. If your two arrows overlap, as in the second example, only the numbers that fall in the range of both arrows will be solutions to the inequality. You can interpret y + 3| < 5 in terms of distance: “(y + 3) is less than 5 units away from from zero, in either direction.” The shaded segment indicates all numbers y for which this is true. As inequalities get more complicated, don’t worry about interpreting their meaning— just solve them algebraically! I f you... Have an inequality with variable inside absolute value signs
Then you...
Like this:
Drop the absolute value
z > 4
and set up two inequali ties, one positive and one negative
+ (z)> 4 or - (z) > 4 z > 4 or z < - 4
Check Your Skills 23. |x + 11> 2 24. |-x - 4| > 8 25. |x - 7| < 9 Answers can be found on pages 352-353.
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8
Check Your Skills Answer Key: o 3 2.
3 .+ 4 4. z > v 5. Let a - amount. a > $2,000 6. The answer is (E) All of the above! All of these numbers are to the left of 10 on the number line. +
7 . x - 6 < 13 x < 19 8 ,y + 11 > -1 3 y > -2 4 9. x + 7 > 7 x> 0 10. x + 3 > - 2 x > —5 11. - 2 j / < - 8 y> 4 12. a + 4 > 2a 4>a 13. True 14. False— (Note that absolute value is always positive!) 15. False 16. True 17. True (|3 - 6| = |-3| = 3)
Chapter 8
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value 18. False 19. a —6 a=6
a = —6
20. |x+2| = 5 + (x + 2) = 5 x+2=5 x= 3
or or or
- ( * + 2) = 5 -x -2 = 5 -x = 7 x = -7
21. |3jy - 4| = 17 + (3_y - 4) = 17
~(3y - 4) = 17
3 j - 4 = 17 3jy —21
or or
-3y + 4 = 17 -3 y = 13
j/ = -13/3
+ (x 4-1/2) = 4.5
x + 1/2 = 4.5
- ( * + 1/2) = 4.5 - x - 1/2 = 4.5
-x = 5
22. 4|x + 1/2| = 18
x = -5 23. |x+ 1| > 2 + (x + 1) > 2
—(x + 1) > 2
x+ 1> 2
- x - 1 >2
x> 1
-x > 3 x< -3
1— c ------ ► 0 1 OR
X> 1
(-x - 4) > 8 -x - 4 > 8
or or
- ( - x - 4) > 8
- x > 12
x < -3 24. | -x -4 | > 8 +
x+4>8 x> 4
x < -1 2 ---------- ► x>4
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value 25. | *-7 | < 9 + (x -7 ) <9 x -7<9 x < 16
-(x -7 ) <9
-x + 7 < 9
Chapter 8
-x< 2
x > —2
x > —2 AND
16 x < 16, - 2 < x < 16
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter Review: Drill Sets Drill 1
13.36> 12 14. -5x > 25 1 5 .-8 < -4 y
Drill 4
Draw the following inequalities on the number line provided:
Solve the following equations.
16.2z + 4 > -1 8
1 .x > 4
17.7y - 3 < 4y + 9 1------------ 1-----------1---------- ►
<------- 1------------1-----------1---------- ►
3 .y
18. b/5 < 4 19.d + 3 / 2 < 8
2 .a> 3 3
Drill 5
=2 1
20.4x/ 7 < 15 + x
« -------1------------1-----------1---------- ►
4 .x < 5
Solve the following inequalities.
2 1 .3 ( x - 7 ) > 9
1------------ 1-----------1---------- ► 4 5 6
5 .5
Chapter 8
22 . — + 8 < —
2 3 .2x - 1.5 > 7 24.
8 (x + 6 ) >0 9
Drill 2
2 (3- x ) < 4 , ifx > 0 5x
Translate the following into inequality statements:
Drill 6
« ------- 1------------1-----------1---------- ►
6. a is less than b.
Solve the following inequalities.
7. Five times x is greater than 10. 8. Six is less than or equal to 4x.
26. 3 v 2 x + 3 > 12
9. The price of an apple is greater than the price of an orange.
10.The total num ber of members is at least 19.
2 8 .0.25x - 3 < 1
Drill 3
2 9 .2 ( x - 1)3 + 3 < 19
Solve the following inequalities.
3 0 .i^ E I > 4
2 (8 - 3 x )
•> 4
11 . X + 3 < - 2 12. f - 4 < 13
Chapter 8
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Drill 7
50. — + 7 < 1 1 2
Solve the following absolute value equations.
31- M = 5 32. |2y| = 6 33. |x + 6| = 3
Drill 11 Solve each of the following inequalities, and mark the solution on a number line.
34. |4y + 2|= 18
Drill 8
52. |3x + 7| > 2x + 12
Solve the following absolute value equations.
54. |-3 - 5x| < -4 x
3 6 .3 |x - 4 | = 16
2x 55. 3 — —7 < — + 1 8 3 3
3 7 .2 |x + 0.32| = 7 38. |3 x - 4 | = 2x + 6 39. 5 x - 17| = 3 x + 7 x 40. - + 3 = 0.5
Drill 9 Solve each of the following inequalities, and then mark the solution on a number line.
41. |x + 3 1< 1 42. |3x| > 6 4 3 .5
> |2 y + 3|
4 4 .7 > |-3 a + 5| 45. |-1 2 a | < 1 5
Drill 10 Solve each of the following inequalities, and then mark the solution on a number line.
46. |-x| > 6 47. |x + 4 |/2 > 5 48. |x3| < 64 49. |0 .1 x - 3| > 1
35. |1 - x | = 6
53. |3 + 3x| < - 2 x
Chapter 8
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Drill Set Answers____________________________ Drill 1 Draw the following inequalities on the number line provided: + ------ 1---------- O 3 4 ■*------ 1---------- • -
hx>4 2. a > 3 3.^ = 2
-1---------• 1 2
4. x < 5 5. 5 > *
I 4
O ----------- 1--------- ► 5 6
Note: We can flip inequalities around... x < 5 means the same thing as 5 > x. “x is less than 5” means the same thing as “5 is greater than x.”
Drill 2 Translate the following into inequality statements: 6. a is less than b. a< b 7. Five times x is greater than 10.
5* > 10 8. Six is less than or equal to 4x. 6 <4x 9. The price of an apple is greater than the price of an orange. Let a = the price of an apple Let o = the price of an orange a> o Note: In this problem, we set up our variables to refer to prices— not the number of apples and oranges. 10. The total number of members is at least 19. Let m —the number of members m > 19
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8
Drill 3 n .x + 3 < - 2 x < -5 12. t - 4 < 13 t< 17 13. 36 > 12 b>4 14. -5 x > 25 x< -5 15. - 8 < -Ay 2 >y
Drill 4 16. 2z + 4 > -18 2z > -2 2 z > - 11 17. 7 j/ -3 < 4 j/ + 9 3 j/ -3 < 9 3 j< 12
<4 18. 6/5 < 4 b<20 19.
+ 3/2 < 8
20.4x17 < 15+ x 4x < 105 + lx - 3 x < 105 *> -3 5
Drill 5 21. 3 ( x - 7 ) > 9 x -7 > 3 x > 10
Beyond Equations: Inequalities&AbsoluteValue X
3 6
+ 8< — 2 / / X [ —+ 8 |<6 ,3 J J ,
Multiply by 6 to get rid of fractions
2x + 48 < 3x 48 < x 23. 2 x - 1.5 > 7 2x> 8.5 x > 4.25
8(x + 6) > 0
9 8(x + 6) > 0 x + 6 >0 x > —6
2(3 - x) 5*
2 < 3 -* )< 2 0 x
3 - x < 10*
Since x > 0, you can multiply both sides by 5x and keep the inequality sign as is.
3 < llx
-< * 11
Drill 6
M P iitiiii
26. 3^2x + 3 > 12 y/lx + 3 > 4 2x + 3 > 16
We can square both sides of an inequality as long as both sides are positive.
2x > 13 13 x>— 2 27.
7 2 ( 8 - 3 * ) > 28 8 - 3 * >14 —3x > 6 a: < —2
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8 28. 0 .2 5 * - 3 < 1 0.25x < 4 x < 16
29. 2 ( x - l)3 + 3 < 19 2 ( x - 1)3 < 16 ( x - l ) 3< 8 x —1 < 2
We can take the cube root of both sides of an inequality.
x< 3
3 4^/5x-8>12 y j5 x -8 > 3
We can cube both sides of an inequality.
5x - 8 > 27 5x>35 x>7
Drill 7 31.
|x| = 5 +
(x) = 5
—x = 5 x = -5
x = 5 or - 5
32. |2y| = 6 + (2j/) = 6
2y = 6
-(2y) —6 —2^ = 6
j/ = 3
y = -3
j/= 3 or - 3 33.
|x+ 6| = 3 + (x + 6)=3
-(x + 6) = 3
—x —6 = 3
x = -3
-x = 9 x ——9
x = - 3 or - 9
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8
34. 4y + 2 = 18 +
(4y + 2) = 18
-(4y + 2) = 18
4y + 2 = 18
-4 y - 2 = 18
4y — 16
-4j/ = 20
y —4 or - 5 35. |l-x| = 6 +
(1 - x) = 6 -x= 5 x = -5 x = - 5 or 7
-(1 - x) = 6 —1 + x = 6
x —7
Drill 8 36. 3x —4| — 16
( x - 4) = 1 6 /3
l=l~ or
—(x —4) = 16/3
x —4 = 16/3
—x + 4 = 16/3
x = 16/3 + 4
—x = 16/3 —4
x = 1 6 /3 + 1 2 /3
—x = 1 6 /3 -1 2 /3
x = 28/3
- x = 4/3 x = - 4 /3
* = 28/3 or - 4 /3 37. 2|x + 0.32| = 7 |x+ 0.32| = 3.5 +
( x + 0.32) = 3.5
- ( x + 0.32) = 3.5
x + 0.32 = 3.5
- x - 0.32 = 3.5
* = 3.18
- x = 3.82 x = -3 .8 2
x = 3.18 or -3 .8 2 38. |3x- 4| = 2x + 6 +
(3x —4) = 2x + 6
-( 3 x - 4) = 2x + 6
3x —4 = 2x + 6
—3x + 4 = 2x + 6
x- 4=6
4 = 5x + 6
x — 10
- 2 = 5x
x = 10 or -2 /5
— =x 5
Chapter 8
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value 39. 5x- 17| = 3 x + 7 +
(5x - 17) = 3x + 7
—(5x — 17) = 3x + 7
5x - 17 = 3x + 7
—5x + 17 = 3x + 7
2 x - 17 = 7
17 = 8x + 7
2x = 24
10 = 8x 10 •= x
x = 12
—= x 4
x = 12 or 5/4 40.
r 3 = 0.5 r
3 j= ° ,
- + 3 = 0.5 4
- r - 3-5
x = —10
x = -l4
x = -1 0 or -1 4
Drill 9 41. |x+3| < 1 (x + 3) < 1
- ( x + 3) < 1
x+3< 1
-x - 3 < 1
x < -2
-x < 4
x+ 3 < 1
x> -4
- 4 < x < -2 42. |3x| > 6 +
(3x) > 6 3x> 6 x> 2
= 0.5
- - - 3 = 0.5 4
r - «
-(3x) > 6 —3x > 6 x < —2
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8
43.5>|2y + 3| 5 >(2^ + 3)
5 > ~(2y + 3)
5 ^ 2y + 3 2 > 2y
5 > -2 7 - 3 8>-2j/ —4 <_y
1 >y -4
-4 < y < 1 44. 7 > |-3* + 5| 7 > (-3 *+ 5 )
7 > - ( - 3 a + 5)
7 > -3 *+ 5 2 > -3 *
7 > 3 *-5 12 > 3 * 4>*
-2/3 < * -2/3
-2/3 < * < 4 45. J-12^| < 15 + (-12*) < 15
-(-1 2 *) < 15
-1 2 a < 15 *>-15/12
12* < 15 a < 15/12
a > -5/4
* < 5/4 O 5/4
-5/4 < * < 5/4
Drill 10 46. |-x| > 6 +
(-*) > 6
-(-*) > 6
-x> 6
x> 6
x < —6
x < —6 o r x > 6
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8 47. |x+ 4|/2 > 5 |x + 4|> 10 +
(* + 4) > 10
- ( * + 4) > 10
x + 4 > 10
- x - 4 > 10
x> 6
—x > 14 x < -1 4
1— 0 ------------ ► 0 6
-1 4
x < -1 4 or x > 6 48. Ix3! < 64 +
(x3) < 64
- ( x 3) < 64
x3< 64
- x 3 < 64
x3 > - 6 4 x > —4
O -4
o — ►
I— 0
—4 < x < 4 49. |0.1x-3|> 1 + (O .lx -3) > 1
-(O .lx - 3) > 1
-0 .1 x + 3 > 1 -O .lx > - 2
0 .1 x - 3 > 1 O.lx > 4
x< 20
x > 40
x < 20 or x > 40 50. — + 7
<11 or
f +7f u
+ 7 <11
^ + 7 < ll
- — —7 <11
— +<4
- — <18
- 3 x < 36
x > -12
♦ 8/3
-1 2 < x < 8/3
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8
Drill 11 —4 x 2 51. -------1— 5 3
15 or
1 2 x -1 0 < 7
12x + 1 0 < 7 1 2 x < -3
-----I--- • 0
1/4 < x < 17/12 52.|3x+7| > 2 x + 12 +
(3 x + 7 )^ 2 x + 1 2
—(3x + 7) > 2x + 12
3x + 7 ^ 2x + 12
—3 x —7 > 2 x + 12
x + 7 > 12
- 7 > 5 x + 12
x> 5
-1 9 > 5x 5 -1 9 /5 x < or x > 5
53.3 + 3x| < - 2 x +
(3 + 3x) < —2x
—(3 + 3x) < —2x
3 + 3 x < —2x
- 3 - 3x < -2 x
3 + 5x < 0
-3 < x
5x< -3 x < -3 /5
•«—Q -3
O -------1 -3 /5
-3 < x < -3 /5
Beyond Equations: Inequalities & Absolute Value
Chapter 8
54. |-3 - 5x| < - 4 *
(-3 - 5*) < —4x
—(—3 —5x) < —4x
- 3 - 5x < —4x
3 + 5x < —4x
—3 ^ *
3 < -9 * -1 /3 > x
-1 /3
- 3 < * < -1 /3 55. 3
T 5x
- 7 < — + 18 3
2x , - 7 < ----- 1-6* 9 2 x
+6 f - - 7 '1< — 9 I 3 ,
5* _ 2 * ------ 7 < — + 6 3 9
_ 2x 5* , 7 <— +— +6 9 3 2x 5*
1< — + —
— - — <13 9 2*
9 3x
9/17 9/17 < * < 9
9 9 <17*
13*< 117
2* 15* 1< — + -----
------------ <
H----- O
5x _ 2x ------ + 7 < — + 6 3 9
5* 2* , „ — < — + 13 3 9 3 15*
Foundations of GMAT Math
Word Problems
Solve Word Problems: Follow Four Steps To Turn Words Into Math Common Word Problem Phrases Express Total Cost as Price x Quantity Add Units: Add Apples to Apples Multiply and Divide Units: Treat Them Just Like Numbers or Variables In Rate x Time: Distance, Follow the Units In Rate x Time: Work, Define the Work Unit and Add Rates Fractions and Percents in Word Problems: 'Of' Means 'Times'
Word Problems In This Chapter: • How to solve word problems
Solve Word Problems: Follow Four Steps To Turn Words Into Math___________________________ Word problems are everywhere on the GMAT. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The descrip tions are confusing and unfamiliar. Fortunately, the process for tackling almost all word problems is fundamentally the same. You can solve word problems by asking yourself the following four questions. (1) What do they want? Identify what the problem is specifically asking for. Name that thing. This is the unknown that you care about the most. (2) What do they give me? The problem typically gives you some numbers. It also gives you relationships between things. Clearly identify all this given information. You may have to name additional unknowns. (3) How do I turn this information into equations? An equation is a sentence: The left side equals the right side. You can express most relationships using the equals sign (=). A few common relationships show up over and over again; you can learn to recognize them.
Chapter 9
Word Problems (4) How do I solve those equations for the desired value? At this point, you do algebra, using methods from the Equations chapter, the Quadratic Equations chapter, and so on. Manipulate the equations you’ve created, eliminating secondary unknowns until you find the value you want. Along the way, you will have to write things down. Do not wait for lightning to strike. Often, the entire process will not be completely clear from the beginning. Thats fine— just be methodical and patient. The four questions above correspond to the four steps of a general process of solving word problems. Consider this example: The annual profit for a mattress company is defined by the equation p = 200m —3,000, where p is the profit (in dollars) and m is the number of mattresses sold. How much profit does the company make, in dollars, from the sale of 40 mattresses in a particular year? Start with step #1: What do they want? The question is asking for the profit in a particular year. This unknown has already been named for you. Profit is represented by p . If you were not given a letter for the variable, you would make up your own. Write “p = profit = ?” on your paper. By writing an actual question mark, you flag the most important unknown. Later youTl stay focused on the ultimate goal. Next is step #2: What do they give me? What specific information is given? You are given two things: •
The relationship between number of mattresses and profit.
A specific number of mattresses.
Step #3: How do I turn this information into equations? The first bit of information is already in equation form. Write “p = 200m - 3,000.” The same relationship could have been given in words: “The profit, in dollars, is $200 times the number of mattresses, less a $3,000 fixed cost.” You would translate those words to the same equation. The second bit of given information is straightforward: there are 40 mattresses. Write “m = 40.” This is actually a second equation. Don’t just write “40.” Put information down in the form of equations.
Word Problems Finally, step #4: How do I solve the equations for the desired value? p —200m —3,000
m = 40
p —profit = ?
To get p, you want to eliminate the variable m. Plug 40 in for m in the first equation and simplify. p = 200(40) - 3,000 = 8,000 - 3,000 p = 5,000 The answer to the problem is $5,000. Even as the problems become more complicated, follow these same 4 steps. A steel rod 50 meters long is cut into two pieces. If one piece is 14 meters longer than the other, what is the length, in meters, of the shorter piece? Again, start with step #1: What do they want? The question asks specifically for the “length... of the shorter piece.” This length is the number you want. Since the problem did not give you a letter to represent this length, you should pick one. Choose a letter that will easily remind you of what quantity it stands for. For instance, you might choose S for “short er.” Write this down: S = length of shorter piece = ? Step #2: What do they give me? Reread the first sentence. “A steel rod 50 meters long is cut into two pieces.” It might not be obvious at first, but this sentence provides a relationship between a few lengths: •
The length of the whole rod, which is 50 meters.
The length of the shorter piece, which you’ve already called S.
The length of the longer piece (which must be longer, because the other piece is shorter).
Before trying to represent the relationship, you should name the length of the longer piece. Write this down: L = length of longer piece Now you can express the relationship between all the lengths. This relationship is very common: Part + Part = Whole
Word Problems If you break something into two parts, you can add the parts back up to get the original thing. Thats true of lengths, weights, and so on. Go ahead and do step #3 right now: How do I turn this information into an equation? Write this relationship down using the numbers and letters for each quantity. S + L = 50 As you identify each relationship, you will often want to go ahead and express it on paper in the form of an equation right away. You can go back and forth between steps #2 and 3 easily. S + Z = 5 0 is a good start, but its not enough on its own to solve for 5. Go back to step #2 and ask: What ELSE do they give me? Keep reading. “If one piece is 14 meters longer than the other...” Stop there. In a math problem, any thing after an “if” is true. You are told that one piece is 14 meters longer than the other. This relationship is also very common: Different Values are Made Equal. You have two different values that are definitely not equal. But you are told exactly how the values differ, so you can set up an equivalence. If the shorter piece were 14 meters longer, it would have the same length as the longer piece. “Same” always means “equal”: Shorter piece, if made 14 meters longer = Longer piece Now do step #3 again: How do I turn THIS information into an equation? To make something 14 meters longer, add 14 meters to its length. Write the equation using letters and numbers: S+14 = L Be careful not to write this equation down backward. If you need to check, mentally test a number for S and verify that the longer piece comes out longer. At last you have two equations and two variables (S and L), and you have no more information to pro cess from the problem. Move on to step #4: How do I solve the equations for the desired value? S + Z = 50
5 + 14 = 1
S= ?
Since you ultimately want 5, eliminate L by replacing it in the first equation with S + 14.
Word Problems 5 + 1 = 50 5 + (5 + l4 ) = 50 2 5 + 14 = 50 2 5 = 36 5 = 18
The answer to the question is 18. Lets try a harder problem. Despite new challenges, the process remains the same. In practice, you will move fluidly between the first three steps: identify what the question asks for, identify given quantities and relationships, and represent those quantities as variables and those relationships as equations. Bobs Donuts sold an average of 80 donuts a day for the last 5 days. If Bobs Donuts sold an additional 500 donuts in total over the next 4 days, what was the average (arithmetic mean) number of donuts sold per day over the entire 9-day period? Start by identifying what they want: the average number of donuts sold per day over 9 days. Use the letter a to represent this value. a = average # of donuts sold a day = ? Before going on, you should make note of the average formula. Every problem that mentions averages will make you use this formula in some way. The average of a group of numbers is the sum divided by the “count,” which is the number of numbers you’re averaging: a Sum Average = -------Count
Write in units as well. The average is in “donuts a day,” or donuts per day. “Per” means “divided by,” so this unit is “donuts/day” o r --------- . The sum is the total number of donuts, and you divide by the day number of days. So write down the average formula customized for this problem: . , . Total donuts Average donuts per day = ----------------Total days This means that to find the average, you need both the total number of donuts and the total number of days. Do you know either of these values? Yes. You are asked for the average “over the entire 9-day period.” So the total number of days is 9. However, the total number of donuts is unknown. Make up a variable— say, d for donuts.
Word Problems Now rewrite the average formula: d a —— 9 You may not think that you’ve accomplished much yet, but now you know that to get a , you need d. That’s important. Now you should focus on d. What else can you find out about the total number of donuts sold over the 9 days? Re-read the problem. The first sentence tells you something about the donuts sold during the first 5 days. The next sentence tells you that a total of 500 donuts were sold in the last 4 days. And you are looking for d, the total donuts sold over all 9 days. What is the relationship between the donuts sold during these periods? •
Donuts sold over the first 5 days
Donuts sold over the last 4 days
Donuts sold over all 9 days
This is Part + Part = Whole again. Donuts sold
Donuts sold
in the first 5 days
in the last 4 days
Total donuts sold over all 9 days
As word problems get harder, they make relationships harder to see. You also have to perform more steps. Now you have two more unknowns to worry about on the left side of the equation above. Do you know either unknown? Yes. You do know how many donuts were sold in the last 4 days: 500 donuts. However, the number of donuts sold in the first 5 days is still unknown. Use an n to represent that quantity, and rewrite the Part + Part = Whole equation: n + 500 = d You’re almost there. If you can find n, you can find d. Then youcan find a , and that’s the
What do you know about n, the number of donuts sold over the first5days? You know something about that period from the first sentence: on average, 80 donuts per day were sold. Once again, you can use the average formula to create an equation. Notice that you’re focusing on a different period now— just the first 5 days.
