2 Bedroom 1 Bath is the chilling tale of a young couple whose 'perfect' home turns out to be anything but sweet. When strange occurrences in the apartment invade Kevin's dreams and push Rachel over the edge, Kevin is forced to delve into the history of his new home and uncovers a terrifying past. 2 Bedroom 1 Bath release date for Cinema February 28, 2014 4 Years Ago (US) We will only notify you about the most important info & release updates Notify me when 2 Bedroom 1 Bath is available.
Hotel is okay, but WiFi is not good. If you use any kind of peer to peer download application, e.g. uTorrent, your WiFi access will be blocked. Never mind the fact that Torrents are used to download all kinds of files, both legal and illegal - it doesn't matter! As soon as you open a Torrent client, boom, your WiFi will be blocked, and won't work again even if you reconnect. As a software developer who uses Torrents to download large software packages and other legal files, I find this disgraceful, especially because of the messaging: apparently, you are being 'quarantined' because of your 'malicious activity.' Snooping on customers internet access and invading their privacy is one thing. Outright accusing them of malicious activity is another thing. Denying them the 'free WiFi' that the hotel is advertised as providing is yet worse. Haven't your network engineers heard? Peer to peer torrents are a network protocol, not proof of malicious activity, let alone copyright infringement.
Will never return to this supposedly business-friendly hotel.More
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