Apple has just unveiled its fourth-generation Apple TV set-top box, and a lot has changed over the past few attempts. While the Apple TV hardware is a lot different, Apple has also created an App Store specifically for its new TV. It's all thanks to a new UI and tvOS operating system that appears to be a lot speedier than previous iterations. Apple CEO Tim Cook was quick to note that the future of TV is apps, during his appearance on stage in San Francisco today. 'Our vision for TV is simple and perhaps a little provocative. We believe the future of television is apps.'
Read next: The Apple TV review.
The Apple TV's App Store transforms the device into a nearly limitless platform for games and entertainment. Learn how to install apps here. One of the best features of the 4th Generation Apple TV and Apple TV 4K is that you can now install your own apps and games using an iPhone-style App Store. Popular and top-selling apps, and apps. That said, you can always add apps to your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Mac and stream them to your Apple TV via AirPlay. Older Apple TV models can be jailbroken, which will allow you to add apps. However, the current 3rd generation Apple TV cannot be jailbroken.
While existing apps will be available on the new Apple TV, iTunes TV, iTunes Movies, and Apple Music apps have all been redesigned for the new model. Developers will be able to use existing code to bring apps to the new Apple TV using the new tvOS. Netflix, HBO, and Hulu apps will all be available, and games include Disney Infinity and Guitar Hero. There's even an Airbnb app to search for rentals on your couch, or Zillow if you're looking for some real estate.
Buy an app on your TV and it will run on your phone
Apple is betting on its new TV being a great way to watch live sports. A new Major League Baseball (MLB) app allows you to watch two games within the same app all by swiping on the new remote, all while receiving notifications, game information, and key stats. Apple has a similar App Store to its iOS equivalent for the Apple TV. There are top charts, and a single purchase of an app means you can install it across all your Apple devices. Apps even have continuity among devices.
Developers will be able to start creating apps for the new Apple TV today, thanks to a developer beta of the new tvOS. We only got a brief glimpse at Apple's App Store for the new TV today, but we're likely to see more apps arriving alongside the launch of the hardware in October.