Word Problems Average donuts per day =
Total donuts
80 = -
Total days
At last you can solve the problem. First, solve for n. 80 = 5
400 = n
Now find d . n + 500 = d
900 = d
400 + 500 = d
Finally, solve for a . d a=— 9
900 a —-
The average number of donuts sold per day over the entire 9-day period is 100. That is, on average, 100 donuts were sold each day for 9 days. As you solve word problems, sometimes you’ll notice relationships first. At other times, you’ll notice unknowns first. The order is not important. Just keep extracting information from the problem and representing that information on paper. Turn unknowns into letters, and turn relationships into equations. Observe how the equations hook together. In the previous problem, you ultimately wanted a , but you needed d first, and before that n. The last value you solve for is the one you really want (a). When you identify other unknowns, realize that you will need to solve for them first. I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Want to solve a word problem:
Follow the four steps:
(1) Identify what they want
K = 3B
Kelly is three times as old as
(2) Identify what they give you
7^+5 = 2 (5 + 5 )
Bill. In 5 years, Kelly will be
(3) Represent relationships as
twice as old as Bill will be.
(35j + 5 = 2 (5 + 5 ) 3 5 + 5 = 2 5 + 10
How old is Bill?
(4) Solve the algebra
5=5 Bill is 5 years old.
To help you translate, here are several phrases commonly found in word problems to describe math ematical relationships. Study this list.
Chapter 9
Word Problems
Common Word Problem Phrases Addition Add, Sum, Total (of parts), More Than: + The sum of x and y: x + y The sum of the three funds combined: a + b + c When fifty is added to his age: a + 50 Six pounds heavier than Dave: d + 6 A group of men and women: m + w The cost is marked up: c + m Subtraction Minus, Difference, Less Than: x minus five: x - 5 The difference between Quentins and Rachels heights (if Quentin is taller): q - r Four pounds less than expected: e - 4 The profit is the revenue minus the cost: P = R - C Multiplication The product of h and k h x k The number of reds times the number of blues: r x b One fifth ofy: (1/5) x y n persons have x beads each: total number of beads = nx Go z miles per hour for t hours: distance = zt miles Ratios and Division Quotient, Per, Ratio, Proportion:
or /
Five dollars every two weeks: (5 dollars/2 weeks) —►2.5 dollars a week The ratio of x to y: x!y The proportion of girls to boys: gib Average or Mean (sum of terms divided by the total number of terms) -n
* . £t + b —
The average or a and b:
'I' 1/'I”^ The average salary of the three doctors: ----------3 • , sum a+ b+ c+d +e A student s average score on 5 tests was 87: = o/ o r --------- ---------- —o/
Check Your Skills 1. The total w eight of tw o jugs of milk is 2.2 kilograms. The lighter jug weighs 0.4 kilogram less than the heavier jug. W hat is the weight of the lighter jug?
Word Problems 2. Jan makes a salary o f $10,000 per m onth for 3 months. Then her salary drops to $6,000 per month. After 9 months at $6,000 per m onth, w hat will Jan's average (arithmetic mean) monthly pay be for the w hole period? Answers can be found on page 391.
Express Total Cost as Price x Quantity The GMAT expects you to know certain basic money relationships. At a certain store, 7 T-shirts cost $65.10. If every T-shirt has the same price, how much do 3 T-shirts cost, in dollars? Solve the problem methodically. First, what is the question specifically asking for? Its asking for the total cost of 3 T-shirts, in dollars (represented by $). What are you given? You are given the cost of 7 T-shirts ($65.10). You are also told that every T-shirt has the same price. And you are given another quantity of T-shirts to care about (3). When every unit of something has the same price, you can use this equation: Total Cost = Price x Quantity Name the variables C, P, and Q. C=Px Q What is the question asking for again? It asks for the total cost of 3 T-shirts. In other words, the ques tion asks for the value of C when Q = 3. C = P x 3=? To find C, then, you need P— the price of each shirt. Price is always in dollars per unit. It isthe cost of one unit of whatever is being sold or bought— in this case, T-shirts. How can you find the price of each shirt? You know something else related to the price: “... 7 T-shirts costs $65.10 ” This is another instance of Total Cost = Price x Quantity. You have a different quantity (7) and a dif ferent total cost ($65.10), but the price is the same— because you are told it is. So P is the same in both equations. Set up a second equation: $65.10 = P x 7
Word Problems Finally, you can solve for P and plug back into the prior equation to get C when the quantity is 3 shirts. Temporarily drop the $ sign as you calculate.
65A0 = P x 7
9.30 7) 65.10
65.10 = 7 P = p 7
2.1 2.1
0 So P = 9.30. Each T-shirt costs $9.30. Finally, solve the other equation for the total cost of 3 T-shirts by substituting 9.30 for P1
C=Px 3 C= 9 .3 0 x 3 C= 27.90 The total cost of 3 T-shirts is $27.90. Notice that you could express the problem from the store s point of view. A certain store sold 7 T-shirts for $65.10. If every T-shirt has the same price, how much rev enue, in dollars, would the store receive from selling 3 T-shirts? The answer is the same: $27.90. Instead of Total Cost, you can write Total Revenue: Total Revenue = Price x Quantity Or you can simply focus on the units. The total on the left is in dollars, while the price is in dollars per shirt. Total Money ($) = Price
$ shirt
x Quantity (shirts)
Sometimes the word “cost” is even used for price, as in “Each shirt costs $9.30.” Just be sure to distin guish between total dollar amounts and “per shirt” dollar amounts. This Total Cost equation can be combined with Part + Part = Whole in the following way. Five apples and four bananas cost $2.10, while three apples and two bananas cost $1.20. If the cost of every apple is the same, and if the cost of every banana is the same, what is the cost of two apples and a banana? Take this a step at a time.
Word Problems You are told that the cost of 5 apples and 4 bananas is $2.10. This $2.10 is a whole made up of two parts: the cost of 5 apples and the cost of 4 bananas. Each of those costs is a price times a quantity. Total Cost
Price x Quantity
Price x Quantity
for apples
for bananas
What are you given? You are given the cost of 5 apples and 4 bananas ($2.10). You are also given the cost of 3 apples and 2 bananas ($1.20). Furthermore, you are told that the cost (or price) of every apple is the same, and likewise for bananas. These last facts allow you to use the Total Cost = Price x Quantity relationship. What are you asked for? The total cost of 2 apples and a banana. The simplest unknowns to name are the price (or cost) of one apple and the price of one banana. Call these A and B. You can write everything in terms of these unknowns. Express each given total cost as a separate equation. Price x Quantity
Total Cost
Price x Quantity
Ax 5
5A + 4B
Ax 3
3A + 2B
And you are looking for the cost of 2 apples and a banana:
A x 2 + B x I = 2A + B = ?
Solve for .4 and B. Try combining the equations. First multiply the second equation by 2. 2.10 = 5A + 4B
1.20 = 3.4 + 25 2.40 = 6,4 + 45
Now subtract the first equation from the second. 2.40 = 6,4 + 4 5 -(2 .1 0 = 5.4 + 45) 0.30= A Plug back into one of the original equations to solve for 5. 1.20 = 3.4 + 2 5
1.20 = 3(0.30) + 2B 1.20 = 0.90 + 2B 0.30 = 2 B 0.15 = B
Finally, answer the question. 2A + B = 2(0.30) + (0.15) = 0.60 + 0.15 = 0.75
Word Problems The cost of two apples and a banana is $0.75. Sometimes the price is known and the quantity is not. The cost in dollars of x books priced at $12 each is 12x. Notice that 12x is also the cost of 12 pens, if each pen costs $x. When you write a total cost as a product of price and quantity, keep track of which is which. Occasionally, you encounter an upfront fixed cost. Cell phone minutes used to be priced this way: you have a fixed cost per call (including the first 2 or 3 minutes), and then you paid for additional minutes at a certain price per minute. The equation looks like this: Total Cost
Fixed Cost
Price x A ddition al Quantity
Consider this example: The charge per seat to watch home games this season at Colossus Stadium is $1,000, which in cludes passes to 2 home games, plus $300 per additional home game. If Sam wants to spend no more than $4,000 to watch home games at Colossus Stadium, what is the maximum number of home games he can attend? What is the question looking for? The maximum number of home games that Sam can attend. Call that n. What information are you given? You are told that the total cost for someone to watch home games is $1,000 (which includes 2 home games), plus $300 per additional game. You are also told that Sam wants to spend only $4,000 on games. Sam attends n games in all, but he had passes for 2 of them (included in the $1,000 up front). So he attends n - 2 games at the $300 ticket price. Write the equation. Total Cost
Fixed Cost
Price x A ddition al Quantity
$300 x ( n - 2)
Now solve for n. 4,000= 1,000 + 3 0 0 (^ -2 ) 3,000 = 3 0 0 (^ -2 ) 10 = n - 2 12 = n Sam can attend 12 home games.
Word Problems Last but not least, don’t forget this classic relationship: Profit = Revenues —Costs This one shows up in business school quite a bit, of course! You also need it on the GMAT, sometimes in combination with the other relationships above. Like this:
If you...
Then you...
Encounter a money
Write the equation:
Total Cost = Price x Quantity,
“The cost of 8 watches is
including more items or a fixed
cost as necessary
P = Price of 1 watch $1,200 = P x 8 1,200 = 8P 150 = P One watch costs $150
Check Your Skills 3. A candy shop sells 50 candy bars in January for $3 each. In February, the shop increases the price by $1, but its revenue from candy bar sales only increases by $10. By how many units did the num ber of candy bars sold decrease from January to February? 4. At the Initech Com pany store, seven staplers and five coffee mugs cost $36, while tw o staplers and a coffee mug cost $10. If every stapler costs the same, and if every coffee mug costs the same, how much more does a stapler cost than a coffee mug? Answers can be found on pages 391-392.
Add Units: Add Apples to Apples When you solve pure algebra problems, the numbers don’t represent anything in particular. In contrast, word problems have a context. Every number has a meaning. That is, every number has a natural unit attached. Up to this point, the units have worked out naturally. For instance, in the steel rod question (on page 371), all the lengths were already in meters. So you could ignore them. S meters
L meters
14 meters
L meters
If some units were meters and others were feet, you couldn’t add or subtract them. When you add or subtract quantities, they must have exactly the same units. What is $2 plus 45 cents, if $1 = 100 cents? Choose a common unit. It doesn’t matter which one you pick, but you must express both quantities in that unit before you add.
Word Problems 2
The result has the same unit as the original quantities. When you add or subtract units, the units do not change. meters + meters = meters
dollars —dollars = dollars
puppies + puppies = puppies
Multiply and Divide Units: Treat Them Just Like Numbers or Variables In contrast, when you multiply units, the result has a different unit. A good example is area. If a room is 6 feet long and 9 feet wide, what is the area of the room? You know that area is length times width, so multiply: Area = 6 feet x 9 feet = 54... What happens to the feet? Feet times feet equals feet squared. Area = 6 feet x 9 feet = 54 feet squared = 54 feet2 = 54 square feet If you multiply two quantities that each have units, multiply the units too. Not every multiplication in a word problem changes the units. If Alex is twice as old as Brenda, in years, then you can represent that relationship like so: A
B years
The word “twice” has no units (it just means “two times,” or “2 x”). Some units are naturally ratios of other units. Look for the words “per,” “a,” “for every,” and so on.
^11 , books 3 books a week = 3 -------week
.. n miles 17 miles per gallon = 17 gallon
Prices and averages often have units that are ratios of other units. 9 dollars a shirt = 9 ^°^ars shirt
100 donuts per day = 100 (*°*1U-tS day
The average formula actually shows the division of units.
Word Problems A . . Total donuts Average donuts per day = ----------------Total days Likewise, the Total Cost relationship demonstrates how units cancel in the same way as numbers and variables do. Total Cost = Price , n
= ----------
The units match on both sides of the equation, because you can cancel the “shirt” unit just as you would with anything else in its place. dollars
= ^°-^ S x jfrcn
This cancellation property allows you to convert from a larger to a smaller unit, or vice versa. How many minutes are in two days? First, convert 2 days into hours. You know that 1 day = 24 hours. In your head, you can quickly convert 2 days to 48 hours, but do it on paper with unit cancellation: 24 hours 2 days X ----------- = 48 hours 1 day
i ^ hours . ^ar^s X . = hours $4
Notice that the “day” unit cancels, leaving you with “hours” on top. The fraction you use to multiply is called a conversion factor. It’s a fancy form of the number 1, because the top (24 hours) equals the bot tom (1 day). When you write conversion factors, put the units in place first so that they cancel correctly. Then place the corresponding numbers so that the top equals the bottom. Keep going to minutes. Set up the conversion factor using 60 minutes = 1 hour. /n , 60 minutes 48 hours X ------------------ = 2,880 1hour
m inutes
^min_ .
x ~ r~ r — m in
By the way, always write out at least a few letters for every unit. “Hours” can be “hr,” and “minutes” can be ‘‘min,” but never write “h” or “m.” You might confuse a single letter for a variable. You can do two or more conversions in one fell swoop: . 24 hours 60 minutes ___ „ 2 daysX----- ------ x ----------------= 2,880 minutes 1 day 1 hour
, )rfs min days X— 7X — - = min pay Jar
Word Problems A common conversion is between miles and kilometers. You don’t have to know that 1 mile is approxi mately 1.6 kilometers; they will give you this information. However, you will have to be able to use this information to convert between these units. A distance is 30 miles. What is the approximate distance in kilometers? (1 mile = 1.6 kilometers) Multiply the given distance by the conversion factor, which you should set up to cancel units. 30
1.6 kilometers
miles X ----------------------- =
1 mile
I f you...
kilom eters
— r - km
Then you...
Like this: 30 minutes + 2 hours
Add or subtract quantities with units
Ensure that the units are the
= 30 min + 120 min
same, converting first if
= 150 min
or = Vi hr + 2 hrs = 2Vi hr
Multiply quantities with units
Multiply the units, cancelling as appropriate
Want to convert from one unit
Multiply by a conversion factor
to another
and cancel
10 bagelsx 3 hrs = 30 bagels hr 20 minx
60 sec 1 min
=1,200 sec
Check Your Skills 5. How many hours are there in tw o weeks? Do this problem with conversion factors. 6. How long after m idnight is 3:04 am, in seconds? Answers can be found on page 392.
In Rate x Time: Distance, Follow the Units A rate or speed is expressed in “miles per hour”
miles hour
or in “feet per second
„ ( feet
l sec
The unit of this kind of rate is a distance unit {miles, feet) divided by a time unit {hour, second). Distance Rate = ----------Time
, 60 miles 60 miles per hour = — -------1 hour
You can rearrange this relationship to isolate Distance on one side.
Word Problems Rate x Time = Distance
60 m^CS X 1 hour = 60 miles hour
This version is very similar to the Total Cost equation: Price x Quantity = Total Cost
9 (^Q^ars x 4 shirts = 36 dollars shirt
A price is kind of a rate, too, because its “per” something. In distance problems, most rates are “per” time, but occasionally you see a rate “per” something else, such as miles per gallon. Rate x Denominator = Numerator
11 ——S X7 gallons = 77 miles gallon
Multiply a rate by the denominator’s unit, and you’ll get the numerator’s unit. Avoid expressing rates as time divided by distance. Instead, always put time in the denominator. It doesn’t matter how the words are expressed. “It took Joe 4 hours to go 60 miles” means that Joe s rate was 60 miles -r 4 hours = 15 miles per hour. You can combine the Rate x Time = Distance relationship with other relationships already covered. For instance, you have worked with the average formula, as in the “donuts per day” problem: A . . Total donuts Average donuts per day = ----------------Total days The same formula works for rates as well. . , Total miles Average miles per hour = --------------Total hours To get the totals on top and bottom, you often need another relationship you’re familiar with: Part + Part = Whole Miles for first part of a trip + Miles for second part = Total Miles Hours for first part of a trip + Hours for second part = Total Hours Try this problem: Nancy takes 2 hours to bike 12 kilometers from home to school. If she bikes back home by the same route at a rate of 4 kilometers per hour, what is her average rate, in kilometers per hour, for the entire trip?
Word Problems Be careful. The average rate for a journey is the total distance divided by the total time. Do not simply take an average of the rates given. You are asked for the average rate for the whole trip. Call this a and write an equation. , , Average kilometers per hour = a
Total kilometers a = ---------------------Total hours
Do you know either of the missing numbers on the right? Yes. You can quickly figure out the total kilometers. The route from home to school is 12 kilometers, and Nancy comes home by the same route, so the total kilometers = 12 + 12 = 24. This is Part + Part = Whole. 24 a ----------------Total hours Now, to find the total time in hours, use Part + Part = Whole again. Total hours = Hours spent on the first part of the trip + Hours spent on the second part Do you know either of these numbers? Yes— you have the first number directly from the problem. Total hours = 2 hours + Hours spent on the second part What do you know about the second part of the trip? You know that Nancy’s rate was 4 kilometers per hour. You also know that this route was the same as for the first leg— so the distances are equal. It’s easy to miss this information. Whenever the GMAT says “the same,” pay attention! It always represents an equation. Write Rate x Time = Distance again, this time just for the second leg of the journey. Rate x Time = Distance
4 k^°mctcrs x Time (hours) = 12 miles hour
You now have enough to solve. Call this time t. 4 t= 12
t= 3
Plug into the previous equation to find the total time spent on the trip. Total hours = 2 hours + Hours spent on the second part Total hours = 2 hours + 3 hours Total hours = 5 hours
Word Problems Finally, plug into the first equation you wrote.
Total hours
Nancy’s average rate for the whole trip is 4.8 kilometers per hour. Rate problems can become tricky when you have to use the same relationship repeatedly (Rate x Time = Distance). To keep the various rates, times, and distances straight, you might use subscripts or even whole words. tx = 2 hours
t2 - 3 hours
Time # 1 = 2 hrs
Time #2 = 3 hrs
If you have more than one time in the problem, then using t everywhere for every time will only con fuse you. Tables or grids can help keep quantities straight.
Use Rate x Time = Distance, See a rate problem
Like this:
Then you...
If you...
putting in units to keep the math correct
„ miles „ . .. 7 -------x3hrs = 21 miles hr
Check Your Skills 7. Amanda ran 24 miles at a rate of 3 miles per hour, then took 4 hours to run an additional 6 miles. W hat was her average speed for the entire run? The answer can be found on page 392.
In Rate x Time: Work, Define the Work Unit and Add Rates Work problems are very similar to Rate-Time-Distance problems. The main difference is that work takes the place of distance. Rate x Time = Distance
Rate x Time = Work
20 ^1^CSx 3 hours = 60 miles hour
20 — a*rS x 3 hours = 60 chairs hour
Define work by the task done. It could be building chairs, painting houses, manufacturing soda cans, etc. One unit of output (chairs, houses, cans) is one unit of work. Occasionally, it can be helpful to invent small units of work (“widgets”) so that you avoid dealing with fractions. Instead of “half a warehouse per day,” say that a warehouse contains 100 boxes. The rate becomes 50 boxes per day.
Word Problems Again, always put time in the denominator. “It takes Sally 3 minutes to build a chair” should be trans lated this way, with an optional unit conversion. 1 chair 60 jnkrtites chairs Rate = -------- — - x ------ -------- = 20 -------3 jjakrmes 1 hour hour
Rate = 1 chair per 3 minutes
If two people or machines work at the same time side by side, you can add their rates. Jay can build a chair in 3 hours. Kay can build a chair in 5 hours. How long will it take both of them, working together, to build 8 chairs? First, focus on Jay. What is his rate of work? Put time in the denominator. Jay s rate = 1 chair per 3 hours = —chair per hour 3
In 1 hour, Jay can build — of a chair. 3
Likewise, figure out Kays rate of work. Kays rate = 1 chair per 5 hours = ^ chair per hour
In 1 hour, Kay can build ~ of a chair.
Together, then, Jay and Kay can build —+ — of a chair in an hour. This is the “adding rates” principle 3 5 in action. Simplify the sum of fractions. —+ —= — + — = — 3 5 15 15 15
They build — of a chair in an hour. 15
Now use the full Rate x Time = Work equation. The Work is 8 chairs. The Time is unknown. Rate x Time = Work
g — x T = 8 chairs 15 —
15 8 7 = 8(15) T = 15 It takes Jay and Kay 15 hours to build 8 chairs. As with Rate-Time-Distance problems, keep the various quantities separate. If you decide to write the same equation more than once, distinguish the cases clearly. For instance, Jay working alone is different from Kay working alone, and the third case is them both working together.
Word Problems I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Use Rate x Time = Work, See a work problem
choosing work units and often adding rates
7 g0bletS X 3 hrs = 21 goblets hr
Check Your Skills 8. It takes Albert 6 hours to build a shelf. Betty can do the same work twice as fast. How many shelves can Albert and Betty, working together, build in a 24 hour period? The answer can befound on page 393.
Fractions and Percents in Word Problems: 'Of' Means 'Times' Many word problems involve fractional amounts or percents. Remember that word problems always have a real context. This means that fractional amounts are fractional amounts o f something. Percents are percents o f something. Neither fractions nor percents live in a vacuum. As you already know, “o P means “times” in the context of fractions and percents. At a birthday party, kids can choose one of the following 3 flavors of ice cream: chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. If 1/2 of the kids choose chocolate, 20% of the kids choose vanilla, and the remaining 15 kids choose strawberry, how many kids are at the party? First, identify what the question asks for. It asks for the total number of kids at the party. Label that number n. The problem contains a Part + Part = Whole relationship— or rather, Part + Part + Part = Whole. Kids who choose chocolate + Kids who choose vanilla + Kids who choose strawberry = Total kids Replace all of these with variables for the moment. c+ v + s= n The question gives you s directly. 15 kids choose strawberry. c+ v+ 15 = n How many kids choose chocolate? You don’t have an absolute number, but you know that 1/2 of the kids choose this flavor. To emphasize the point, you can say that 1/2 of rf//kids choose chocolate. Ex press this as an equation:
Word Problems
Chapter 9
— of all kids = choose chocolate
—n = c
Likewise, 20% of the kids (all kids) choose vanilla. 20% of all kids = choose vanilla Rewrite
0.2n = v
n as 0.5n. Replace c and v in the main Part + Part + Part equation.
c + v+ 15= n 0.5n + 0 .2/2 + 15 - n Now solve for n. 0.7^ + 15 = n 15 = 0.3» 150 = 3 n 50 = n There are 50 kids at the party.
