5 gorgeous and simple stitch patterns for anyone trying out Tunisian Crochet! WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: 1.

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Tunisian crochet is a type of crocheting in which each row is made up of two parts--placing loops on the hook, and working them off. The work is not turned, so one side of the work, usually the front, is always facing you.
Published April 25th 2004 by DRG / Annie's Attic
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Oct 03, 2011Marie Segares rated it it was amazing
This stitch guide features Tunisian (also known as afghan or tricot) crochet stitches.
What I like:
The introduction includes photographs to guide Tunisian crochet beginners through the basic stitches and the different methods of hook placement. The booklet is organized into five sections (Puffs, Pebbles, & Popcorn; Shell Stitches; Openwork Patterns; Cable & Post Stitches; and Pattern Stitches), making it easier to find stitches. There is a large, well lit photograph of each stitch in vi
Oct 18, 2011benebean rated it liked it
I would have liked it if they had included names for the various stitches/stitch combinations instead of just having numbers (for example labeling tss, tps in successive offset rows as honeycomb instead of just a number in the patternwork section). Also, I might have liked it if it were spiral bound so it wouldn't close on me each time I put it down to try to follow the next line of instructions-- but thats not typical for books.
But I liked the glossy pages-- what can I say, I'm a fan of shiny
Different tunisian stitches

Easy Tunisian Crochet Stitches

This book is like a dictionary for me.
Allison Jones-Lo rated it it was amazing
Aug 23, 2015
Beautiful photography! Lovely designs!
Patricia A. Hummel rated it it was amazing
Dec 23, 2016
Beverly Matheson rated it it was amazing
Nov 03, 2014
Jennifer Warren rated it it was amazing
Jul 29, 2014

Different Tunisian Crochet Stitches

Jesse Schreier Kennard rated it really liked it
Jan 23, 2008
Vijayalakshmictk rated it did not like it
Aug 31, 2018
Vaughnde Edwards marked it as to-read
Apr 15, 2013
Maria Arnephie-cook marked it as to-read
Aug 06, 2013

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Tunisian crochet is one of the most interesting niches of the craft. It uses crochet hooks, but they aren't quite the same as regular crochet hooks. It draws from some of the techniques used in knitting to give you a fabric that's quite different from anything else in crochet.

Basically, if knitting and crochet got married, Tunisian crochet would be their baby. It's a great way to bridge the gap between the two crafts. Or simply to add details to your crochet projects. What you'll discover is that there are entirely new stitches that you need to learn in order to do Tunisian crochet, but if you know regular crochet then it won't be much of a stretch.

These ten free Tunisian crochet patterns will give you some great opportunities to practice. Plus you'll end up with some lovely projects to enjoy or share.

  • Tunisian Simple Stitch Crochet Potholders

    If you already know how to crochet Tunisian Simple Stitch then you can easily make these crochet potholders. They're basically just squares of that basic Tunisian stitch. At the end you'll add edging that completes the project with a polished touch.

  • Tunisian Knit Stitch Crochet Dishcloth

    Similar to the potholders above, you'll use one simple Tunisian crochet stitch to create the body of this project. In this case, you're working with Tunisian knit stitch instead of Tunisian Simple Stitch. You're making a dishcloth instead of a potholder. Like with the potholder, you'll add a simple crochet edging to complete the design. If you work both the above pattern and this one then you'll gain a good mastery of the beginner level of Tunisian crochet.

  • Tunisian Pinwheel Square

    You can make this crochet square using a regular crochet hook even though you'll work it in Tunisian simple stitch. The small size of the motifs mean that you don't need a larger Tunisian crochet hook. Combine strategic color changes to create a pinwheel design. The pattern comes complete with links to video tutorials to help you figure out how it is done.

  • Tunisian Crochet Mug Cozy

    You can easily use this free Tunisian crochet pattern to learn the Tunisian simple stitch. You'll also practice a little bit of Tunisian knit stitch. If you're the kind of person who learns best by video then you'll be pleased to know there is a YouTube tutorial that accompanies the written instructions. Like with the pinwheel square above, the project is small enough that you can use a regular crochet hook to complete it.

  • Tunisian Basketweave Crochet Pillow

    This is a crochet pillow pattern that has a basketweave design. It's made using three basic Tunisian crochet stitches: Tunisian simple stitch, Tunisian knit stitch, and Tunisian purl stitch. The pattern is challenging enough that you'll feel like you're learning something but also repetitive enough that it becomes relaxing.

  • Tunisian Crochet Shawl

    Learn how to make a semi-circular Tunisian crochet shawl with this free pattern. You will learn how to work Tunisian double crochet including how to increase to get the shaping right. This lacy, openwork shawl definitely needs to be blocked in order to get the design right.

  • Reversible Tunisian Entrelac Crochet Scarf

    Entrelac is a form of Tunisian crochet that utilizes short rows of Tunisian Simple Stitch to create a textured pattern. This scarf combines that fun stitch with some shaping and a great yarn choice to give you a rich finished scarf.

  • Tunisian Crochet Cardigan

    If you want to use Tunisian crochet to make something that you can wear then this free crochet cardigan pattern is a great place to start. This pattern uses a combination of Tunisian simple stitch and Tunisian purl stitch. As you may be starting to realize, you can use the basic stitches in this niche of the craft in myriad ways to create different designs. It's just like when you mix single crochet, half double crochet, and double crochet in different ways.

  • Tunisian Crochet T-Shirt

    Once you have started to get the hang of Tunisian crochet, you'll be able to make this cute t-shirt. It uses a variety of Tunisian stitches including Tunisian Simple Stitch, Tunisian Purl Stitch, and Tunisian Knit Stitch. You'll also use some special stitches described within the pattern.

  • Slip Stitch Clutch Purse with Tunisian Crochet Detail

    If you aren't sure whether or not you want to commit to a Tunisian crochet project, then you can start small with this clutch purse. The purse itself is worked in slip stitch crochet, which is another great technique to learn. The strawberry stitches dress up the design. Then you use just a little bit of Tunisian simple stitch for joining. This project shows you how a little bit of Tunisian crochet can go a long way in a design.