I f you...
See a fraction or a percent in a word problem
Then you...
Like this:
Figure out what the fraction
— of kids choose chocolate 2 1 —n — c 2
or percent is of, and write of as
c< .
20% of kids choose vanilla 0.2 n = v
Check Your Skills 9. Every junior at Central High School has to study exactly one language. 75% of the juniors study Gaelic, one sixth of the juniors study Spanish, and the other 7 juniors study Tagalog. How many juniors are in the junior class at Central High School? The answer can befound on page 393.
Word Problems
Chapter 9
Check Your Skills Answer Key: 1.
H = weight of heavier jug L = weight of lighter jug = ? H + L = 2.2
Sum of weights
H - 0.4 = L
Second relationship between weights
H = L + 0.4
H + L = 2.2 -» (L + 0.4) + L = 2.2
L + 0.4 = 2.2
2 L = 1.8 L = 0.9 The lighter jug weighs 0.9 kilograms. 2.
First 3 months: Average monthly pay $10,000
Total pay for 3 months Months
3 ™°'S
Total pay for first 3 months = $10,000 x 3 = $30,000 T ~ i a it Total pay for 9 months Last 9 months: Average monthly pay = -------- — ------------------Months
$6,000 =
Total pay for 9 mo’s 9 months
Total pay for last 9 months = $6,000 x 9 = $54,000 Total pay for all months = Pay for first 3 months + pay for last 9 months Total pay for all months = $30,000 4- $54,000 = $84,000 Total months = 3 + 9 = 12 Total pay for all months All months: Average monthly pay = ■ All months
a= ■
^ = 8 4 ,0 0 0 ^ -1 2 = 7,000 The average pay for the whole period is $7,000 per month. 3.
January: Total revenue = Price x Quantity = 50 candy bars x $3 per bar = $150 February: New price = Old price + $ 1 = $ 3 + $ 1 = $ 4 per bar New total revenue = Old revenue + $10 = $150 + $10 = $160 February: Total revenue = Price x Quantity $160 = $4 per bar x Q 40 candy bars = Q The quantity decreased from 50 bars to 40 bars, for a decrease of 10 units.
Word Problems
Chapter 9 4.
5 = price of 1 stapler C = price of 1 coffee mug 7 5 + 5C = $36
2 5 + C = $10
5 -C = ?
Combine equations to solve. Multiply the second equation by 4: 2 5 + C = 10
-> 8 5 + 4 C = 40
Subtract the first equation qc + _i_4C Ar = —An 85 40 - (7 5 + 5C = 3 6 ) 5 -
C= 4
A stapler costs $4 more than a coffee mug. 5.
1 week = 7 days j&erffcs
2 weeks X ^ = 14 days 1 week
= days
1 day = 24 hours w . 14
24 hours
... .
. /
days x ------ 7- = hours
days x ----- = 3 36 hours
1 day
Or, in one line:
2 weeks x
, 336 hours
1 week
1 day
Convert 3 hours and 4 minutes to seconds. Do in pieces. „. 3 hours ,
60 minutes --------------1 hour
60 seconds
60 seconds , _ _ _. , ---------------= 10,800 seconds 1 minute
4 minutes x ---------------- =
1 minute
240 seconds
10,800 seconds + 240 seconds = 11,040 seconds First 24 miles: Rate x Time = Distance
3 miles per hour x t = 24 miles
t= 8 hours Total time = 8 hours + 4 hours = 1 2 hours Total distance = 24 miles + 6 miles = 30 miles Entire run: Rate x Time = Distance 30 miles
r —------------ = 2.5 miles per hour 12 hours
r x 12 hours = 30 miles
Word Problems
Chapter 9
r x 6 hours = 1 shelf
Albert: Rate x Time = Work Alberts rate is — shelf per hour.
Betty can work twice as fast, so her rate is 2 x —= — shelf per hour. 6 3 Together, their work rates add:
1 1 6
1 2 3
shelf per hour
1 day = 24 hours Together: Rate x Time = Work
^ shelf per hour x 24 hours = 1 2 shelves
/ = total number of juniors = ? 3
7 5 % of juniors study Gaelic:
One sixth of juniors study Spanish: -6 j - s
The other 7 study Tagalog:
Part + Part + Part = Whole G +S+ T = J Substitute: —J + —/ + 7 - ] 4 6 — J +7 =J
— / + — 7+7 = /
7=— J
7(12) = 84 = /
There are 84 juniors in the class.
Word Problems
Chapter Review: Drill Sets Drill 1 Translate and solve the following problems.
1. There are five more computers in the office than employees. If there are 10 employees in the office, how many computers are there? 2. If - 5 is 7 more than z, what is z/4? 3. Two parking lots can hold a total of 115 cars. The Green lot can hold 35 fewer cars than the Red lot. How many cars can the Red lot hold? 4. Norman is 12 years older than Michael. In 6 years, he will be twice as old as Michael. How old is Norman now? 5.3 lawyers earn an average of $300 per hour. How much money have they earned in total after each has worked 4 hours? 6. A clothing store bought a container of 100 shirts for $20. If the store sold all of the shirts at $0.50 per shirt, what is the store's gross profit on the box? 7. There are two trees in the front yard of a school. The trees have a combined height of 60 feet, and the taller tree is 3 times the height of the shorter tree. How high is the shorter tree? 8.Louise is three times as old as Mary. In 5 years, Louise will be twice as old as Mary. How old is Mary now? 9.
The average of 2,13 and x is 10. What is x?
10. Three friends sit down to eat 14 slices of pizza. If two of the friends eat the same number of slices, and the third eats two more slices than each of the other two, how many slices are eaten by the third friend?
Drill 2 Translate and solve the following problems.
11. Movie theater X charges $6 per ticket, and each movie showing costs the theatre $1,750. If 300 people bought tickets for a certain showing, and the theater averaged $2 in concessions (pop corn, etc.) per ticket-holder, what was the theater's profit for that showing? 12. Toshi is 7 years older than his brother Kosuke, who is twice as old as their younger sister Junko. If Junko is 8 years old, how old is Toshi?
Word Problems
Chapter 9
13. A plane leaves Chicago in the morning and makes three flights before returning. The first flight traveled twice as far as the second flight, and the second flight traveled three times as far as the third flight. If the third flight was 45 miles, how many miles was the first flight? 14. It costs a certain bicycle factory $10,000 to operate for one month, plus $300 for each bicycle produced during the month. Each of the bicycles sells for a retail price of $700. The gross profit of the factory is measured by total income from sales minus the production costs of the bicycles. If 50 bicycles are produced and sold during the month, what is the factory's gross profit? 15. Arnaldo earns $11 for each ticket that he sells, and a bonus of $2 per ticket for each ticket he sells over 100. If Arnaldo was paid $2,400, how many tickets did he sell? 16. If the average of the five numbers x - 3, x, x + 3, x + 4, and x + 11 is 45, what is the value of x? 17. Amar is 30 years younger than Lauri. In 5 years, Lauri will be three times as old as Amar. How old will Lauri be in 10 years? 18. John buys 5 books with an average price of $12. If John then buys another book with a price of $18, what is the average price of the six books? 19. Alicia is producing a magazine that costs $3 per magazine to print. In addition, she has to pay $10,500 to her staff to design the issue. If Alicia sells each magazine for $10, how many maga zines must she sell to break even? 20. Every week, Renee is paid 40 dollars per hour for the first 40 hours she works, and 80 dollars per hour for each hour she works after the first 40 hours. If she earned $2,000 last week, how many hours did she work?
Drill 3 Translate and solve the following unit conversion problems.
21. An American football field is 100 yards long. What is this length in feet? (1 yard = 3 feet) 22. How many gallons of water would it take to fill a tank with a capacity of 200 pints? (1 gallon = 8 pints) 23. A 44 kilogram suitcase weighs how much in terms of pounds? (1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds) 24. The weather man reported that Boston received 2.25 feet of snow yesterday. How many inches of snow did Boston receive? (1 foot = 12 inches)
Word Problems 26. How many minutes are in a week? 27. Joe's car can travel 36 miles per gallon of fuel. Approximately how many kilometers can the car travel on 10 liters of fuel? (5 miles = approximately 8 kilometers; 1 gallon = approximately 4 liters) 28. A recipe calls for 1.6 cups of sugar and 2 quarts of flour. How many gallons is the resulting mixture of sugar and flour? (1 gallon = 4 quarts; 1 quart = 4 cups) Leave your answer in decimal form. (For you chefs: ignore the difference between solid measures and liquid measures.) 29. How many 1-inch square tiles would it take to cover the floor of a closet that has dimensions 5 feet by 4 feet? (1 foot = 12 inches) 30. A pool has sprung a leak and is losing water at a rate of 5.5 milliliters per second. How many liters of water is this pool losing per hour? (1 liter = 1,000 milliliters)
Drill 4 Translate and solve the following rate problems.
31. Jiang begins driving away from Marksville at a constant speed of 64 miles per hour. How far will she be from Marksville after 2 hours and 15 minutes? 32. Tom begins the 180-mile drive from Smithton to Johnsonville at 1:00 pm. He drives at a speed of 60 miles per hour for 2 hours. He completes the rest of the drive at a speed of 45 miles per hour. At what time will he arrive in Johnsonville? 33. If Roger walks to a store that is 3 miles away in 2 hours, and then runs home along the same path in 1 hour, what is Roger's average rate, in miles per hour, for the round trip? 34. Sue and Rob are both running a 10-mile path around a lake. Sue runs at a constant rate of 8 miles per hour. Rob runs at a constant rate of 6 %miles per hour. If they began running at the same time at the beginning of the path, how long will Sue have to wait at the end of the path before Rob finishes? 35. Svetlana is running a 10-kilometer race. She runs the first 5 kilometers of the race at a speed of 12 kilometers per hour. At what speed will she have to run the last 5 kilometers of the race if she wants to complete the 10 kilometers in 55 minutes?
Word Problems
Chapter 9
Drill 5 Translate and solve the following work problems.
36. A factory must complete production of 1,500 plastic bottles in 4 hours. How many bottles must be produced per hour (at a constant rate) to meet this deadline? 37. A standard machine can fill 15 gallons of paint per hour. A deluxe machine fills gallons of paint at twice the rate of a standard machine. How long will it take a deluxe machine to fill 130 gal lons of paint? 38. Machine A produces 15 widgets per minute. Machine B produces 18 widgets per minute. How many widgets will the machines produce together in 20 minutes? 39. A hose is placed into an empty pool and turned on at 2:00 pm. The pool, which holds 680 gallons of water, reaches its capacity at 5:24 pm. How many gallons of water per hour did the hose add to the pool? 40. It takes Machine A, which produces 15 golf clubs per hour, 6 hours to fill a production lot. Machine B can fill the same production lot in 1.5 hours. How many golf clubs does Machine B produce per hour?
Drill 6 Translate and solve the following word problems.
41. If Ken's salary were 20% higher, it would be 20% less than Lorena's. If Lorena's salary is $60,000, what is Ken's salary? 42. A $10 shirt is marked up by 30%, then by an additional 50%. What is the new price of the shirt? 43. A share of Stock Q increases in value by 20%, then decreases in value by 10%. The new value of a share of Stock Q is what percent of its initial value? 4 4 .4 0 students in a class of 200 got A's on their test. 64 got B's, 18 got D's and 6 got F's. If students can only get A, B, C, D, or F as grades, what percent of the students got C's? 45. If Naiila has $10 and spends 70 cents, what percent of her money has she spent? (A) 0.7%
(B) 7%
(C) 70%
Word Problems
Chapter 9
Drill 7 Translate and solve the following word problems.
46. Lily is staying up all night to watch meteors from her roof. 10% of the meteors visible from her roof tonight are exceptionally bright, and of these, 80% inspire Lily to write a haiku. If Lily is inspired to write haiku by 20 exceptionally bright meteors, how many meteors are visible from her roof tonight? 47. Bingwa the African elephant can lift 6% of his body weight using his trunk alone. If Bingwa weighs 1,000 times as much as a white handed gibbon, how many gibbons can Bingwa lift at once with his trunk? 48. The temperature in Limerick is 3/4 that in Cairo, where the temperature is 8/5 that in Halifax. If the temperature in Limerick is 66°, what is the temperature in Halifax? 49. In Farrah's workday playlist, 1/3 of the songs are jazz, 1/4 are R&B, 1/6 are rock, 1/12 are country, and the remainder are world music. What fraction of the songs in Farrah's playlist are world music? 50. At a convention of monsters, 2/5 have no horns, 1/7 have one horn, 1/3 have two horns, and the remaining 26 have three or more horns. How many monsters are attending the conven tion?
Drill 8 Translate and solve the following word problems.
51. Sal is looking for a clean, unwrinkled shirt to wear to work. 2/3 of his shirts are dirty, and of the remainder, 1/3 are wrinkled. If Sal has a total of 36 shirts, how many shirts does he have to choose from for work? 52. One dose of secret formula is made from 1/6 ounce of Substance X and 2/3 ounce of Sub stance Z. How many doses are in a 10-ounce vial of secret formula? 53. Of the movies in Santosh's collection, 1/3 are animated features, 1/4 are live-action features, and the remainder are documentaries. If 2/5 of the documentaries are depressing, what frac tion of the films in Santosh's collection are depressing documentaries? 54. Of all the homes on Gotham Street, 1/3 are termite-ridden, and 3/5 of these are collapsing. What fraction of the homes are termite-ridden, but NOT collapsing? 55.3/4 of supernatural creatures are invisible. Of the invisible supernatural creatures, 1/3 are ghosts. If there are 6,000,000 visible supernatural creatures, how many ghosts are there? (Note: assume that there are no visible ghosts.)
Word Problems
Chapter 9
Drill Set Solutions: Drill 1 1. 15: Let c = number of computers Let e = number of employees c = e+ 5 If e = 10, then c = (10) + 5
c=15 2 .-3 : -5 = z + 7
* = -12 z!A = - 3
3 . 75 : L e t£ = the number of cars that the Green lot can hold Let r = the number of cars that the Red lot can hold g + r — 115 g = r - 35 (r —35) + r = 115 2 r - 3 5 = 115 2 r = 150 r = 75 4 . 18 years old: Let N = Normans age now
(iV+ 6) = Norman’s age in 6 years.
Let M = Michael’s age now
(Af + 6) = Michael’s age in 6 years.
N = M + 12
Translate the first sentence into an equation.
N + 6 = 2 (M + 6)
Translate the second sentence into an equation.
N - 12 = M
Rewrite the first equation to put it in terms of M.
N + 6 = 2(iV - 12 + 6)
Insert N — 12 for M in the second equation.
iV+ 6 = 2 ( N - 6) AT+ 6 = 2 i V -
18 = iV
12 Solve for N.
Word Problems
Chapter 9
5. $3 ,600 : Each lawyer worked 4 hours, earning $300 per hour.
4 x $300 = $1,200
There are 3 lawyers.
$1,200 x 3 = $3,600
6. $30 profit: Let p = profit Let r = revenue Let c = cost Profit = Revenue - Cost p —r —c r = 100 x $0.50 c = $ 20 p = (100 x $0.50) - ($20) p = $50 - $20 = $30
7. 15 feet: Let s = the height of the shorter tree Let t = the height of the taller tree s + t = 60 3s = t s + (3 s)= 6 0 4s = 6 0 j
= 15
8. 5 years old: Let L = Louises age now (L + 5) = Louises age 5 years from now
L e tM = Marys age now
(M + 5) = Marys age 5 years from now
L = 3M
Translate the first sentence into an equation.
(Z + 5) = 2(Af + 5)
Translate the second sentence into an equation.
(3 M + 5 ) = 2(A f+ 5)
Insert 3Mfor L in the second equation.
3 A f+ 5 = 2Af + 10
Make sure you distribute the 2.
M =5
Solve for M.
Word Problems Sum. 9. 15s Average = -----------Number
2 + 13 +
Chapter 9
Here, the average is 10, the sum of the 3 terms is 2 + 13 + x, and 3 is the number of terms.
x = io
3 2 + 13 + x = 30 15 + x = 30 x —15
10. 6 slices o f pizza: Let P = the number of slices of pizza eaten by each of the two friends who eat the same amount. Let T = the number of slices of pizza eaten by the third friend. T=P+ 2 P + P + T = 14 P + P + ( P + 2) = 14 3 P + 2 = 14 3P =
P -4 T=P+ 2= 4 + 2 = 6
Drill 2 11. $650: Profit = Revenue - Cost Revenue = 300 x 6 + 300 x 2 = 1,800 + 600 = 2,400 Cost = 1,750 Profit = 2,400 — 1,750 = 650
23 years old:
Let T = Toshi s age Let K = Kosuke s age Let J = Junkos age ]~ 8 K = 2 x J = 2 x ( 8 ) = 16 T = K + 7 = (16) + 7 = 23
Word Problems
Chapter 9 13. 270 miles: Let F = the distance of the first flight
Let S —the distance of the second flight Let T = the distance of the third flight F=2S S -3 T T=45 5 = 3 x (45) = 135 F = 2 x (135) = 270 14. $10,000: Profit = Revenue —Cost Revenue = 50 x 700 = 35,000 Cost = 10,000 + (50 x 300) = 10,000 + 15,000 = 25,000 Profit = 35,000 - 25,000 = 10,000 15. 2 0 0 tickets: Let x = the total number of tickets sold. Therefore, (x — 100) = the number of tickets Arnoldo sold beyond the first 100 l l x + 2 ( x - 100) = 2,400 l l x + 2 x - 200 = 2,400 13* = 2,600 x = 200 16 4 2 . ( * ~ 3) + (*) + (x + 3) + (x + 4) + (x +11) _ 5x + 15
= 45
x + 3= 45 x = 42 17. 50 years old: Let A = Amar’s age now
(A + 5) = Amar’s age 5 years from now
Let L = Lauri’s age now
(L + 5) = Lauri’s age 5 years from now
We’re looking for Lauri’s age in 10 years: L + 10
,4 = 1 - 3 0
Translate the first sentence into an equation.
L + 5 = 3 (A + 5)
Translate the second sentence into an equation.
L + 5 = 3(1 - 30 + 5)
Insert L —30 for A in the second equation.
Word Problems
Chapter 9
L + 5 = 3{L - 25) L + 5 = 3L -75 80 = 2 L 40 = 1 Remember, we re looking for Lauris age in 10 years: 1 + 1 0 = 4 0 + 1 0 = 50
18. $ 13: —
— _ ^ verage
Number First, we need to know the cost of the 5 books. Sum = (Average)(Number) = ($12)(5) = $60 Sum of the cost of all 6 books = $60 + $18 = $78 Number of total books = 6
19. 1>500 magazines: Let m = the number of magazines sold Total cost = 3m + 10,500 Total revenue = 1 0 m Breaking even occurs when total revenue equals total cost, so: 3 m + 10,500 = 10m 10.500 = 7m 1.500 = m
w gm M
45 hours:
Let h = number of hours Renee worked 40(40) + { h - 40)(80) = 2,000 1 ,6 0 0 + 8 0 A - 3,200 = 2,000 80 h - 1,600 = 2,000 80h = 3,600 b = 45
Word Problems
Chapter 9
Drill 3 3 feet 21. 3 0 0 feet: 100 vards^ X ----------- - r = 300 feet ^ 1
tt / I gallon 200 22. 25 gallons: 200 piafs X ------------—7 = ------- gallons = 25 gallons 8 joints 8 23. 9 6 .8 pounds: 44 kilogram? X ----- — — - = 4 4 x 2 .2 pounds ' 1 kjJogrSm
Perform long multiplication to find the product. 44 x2.2
880 96.8
Because the two terms we’re multiplying contain, collectively, one decimal place, include a decimal place in the product. That is, place the decimal not at the end (968.) but between the 6 and the 8 (96.8). 24. 2 7 inches: 2.25
12 inches ---- c es _ ^ 1 jk>T
25. 86° Fahrenheit: Use the conversion formula, replacing the variable Cwith the temperature in Celsius: C = - ( F -3 2 ) 9 30 = - C F - 3 2 ) 9
Solve for the temperature in Fahrenheit, F, by first multiplying both sides of the equation by 9/5 (the reciprocal of 5/9): 30 = - { F - 3 2 ) 9 30x - = F - 3 2 5 54 = F - 3 2 And then add 32 to both sides: 54 + 32 = F 86 = F
Word Problems 26. 10,080 minutes: One week contains 7 days and each of those days has 24 hours (7 x 24 = 168 total hours). Each of those hours has 60 minutes (168 x 60 = 10,080 total minutes). Using conversion ratios: ^ 7 dzfs 24 Jietfrs 60 minutes 1 ^e€k X — -----r- X ---------- —— = 1 j&e&k 1 day 1 Jietir 10,080 minutes 27. 144 kilometers: Convert miles per gallon to kilometers per liter by multiplying by the conversion ratios such that both the miles and gallons units are canceled out: 36 miies
8 kilometers
288 kilometers
5 j&ftes
5 gallons
----- ----- x -----------= ----------------------------288 kilometers 5 ggUcfns
1 jjaJAtfrf ^ 4 liters
288 kilometers _ 14.4 kilometers 20 liters
The car has 10 liters of fuel in the tank. , _ i. ^ 14.4 kilometers 10 liters X ------------/ ------- = 144 kilometers lk€r 28. 0.6 gallons: Convert both 1.6 cups and 2 quarts into gallons using conversion ratios:
4 jjuatfts
gallons = 0.1 gallons ^ gallon 2 nI2 quaffs X — - — —r = — gallons = 0.5 gallons 4 jjjiafts4
0.1 gallons + 0.5 gallons = 0.6 gallons. 29. 2,880 tiles: There is a hidden trap in this question. Remember that the dimensions of this room are ft2, not ft (because 5 feet x 4 feet = 20 square feet). To avoid this trap, we should convert the dimen sions to inches first, then multiply. 5
r ^ 12 inches . >eet X ------= 60 inches 1 fy&ot
4 je*t X 12 mC^ eS = 48 inches
1 ik *
The dimensions of the closet in inches are 60 inches by 48 inches, or 60 x 48 = 2,880 square inches. Each tile is 1 square inch, so it will take 2,880 tiles to cover the floor.
Word Problems 30. 19.8 liters/hour: There is no mandatory order for processing the conversions. Start with 5.5 millili ters per second, and make the appropriate conversions: 5.5 milliliters
60 ^eecrrtd? ^ 60 jmfrtfteT _
1 jmntmT
1 hour
5 .5 x 6 0 x 6 0 milliliters hour 5 .5 x 6 0 x 6 0 juilliiiters
1 liter
1,000 jjiillittfers
5 .5 x 3 ,6 0 0 liters 1,000 hours To make the calculations as painless as possible, look to cancel before you multiply. 5 .5 x 3 ,6 jx f liters _ 5 .5 x 3 6 liters _ l,0JX f hours
10 hours
198 liters _ 19.8 liters 10 hours
Drill 4 31. 144 miles: The D = R T formula allows us to solve for Jiang’s distance. Note that the time must be converted so that it is expressed only in hours rather than hours and minutes. hr
15 m in X
60 min
= — hr = 0.25 hr 4
Therefore, 2 hours and 15 minutes is equivalent to 2.25 hours. D (mi) d
6— j - £Sx 2 .2 5 J hwIk = 144 miles Jiertxr
= =
R (mi/hr) 64
T (hr) 2.25
6 4 x 2 .2 5 = 6 4 x - = 1 2 x 9 = 144 4
32. 4 :2 0 pm: To solve this problem, we can split Tom’s journey into two portions: the first portion when he traveled 60 miles per hour and the second portion when he traveled 45 miles per hour. For the first portion, we know that Tom traveled for 2 hours at 60 miles per hour. We can use these values in the D = R T formula to figure out how far he went.
Word Problems D
60 miles Jiertir
Chapter 9 T (hr) 2
X 2 Jietlrs=120 miles
Since Tom traveled 120 miles during the first portion of his journey he has 180 - 120 = 60 miles to travel during the second part. We know that, during this portion, he traveled at 45 miles per hour, al lowing us to use the D = R T equation to calculate how long this portion of the journey took. D
T (hr)
60 = 45t 60 4. t = — hours =— hours = 45 3
. 1 hour 20 minutes
Tom s entire journey took 3 hours and 20 minutes: 2 hours for the first portion and 1 hour 20 minutes for the second portion. Finally, we must add 3 hours and 20 minutes to Toms starting time of 1:00 pm to calculate when Tom completed his journey, 4:20 pm. 33. 2 miles per hour: We can find the average rate by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time spent traveling. In this case, Roger travels 3 miles to and back from a store, covering a total of 6 miles in 3 hours. Thus, we can calculate his average rate using the relationship R = — : 6 miles miles R —---------- —2 -------3 hours hour 34. 15 minutes: The D = R T equation allows us to calculate how long it will take each individual to run the path. Sue runs the 10-mile path at a rate of 8 miles per hour. D
10 = 8t
5= 4
Word Problems
Chapter 9
Therefore, she completes the path in 1 hour 15 minutes.
Rob runs the 10-mile path at a rate of 6 — mi/hr = — mi/hr. F 3 3 D
T (hr) t
10 = — t 3
X l/ = J
2 Therefore, Rob runs the path in 1 hour 30 minutes. Finally, we can subtract Sue s time from Robs time to calculate how long she will have to wait. 1 hour 30 min - 1 hour 15 min = 15 min 35.10 kilom eters per hour: In order to calculate Svetlanas speed during the second half of the race, we must first calculate how long it took her to run the first half of the race. We are told the first half of the race is 5 kilometers in length, and Svetlana ran at a speed of 12 kilometers per hour. These values can be used in the D = R T formula. D
T (hr) t
5 = 12* t = — hr
To calculate the time Svetlana has to run the second half of the race, we can subtract her time from the first half of the race from her goal time for the entire race. To do this calculation, first we must convert her goal time from minutes to hours. « . lh r 55 * 11 , 55 m in X ------------= — h r = — hr 60 min 60 12 Then we subtract Svetlanas time for the first half of the race from this value.
Word Problems
Chapter 9
— hr - — hr = — hr = — hr = 0.5 hr
We now know that Svetlana must complete the second 5 kilometers in 0.5 hours, allowing us to use this information in the D = R T equation to solve for Svetlanas speed. D
T (hr)
5 = 0.5r 10 = r Svetlana must run the second half of the race at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour to finish the entire race in 55 minutes.
Drill 5 Translate and solve the following work problems. 36. 375 bottles per hour: We can use the W = R T formula to solve for the number of bottles produced per hour. W
X x
T (hr) 4
1,500 = 4r 375 = r The rate is 375 bottles per hour. 37. 4 hours 20 minutes: First, we calculate the rate of the deluxe machine by multiplying the rate of the standard machine by 2. 15 gal/hr x 2 = 30 gal/hr We can use this rate in the W = R T formula to solve for the amount of time the machine takes to fill 130 gallons of paint. W
R (gal/hr)
(gal) 130
T (hr)
Word Problems 130 = 30? t = ^ - = — = 4 - = 4 hr 20 min
3 / 3
38. 660 widgets: We can use two separate W = R T charts, one for Machine A and one for Machine B, to calculate how many widgets each machine produces in 20 minutes. W
T (min)
Machine A
Machine A
Machine A: a = 15 x 20 = 300 widgets Machine B: b = 18 x 20 = 360 widgets To calculate the total number of widgets produced, we add the values for the individual machines. 300 widgets + 360 widgets = 660 widgets 39. 200 gallons per hour: First, we must calculate the time it took to fill the pool. 5:24 pm - 2:00pm = 3 hours 24 minutes Next, we need to convert the minutes portion of this time to hours. 24 min X
lh r
24, 2 = — hr = — hr = 0.4 hr 5 v60 min /J 60
Now we know that it takes 3.4 hours to fill the pool and the capacity of the pool is 680 gallons, allow ing us to use the W = R T equation to solve for the rate. R
(gal) 680
T (hr) 3.4
680 = 3.4;* 680 r=3.4
6800 = 2 0 0 -gall° nS hour 34
40. 60 go lf clubs per hour: First, we can calculate the size of a production lot using the information about Machine A. Machine A has a rate of 15 golf clubs per hour and completes a production lot in 6 hrs. We can use this information in the W = R T formula.
Word Problems w
Chapter 9 T
(hr) 6
w = (15 clubs per hour)(6 hours) = 90 clubs Therefore, a production lot consists of 90 golf clubs. We also know that Machine B can complete the lot in 1.5 hours. We can now use the R T = W chart to calculate the rate for Machine B. W
(hr) 1.5
We can make the calculation easier by converting 1.5 hours to — hours. 3
90 = —r
2 2 ™
—x 9 0 = r 3 2x30 = r r = 60 clubs per hour
Drill 6 Translate and solve the following word problems. 41.
$ 40 ,000 : We can use decimal equivalents here, using 1 (or 100%) as a starting point and adding to
1 for an increase or subtracting from 1 for a decrease. For example, “If Kens salary were 20% higher” can be translated as 1 + (20%)(1) = 1 + 0.2 = 1.2. Similarly, “20% less than” can be translated as 1 (20%)(1) = 1 —0.2 = 0.8. Therefore 120% of Kens salary is equal to 80% of Lorena’s salary: 1.2 K = 0.8(60,000) „
K — ----------------- X —
V (6 0 ,0 0 0 ) „ 2(60,000) K —-------------3 K = 2(20,000) K = 40,000 Ken’s salary is $40,000.
Word Problems
Chapter 9
42. $19.50: When we are asked to multiply percents, the most straightforward method is usually to use a fractional representation:
10/ }< />
10/ 10
= $13x— 2 = $19.50 43. 108% : If the stock increases 20%, then the new value is 120% of the original. If the stock then goes down 10%, the final value is 90% of the new value. 120
100 100
----- X ----- X Q = ----- x Q 6
9 _
100 what percent
Divide both sides by Q and reduce fractions
5 10 ~ 100 54 _ x 50 _ 100
2Mr f x J * =x 108 = x ™
44. 36% : We re given information about the parts of the class (the number of As, Bs, D s and F s) as we^ as t^ie tota^num^er ° f students; we can handle this with a Parts Sum to a Total relationship. Be cause they all add to 200, we can write the following equation: A ~h B + C + D + E —Total 40 + 64 + C + 18 + 6 = 200 128 + C = 200 C = 2 0 0 - 128 C=72 72
of the grades are Cs. Percents are defined in terms of 100. If we divide the top and bottom by 2,
we can find the percent directly.
Word Problems
Chapter 9
V l _ 36
Therefore 40% of the students got a C. 45. (B) 7% : The question is asking “70 cents is what percent of $10.” We can translate this as follows. Don’t forget to convert 70 cents to 0.7 dollars before performing the calculation.
0.7 dollars
what percent of
10 10 dollars?
0.7 = — X10 100 „ x 0.7 = —
Drill 7 Translate and solve the following word problems. 46. 250 meteors: The 20 meteors that inspire Lily represent 80% of 10% of the visible meteors. Let’s call the number we want m:
20 = (0.8)(0.1)m We can simplify our equation by multiplying both sides by 10 to eliminate the 0.1, and then converting 0.8 to a fraction for ease of calculation: 200 = 0.8m 4 200 = —m 5 ——t x
1A 5 x 5 0 —m 250 = m 47. 60 gibbons: We dont know how many pounds Bingwa weighs, but we know he weighs 1,000 gib bons. Therefore, he can lift 6% of this weight with his trunk. x 1,000 gibbons = 6 x 10 gibbons = 60 gibbons
Word Problems 48. 55°: When we are given two relationships in one sentence, we need to follow the grammar carefully to make sure we produce the right equations. The first sentence of the problem gives us two relation ships: The temperature in Limerick is 3/4 that in Cairo. The temperature in Cairo is 8/5 that in Halifax.
5 We can now combine the two equations.
And finally we can plug in the value we have been given for Limerick. 66 = - H 5 -x 6 6 = H
5 x ll = iJ 55 = H 49. 1/6: To determine the fraction of the songs that are world music, we need to figure out what frac tion of the songs are not world music. We can do this by adding up thefractions we have been given for the other music types. We can use 12as the commondenominator because all of the denominators here are factors of 12. 1 I----------------------------------------------------------1 1 1 1 4 3 21 — ------1-10 ----------_5 -------- 1-----------1-----------1-----------_ — _ — 3 4 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 5/6 of the songs in Farrah’s playlist are not world music, so the remaining 1/6 of the songs are world music. 50. 210: This is a common GMAT setup— we have been given several fractions and one actual number. Once we know what fraction of the whole that number represents, we can solve for the total (weTl call the total m). Notice that all of the denominators are primes, so they don’t share any factors. Therefore we will have to multiply them all together to find a common denominator. 5 x 7 x 3 = 105:
Word Problems
Chapter 9
2 + —m1 + —m1+ 26 m = —m 5 7 3 42 15 35 m = ---------mH---- wzHm + 2b 105 105 105 92 + 2b m = -----m 105 105 92 -----m --------m = 26 105 105
13 = 26or -----m 105 - 2 6 ^ ) I 13
m = 210
Drill 8 Translate and solve the following word problems. 51. 8: We have to watch the grammar here. It would be easy to read the second sentence as “2/3 of his shirts are dirty, and 1/3 are wrinkled.” However, what we have is slightly different— 2/3 are dirty, and 1/3 of the remainder are wrinkled. This means that 1 - 2 / 3 = 1/3 of the shirts are clean, and of these clean shirts, 1/3 are wrinkled. So the fractionof wrinkled shirts is 1/3 x 1/3 = 1/9 of the total. Now we know that 2/3 of the shirts are dirty, and 1/9 are wrinkled. Let s see what is left:
— of 36 = 24 dirty shirts. — of 36 = 4 wrinkled shirts. 9 36 —24 —4 = 8 clean, unwrinkled shirts 52. 12 doses: To find the number of doses in the vial, we need to divide the total volume of the formula in the vial by the volume of one dose.
One dose = — oz. H— oz. = — oz. H— oz. = —oz. (Note that “oz.” is the abbreviation for ounce.) 6 3 6 6 6 5
=10x—= 2x6 = 12 doses 5
Word Problems 53. 1/6: Lets begin by finding what fraction of the movies are documentaries. WeTl use M for the total number of movies, and d for the number of documentaries: M = -M + -M + d
M =— M +— M +d
M =— M +d
12 7 ,, , — M ------- M - d
—M = d 12
5/12 of the movies are documentaries. Of these, 2/5 are depressing. ^
- M x - y = — M = —M
1/6 of the movies in Santosh s collection are depressing documentaries.
54. — : If 3/5 of the termite-ridden homes are collapsing, then 1 - 3/5 = 2/5 of the termite-ridden homes are NOT collapsing. We were asked to calculate something about all of the homes, not just the termite-ridden homes. We want to include the fraction of homes that ARE termite—ridden (1/3) but NOT collapsing (2/5). If h is the total number of houses, then: , 1
2 .
h x —x — = — h
3 5
55. If 3/4 of supernatural creatures are invisible, then 1/4 are visible. Thus 6,000,000 is 1/4 of the total. There are 24,000,000 supernatural creatures in all. Now we can apply both of our fractions to this figure to find out the number of ghosts:
^ = 24,000,000 x - x - = 24,000,000 x - = 6,000,000 * 4 3 4 We ended up back at 6,000,000. This indicates that there might have been a quicker way to get to the answer. One way would be to start by calculating the fraction of all supernatural creatures that are ghosts: 3/4 x 1/3 = 1/4. That is, 1/4 of all supernatural creatures are ghosts. Because 6,000,000 already repre sents 1/4 of the total, we don’t need to calculate anything else.
Foundations of GMAT Math
Circles Sector: Slice of Pizza Triangles Sum of Any Two Sides > Third Side Sum of The Three Angles = 180° Same Sides = Same Angles, and Vice Versa Know Two Sides of a Right Triangle: Find the Third Side Quadrilaterals Parallelogram: Cut Into Triangles OR Drop Height Rectangles = Parallelogram + 4 Right Angles Squares = Rectangle + 4 Equal Sides Geometry: 'Word' Problems with Pictures Coordinate Plane— Position Is a Pair of Numbers Know Just One Coordinate = Narrow Down to a Line Knowing Ranges Read a Graph = Drop a Line to the Axes Plot a Relationship: Give Me an X, I'll Tell You a Y Lines in the Plane: Use Slope and Y-lntercept To Plot
Geometry In This Chapter: •
Basic shapes that the GMAT tests
The key elements of each shape
The equations that define the relationships between these elements
How to apply these equations to solve GMAT geometry problems
The coordinate plane
For many students, geometry brings to mind complicated shapes and the need to memorize lots of for mulas. However, on the GMAT, geometry is fundamentally about the relationships between the various elements, or features, of a shape. Each geometric shape has a set of basic elements. For instance, a circle has a radius, a diameter, a cir cumference, and an area. The key relationships among these elements are described by equations (usu ally not more than 4 or 5 per shape). For example, the relationship between a circles radius and its area is described by the equation Area = nr2 (where r —radius). In this chapter we’ll go over the basic properties of the basic shapes most commonly tested on the GMAT. Then weTl discuss how the GMAT tests your knowledge of these shapes and how to work your way through Geometry questions.
Circles____________________________________ A circle is a set of points that are all the same distance from a central point. By definition, every circle has a center, usually labeled O, which is not itself a point on the circle. The radius of a circle is the distance between the center of the circle and a point on the circle. Any line segment connecting the cen ter and any point on the circle is a radius (usually labeled r). All radii in the same circle have the same length.
Chapter 10
Know One Thing about a Circle: Know Everything Else Now imagine a circle of radius 7. What else can you figure out about that circle?
The next easiest thing to figure out is the diameter (usually labeled d ), which passes through the center of a circle and connects 2 opposite points on the circle.
A diameter is 2 radii laid end to end, so it will always be exactly twice the length of the radius. This rela tionship can be expressed as d = 2 r. A circle with radius 7 has a diameter of 14.
Chapter 10
Hie circumference (usually referred to as C) is a measure of the distance around a circle. The circum ference is essentially the perimeter o f a circle.
For any circle, the circumference and the diameter have a consistent relationship. If you divide the cir cumference by the diameter, you always get the same number— 3 . 1 4 . .. a number known by the Greek letter n (pi). To recap: circumference , ------------------- = n. Or na = C. diameter In a circle with a diameter of
proximate this as 4 3 . 9 6 (which is
the circumference is tz( A ) 14
3 .1 4 ).
= 1A tz.
Most of the time you will not ap
Instead, keep it as 4n.
You can relate the circumference directly to the radius, since the diameter is twice the radius. This rela tionship is commonly expressed as C = 2nr. Be comfortable with using either equation. Finally, the area (usually labeled A) is the space inside the circle.
The area of a circle and its radius always have the same relationship. If you know the radius of the circle, then you can find the area using A = nr2. For a circle of radius 7 , the area is n il) 1 —4 9 t t . To recap, once you know the radius, you can find the diameter, the circumference, and the area.
Chapter 10
C = 14 % A = 49tt
C = circumference the distance around a circle C = 7 tx d d = diameter the distance across a circle d=2 x r r - radius half the distance across a circle A = %x r2 A - area area of the circle These relationships are true of any circle. Whats more, if you know any o f these values, you can
determine the rest. Say that the area of a circle is 367r. How do you find the other measures? Start with the formula for the area, which involves the radius. 3 (>7i —tit1 Solve for the radius by isolating r. 367r = 7zr2
Divide by n
36 = r2
Take the square root of both sides
6= r Now that you know the radius, multiply it by 2 to get the diameter, which is 12. Finally, to find the circumference, simply multiply the diameter by 7i. The circumference is 12^.
I f you...
Then you...
Chapter 10
Like this:
Can find out everything Know one thing about a
else about the circle
by using the standard formulas
If r = 4 then d = 8, C = 8tt, and A —Gtl
Check Your Skills 1. The radius of a circle is 7. What is the area? 2. The circumference of a circle is 17n. What is the diameter? 3. The area of a circle is 25tt. What is the circumference? Answers can befound on page 469.
Sector: Slice of Pizza Imagine again that you have a circle with an area of 367r. Now cut it in half and make it a semicircle. Any fractional portion of a circle is known as a sector. Think of a sector as a slice of pizza.
What effect does cutting the circle in half have on the basic elements of the circle? The diameter stays the same, as does the radius. But the area and the circumference are also cut in half. The area of the semicircle is 18tt, and the circumference is 6 tt. When you deal with sectors, you call the remaining por tion of the circumference the arc length. For this sector, the arc length is 6 tt.
Geometry If, instead of cutting the circle in half, you cut it into 1/4’s, each piece of the circle would have 1/4 the area of the entire circle and 1/4 the circumference.
1/4 of whole circle
Now, on the GMAT, you’re unlikely to be told that you have l/4th of a circle. Rather, you would be told something about the central angle, which is the degree measure between the two radii. Take a look at the quarter circle. Normally, there are 360° in a full circle. What is the degree measure of the angle between the 2 radii? The same thing that happens to area and circumference happens to the cen tral angle. It is now l/4th of 360°, which is 90°.
90° 4
Let’s see how you can use the central angle to determine sector area and arc length. Imagine that the original circle still has area 36 tt, but now the sector has a central angle of 60°.
What fractional amount of the circle remains if the central angle is 60°? The whole is 360°, and the part is 60°. So 60/360 is the fraction you’re looking for.60/360 reduces to 1/6. That meansa sector with a central angle of 60° is l/6th of the entire circle. The sector area is 1/6 x 1/6 x (Circumference of circle). Sector Area = 1/6 x (36;r) = Arc Length = 1/6 x (12#) = 2 %
1 _ 60° _ Sector Area _ 6
Circle Area
Arc Length Circumference
(Area of circle), and arclength is
Geometry In the last example, the central angle told you the fractional amount that the sector represented. But any of the three properties of a sector, namely central angle, arc length and area, could be used. Consider this example: A sector has a radius of 9 and an area of 2I k . What is the central angle of the sector? You still need to determine the fraction of the circle that the sector represents. This time, however, you have to use the area. You know the area of the sector, so if you can figure out the area of the whole circle, you can figure out what fractional amount the sector is. 27 tc 1 The radius is 9, so now calculate the area of the whole circle. Area = nr1 = tt(9)2 = 81 k . ----- = —, so the 8171 3 sector is 1/3 of the circle. The full circle has a central angle of360°, so multiply that by 1/3.1/3 x 360 = 120, so the central angle of the sector is 120°.
1 __ 120°
277C (sector area)
8171 (circle area)
Every question about sectors will provide you with enough info to calculate one of the following frac tions, which represent the sector as a fraction of the circle: central angle
sector area
circle area
arc length circumference
All of these fractions have the same value. Once you know this value, you can find any measure of the sector or the original circle.
I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Figure out the fraction Encounter a sector
of the circle that the sec tor represents
If central angle = 45° and the radius is 5 then fraction = 457360° = 1 /8 and area = (l/8)?zr2 = (25/8) tt
Check Your Skills 4. A sector has a central angle of 270° and a radius of 2. What is the area of the sector? 5. A sector has an arc length of 4/r and a radius of 3. What is the central angle of the sector? 6. A sector has an area of 40/7and a radius of 10. What is the arc length of the sector? Answers can befound on page 469.
Triangles Triangles show up all over the GMAT. Youll often find them hiding in problems that seem to be about rectangles or other shapes. Many properties of triangles are tested.
Sum of Any Two Sides > Third Side The sum of any two side lengths of a triangle will always be greater than the third side length. After all, the shortest distance between two corners of the triangle is the straight line between them, rather than a detour to the third corner. A related idea is that any side is greater than the difference of the other two side lengths. Otherwise, you can’t even connect the dots and draw a complete triangle. The pictures below illustrate these two points.
What is the largest number x could be? What’s the smallest? Could it be 9? 1? x must be less than 3 + 5 = 8 x must be greater than 5 - 3 = 2 2 <x< 8
I f you... Want to know how long the third side of a triangle could be
Then you...
Like this:
Make that side less than
First side = 6, second side = 4
the sum of the other
What could the third side be?
two sides, but more
It must be less than 6 + 4 = 10
than the difference
but greater than 6 - 4 = 2
Check Your Skills 7. Two sides of a triangle have lengths 5 and 19. Can the third side have a length of 13? 8. Two sides of a triangle have lengths 8 and 17. What is the range of possible values of the length of the third side? Answers can befound on page 469.
Sum of The Three Angles = 180° The internal angles of a triangle must add up to 180°. As a result, if you know 2 angles in the triangle, you can find the third angle. Take a look at this triangle:
Chapter 10
The 3 internal angles must add up to 180°, so you know that 30 + 85 + x = 180. Solving for x tells you that x = 65. The third angle is 65°. The GMAT can also test you in more complicated ways. Consider this triangle:
You only know one of the angles. The other two are unknown, but they are both given in terms of x. Again, the 3 angles add up to 180. So 60 + x + 2x = 180. That means that 3x = 120. So x = 40. The angle labeled x° has a measure of 40° and the angle labeled 2x° has a measure of 80°. The GMAT does not always draw triangles to scale. Don’t try to guess angles from the picture, which could be distorted. Instead, solve for angles mathematically.
I f you...
Then you...
Like this: First angle = 3x°
Know two angles of a
Can find all angles
Second angle = 4x°
triangle, or can represent
using the “sum to 180”
Third angle = 40°
all three in terms of *
3 x + 4 x + 4Q = 180 7x = 140 or x = 20
Check Your Skills
Answers can befound on page 470.
Chapter 10
Same Sides = Same Angles, and Vice Versa Internal angles of a triangle are important on the GMAT for another reason. Sides correspond to their
opposite angles. That is, the longest side is opposite the largest angle, and the smallest side is opposite the smallest angle. Think about an alligator opening its mouth. As the angle between its upper and lower jaws increases, the distance between top and bottom teeth gets bigger.
This relationship works both ways. If you know the sides of the triangle, you can make inferences about the angles. If you know the angles, you can make inferences about the sides. A
You frequently encounter a triangle that has 2 or even 3 equal sides. These triangles also have 2 or 3 equal angles. You can classify triangles by the number of equal sides or angles that they have. •
A triangle that has 2 equal angles and 2 equal sides (opposite the equal angles) is an isosceles triangle.
Geometry •
Chapter 10
A triangle that has 3 equal angles (all 60°) and 3 equal sides is an equilateral
triangle. The relationship between equal angles and equal sides works in both directions. Take a look at these isosceles triangles, and think about what additional information you can infer from them.
The GMAT loves isosceles triangles. Examine this challenging example:
Take a look at the triangle and see what other information you can fill in. Specifically, do you know the degree measure of either BAC or BCA! Because side AB is the same length as side BC, angle BAC must have the same degree measure as angle BCA. Label each of those angles as x° on the diagram.
You also know that the 3 internal angles will add up to 180. So 20 + x + x = 180. 2x = 160, and x = 80. So BAC and BCA each equal 80°. You cant find the side length AC without more advanced math; the GMAT wouldn’t ask you for this side length for that very reason.
Chapter 10
Like this:
I f you...
Then you...
See two equal sides in a
Set the opposite angles
See two equal angles in a
Set the opposite sides
Two sides both equal 8, so the angles opposite those sides are equal Two angles equal 30°, so the sides opposite those angles are equal
Check Your Skills Find the value of x.
Hie perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of all 3 sides.
In this triangle, the perimeter is 5 + 6 + 10 = 21. This is a relatively simple property of a triangle, so of ten it will be used in combination with another property. Try this next problem. What is the perimeter of triangle PQR?
To solve for the perimeter, you need to determine the value of x. Because angles PQR and PRQ_ are both 50°, their opposite sides will have equal lengths. That means sides PR and PQ must have equal lengths, so side PQ_ has a length of 9. The perimeter of triangle PQR is 9 + 9 + 12 = 30.
Check Your Skills
Chapter 10
What is the perimeter of each triangle? Answers can befound on page 471. Note: Figures not drawn to scale. You need to be ready to solve geom etry problems without depending on exactly accurate figures.
Apply Area Formula: Any Side Can Be the Base The final property of a triangle to discuss is area, which equals 1/2 (base) x (height). In area formulas for any shape, be clear about the relationship between the base and the height. The base and the height
must be perpendicular to each other. In a triangle, one side of the triangle is the base. The height is formed by dropping a line from the third point of the triangle straight down towards the base, so that it forms a 90° angle with the base. The small square located where the height and base meet (in the figure below) is a very common symbol used to denote a right angle. You can also say that the height is perpendicular to the base, or vice versa.
The GMAT often asks you about familiar shapes while presenting them in unfamiliar orientations. Many people think that the base is the “bottom” side of the triangle, but in reality, any side o f the tri
angle could act as a base. The three triangles below are all the same triangle, but in each one you have made a different side the base, and drawn in the corresponding height.
The height can be outside the triangle! (You just extend the base.) What matters is that the base and the height are perpendicular to each other. There must be a right angle between the base and the height.
Chapter 10 I f you... Need the area of a triangle
Then you...
Like this:
Apply the area formula,
A - 1/2 (base) (height)
using any convenient side as the base
Use any side as base
Check Your Skills What are the areas of the following triangles?
Answers can befound on page 471.
Know Two Sides of a Right Triangle: Find the Third Side Right triangles are very common on the GMAT. A right triangle is any triangle in which one of the angles is a right angle (90°). Consider this example. What is the perimeter of triangle ABC?
With only two sides of the triangle, how do you get the perimeter? Because this is a right triangle, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem, which only applies to right triangles. According to the theorem, the lengths of the 3 sides of a right triangle are related by the equation a2 + b2 = c2, where a and b are the lengths of the sides touching the right angle, also known as legs, and c is the length of the side op posite the right angle, also known as the hypotenuse. In the triangle above, sides AB and A C are a and b (it doesn’t matter which is which) and side B C is c. So (3)2 + (4)2 = (BC)2. 9 + 16 = (BC)2, so 25 = (BC)2, and the length of side BC is 5. The triangle looks like this:
Finally, the perimeter = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12. Often, you can take a shortcut around using the full-blown Pythagorean Theorem. The GMAT favors a subset of right triangles in which all three sides have lengths that are integer values. The triangle above is an example. The side lengths are 3, 4 and 5— all integers. This group of side lengths is a Pythago
rean triplet — a 3 - 4 - 5 triangle. A few of these triplets are especially common and should be memorized. For each triplet, the first two numbers are the lengths of the sides that touch the right angle, and the third (and largest) number is the length of the hypotenuse. 3 -4 -5
5 -1 2 -1 3
8 -1 5 -1 7
6 -8 -1 0
1 0 -2 4 - 2 6
(this is 3 - 4 - 5
(this is 5 - 1 2 - 1 3
Note that you can double, triple, or otherwise apply a common multiplier to these lengths. 3 - 4 - 5 should be thought of as a ratio of 3:4:5. If you know the triplet, you can save time and effort. Consider this example. What is the area of triangle D EF ? D
What do you need in order to find the area of triangle D EF? The area formula is 1/2 (base) x (height), so you need a base and a height. This is a right triangle, so sides D E and £F are perpendicular to each other. You can treat one of them as the base and the other as the height. How do you find the length of side E F ? First, realize that in theory, you can always find the length of
the third side o f a right triangle if you know the lengths o f the other two sides. You can always use the Pythagorean Theorem. In this case, the formula would look like this: {DE)2 + {EF)2 = {D F)2. You
Chapter 10
know the lengths of two of those sides, so rewrite the equation as (5)2 + CE F )2 = (13)2. Solving this equa tion, you get 25 + (EF)2 = 169, so (EF)1 = 144, and finally E F = 12. But these calculations are unnecessary. Once you see a right triangle in which one of the legs has a length of 5 and the hypotenuse has a length of 13, you should recognize the Pythagorean triplet. The length of the other leg must be 12. However you find the length of side EF the triangle now looks like this: D
Now you have what you need to find the area of triangle DEF. Area = 72(12) x (5) = 72(60) = 30.
I f you...
Know two sides of a right triangle
Then you...
Like this:
Can find the third side,
A leg of a right triangle has length 18, while the hypotenuse has length 30. How long is the third side?
either by using the full Pythagorean Theorem or by recognizing a
182 + x2 = 302 and solve for x
or recognize 3 : 4 :5 ratio x-24
Check Your Skills What is the length of the third side of the triangle? For #21, find the area.
Answers can befound on page 472.
Chapter 10
Quadrilaterals A quadrilateral is any figure with 4 sides. Three common variations are described below. Before getting to them, realize that you can always cut up any quadrilateral into two triangles by slicing across the middle to connect opposite corners. So what you know about triangles could apply in a problem involving quadrilaterals. In many cases, you shouldn't cut the quadrilateral that way, but its good to know you could.
Parallelogram: Cut Into Triangles OR Drop Height The GMAT frequently deals with parallelogram s. A parallelogram is any 4 sided figure in which the op posite sides are parallel and equal. Opposite angles are also equal, and adjacent angles add up to 180°.
In this parallelogram, sides AB and CD are parallel and have equal lengths, sides AD and B C are paral lel and have equal length, angles A D C and A B C are equal and angles DAB and DCB are equal.
B Use hash marks to indicate equal lengths or equal angles.
Use arrows to indicate parallel lines.
D An additional property of any parallelogram is that the diagonal will divide the parallelogram into 2 equal triangles.
Triangle ABD = Triangle BCD
Triangle ADC = Triangle ABC
The diagonals also cut each other in half (bisect each other)
For any parallelogram, the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all the sides and the area is equal to (base) x (height). W ith parallelograms, as with triangles, remember that the base and the height must be perpendicular to one another.
r 10
In this parallelogram, what is the perimeter, and what is the area? The perimeter is the sum of the sides, so its 6 + 8 + 6 + 8 = 28. Alternatively, you can use one of the properties of parallelograms to calculate the perimeter in a different way. You know that parallelograms have two sets of equal sides. In this par allelogram, two of the sides have a length of 6 and two of the sides have a length of 8. So the perimeter equals 2 x 6 + 2 x 8. You can factor out a 2 and say that perimeter = 2 x (6 + 8) = 28. To calculate the area, you need a base and a height. It might be tempting to say that the area is 6 x 8 = 48. But the two sides of this parallelogram are not perpendicular to each other. The dotted line drawn into the figure, however, is perpendicular to side HG. You need to drop a height to the base. The area of parallelogram EFG H is 8 x 4 = 32.
I f you...
Like this:
Then you...
Want the perimeter or area of a parallelogram
Find all sides (for the
perimeter) or drop a
/ G
height (for the area) Perimeter = 6 + 8 + 6 + 8 = 2 8 Area = 8 x 4 = 32
Check Your Skills 22. What is the perimeter of the parallelogram?
23. What is the area of the parallelogram?
Answers can befound on page 472.
Rectangles = Parallelogram + 4 Right Angles Rectangles are a specific type of parallelogram. Rectangles have all the properties of parallelograms, plus one more— a ll 4 internal angles of a rectangle are right angles. With rectangles, you refer to one pair of sides as the length and one pair of sides as the width. It doesn’t matter which is which.
Geometry length J width -1
Chapter 10 B
L r c
-- width
1i 1i length
The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is the same as for the perimeter of a parallelogram. You can add the lengths of the 4 sides, or you can add the length and the width and multiply by 2. The formula for the area of a rectangle is also the same as for the area of a parallelogram. But for any rectangle, the length and width are by definition perpendicular to each other, so you don’t need a sepa rate height. For this reason, the area of a rectangle is commonly expressed as (length) x (width). For the following rectangle, find the perimeter and the area.
Start with the perimeter. Again, you can either fill in the missing sides and add them all up, or recog nize that you have two sides with a length of 5 and two sides with a length of 7. Therefore, perimeter = 2 x (5 + 7), which equals 24. Alternatively, 5 + 5 + 7 + 7 also equals 24. Now find the area. The formula for area is (length) x (width). It s irrelevant which side you call the length. Either way, the area = (5) x (7) = 35. Finally, recognize that the diagonal of a rectangle cuts the rectangle into 2 equal right triangles, with all the properties you expect of right triangles.
Check Your Skills Find the area and perimeter of each rectangle. 24.
Answers can befound on pages 472—473.
Chapter 10
Squares = Rectangle + 4 Equal Sides The most special type of rectangle is a square. A square is a rectangle in w hich a ll 4 sides are equal. So knowing only one side of a square is enough to determine the perimeter and area of a square. For instance, if the length of the side of a square is 3, you know that all 4 sides have a length of 3.
The perimeter of the square is3 + 3 + 3 + 3, which equals 12. Alternatively, once you know the length of one side of a square, you can multiply that length by 4 to find the perimeter. 3 x 4 = 12. To find the area, you use the same formula as for a rectangle— Area = length x width. But, because the shape is a square, you know that the length and the width are equal. Therefore, you can say that the area of a square is Area = (side)2, which is the side length squared. In this case, Area = (3)2 = 9. Squares are like circles: if you know one measure, you can find everything. This is because they are both “regular” figures. All circles look like each other, and all squares look like each other. For circles, the most fundamental measure is the radius, and then you can calculate everything else. For squares, the most fundamental measure is the side length.
Geometry: 'Word' Problems with Pictures______ Now that you know various properties of shapes, such as perimeter and area, how do you use these properties to answer GMAT geometry questions, especially ones with more than one figure? Consider this problem: Rectangles ABCD and EFGH, shown below, have equal areas. The length of side AB is 5. What is the length of diagonal AC?
Chapter 10
First, draw your own copies o f the shapes and fill in everything you know. For this problem, redraw both rectangles. Label side AB with a length of 5. Also, make note of what you re looking for— in this case you want the length of diagonal AC. Draw that diagonal in, and label it with a question mark. F ___________ G
Now turn to the question. Realize that many geometry questions are sim ilar to the word problems discussed in Chapter 9. Both types of problems provide you with information, some of which may be disguised. The information is related through common mathematical relationships, which also may be disguised or implied. In word problems, the information is given in words. In geometry, the information is presented visually. So, has the question above provided you with any information that can be expressed mathematically? Can you create equations? Yes. The two rectangles have equal areas. So you can say that Area^5C£) = A rea^ ^ . You can do even better than that. The formula for area of any rectangle is Area = (length) x (width). So the equation can be rewritten as ( l e n g t h ^ x ( w i d t h ^ = (le n g th y ) x (width£fG//). The length and width of rectangle EFG H are 6 and 10, and the length of AB is 5. The equation becomes (5) x (width^5C£)) = (6) x (10). So (5) x (width^5CD) = 60, meaning that the width of rectangle ABCD equals 12. Any time you learn a new piece of information, add that information into your picture.
To recap, you’ve redrawn the shapes and filled in all the given information (such as side lengths, angles, etc.). You’ve made note of what the question was asking for. Just as you start a word problem by identi fying unknowns, creating variables, and writing down givens, the first step for geometry problems is to
draw or redraw figures and fill in a ll given inform ation. O f course, also confirm what you’re being asked!
Geometry Next, you made use of additional information provided. The question stated that the two rectangles had equal areas. You created an equation to express this relationship, and then you plugged in the values you knew to solve for the width of rectangle ABCD. This process is identical to the process used to solve word problems— you identify relationships and create equations. After that, you solve the equa
tions for the m issing value (in this case, the width of ABCD). In some ways, all you have done so far is set up the problem. In fact, aside from noting that you need to find the length of diagonal AC, nothing you have done so far seems to have directly helped you actually solve for that value. So far, you have found that the width of rectangle ABCD is 12. So why bother solving for the width of rectangle ABCD when you re not even sure why youd need it? You are likely to need that missing value. On the vast majority of GMAT problems, two general prin ciples hold: 1) intermediate steps are required to solve for the value you want and 2) the GMAT almost never provides extraneous information. As a result, something that you can solve for is likely to be a stepping stone on the way to the answer. This doesn’t mean that you should run hog-wild and calculate quantities at random. Rather, as you practice these problems, you’ll gain a sense of the kinds of stepping stones that the GMAT prefers. Now that you know the width of ABCD, what can you figure out that you couldn’t before? Take an other look at the value you’re looking for: the length of AC. You’ve already identified a relationship mentioned in the question— that both rectangles have equal areas. But for many geometry problems, there are additional relationships that aren’t as obvious. The key to this problem is to recognize that AC is not only the diagonal of rectangle ABCD, but is also the hypotenuse of a right triangle. You know this because one property of rectangles is that all four interior angles are right angles.
Now that you know^4C is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, you can use two sides to find the third. One way to get the number is through the Pythagorean Theorem.
Geometry c
Chapter 10
Sides BC and AB are the legs of the triangle, and A C is the hypotenuse, so: (B C )2 + (A B )2 = (A C )2 (12)2 + (5)2 = (A C )2 144 + 25 = (A C )2 169 = (A C )2 13= AC Alternatively, avoid that work by recognizing that this triangle is one of the Pythagorean triplets: a 5 -1 2 -1 3 triangle. Either way, the answer to the question is AC = 13. Let s recap what happened in the last portion of this question. You needed a non-obvious insight: that the diagonal of rectangle ABCD is also the hypotenuse of right triangle ABC. Once you had that insight, you could apply “right triangle” thinking to get that unknown side. The last part of this problem required you to make inferences from the figures. Sometimes you need to make a jump from one shape to another through a common element. For instance, you needed to see A C as both a diagonal of a rectangle and as a hypotenuse of a right triangle. Here A C was common to both a rectangle and a right triangle, playing a different role in each. These inferences can also make you think about what information you need to find another value. The process is very similar to that for a word problem: Step 1: Draw or redraw figures, fill in a ll given information, and identify the target. Fill in all known angles and lengths and make note of any equal sides or angles. Step 2: Identify relationships and create equations. Start with relationships that are explicitly stated somewhere. Step 3: Solve the equations for the m issing value. If you can solve for a value, you will almost always need that value to answer the question.
Chapter 10
Step 4: M ake inferences from the figures. You often need to use relationships that are not explicitly stated. Try this problem: Rectangle PQRS is inscribed in Circle O pictured below. The center of Circle O is also the center of Rectangle PQRS. If the circumference of Circle O is 5 7r, what is the area of Rectangle PQRS?
The first thing to do is redraw the figure on note paper and fill in a ll the given inform ation. The question didn’t explicitly give you the value of any side lengths or angles, but it did say that PQRS is a rectangle. That means all 4 internal angles are right angles. This is how the GMAT tests what you know about the key properties of different shapes. Also identify what you’re looking for: the rectangle’s area.
Now identify relationships and create equations. The question stated that the circumference of Circle O is 5n, and you know the formula for circumference. Circumference equals 27zr, so 5n = 'Inr. You only have one unknown (r), so solve the equation for the m issing value. The radius turns out to be 2.5. You also know that d = 2 r, so the diameter of Circle O is 5.
Chapter 10
Why do you find the radius and diameter? Because you can. And because you’ll almost certainly need one of them to answer the question. Now is the time to make inferences from the figures. Ultimately, this question is asking for the area of rectangle PQRS. What information do you need to find that value? You have the length of QP. If you can find the length of either QR or PS, you can find the area of the rectangle. What is the connection between the rectangle and the radius or diameter? Put in a diameter.
Area = ? That didn’t help much. What if you drew the diameter so that it passed through the center but touched the circle at points P and 7?? You know that the line connecting points P and R will be a diameter, be cause you know that the center of the circle is also the center of the rectangle.
Area = ? Why draw the diameter this way? Now it’s also the diagonal of the rectangle. The circle and the rect angle have a common element. PR is the “bridge” between the two figures. Where do you go from here? You still need the length of either QR or PS (which are the same, because this is a rectangle). Can you get either one of those values? Yes. PQR is a right triangle. Maybe it’s not oriented the way you are used to, but all the elements are there: it’s a triangle, and one of its internal
angles is a right angle. You also know the lengths of 2 of the sides: QP and PR. So you can use the Py thagorean Theorem to find the length of the third side: QR. (QR)2 + (QP)2 = (PR)2 (Q fl)2 + (4 )2 = (5 )2
(QR)2 + 16 = 25 (QR)2 = 9 QR= 3 Alternatively, you could have recognized the Pythagorean triplet— triangle PQR is a 3 - 4 - 5 triangle. Either way, you conclude that the length of QR is 3.
Area = ? At last, you have what you need to find the area of rectangle PQRS. Area = (length) x (width) = (4) x (3) = 12. The answer to the question is 12. The key insight in this problem was to realize that you could draw a diameter that would also act as the diagonal of the rectangle, linking the two figures as a “bridge.” You also had to recognize that PQR was a right triangle, even though it may have been hard to see. These kinds of insights will be crucial to suc cess on the GMAT.
Ify o u ...
Then you...
Face a complicated ge
Follow the basic 4-step
ometry problem, espe
process to solve, finding
cially one that has more
intermediate unknowns
than one figure
and looking for bridges
L ike this: 1) Redraw, fill in, label target 2) Spot relationships & write equations 3) Solve for what you can 4) Make inferences
Geometry Check Your Skills 26. In rectangle ABCD, the distance from A to C is 10. What is the area of the circle inside the rect
angle, if this circle touches both AD and BC? (This is known as an inscribed circle).
The answer can befound on pages 473—474.
Coordinate Plane— Position Is a Pair of Numbers Before discussing the coordinate plane, let s review the number line. Position
“Two units right of
Number Line ^
- 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3
“One and a half
units left of zero”
|^ | |
| ^
- 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3
The number line is a ruler or measuring stick that goes as far as you want in both directions. With the number line, you can say where something is with a single number. In other words, you can link a posi tion with a number. You use both positive and negative numbers to indicate positions both left and right of zero. You might be wondering “The position of what?” The answer is, a point, which is just a dot. When you are dealing with the number line, a point and a number mean the same thing. ♦
- 2 - 1 0
If you tell me the number, I can show you where the point is on the number line.
the point is at —2
I----- 1-----1----- 1
If you show me where the point is on the number line, I can tell you the number.
the point is at 0
|----- 1
+ — |----- 1
—2 —1 0
This works even if you only have partial information about the point. If you tell me something about where the point is, I can tell you something about the number, and vice-versa.
Chapter 10
For instance, if I say that the number is positive, then I know that the point lies somewhere to the right of 0 on the number line. Even though I don’t know the exact location of the point, I do know a range of potential values. The num ber is positive. In other words, the number is greater than (>) 0.
^ ----- 1----- 1----- 1— - 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3
This also works in reverse. If I see a range of potential positions on a number line, I can tell you what that range is for the number. — I----- 1-----■■ _3 _2 _1
The number is less than (<) 0.
Everything so far should be familiar. Inequalities were discussed in the last chapter. But now let’s make things more complicated. What if you want to be able to locate a point that’s not on a straight line, but on a page?
Begin by inserting the number line into the picture. This will help you determine how far to the right or left of 0 the point is.
The point is two units to the right of zero. But all three points that touch the dotted line are two units to the right of zero. You don’t have enough information to determine the unique location of the point.
« 448
Chapter 10
To locate the point, you also need to know how far up or down the dotted line. To determine how far up or down to go, you’ll need another number line. This number line, however, is going to be vertical. Using this vertical number line, you can measure how far above or below 0 a point is.
The point is one unit above
_______________ 1 . 4 -----------------------------------------------^
zero. h ......... * ............. Notice that this number line
-1 • -2 -
-3 -
by itself also does not provide enough information to determine the unique loca tion of the point.
But, if you combine the information from the two number lines, you can determine both how far left or right and how far up or down the point is.
The point is 2 units to the right o f 0. H----- 1----- hO-3 - 2 -1 0 -1 -2 -
AND The point is 1 unit above 0.
-3 -
Now you have a unique description of the point’s position. Only one point on the page is BOTH 2 units to the right of 0 AND 1 unit above 0. On a page, you need two numbers to indicate position. Just as with the number line, information can travel in either direction. If I tell you where the point is located with the two numbers, you can place that point on the page.
3 The point is 3 units to the left o f 0.
2 1
-3 - 2 - 1 The point is 2 unit below 0.
-i +
------2 -3
Chapter 10
If, on the other hand, you see a point on the page, you can identify its location and extract the two numbers.
The point is 1 units to the
right o f 0.
1 i1 -3
i1 i1nu -2 -1 () -1 -2 -3 -
ii ;l
ti 2
ii 3
AND The point is 2.5 units below 0.
iL .................. r
Now that you have two pieces of information for each point, you need to keep straight which number is which. In other words, you need to know which number gives the left-right position and which number gives the up-down position. Some technical terms indicate the difference. The ^-coordinate is the left right-number.
1 H
- 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3 Numbers to the right of 0 are positive.
This number line is the x-axis
Numbers to the left of 0 are negative. The j-coordinate is the up-down number.
3 --
Numbers above 0 are positive.
2 --
Numbers below 0 are negative.
1 -0 --
This number line is th e j-a x is
-1 - -2
- -
-3 -
The point where the axes cross is called the origin. This is always 0 on both axes.
Geometry Now, when describing the location of a point, you can use the technical terms.
The x-coordinate of the point is 1 and the ^/-coordinate o f the point is 0.
In short, you can say that, for this point, x = 1 and y = 0. In fact, you can go even further. You can say that the point is at (1, 0). This shorthand always has the same basic layout. The first number in the parentheses is the x-coordinate, and the second number is the ^/-coordinate. One easy way to remember this is that x comes before y in the alphabet. The origin has coordinates (0, 0).
The point is at (—3, —1) OR The point has an ^-coordinate o f - 3 and aj/-coordinate o f —1.
Now you have a fully functioning coordinate plane: an x-axis and ajy-axis drawn on a page. The coor dinate plane allows you to determine the unique position of any point on a plane (essentially, a really big and flat sheet of paper). And in case you were ever curious about what one-dimensional and two-dim ensional mean, now you know. A line is one dimensional, because you only need one number to identify a points location. A plane is two-dimensional because you need two numbers to identify a points location.
I f you...
Then you... Use the x-coordinate for
Want to plot a point on
right/left of (0, 0) and
the coordinate plane
use the ^/-coordinate for up/down from (0, 0)
L ike this: (3, 2) is three units right and two units up from the origin
Chapter 10 Check Your Skills
27. Draw a coordinate plane and plot the following points: 1 .0 ,1 ) 2. (-2 ,3 .5 ) 3 .(0 ,-4 .5 ) 4. (1,0) 28. Which point on the coordinate plane below is indicated by the following coordinates? 1. (2 ,-1 ) 2. (-1 .5 ,-3 ) 3. (-1 ,2 ) 4. (3,2)
Answers can be found on page 474.
Know Just One Coordinate = Narrow Down to a Line You need to know both the ^-coordinate and the ^/-coordinate to plot a point exactly on the coordinate plane. If you only know one coordinate, you cant tell precisely where the point is, but you can narrow down the possibilities. Lets say that all you know is that the point is 4 units to the right of 0.
Geometry Any point along the vertical dotted line is 4 units to the right of 0. In other words, every point on the dotted line has an x-coordinate of 4. You could shorten that and say x = 4. You don’t know anything about the ^/-coordinate, which could be any number. All the points along the dotted line have different ^/-coordinates but the same x-coordinate, which equals 4. So, if you know that x = 4, then the point can be anywhere along a vertical line that crosses the x-axis at (4, 0). Lets try with another example. If you know that x = - 3 ... Then we know
1| i1 1i nu 5 -2-1 () -1 -
1l 2
1l 3
Every point on the dotted line has an x-coordinate o f - 3 .
Points on the dotted line include (-3, 1), (-3, -7), (-3, 100) and so on. In general, if you know the x-coordinate of a point and not the ^/-coordinate, then all you can say about the point is that it lies on a vertical line. The x-coordinate still indicates left-right position. If you fix that position but not the up-down position, then the point can only move up and down— forming a vertical line. Now imagine that all you know is the/-coordinate of a number. Say you know that y = —2. How could you represent this on the coordinate plane? In other words, what are all the points for which y = -2? Every point 2 units below 0 fits this condition. These points form a horizontal line. We don’t know anything about the x-coordinate, which could be any number. All the points along the horizontal dotted line have different x-coordinates but the same/-coordinate, which equals —2. For instance, (-3 , —2), (—2, —2), (50, —2) are all on the line.
Chapter 10
Lets try another example. If you know that y = 1... Then we know
Every point on the dotted line has an ^/-coordinate o f 1.
If you know the ^/-coordinate but not the x-coordinate, then you know the point lies somewhere on a horizontal line. Like this:
Then you...
If you...
Let the other coordinate Know just one coordinate
roam free, so that you get a line
The points with a fixed x-coordinate equal to 3 (x = 3) form the vertical line through (3, 0), since y is free to run
Check Your Skills Draw a coordinate plane and plot the following lines.
29. x = 6 30. y = - 2 31.x = 0 Answers can be found on page 475.
Knowing Ranges What do you do if all you know is that x > 0? To answer that, return to the number line for a moment. As you saw earlier, if x > 0, then the target is anywhere to the right of 0. < — I— I— I— 0 — I H - - H > - 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3 *>0 Now look at the coordinate plane. All you know is that thing about y, which could be any number.
is greater than 0. And you don’t know any
Chapter 10
How do you show all the possible points? You can shade in part of the coordinate plane: the part to the right of 0. If you know that x > 0 ... Then we know
Every point in the shaded region has an x-coordinate greater than 0.
Now say that all you know is y < 0. Then you can shade in the bottom half of the coordinate plane— where thejy-coordinate is less than 0. The x-coordinate can be anything. I f you know that y < 0 ... Then we know
3+ 2
1+ H-----h0-2 -1 0 -1
Every point in the shaded region has aj/-coordinate less than 0.
-2 -3
Finally, if you know information about both x and y, then you can narrow down the shaded region. I f you know that x > 0 AND y < 0 ...
Chapter 10
Geometry Then we know
The only place where x is greater than 0 AND y is less than 0 is the bottom right quarter of the plane. So you know that the point lies somewhere in the bottom right quarter of the coordinate plane. The four quarters of the coordinate plane are called quadrants. Each quadrant corresponds to a differ ent combination of signs of x and y. The quadrants are always numbered as shown below, starting on the top right and going counter-clockwise.
I f you...
Then you...
Like this:
Only know ranges for a co
Can plot a shaded
If x is less than 0, then all the
ordinate (or both) because
region corresponding to
points on the left of the j-axis are
of an inequality or two
the proper range
valid; half the plane is shaded
Check Your Skills 32. Which quadrant do the following points lie in? 1.(1, -2 )
2. (-4.6, 7)
3. (-1, -2.5)
4. (3, 3)
33. Which quadrant or quadrants are indicated by the following? 1.x<0,y>0
Answers can be found on page 476.
Chapter 10
Read a Graph = Drop a Line to the Axes If you see a point on a coordinate plane, you can read off its coordinates as follows. To find an x-coordinate, drop an imaginary line down to the x-axis (or up to it) and read off the number.
I ^
1 1 ^ h
' C
i n
1 M
K> -
1 -
1 OJ
11 1
11 2
11 3
The line hits the x-axis at -2 , so the x-coordinate of the point is -2 . Now, to find the ^/-coordinate, you employ a similar technique; only now you draw a horizontal line instead of a vertical line.
3H •
1i 1i 1inu -3 -2 -1 ( -1 -
l11 1
11 2
11 3
Ii Ii 1inu -3 -2 -1 () -1 -
-2 -
-2 -
-3 -
-3 -
11 1
11 2
11 3
The line touches the j-axis at 2, which means the ^/-coordinate of the point is 2. Thus, the coordinates of point B are (-2, 2). Now suppose that you know the target is on a slanted line in the plane. You can read coordinates off of this slanted line. Try this problem on your own first.
Chapter 10
On the line shown, what is the ^/-coordinate of the point that has an x-coordinate o f—4?
To answer this question, think about reading the coordinates of a point. You went from the point to the axes. Here, you will go from the axis that you know (here, the x-axis) to the line that contains the point, and then to the j/-axis (the axis you don’t know).
So the point on the line that has an x-coordinate o f- 4 has a ^/-coordinate o f-3 . This method of locating points applies equally well to any shape or curve you may encounter on a coor dinate plane. Try this next problem.
Chapter 10
On the curve shown, what is the value ofy when x = 2?
Once again, you know the x-coordinate, so you draw a line from the x-axis (where you know the coor dinate) to the curve, and then draw a line to the j/-axis.
On the curve shown, the point that has an x-coordinate of 2 has a j/-coordinate of 1. Note that the GMAT will mathematically define each line or curve, so you will never be forced to guess visually where a point falls. This discussion is meant to convey how to use any graphical representation.
Chapter 10 Check Your Skills
34. On the following graph, w hat is the y-coordinate of the point on the line that has an x-coordin a te o f-3 ?
The answer can be found on page 476.
Plot a Relationship: Give Me an Jf, Til Tell You a Y The most frequent use of the coordinate plane is to display a relationship between x and y. Often, this relationship is expressed this way: if you tell me x, I can tell you y. As an equation, this sort of relationship looks like this: y = some expression involving *
Another way of saying this is you have y “in terms o f ’ x
y = 2x + 1
If you plug a number in for x in any of these
y = x2 - 3x + 2 x
equations, you can calculate a value for y.
x+2 Take y = 2x + 1. You can generate a set of y s by plugging in various values of x. Start by making a table.
y = 2x + 1
y = 2(—1) + 1 = - 1
y = 2(0) + 1 = 1
y = 2(1) + 1 = 3
y = 2(2) + 1 = 5
Chapter 10
Now that you have some values, see what you can do with them. You can say that when x equals 0, y equals 1. These two values form a pair. You express this connection by plotting the point (0, 1) on the coordinate plane. Similarly, you can plot all the other points that represent an x-y pair from the table:
• (2, 5) 4 3
1 (0, 1) H--- 1--- 1--- 1--- h -h0- H--- 1--- 1--- I--- 1--- h 3 4 5 6 1 -5 - 4 - 3 - 2 -1 #-i4(- 1, - 1)i -2--
-3-_4 _.
You might notice that these points seem to lie on a straight line. You’re right— they do. In fact, any point that you can generate using the relationship y = 2x + 1 will also lie on the line.
This line is the graphical representation ofy = 2x + 1 So now you can talk about equations in visual terms. In fact, that’s what lines and curves on the coordi nate plane are— they represent all the x-y pairs that make an equation true. Take a look at the follow ing example:
Chapter 10
y = 2x+ 1 5 = 2(2) + 1
If you plug in 2 for x in The point (2, 5) lies on the liney = 2x + 1
y = 2x + 1, you get 5 for y
You can even speak more generally, using variables.
y = 2x + 1 b = 2(a) + 1
If you plug in a for x in y =
The point (a, I'?) lies on the line y = 2x + 1
2x + 1, you get b for y
Then you...
Like this:
Input values of x into
Plot j/ = 4 —x
Want to plot a relation
the relationship, get
ship in the x-y plane
values of y back, then
If x = 0, then y = 4, etc.
plot the (x, y) pairs
Then plot (0, 4), etc.
Check Your Skills 35. True or False? The point (9,21) is on the line y = 2x + 1. 36. True or False? The point (4,14) is on the curve y = x2 - 2. Answers can be found on page 476.
Chapter 10
Lines in the Plane: Use Slope and K-lntercept To Plot The relationship y = 2x + 1 formed a line in the coordinate plane. You can generalize this relationship. Any relationship of the following form represents a line: y = mx + b
m and b represent numbers (positive or negative)
For instance, in the equation y = l x + 1, you can see that m = 2 and b = 1. Lines
Not Lines
y = 3x —2
m = 3, b = —2
y = x2
y = -x + 4
m = —1, b —4
1 y —■
These are called linear equations.
These equations are not linear.
The numbers m and b have special meanings when you are dealing with linear equations, m = slope. This tells you how steep the line is and whether the line is rising or falling. 321|
l n
i> ^ T '
1 1 2
-2 -3-
Positive Slope m> 0
Negative Slope m<0
Steep Slope m>
Shallow Slope 0<m<
b = y -intercept. This tells you where the line crosses the y-axis. Any line or curve crosses the j/-axis when x = 0. To find the ^-intercept, plug in 0 for x in the equation.
Geometry By recognizing linear equations and identifying m and b, you can plot a line more quickly than by plot ting several points on the line.
Check Your Skills What are the slope and ^/-intercept of the following lines?
37. y = 3x + 4 3 8 .2 y = 5 x - 12 Answers can be found on pages 476—477. How do you use m and b to sketch a line? Plot the line y = ll2x - 2. The easiest way to begin graphing a line is to begin with the j/-intercept. You know that the line crosses the j/-axis at y = -2 , so begin by plotting that point on the coordinate plane.
Now you need to figure out how to use slope in order to finish drawing the line. Every slope, whether an integer or a fraction, should be thought of as a fraction. In this equation, the m is 1/2. Look at the parts of the fraction
and see what they can tell you about the slope.
J_ -> Numerator -> Rise -> Change in y 2 -> Denominator -> Run -> Change in x The numerator of the fraction tells you how many units you want to move in the y direction— in other words, how far up or down you want to move. The denominator tells you how many units you want to move in the x direction— in other words, how far left or right you want to move. For this particular equation, the slope is 1/2, which means you want to move up 1 unit and right 2 units.
Chapter 10
3 2~ 1 H----- I----- hO-
-3 - 2 - 1 0
- 1* -2
Up 1 unit
-3 +
After you went up 1 unit and right 2 units, you ended up at the point (2, -1). What that means is that the point (2, -1) is also a solution to the equationy = 1h x - 2. In fact, you can plug in the x value and solve for y to check that you did this correctly. y = l/ix —2
y = V2(2) —2
y = 1 - 2~> y = - l
What this means is that you can use the slope to generate points and draw the line. If you go up another 1 unit and right another 2 units, you will end up with another point that appears on the line. Although you could keep doing this indefinitely, in reality, with only 2 points you can figure out what the line looks like. Now all you need to do is draw the line that connects the 2 points you have, and you’re done.
y = lh x - 2 That means that this line is the graphical representation o f y = lh x - 2. Lets try another one. Graph the equationy = (-3/2)x 4- 4. Once again, the best way to start is to plot the ^/-intercept. In this equation, b = 4, so you know the line crosses the j/-axis at the point (0, 4).
Chapter 10
Now you can use the slope to find a second point. This time, the slope is -3/2, which is a negative slope. While positive slopes go up and to the right, negative slopes go down and to the right. To find the next point, you need to go down 3 units and right 2 units.
Down 3 units
2 --
Right 2 units
1 H-----1-----1-----hO-
-3 -2 -1 0 -1 -
H------ 1--h 2 3 4
-4 -3
-2 -
-3 -
4— 4-------------- 1-1— 1
That means that (2, 1) is another point on the line. Now that you have 2 points, you can draw the line.
I f you...
Chapter 10
Then you...
Like this:
Put the equation in the
Plot y = 4 —x
Want to plot a linear
form of mx + b, then
equation in the x—y plane
use m and b
y = 4 - x = —Ix + 4
to draw the line
Slope is -1, jy-intercept is (0, 4)
Check Your Skills 39. Draw a coordinate plane and graph the liney = 2 x - 4 . Identify the slope and they-intercept. The answer can be found on page 477-
Check Your Skills Answers____________________ 1. The formula for area is A = nr2. The radius is 7, so Area = n(7)2 = A9n. 2. Circumference of a circle is either C —2nr or C = nd. The question asks for the diameter, so we’ll use the latter formula. YJn=nd. Divide by n, and we get 17 = d. The diameter is 17. 3. The link between area and circumference of a circle is that they are both defined in terms of the radius. Area of a circle is A = nr2, so we can use the area of the circle to find the radius. Tbn = nr2, so r = 5. If the radius equals 5, then the circumference is C = 2n(5), which equals 10n. The circumference is 10 n. 270° 3 4. If the central angle of the sector is 270°, then it is 3/4 of the full circle, because--------= —. If the ra5 360° 4 dius is 2, then the area of the full circle is n(2)2, which equals An. If the area of the full circle is An, then the area of the sector will be 3/4 x An, which equals 3n. 5. To find the central angle, we first need to figure out what fraction of the circle the sector is. We can do that by finding the circumference of the full circle. The radius is 3, so the circumference of the circle
Atz 2
is 2n(3) = 6n. That means the sector is 2/3 of the circle, because — = — . That means the central angle of the sector is 2/3 x 360°, which equals 240°.
6. We can begin by finding the area of the whole circle. The radius of the circle is 10, so the area is 4071 4 2 7r(10)2, which equals 1007T. That means the sector is 2/5 of the circle, because ~= — = —. We can find the circumference of the whole circle using C = 2nr. The circumference equals 207t. 2/5 x 207T = 8n. The arc length of the sector is 8 n. 7. If the two known sides of the triangle are 5 and 19, then the third side of the triangle cannot have a length of 13, because that would violate the rule that any two sides of a triangle must add up to greater than the third side. 5 + 13 = 18, and 18 < 19. No possible triangle with these lengths.
8. If the two known sides of the triangle are 8 and 17, then the third side must be less than the sum of the other 2 sides. 8 + 17 = 25, so the third side must be less than 25.The third side must also be greater than the difference of the other two sides. 17 - 8 = 9, so the third side must be greater than 9. That means that 9 < third side < 25.
Chapter 10
9. The internal angles of a triangle must add up to 180°, so we know that 40 + 75 + x = 180. Solving for x gives us x = 65°.
10. The 3 internal angles of the triangle must add up to 180°, so 50 + x + x = 180. That means that 2x = 130, and x = 65.
11. In order to determine the missing angles of the triangle, we need to do a little work with the picture. We can figure out the value of x, because straight lines have a degree measure of 180, so 110 + x = 180, which means x = 70.
That means our picture looks like this:
Now we can find y, because 30 + 70 + y = 180. Solving for y gives us y = 80. 12. In this triangle, two sides have the same length, which means this triangle is isosceles. We also know that the two angles opposite the two equal sides will also be equal. That means that x must be 80.
13. In this triangle, two angles are equal, which means this triangle is isosceles. We also know that the two sides opposite the equal angles must also be equal, so x must equal 4.
Chapter 10
14. This triangle is isosceles, because two sides have the same length. That means that the angles op posite the equal sides must also be equal.
That means our triangle really looks like this:
Now we can find x, because we know 35 + 35 + x = 180. Solving for a: gives us x = 110.
To find the perimeter of the triangle, we add up all three sides. 5 + 8 + 12 = 25, so the perimeter is 25. 16. To find the perimeter of the triangle, we need the lengths of all three sides. This is an isosceles triangle, because two angles are equal. That means that the sides opposite the equal angles must also be equal. So our triangle looks like this:
So the perimeter is 6 + 6 + 4, which equals 16. The perimeter is 16. 17. The area of a triangle is lh b x h. In the triangle shown, the base is 6 and the height is 5. So the area is V2(6) x 5, which equals 15. 18. In this triangle, the base is 10 and the height is 7. Remember that the height must be perpendicular to the base— it doesn’t need to lie within the triangle. So the area is V2(10) x 7, which equals 35. The area of the triangle is 35.
Chapter 10
19. This is a right triangle, so we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for the length of the third side. The hypotenuse is the side with length 10, so the formula is (8)2 + b 2 = (10)2. 64 + b2 = 100. b1 = 36, which means b = 6. So the third side of the triangle has a length of 6. Alternatively, you could rec ognize that this triangle is one of the Pythagorean triplets— a 6 -8 -1 0 triangle, which is just a doubled 3 - 4 - 5 triangle. 20. This is a right triangle, so we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for the length of the third side. The hypotenuse is the unknown side, so the formula is (5)2 + (12)2 = c2. 25 + 144 = c2. c2 = 169, which means c = 13. So the third side of the triangle has a length of 13. Alternatively, you could recog nize that this triangle is one of the Pythagorean triplets— a 5-12-13 triangle. 21. This is a right triangle, so we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for the third side, or al ternatively recognize that this is a 3 -4 -5 triangle. Either way, the result is the same: The length of the third side is 3.
Now we can find the are of the triangle. Area of a triangle is xh b x A,so the area of this triangle is 72(3) x (4), which equals 6. The area of the triangle is 6. 22. In parallelograms, opposite sides have equal lengths, so we know that two of the sides of the paral lelogram have a length of 6 and two sides have a length of 10.
10 So the perimeter is 6 + 10 + 6 + 10, which equals 32. 23. Area of a parallelogram is b x h. In this parallelogram, the base is 9 and the height is 4, so the area is (9) x (4), which equals 36. The area of the parallelogram is 36. 24. In rectangles, opposite sides have equal lengths, so our rectangle looks like this: 7
Chapter 10
So the perimeter is 3 + 7 + 3 + 7, which equals 20. The area of a rectangle is b x h, sothe area is(7) x (3), which equals 21. So the perimeter is 20, and the area is 21. 25. To find the area and perimeter of the rectangle, we need to know the length of either sidzAB or side CD. The diagonal of the rectangle creates a right triangle, so we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of side CD. Alternatively, we can recognize that triangle ACD is a 6—8—10 triangle, and thus the length of side CD is 8. Either way, our rectangle now looks like this:
So the perimeter of the rectangle is 6 + 8 + 6 + 8, which equals 28. The area is (6) x (8), which equals 48. So the perimeter is 28 and the area is 48. 26. Redraw the diagram without the circle, so you can focus on the rectangle. Add in the diagonal AC, since we re given its length.
Now we look at right triangle ABC. AC functions not only as the diagonal of rectangle ABCD but also as the hypotenuse of right triangle ABC. So now we find the third side of triangle ABC, either using the Pythagorean Theorem or recognizing a Pythagorean triplet (6-8-10).
Side A B has length 6.
Chapter 10 CAB)2 + 82 = 102 {AB)1 + 64 = 100 (AB)2 = 36 AB = 6
Now, we redraw the diagram with the circle but without the diagonal, since we’ve gotten what we needed from that: the other side of the rectangle.
Since the circle touches both A D and BC, we know that its diameter must be 6.
Finally, we find the radius and compute the area: d = 6 = 2r
Area = nr1
= lib1 Area - 9n 4-
27. (-2*3.5)
i1 i1 i1 i n - 4 - 3 - 2 -1 () -1 -2 -3 -4 (0, -4 .5 ) <>
1. (2, -1): E 2. (-1.5, -3): C 3. (-1, 2): B 4. (3, 2): D
(3^1) (1.0) A I 1 I 1I 1 V 1 2 3 4
Chapter 10
x= 6
30. 3 2 1H-----1-----bO0 -3 -2 -1
-1 -
H-----1-----h 1
x = 0 is the j-axis.
Chapter 10 32.
1.(1, -2) is in Quadrant IV
x< 0 y> 0
2. (—4.6, 7) is in Quadrant II 3. (-1, -2.5) is in Quadrant III 4. (3, 3) is in Quadrant I
1i1 i1 ti nu - 3 - 2 -1 () -1 III
x< 0 y< 0 33.
x> 0 y> 0
^■ 2-
-2 a
11 1
11 2
11 3
IV x> 0 y< 0
l.x < Q ,y > 0 indicates Quadrant II 2. x < 0, y < 0 indicates Quadrant III 3. y > 0 indicates Quadrants I and II 4. x < 0 indicates Quadrants II and III
34. The point on the line with x = —3 has ajy-coordinate o f- 4 .
35. False. The relationship is y = 2x + 1, and the point we are testing is (9, 21). So we plug in 9 for x and see if we get 21 for y. y = 2(9) + 1 = 19. The point (9, 21) does not lie on the line. 36. True. The relationship is y = x2 - 2, and the point we are testing is (4, 14). So we plug in 4 for x and see if we get 14 for y. y = (4)2 - 2 = 14. The point (4, 14) lies on the curve. 37. The equation y = 3x + 4 is already in y = mx + b form, so we can directly find the slope and j/-intercept. The slope is 3, and thejy-intercept is 4.
Chapter 10
38. To find the slope and ^/-intercept of a line, we need the equation to be in y = mx + b form. We need to divide our original equation by 2 to make that happen. So 2y = 5x - 12 becomes y = 2.5x - 6. So the slope is 2.5 (or 5/2) and the ^/-intercept is - 6 . 39. y = 2x - 4 slope = 2 ^/-intercept = - 4
Chapter Review: Drill Sets Drill 1 1. The radius of a circle is 4. W hat is its area? 2. The diam eter o f a circle is 7. W hat is its circumference? 3. The radius of a circle is 3. W hat is its circumference? 4. The area of a circle is 36n. W hat is its radius? 5. The circumference of a circle is 18 tt. W hat is its area?
Drill 2 6. The area of a circle is 100 tt. W hat is its circumference? 7. The diam eter of a circle is 16. Calculate its radius, circumference, and area. 8. Which circle has a larger area? Circle A has a circumference of 6n and Circle B has an area of Sn. 9. Which has a larger area? Circle C has a diam eter of 10 and Circle D has a circumference of 12n. 10. A circle initially has an area of An. If the radius is doubled, how many times greater is the new area than the original area?
Drill 3 11. A sector has a central angle o f 90°. If the sector has a radius of 8, w hat is the area of the sector? 12. A sector has a central angle o f 30°. If the sector has a radius of 6, w hat is the arc length of the sector? 13. A sector has an arc length of In and a diam eter of 14. W hat is the central angle of the sector? 14. A sector has a central angle o f 270°. If the sector has a radius of 4, w hat is the area of the sec tor? 15. A sector has an area of 24n and a radius of 12. W hat is the central angle of the sector?
Drill 4 16. The area of a sector is 1/10th the area o f the full circle. W hat is the central angle of the sector? 17. W hat is the perim eter of a sector w ith a radius of 5 and a central angle of 72°? 18. A sector has a radius of 8 and an area of 8^. W hat is the arc length of the sector? 19. A sector has an arc length o f n i l and a central angle of 45°. W hat is the radius of the sector? 20. Which of the following tw o sectors has a larger area? Sector^ has a radius of 4 and a central angle o f 90°. Sector B has a radius of 6 and a central angle of 45°.
Drill 5 21. A triangle has tw o sides w ith lengths of 5 and 11, respectively. W hat is the range of values for the length of th e third side? 22. In a right triangle, the length of one of the legs is 3 and the length of the hypotenuse is 5. W hat is the length o f the other leg?
Chapter 10 23. W hat is the area of Triangle DEF7 E
24. Which side of Triangle GHI has the longest length? H
25. W hat is the value of x? B
Not drawn to scale.
Drill 6 26. Two sides of a triangle have lengths 4 and 8. Which of the following are possible side lengths of the third side? (More than one may apply) a. 2
b .4
c. 6
d .8
27. DFG is a straight line. W hat is the value of x? E
l00° D
Chapter 10
28. Isosceles triangle ABC has tw o sides with lengths 3 and 9. W hat is the length of the third side? 29. Which o f the following could be the length of side AB, if x < y < z l a. 6
b. 10
c. 14 B
30. W hat is the area of right triangle A B O B 13
Drill 7 31. W hat is the perim eter of triangle A B O B
32. The area o f right triangle ABC is 15. W hat is the length of hypotenuse BC1 B
Chapter 10
33. W hat is the length of side HI? H
34. Which triangle has the greatest perimeter? B
35. WZ has a length of 3 and ZX has a length of 6. W hat is the area of Triangle XYZ?. Y
Drill 8 36. W hat is the perim eter of parallelogram ABCD1
37. W hat is the area of parallelogram EFGH? E
Chapter 10
38. The tw o parallelograms pictured below have the same perimeter. W hat is the length of side EH1
39. In Parallelogram ABCD, Triangle ABC has an area of 12. W hat is the area of Triangle/ICD? B__________
40. Rectangle WXYZ and Rectangle OPQR have equal areas. W hat is the length of side PQ? X
Drill 9 41. W hat is the area of Rectangle ABCD? B
42. In Rectangle ABCD, the area ofTriangle/lB C is 30. What is the length of diagonaMC? B
Chapter 10
43. Rectangles ABCD and EFGH have equal areas. W hat is the length of side FG? F _________ G
44. A rectangle has a perim eter of 10 and an area of 6. W hat are the length and w idth of the rect angle? 45. Triangle ABC and Rectangle JKLM have equal areas. W hat is the perim eter of Rectangle JKLM1 B
Drill 10 46. W hat is the perim eter of a square with an area of 25? 47. A rectangle and a square have the same area.The square has a perim eter of 32 and the rect angle has a length o f 4. W hat is the width of the rectangle? 48. A circle is inscribed inside a square, so that the circle touches all four sides of the square. The length of one of the sides of the square is 9. What is the area of the circle?
( * 4 f * i
Chapter 10
49. Square ABCD has an area of 49. W hat is the length of diagonal AC? B
50. RightTriangle>4BC and Rectangle EFGH have the same perimeter. W hat is the value of x? B
Drill 11 51. Draw a coordinate plane and plot the following points: 1 .(2 ,3 )
2. ( - 2 , - 1 )
3. ( - 5 , - 6 )
4. (4 ,-2 .5 )
52. W hat are the x- and y-coordinates of the following points?
Chapter 10
53. W hat is they-coordinate of the point on the line that has an x-coordinate of 3?
54. W hat is the x-coordinate of the point on the line that has a y-coordinate of -4 ?
55. Does the point (3, -2 ) lie on the line y = 2x - 8?
Drill 12 56. Does the point (-3 ,0 ) lie on the curve y = x 2- 3? 57. For the line y = 4x + 2, w hat is the y-coordinate when x = 3? 58. W hat is the y-intercept of the line y = -2 x - 7? 59. Graph the lin e y = X/3X - 4. 60. Graph the line 1h y = - 1/ 2 X + 1.
Drill Set Answers Drill 1 1.
The radius of a circle is 4. What is its area? Area of a circle is #r2, so the area of the circle is #(4)2, which equals 16#.
The diameter of a circle is 7. What is its circumference? Circumference of a circle is 2#r, or Kd. We have the diameter, so the circumference equals #(7), which equals 7#.
The radius of a circle is 3. What is its circumference? Circumference of a circle is 2#r, or 7td. We have the radius, so circumference equals 2#(3), which equals 6 k .
The area of a circle is 36 k . What is its radius? Area of a circle is m2, so 36 k = #r2. We need to solve for r. Divide both sides by #, so 36 = r2. Take the square root of both sides, and 6 = r. We can ignore the negative solution because distances cannot be negative.
The circumference of a circle is 18k . What is its area? The connection between circumference and area is radius. We can use the circumference to solve for the radius. 18# = 2#r, which means that 9 = r. That means that Area = #(9)2>which equals 81#.
Drill 2 6.
The area of a circle is 100#. What is its circumference? The connection between circumference and area is radius. 100# =
and solving for r gives
us r = 10. That means that Circumference = 2#(10), which equals 20#. 7.
The diameter of a circle is 16. Calculate its radius, circumference, and area. d = 2r, so 16 = 2r. Radius = 8. Circumference = 2#r, so Circumference = 2#(8) = 16#. Area = #r2, so Area = #(8)2 = 64#.
Which circle has a larger area? Circle A has a circumference of 6# and Circle B has an area of 8#. To figure out which circle has a larger area, we need to find the area of Circle A. If we know the circumference, then 6# = 2#r, which means r = 3. If r = 3, then Area = #(3)2 = 9#. 9# > 8#, so Circle A has a larger area.
Which has a larger area? Circle C has a diameter of 10 and Circle D has a circumference of
Chapter 10
We need to find the area of both circles. Let’s start with Circle C. If thediameter of Circle C is 10, then the radius is 5. That means that Area = 7t(5)2 = 25 n. If the circumference of Circle D is Yin, the 127T = 2nr. r = 6. If r = 6, then Area = n(6)2 = 367T. 3 6n > 25 n, so Circle D has the larger area. A circle initially has an area of An. If the radius is doubled, how many times greater is the new
area than the original area? To begin, we need to find the original radius of the circle. An = m2, so r —2. If we double the radius, the new radius is 4. A circle with a radius of 4 has an area of I6n. 16n is 4 times An, so the new area is 4 times the original area.
Drill 3 11.
A sector has a central angle of 90°. If the sector has a radius of 8, what is the area of the sector? 9 1 If the sector has a central angle of 90°, then the sector is 1/4 of the circle, because ------ X — . B 360 4 To find the area of the sector, we need to find the area of the whole circle first. The radius is 8, which means the area is tt(8)2 = 6An. 1/4 x 6An = 167T. The area of the sector is 16n.
A sector has a central angle of 30°. If the sector has a radius of 6, what is the arc length of the sector? 30 1 If the sector has a central angle of 30°, then it is l/12th of the circle, because ----- = — .T o 360 12 find the arc length of the sector, we need to know the circumference of the entire circle. The radius of the circle is 6, so the circumference is 2n{6) = 127T. That means that the arc length of the sector is 1/12 x 12n = n.
A sector has an arc length of In and a diameter of 14. What is the central angle of the sector? To find the central angle of the sector, we first need to find what fraction of the full circle the sector is. We have the arc length, so if we can find the circumference of the circle, we can figure out what fraction of the circle the sector is. The diameter is 14, so the circumference is n(A) = 771 1 An. ----- = — . So the sector is 1/2 the full circle. That means that the central angle of the sec1471: 2 tor is 1/2 x 360° = 180°. So the central angle is 180°.
A sector has a central angle of 270°. If the sector has a radius of 4, what is the area of the sector? 270° 3 The sector is 3/4 of the circle, because ------ = —. To find the area of the sector, we need the 360° 4 area of the whole circle. The radius of the circle is 4, so the area is n(A)2 = 16n. That means the area of the circle is 3/4 x 6n —12n.
Geometry A sector has an area of 2An and a radius of 12. What is the central angle of the sector? We first need to find the area of the whole circle. The radius is 12, which means the area is 24ft 1 7t(12)2 = AAk . -------- = —, so the sector is l/6th of the entire circle. That means that the central lAAn 6 angle is l/6th of 360. 1/6 x 360 = 60, so the central angle is 60°.
14 The area of a sector is l/10th the area of the full circle. What is the central angle of the sector? If the area of the sector is l/10th of the area of the full circle, then the central angle will be l/10th of the degree measure of the full circle. 1/10 x 360 = 36, so the central angle of the sec tor is 36°. What is the perimeter of a sector with a radius of 5 and a central angle of 72°? To find the perimeter of a sector, we need to know the radius of the circle and the arc length of the sector.
arc length
We know the radius is 5, so now we need to find the arc length. Lets begin by determining what fraction of the circle the sector is. The central angle of the sector is 72°, so the sector is 72 1 l/5th of the circle, because-----= —. Now we need to find the circumference. The radius is 360 5 5, so the circumference of the circle is 2 k (5) = IOtt. The arc length of the sector is l/5th the circumference. 1/5 x 10tt = 2n. So now our sector looks like this. The perimeter of the sector is 10 + 2 k . Ik
Geometry 18.
A sector has a radius of 8 and an area of 8#. What is the arc length of the sector? We first need to find what fraction of the circle the sector is. We can do this by comparing areas. The radius of the circle is 8, so the area of the circle is #(8)2 = 64#. That means the sector is l/8th of the circle, because . If we want to find the arc length of the sector, we need to know the circumference. The radius is 8, so the circumference is 2#(8) = 16#. The sector is l/8th of the circle, so the arc length will be l/8th of the circumference. 1/8 x 16# = 2 k . The arc length of the sector is 2 k .
A sector has an arc length of #/2 and a central angle of 45°. What is the radius of the sector? 45 1 If the sector has a central angle of 45°, then the sector is l/8th of the circle, because-----= —. If 6 360 8 the sector is l/8th of the circle, then that means the arc length of the sector is l/8th of the circumference of the circle. That means that #/2 is l/8th of the circumference. If we designate x 71 1 as the circumference of the circle, then we can say that —= —x . Multiply both sides by 8, and 2
we get 4# = x. That means the circumference is 4 k . We know the formula for circumference, so we know that 4# = 2#r. Divide both sides by 2# and we get r = 2. The radius of the sector is 2. 20.
Which of the following two sectors has a larger area? Sector A has a radius of 4 and a central angle of 90°. Sector B has a radius of 6 and a central angle of 45°. 90 1 We need to find the area of each circle. Sector A is l/4th of the circle, because-----= —. The 360 4 radius is 4, so the area of the circle is #(4)2 = 16#. That means the area of Sector^ is l/4th of 16#. 1/4 x 16# = 4#, so the area of Sectoral is 4#. 45 1 Sector B is l/8th of the circle, because-----= —. The radius of Sector B is 8, so the area of the 360 8 full circle is #(6)2 = 36#. Sector B is l/8th of the circle, so the area of Sector B is 1/8 x 36# = 4.5#. The area of Sector B is 4.5#. 4.5# > 4#, so the area of Sector B is greater than the area of Sector A
Drill 5 21.
A triangle has two sides with lengths of 5 and 11, respectively. What is the range of values for the length of the third side? The lengths of any two sides of a triangle must add up to greater than the length of the third side. The third side must be less than 5 + 11 = 16. It must also be greater than 11—5 = 6. Therefore, 6 < third side < 16.
In a right triangle, the length of one of the legs is 3 and the length of the hypotenuse is 5. What is the length of the other leg?
Chapter 10
If you know the lengths of two sides of a right triangle, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for the length of the third side. Remember that the hypotenuse must be the side labeled c in the equation a2 + b2 = c2. That means that (3)2 4- (b)2 = (5)2. 9 + b2 = 25. b2 = 16, so b = 4. Alternatively, you can recognize the Pythagorean triplet. This is a 3 - 4 -5 triangle. 23.
What is the area of Triangle D EF?
The area of a triangle is V2 base x height. Remember that the base and the height must be perpendicular to each other. That means that in Triangle DEF, side D F can act as the base, and the line dropping straight down from point E to touch side D F at a right angle can act as the base. Therefore Area = V2 (8) x (6) = 24. 24.
Which side of Triangle GHI has the longest length?
Although GI looks like the longest side, remember that you can’t trust what the picture looks like when the question states the picture is not drawn to scale. In any triangle, the longest side will be opposite the larger angle. Angle GIHis the largest angle in the triangle, and side GH is thus the longest side. 25.
What is the value of x?
If you know the other 2 angles in a triangle, then you can find the third, because all 3 angles must add up to 180. In Triangle ABC, sides AB and BC are equal. That means their opposite angles are also equal. That means that angle ACB is also 50°.
Not drawn to scale.
Chapter 10 B
Now that we know the other 2 angles, we can find angle x. We know that 50 + 50 + * = 180, so x = 80.
Drill 6 26.
Two sides of a triangle have lengths 4 and 8. Which of the following are possible side lengths of the third side? (More than one may apply) a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
The lengths of any two sides of a triangle must add up to greater than the length of the third side. The third side must be less than 4 + 8 = 12 and greater than 8 - 4 = 4. So 4 < third side < 12. Only choices c. and d. are in that range. 27.
DFG is a straight line. What is the value of x? £
To find the value of *, we need to find the degree measures of the other two angles in Triangle DEF. We can make use of the fact that DFG is a straight line. Straight lines have a degree measure of 180, so angle DFE + 120 = 180, which means angle DFE = 60.
Now we can solve for x, because 100 + 60 4- x = 180. Solving for x , we get x = 20.
Geometry Isosceles triangle ABC has two sides with lengths 3 and 9. What is the length of the third side? It may at first appear like we don’t have enough information to answer this question. If all we know is that the triangle is isosceles, then all we know is that two sides have equal length, which means the third side has a length of either 3 or 9. But if the third side were 3, then the lengths of two of the sides would not add up to greater than the length of the third side, be cause 3 + 3 is not greater than 9. Can t make a triangle.
Can make a triangle.
That means that the length of the third side must be 9. Which of the following could be the length of side A B, if x < y < zt a. 6
b. 10
c. 14 There are two properties of a triangle at play here. The lengths of any two sides of a triangle must add up to greater than the length of the third side. Also, longer sides must be opposite larger angles. Answer choice a. is out because side AB is opposite the largest angle, so side AB must have a length greater than 7. Answer choice c. is out, because 4 + 7 = 11, so the third side has to be less than 11. The only remain ing possibility is b. 10.
What is the area of right triangle ABC'i
To find the area, we need a base and a height. If we can find the length of side AB, then AB can be the height and AC can be the base, because the two sides are perpendicular to each other. We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of side AB. (a)2 + (12)2 = (13)2. a 2 + 144 = 169. a1 = 25. a = 5. Alternatively, we could recognize that the triangle is a Py thagorean triplet 5-12-13. Now that we know the length of side AB we can find the area. Area = V2Q2) x (5) = 30.
Drill 7 31.
What is the perimeter of triangle ABC? B
To find the perimeter ofTriangle ABC, we need the lengths of all 3 sides. There is no immediately obvious way to find the length of side BC, so lets see what inferences we can make from the information the question gave us. We know the degree measures of two of the angles in Triangle ABC, so we can find the degree measure of the third. We’ll label the third angle x. We know that 30 + 75 + x = 180. Solving for x we find that x = 75.
Angle BAC and angle BCA are both 75, which means Triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle. If those two angles are equal, we know that their opposite sides are also equal. Side AB has a length of 4, so we know that BC also has a length of 4.
To find the perimeter, we add up the lengths of the three sides. 4 + 4 + 3=11.
The area of right triangle ABC is 15. What is the length of hypotenuse BC? To find the length of the hypotenuse, we need the lengths of the other two sides. Then we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse. We can use the area formula to find the length of AC. Area = V2 base x height, and we know the area and the height. So 15 = V2 (base) x (5). When we solve this equation, we find that the base = 6. Now we can use the Pythagorean Theorem. (5)2 + (6)2 = c2. 25 + 36 = c2. 61 = c2. 4 g { = c . Since 61 is not a perfect square, we know that c
Geometry will be a decimal. 61 is also prime, so we cannot simplify [61 any further. (It will be a little less than V64 = 8 .) What is the length of side HP.
H There is no immediately obvious way to find the length of side HI, so lets see what we can infer from the picture. We know two of the angles of Triangle GH1, so we can find the third. We’ll label the third angle x. 37 + 53 + * = 180. That means x = 90. So really our triangle looks like this:
You should definitely redraw once you discover the triangle is a right triangle!
Now that we know Triangle GH Iis a right triangle, we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of HI. H I is the hypotenuse, so (6)2 + (8)2 = c2. 36 + 64 = c2. 100 = c2. 10 = c. The length of H I is 10. Alternatively, we could have recognized the Pythagorean triplet. Triangle GHIis a 6 -8 -1 0 triangle. Which triangle has the greater perimeter?
To determine which triangle has the greater perimeter, we need to know the side lengths of all three sides of both triangles. Lets begin with Triangle ABC. There’s no immediate way to find the lengths of the missing sides, so let’s start by seeing what we can infer from the picture. We know two of the angles, so we can find the third. We’ll label the unknown angle x. 60 + 60 + x = 180. x = 60.
Chapter 10 B
All three angles in Triangle ABC are 60°. If all three angles are equal, that means all three sides are equal in this equilateral triangle. So every side of Triangle ABC has a length of 9. That means the perim eter = 9 + 9 + 9 = 27. Now lets look at Triangle DEF. Triangle D E Fis a right triangle, so we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of side EF. EF is the hypotenuse, so (5)2 + (12)2 = c2. 25 + 144 = c2. 169 = c2. 13 = c. That means the perimeter is 5 + 12 + 13 = 30. Alternatively, 5-12-13 is a Pythagorean triplet.
30 > 27, so Triangle DEF has a greater perimeter than Triangle ABC. 35.
WZ has a length of 3 and ZXhas a length of 6. What is the area of Triangle XYZ? Let’s start by filling in everything we know about Triangle XYZ. To find the area of Triangle XYZ, we need a base and a height. If Side XZ is a base, then YW can act as a height. We can find the length of yW'because Triangle ZYW is a right triangle, and we know the lengths of two of the sides. YZ is 4. Alternatively, we could recognize the Pythagorean triplet: ZYW is a 3 - 4 -5 triangle.
Now we know that the area of Triangle XYZ i s lh b x h = lh(6) x (4) = 12.
Drill 8 36.
What is the perimeter of parallelogram ABCD ? B
Opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal, so we know that side CD has a lengthof 7 and side AD has a length of 8. So the perimeter is 7 + 8 + 7 + 8 = 30. Alternatively, the perimeter is 2 x (7 + 8) = 30. We can say this because we know that 2 sides have a length of 7 and 2 sides have a length of 8.
Geometry 37.
Chapter 10
What is the area of parallelogram EFGH ?
The area of a parallelogram is base x height. In this parallelogram, the base is 10 and the height is 4 (remember, base and height need to be perpendicular). So the area is 10 x 4 = 40. 38.
The two parallelograms pictured below have the same perimeter. What is the length of side EH ?
First we can find the perimeter of Parallelogram ABCD. We know that 2 sides have a length of 4, and 2 sides have a length of 5. The perimeter is 2 x (4 + 5) = 18. That means Parallelogram EFGH also has a perimeter of 18. We know side GH also has a length of 7. We don’t know the lengths of the other 2 sides, but we know they have the same length, so for now let’s say the length of each side is x. Our parallelogram now looks like this:
a F
So we know that 7 + x + 7 + a t = 1 8 ”^ 2 x + 1 4 = 1 8 - ^ 2 . * ; = 4 “^ x = 2 The length of side EH is 2. 39.
In Parallelogram ABCD, Triangle ABC has an area of 12. What is the area of Triangle ^4CD?
One property that is true of any parallelogram is that the diagonal will split the parallelogram into two equal triangles. IfTriangle ABC has an area of 12, then Triangle ACD must also have an area of 12.
Chapter 10 40.
Rectangle WXYZand Rectangle OPQR have equal areas. What is the length of side PQ? X
We can start by finding the area of Rectangle WXYZ. Area of a rectangle is length x width, so the area of Rectangle WXYZ is 3 x 4 = 12. So Rectangle OPQR also has an area of 12. We know the length of side OP, so that is the width of Rectangle OPQR. So now we know the area, and we know the width, so we can solve for the length. 1 x 2 = 1 2 ^ 1 = 6. The length of side PQ is 6.
Drill 9 41.
What is the area of Rectangle ABCD?
To find the area of Rectangle ABCD, we need to know the length of AD or BC. In a rectangle, every internal angle is 90 degrees, so Triangle ABD is actually a right triangle. That means we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of side AD. Actually, this right triangle is one of the Pythagorean Triplets— a 3 - 4 - 5 triangle. The length of side AD is 3. That means the area of Rectangle ABCD is 3 x 4 = 12.
In Rectangle ABCD, the area of Triangle ABC is 30. What is the length of diagonal AC? We know the area of Triangle ylSC and the length of side AB. Be cause side BC is perpendicular to side AB, we can use those as the base and height of Triangle AffC. So we know that 1/2(5) x (BC) = 30. That means the length of side BC is 12. Now we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of diagonal AC, which is the hypotenuse of right triangle ABC. We can also recognize that this is a Pythagorean Triplet — a 5-12-13 tri angle. The length of diagonal AC is 13.
Geometry 43.
Chapter 10
Rectangles ABCD and EFGH have equal areas. What is the length of side F G ? The first thing to notice in this problem is that we can find the length of side CD. Triangle ACD is a right triangle, and we know the lengths of two of the sides. We can either use the Pythagorean Theorem or recognize that this is one of our Pythagorean Triplets— a 6 -8 -1 0 triangle. The length of side CD is 6. Now we can find the area of 1^1
Rectangle ABCD. Side AD is the length and side CD is the width. 8 x 6 = 48.
That means that the area of Rectangle EFGH is also 48. We can use the area and the length of side E F to solve for the length of side FG. 12 x (FG) = 48. The length of side FG is 4. 44.
A rectangle has a perimeter of 10 and an area of 6. What are the length and width of the rect angle? In order to answer this question, lets begin by drawing a rectangle. In this rectangle, we’ll make one pair of equal sides have a length of x, and the other pair of equal sides has a length of
Using the lengths x and y, we know the perimeter of the rectangle is 2x + 2y. So we know that: 2x + 2y = 10
This can be simplified to x + y = 5.
We also know the area of the rectangle is xy = 6. xy —6
Area of the rectangle = /x w = 6
Now we can use substitution to solve for the values of our variables. In the first equation, we can isolate x. x= 5 - y Substitute (5 —y) for x in the second equation. (5 -y )y = 6 5y - f = 6 / -57+6=0
This is a quadratic, so we need to get everything on one side. Now we can factor the equation.
(y - 3 ) ( y - 2 ) = 0 Soy = 2 or 3.
Geometry When we plug in these values to solve for x, we find something a little unusual. When y = 2, x = 3. When^ = 3, x = 2.What that means is that either the length is 2 and the width is 3, or the length is 3 and the width is 2. Both of these rectangles are identical, so we have our answer. 45.
Right Triangle ABC and Rectangle JK LM have equal areas. What is the perimeter of Rectangle JKLM? K
K ^ 15
If we can find the length of side AB, then we can find the area of Triangle ABC. We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of side AB. (12)2 + (AB)2 = (15)2 225
G45)2 = 81
144 + (AB)2 =
AB = 9. (A 9-12-15 triangle is a 3 - 4 - 5 triangle, with all the measure
ments tripled.) Now that we know AB, we can find the area of Triangle ABC. Its 1h(12) x 9 = 54. That means that Rectangle JK LM also has an area of 54. We have one side of the rectangle, so we can solve for the other. 6 x (JM) = 54. So the length of side JM is 9. That means that the perimeter is 2 x (6 + 9) = 30.
Drill 10 46.
What is the perimeter of a square
with an area of 25?
A square has four equal sides, so the area of a square is the length of one side squared. That means the lengths of the sides of the square are 5. If each of the four sides has a length of 5, then the perimeter is 4 x (5) = 20. 47.
A rectangle and a square have the same area. The square has a perimeter of 32 and the rectangle has a length of 4. What is the width of the rectangle? We should start by drawing the shapes that they describe. The square has four equal sides, so that means that the perimeter is 4 times the length of one side. If we designate the length of the sides of the square s, then the perimeter is 4s = 32. That means that s is 8. Now that we know the length of the sides, we can figure out the area of the square. Area = 82. So the area of the square is 64. 4
Geometry That means that the area of the rectangle is also 64. We know the length of the rectangle is 4, so we can solve for the width. 4 x (width) = 64. The width is 16. A circle is inscribed inside a square, so that the circle touches all four sides of the square. The length of one of the sides of the square is 9. What is the area of the circle? We need to find a common link between the square and the circle, so that we can find the area of the circle. We know that the length of the sides of the square is 9. We can draw a new line in our figure that has the same length as the sides AND is the diameter of the circle.
That means that the diameter of the circle is 9. If the diameter is 9,
then the radius is 4.5. That means the area of the circle is #(4.5)2, which equals 20.25#.
Square ABCD has an area of 49. What is the length of diagonal AC?
If the square has an area of 49, then (side)2 = 49. That means that the length of the sides of the square is 7. So our square looks like this:
Now we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of diagonaI AC, which is also the hypotenuse of Triangle^ CD. x T + 72 = (AC)2
98 = (A C)2 -» 7 9 8 = A C . But this can be
simplified. AC = j l x 4 9 =
2 x 7 x 7 = 7^ 2 .
Chapter 10 50.
Right Triangle ABC and Rectangle EFGH have the same perimeter. What is the value of xi B
Triangle ABC is a right triangle, so we can find the length of hypotenuse BC. This is a 3 -4 -5 triangle, so the length of side BC is 5. That means the perimeter of Triangle ABC is 3 + 4 + 5 =
12. That means the perimeter of Rectangle EFGH is also 12. That means that 2 x (2 + x) = 12. So 4 + 2x = 12
2x = 8
x = 4.
Drill 11 51.
Draw a coordinate plane and plot the following points: 1.(2, 3) 2. (-2 ,-1 )
3. ( - 5 , - 6 )
4. (4,-2.5)
6-5 4 -
.(2 , 3)
2-1H--- 1--- 1--- 1--- 1--- h
H---- 1---- 1---- 1---- 1---- f-0-
-6 -5
-3 -2
(-2, - 1)
-1 --2--3--
(4, —2.5)
- 4 --
(-5 ,-6 )
— 5--
A: (3,0) B : (-3 ,2 )
C: (1, -5) D: (0 ,-3 )
Chapter 10
The jz-coordinate of the point on the line that has an ^-coordinate of 3 is - 4 . The point is (3, -4 ). If you want, you can determine that the line has a slope of-1 from the two labeled points that the line intercepts, (-1, 0) and (0, -1).
The x-coordinate of the point on the line that has aj/-coordinate o f - 4 is -2 . The point is (-2, -4 ). If you want, you can determine that the line has a slope o f- 2 from the two labeled points that the line intercepts, (-4, 0) and (-3, -2). 65432 ( - 4 '° ) lfe I Ii ii nv I -1 () - 6 - 5 - l - 3 k -11
ii 1
Ii 2
ii 3
Ii 4
ti 5
Ii 6
( - 3 , - 2 ) V '
-3(-2,-4) l< -4
“5 '
For the point (3, —2) to lie on the liney = 2 x —8,y needs to equal —2 when we plug in 3 for x. y = 2(3)-8 y = 6 - 8 = -2 y does equal - 2 when x equals 3, so the point does lie on the line.
Chapter 10
Drill 12 56.
For the point (-3, 0) to lie on the curvey = x2 - 3, y needs to equal 0 when we plug in - 3 for x. y = (-3 )2 - 3 y = 9 -3 = 6 jy does not equal 0 when x equals —3 , so the point does not lie on the curve.
To find the ^/-coordinate, we need to plug in 3 for x and solve for y. y = 4(3) + 2 7 = 12 + 2 = 14 The j/-coordinate is 14. The point is (3, 14).
The equation of the line is already in y = mx + b form, and b stands for the ^/-intercept, so we just need to look at the equation to find the ^/-intercept. The equation is y = —2x —7. That means the ^/-intercept is —7 The point is (0, -7).
Graph the line y = lh x - 4 The slope (m) is 1/3 , so the line slopes gently up to the right, rising only 1 unit for every 3 units of run. Thejz-intercept {b) is - 4 , so the line crosses the j/-axis at (0, -4 ).
Chapter 10
Graph the line lh y = - lh x + 1. Before we can graph the line, we need to put the equation into y = mx + b form. Multiply both sides by 2. y = -x + 2
The slope (m) is -1, so the line drops to the right, falling 1 unit for every unit of run. The ^/-intercept is 2, so the line crosses the y-zxis at (0, 2).
Glossary__________________________________ absolute value: The distance from zero on the number line for a particular term. E.g. the absolute value o f- 7 is 7 (written |-7|). arc length: A section of a circle’s circumference. area: The space enclosed by a given closed shape on a plane; the formula depends on the specific shape. E.g. the area of a rectangle equals length x width. axis: one of the two number lines (x-axis or j/-axis) used to indicate position on a coordinate plane. base: In the expression If, the variable b represents the base. This is the number that we multiply by itself n times. Also can refer to the horizontal side of a triangle. center (circle): The point from which any point on a circles radius is equidistant. central angle: The angle created by any two radii. circle: A set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed center point. circumference: The measure of the perimeter of a circle. The circumference of a circle can be found with this formula: C = 2nr, where C is the circumference and r is the radius. coefficient: A number being multiplied by a variable. In the equation y = 2x + 5, the coefficient of the x term is 2. common denominator: When adding or subtracting fractions, we first must find a common denomi nator, generally the smallest common multiple of both numbers. Example: Given (3/5) + (1/2), the two denominators are 5 and 2. The smallest multiple that works for both numbers is 10. The common denominator, therefore, is 10. composite number: Any number that has more than 2 factors. constant: A number that doesn’t change, in an equation or expression. We may not know its value, but its “constant” in contrast to a variable, which varies. In the equationy = 3x + 2, 3 and 2 are constants. In the equation y = mx + b,m and b are constants (just unknown). coordinate plane: Consists of a horizontal axis (typically labeled “at”) and a vertical axis (typically labeled “j/”), crossing at the number zero on both axes.
Glossary decimal: numbers that fall in between integers. A decimal can express a part—to—whole relationship, just as a percent or fraction can. Example: 1.2 is a decimal.The integers 1 and 2 are not decimals. An integer written as 1.0, however, is considered a decimal. The decimal 0.2 is equivalent to 20% or to 2/10 (= 1/5). denominator: The bottom of a fraction. In the fraction (7/2), 2 is the denominator. diameter: A line segment that passes through the center of a circle and whose endpoints lie on the circle. difference: When one number is subtracted from another, the difference is what is left over. The differ ence of 7 and 5 is 2, because 7 - 5 = 2. digit: The ten numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Used in combination to represent other numbers (e.g., 12 or 0.38). distributed form: Presenting an expression as a sum or difference. In distributed form, terms are added or subtracted, x2 - 1 is in distributed form, as is x2 + 2x + 1. In contrast, (x + l)(x - 1) is not in distrib uted form; it is in factored form. divisible: If an integer x divided by another number y yields an integer, then x is said to be divisible byj/. Example: 12 divided by 3 yields the integer 4. Therefore, 12 is divisible by 3. 12 divided by 5 does not yield an integer. Therefore, 12 is not divisible by 5. divisor: The part of a division operation that comes after the division sign. In the operation 22 -r- 4 (or 22/4), 4 is the divisor. Divisor is also a synonym for factor. See: factor equation: A combination of mathematical expressions and symbols that contains an equals sign. 3 + 7 = 10 is an equation, as is * + y = 3. An equation makes a statement: left side equals right side equilateral triangle: A triangle in which all three angles are equal; in addition, all three sides are of equal length. even: An integer is even if it is divisible by 2. 14 is even because 14/2 = an integer (7). exponent: In the expression bn, the variable n represents the exponent. The exponent indicates how many times to multiple the base, b, by itself. For example, 43 = 4 x 4 x 4, or 4 multiplied by itself three times.
Glossary expression: A combination of numbers and mathematical symbols that does not contain an equals sign. xy is an expression, as is x -+- 3. An expression represents a quantity. factored form: Presenting an expression as a product. In factored form, expressions are multiplied together. The expression {x + l)(x - 1) is in factored form: (x+ 1) and (x—1) are the factors. In contrast, x1 —1 is not in factored form; it is in distributed form. factor: Positive integers that divide evenly into an integer. Factors are equal to or smaller than the inte ger in question. 12 is a factor of 12, as are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. factor foundation rule: If a is a factor of b, and b is a factor of c, then a is also a factor of c. For exam ple, 2 is a factor of 10. 10 is a factor of 60. Therefore, 2 is also a factor of 60. factor tree: Use the “factor tree” to break any number down into its prime factors. For example: 60 / FOIL: First, Outside, Inside, Last; an acronym to remember the method for converting from factored to distributed form in a quadratic equation or expression. (x + 2)(x - 3) is a quadratic expression in factored form. Multiply the First,
y (2)
Outside, Inside, and Last terms to get the distributed form, x x x = x2, x x —3 = -3x, x x 2 = 2xyand 2 x - 3 = - 6 . The full distributed form is x2 - 3x + 2 x - 6. This can be simplified to x2 - x - 6.
15 /
fraction: A way to express numbers that fall in between integers (though integers can also be expressed in fractional form). A fraction expresses a part-to-whole relationship in terms of a numerator (the part) and a denominator (the whole). (E.g. 3/4 is a fraction.) hypotenuse: The longest side of a right triangle. The hypotenuse is opposite the right angle. improper fraction: Fractions that are greater than 1. An improper can also be written as a mixed num ber. (7/2) is an improper fraction. This can also be written as a mixed number: 3 V2. inequality: A comparison of quantities that have different values. There are four ways to express in equalities: less than (<), less than or equal to (<), greater than (>), or greater than or equal to (>). Can be manipulated in the same way as equations with one exception: when multiplying or dividing by a negative number, the inequality sign flips. integers: Numbers, such as -1, 0,
1, 2, and 3, that have no fractional part. Integers include the count
ing numbers (1, 2, 3, ...), their negative counterparts (-1, -2 , -3 , ...), and 0. interior angles: The angles that appear in the interior of a closed shape. isosceles triangle: A triangle in which two of the three angles are equal; in addition, the sides opposite the two angles are equal in length.
Glossary line: A set of points that extend infinitely in one direction without curving. On the GMAT, lines are by definition perfectly straight. line segment: A continuous, finite section of a line. The sides of a triangle or of a rectangle are line seg ments. linear equation: An equation that does not contain exponents or multiple variables multiplied together. x + y = 3 is a linear equation; xy = 3 andy = x2 are not. When plotted on a coordinate plane, linear equations create lines. mixed number: An integer combined with a proper fraction. A mixed number can also be written as an improper fraction. 3 V2 is a mixed number. This can also be written as an improper fraction: (7/2). multiple: Multiples are integers formed by multiplying some integer by any other integer. 12 is a multiple of 12 (12 x 1), as are 24 (= 12 x 2), 36 (= 12 x 3), 48 (= 12 x 4), and 60 (= 12 x 5). (Negative multiples are possible in mathematics but are not typically tested on the GMAT.) negative: Any number to the left of zero on a number line; can be integer or non-integer. negative exponent: Any exponent less than zero. To find a value for a term with a negative exponent, put the term containing the exponent in the denominator of a fraction and make the exponent positive. 4'2 = 1/42. 1/3-2 = l/(l/3)2 = 32 = 9. number line: A picture of a straight line that represents all the numbers from negative infinity to infinity. numerator: The top of a fraction. In the fraction, (7/2), 7 is the numerator. odd: An odd integer is not divisible by 2.15 is not even because 15/2 is not an integer (7.5). order of operations: The order in which mathematical operations must be carried out in order to simplify an expression. (See PEMDAS) the origin: The coordinate pair (0,0) represents the origin of a coordinate plane. parallelogram: A four-sided closed shape composed of straight lines in which the opposite sides are equal and the opposite angles are equal. PEMDAS: An acronym that stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction, used to remember the order of operations. percent: Literally, “per one hundred”; expresses a special part-to-whole relationship between a number (the part) and one hundred (the whole). A special type of fraction or decimal that involves the number 100. (E.g. 50% = 50 out of 100.) perimeter: In a polygon, the sum of the lengths of the sides, perpendicular: Lines that intersect at a 90° angle.
Glossary plane: A flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in every direction. point: An object that exists in a single location on the coordinate plane. Each point has a unique xcoordinate and ^/-coordinate that together describe its location. (E.g. (1, -2) is a point. polygon: A two-dimensional, closed shape made of line segments. For example, a triangle is a polygon, as is a rectangle. A circle is a closed shape, but it is not a polygon because it does not contain line segments. positive: Any number to the right of zero on a number line; can be integer or non-integer. prime factorization: A number expressed as a product of prime numbers. For example, the prime fac torization of 60 is 2
prime number: A positive integer with exactly two factors: 1 and itself. The number 1 does not qualify as prime because it has only one factor, not two. The number 2 is the smallest prime number; it is also the only even prime number. The numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 etc. are prime. product: The end result when two numbers are multiplied together. (E.g. the product of 4 and 5 is 20. Pythagorean Iheorem: A formula used to calculate the sides of a right triangle, a 1 + b1 = c2, where a and b are the lengths of the two legs of the triangle and c is the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. Pythagorean triplet: A set of 3 numbers that describe the lengths of the 3 sides of a right triangle in which all 3 sides have integer lengths. Common Pythagorean triplets are 3 -4 -5 , 6 -8 -1 0 and 5-12-13. quadrant: One quarter of the coordinate plane. Bounded on two sides by the x- and j/-axes. quadratic expression: An expression including a variable raised to the second power (and no higher powers). Commonly of the form ax1 + bx+ c, where a , b, and c are constants. quotient: The result of dividing one number by another. The quotient of 10 + 5 is 2. radius: A line segment that connects the center of a circle with any point on that circle s circumference. Plural: radii. reciprocal: The product of a number and its reciprocal is always 1. To get the reciprocal of an integer, put that integer on the denominator of a fraction with numerator 1. The reciprocal of 3 is (1/3). To get the reciprocal of a fraction, switch the numerator and the denominator. The reciprocal of (2/3) is (3/2). rectangle: A four-sided closed shape in which all of the angles equal 90° and in which the opposite sides are equal. Rectangles are also parallelograms. right triangle: A triangle that includes a 90°, or right, angle. root: The opposite of an exponent (in a sense). The square root of 16 (written Vl 6 ) is the number (or numbers) that, when multiplied by itself, will yield 16. In this case, both 4 and - 4 would multiply to 16 mathematically. However, when the GMAT provides the root sign for an even root, such as a square
Glossary root, then the only accepted answer is the positive root, 4. That is, yfl6 = 4, NOT +4 or —4. In contrast, the equation x2 = 16 has TW O solutions, +4 and - 4 . sector: A “wedge” of the circle, composed of two radii and the arc connecting those two radii. simplify: Reduce numerators and denominators to the smallest form by taking out common factors. Dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number does not change the value of the frac tion. Example: Given (21/6), we can simplify by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 3. The simplified fraction is (7/2). slope: “Rise over run,” or the distance the line runs vertically divided by the distance the line runs hori zontally. The slope of any given line is constant over the length of that line. square: A four-sided closed shape in which all of the angles equal 90° and all of the sides are equal. Squares are also rectangles and parallelograms. sum: The result when two numbers are added together. The sum of 4 and 7 is 11. term: Parts within an expression or equation that are separated by either a plus sign or a minus sign. (E.g. in the expression x + 3, “x” and “3” are each separate terms. triangle: A three-sided closed shape composed of straight lines; the interior angles add up to 180°. two-dimensional: A shape containing a length and a width. variable: Letter used as a substitute for an unknown value, or number. Common letters for variables are x, yyz and t. In contrast to a constant, we generally think of a variable as a value that can change (hence the term variable). In the equation y = 3x + 2, bothy and x are variables. x-axis: A horizontal number line that indicates left-right position on a coordinate plane. ^-coordinate: The number that indicates where a point lies along the x-axis. Always written first in parentheses. The x-coordinate of (2, -1) is 2. x-intercept: The point where a line crosses the x-axis (that is, when y = 0). j/-axis: A vertical number line that indicates up-down position on a coordinate plane. jy-coordinate: The number that indicates where a point lies along the y-axis. Always written second in parentheses. The y-coordinate of (2, -1) is -1. j-intercept: the point where a line crosses the y-axis (that is, when x = 0). In the equation of a line y = m x+ b, thejy-intercept equals b. Technically, the coordinates of thej)/-intercept are (0, b).
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